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BROKEN CROWN / joining - Printable Version

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BROKEN CROWN / joining - COSMIIX - 06-26-2020


A word that Siborno had been rather familiar with from a young age, the only company he had ever had around that age was his two siblings and mother. His sister and brother already itching for an adventure whilst Siborno looked worriedly to his ill mother, a frown or puzzled expression always on his face more concerned about his only parent rather than playing with his littermates. Winter was always the harshest season but something about it always fascinated the young hybrid and he was uncertain as to what it was. He supposed that it was because of the snow and how it'd crunch underneath his large paws and even if he did like the season, it was still the most cruel and greedy of all the other seasons. He recalls how his mother struggled every morning time get up until one of those days, she stopped getting up. She stopped breathing altogether and the three cubs had been devastated by the loss of their own mother, they didn't know their father and Siborno had doubted that whoever he was didn't care enough to have stayed with them. Siborno and his siblings had to fend for themselves for the first few weeks, they had to adopt and expand on their diet seeing as meat was hard to come by. The young cub usually finding himself digging up dried roots or ripping off frozen, moist slabs of bark to eat. His siblings were more stubborn to eating such things but eventually they followed his actions and would mimic him.

They were all rather skinny not having meat to eat but they were still surviving with this new odd diet of theirs. Time went on and they grew older, winter finally coming to an end. They could finally hunt the cervine that returned to their lands but they all agreed to leave the fawns so they would grow and provide their own offspring. Siborno had even suggested a few ideas while the three were gathered around the fire that night, speaking about how they could catch a few of the creatures and somewhat harvest them when need be. Just like any other livestock and this seemed to intrigue his siblings, so, they had gotten to work on these several projects trying to finish them before winter would strike once more. They'd have to feed the cervine as well and themselves, the thought made the large male exhausted but they had managed to pull it off. They thrived for quite a few years until a harsh snowstorm hit separating Siborno from his siblings, now, he was truly alone. The next few months, he had rationed the meat he had gathered and used the pelts of the cervine to keep himself warm during those cold nights.

It had been years now, he was still by himself avoiding any contact with other animals and now he would trek through a snowy territory with a deer pelt draped over his shoulders. His eyes searching for any signs of life and he would perk up at the sight of a deer, admittedly, it had been a while since he had eaten one and this would be a great opportunity to harvest the meat and store the rest for later. It didn't take long before the large smilodon hybrid had taken down the young buck and in that moment, he would recall the times he had hunt with his siblings all those years ago. Unfortunately for him, he had gotten distracted and the smell of fresh blood had attracted a pack of wolves to him like honey would lure in flies. He would grimace peeling his lips back into a snarl to ward them off, he might have been large but they had numbers. They had already spread out with a single lupine drawing close to him, he growled and lashed out. That had been enough to cause them all to lunge at him.

He managed to get a few of them off of him but he decided that if he stuck around for too long, he'd lose too much blood and die out from blood loss. So with that in mind, the large male ran off. They had bitten and clawed at him, he was blinded in one of his eyes only being able to rely on a single eye to navigate himself throughout the woods. The snow splattered with droplets of blood, Siborno pressed his body against the bark of a tree not seeming to care that the metallic liquid that flowed freely from him was coating the trees bark or dripping into the roots. He didn't think he would die of infection but it would seem that way, he grit his teeth and let out a few soft growls feeling as if he had disappointed his siblings and mother. He could have lived longer but his hunger and greed had gotten the better of him. Crunch. The sound of the snow being crushed made him grow tense with his coat bristling, a menacing snarl leaving him and shifting his gaze in the direction of where the noise had come from. A lion and an odd raccoon looking creature, both tufted ears pressed against his skull.

They were strangers and frankly, he had no idea what their intentions could be. Siborno was much larger than both of them and he began to think maybe his size could intimidate them, ward them off just enough to find peace one last time. He shakily rose to his hind legs standing at a full ten feet and let out another growl though his stance faltered due to the gashes in his hind legs, it was painful but he wasn't going to be killed so easily. His side leaned once more for the tree to get some type of support though it did not last long as he shifted his current position to sit down once more trying to ignore the pain. The lion began to steadily approach him with... Worry? Concern? In his eyes. It confused Siborno greatly, why would the small lion be concerned about him? An absolute stranger at best. Let me help you. Their lips had moved, the smilodon hybrid being rather reluctant and flinching when the other big feline would press a paw to his shoulder. He grew stiff but Siborno was too tired to fight them off any longer.

Aurum. He had come to learn his name after his injuries had been treated and the small raccoon creature was Roy, Aurum's son. Although, Siborno saw no resemblance whatsoever he had come to accept them and thank the both of them for their kindness. Aurum spoke about a civilization where they could all stay and the large male was rather hesitant at first but followed in suit, he had to repay Aurum in some way. He wasn't certain how so but the bandaged up male would figure it out someday not now, he would draw a soft breath about ready to step across the border until the lion had stopped him. A frown tugging at Sib's maw until given an explanation, how odd, usually he could step or walk wherever he wanted without worrying about anyone claiming that these were their lands. He would have to grow accustomed to that, he supposed. He knew that both Roy and Aurum had shorter coats than him and they likely wouldn't do too well with the cold so he had draped his deer hide across both individuals as they waited. Siborno having refused to speak any further. The most he had said to them had been his name but surely, they'd learn more about him when he was more comfortable.

/ wait until aurum & roy(?) reply[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - wormwood. - 06-26-2020

Solitude was never something that Aurum had enjoyed much, if one were to ask him to be honest. Perhaps it was just because he had grown up in a pride full of other lions, or maybe it was just because he had been deprived of so much closeness when he was a child. Either way, nowadays the lion found himself greedy for social interaction, constantly trying to find somewhere that would feel like home. Somewhere he and his loved ones could feel welcome. That place had once been Tanglewood – and his old home still lingered commonly within his mind, even now – and once it had been the Knights of Concord. However, the Knights had grown silent as of late, with the halls of the manor not only still feeling vast, but empty as well. It had prompted Aurum to want even more change, his heart aching in his chest as he went to speak to Roy. He had tried to tell his adoptive son that the other could stay if he wanted to, or even go back to Tanglewood, but Roy was stubborn. He wasn't leaving his father's side. It was actually kind of heartwarming, even if Aurum felt a guilt deep in his chest to pull the boy along with him once again.

Deep down, the angel wasn't exactly sure why he had selected Elysium as their destination. Maybe it was because of his memories of the battle with the Messenger, and some desire to help protect them. Maybe it was just because he enjoyed the company of Rin, and believed living under her as a magna would be enjoyable. Maybe it was just because he knew of their justice seeking ways, and that appealed to him. In his mind, Aurum knew that it was a mix of all three of these reasons that pushed him towards Elysium's mountains, with Roy trailing not far behind. The trip took a little longer than his usually did, considering he had to carry Roy on his back if he wanted to fly, and he got tired more often with the added weight, but it wasn't horrible. They were making good progress, and as the snowy mountains in the distance grew closer and closer, the lion found the bursts of energy that spurred him on coming more often. Soon enough he would be able to rest, and so would his son. It sounded incredibly desirable, especially after a month or more now of just trying to find where they were meant to be.

What the winged feline definitely hadn't expected to come across on their travels was someone injured. He and Roy had just been moving quietly through the trees as they usually did, and Aurum had cracked his jaws open, ready to try and start some idle conversation to make the time past. However, as soon as he had, the scent of blood invaded his muzzle, curling and pressing against the roof of his mouth. He'd immediately flinched away, a large wing coming up as a signal for Roy to stay back. He couldn't risk the other getting hurt, not when they didn't know what was going on. Once he knew Roy was alright, he had slowly pushed forward, emerging from the shadows to come across a simply massive feline. Well... sort of feline. He looked like a mix of a very old type of feline and... something else. Aurum wasn't given much time to dwell on it, as suddenly the beast was up on his hind legs, growling and trying to drive them away. The lion pinned his ears back at the sound, standing protectively in front of Roy. Even through his fear and worry, concern still showed in his one blue eye, focused on the strange male's injuries. Deep down, the former proxy had known it wasn't a great idea to get closer, butbthe moment that Siborno had fallen back to the ground, he had resumed his approach. Thankfully, his efforts were appreciated, instead of him suffering more injuries.

All Aurum learned about the male as he carefully patched up his injuries was his name, although that was enough. The lion was infamous for growing attached quickly, and seeing as Sib seemingly had no ill motivations toward either he or Roy, Aurum had felt no issue with making sure the other's cuts and bruises were bandaged. He silently thanked Alaric in the back of his mind, grateful for the feline showing him how to treat basic things, as it meant Siborno wouldn't bleed out before they made it to Elysium. Hopefully, once they made it to the mountain dwelling group, there would be someone who could do something more complex than Aurum's shoddy patch up job. Either way, it hadn't been difficult to convince the larger male to join he and Roy in their path towards the snowy group, even though he didn't really get many words in response to his questions. He was fairly sure that Siborno just wanted what they all wanted – food, shelter, and help. That was enough for Aurum to trust him, at least for the moment, and it wasn't long before the angel was guiding not only his son, but also the massive hybrid feline towards Elysium as well. It was a surreal situation to be sure, but the lion had seen weirder.

When they had finally reached the border of Elysium, Aurum had breathed a soft sigh of relief, grateful for the fact that they had made it. He had begun to grow worried that he would run out of bandages to replace the ones on Siborno before they made it. However, the angel was ripped from his relieved thinking when he noticed Sib still trudging forward, and he quickly stopped the other. Sib seemed confused by the idea of group boundaries, but went along with it anyways, much to the delight of Aurum. Even if he knew a lot of the Elysites and didn't think they would have any real issues, he still preferred to be polite, and wait at the border. The lion was a little surprised when he felt Siborno drape his deer hide over both he and Roy, shooting the injured male a soft smile before he turned to look forward, calling out in his deep and rumbling voice, "Hello? Rin? Is there anyone here who can come and see us?" He didn't want to be too much of a bother, but he also wasn't eager to stand out in the freezing snow for long, even with the pelt over his shoulders.

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - spacexual - 06-27-2020

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - fulzanin - 06-27-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Clony wasn't really a border patrol person. Truth be told their sense of smell was so weak that they really couldn't smell were the border was. Sure, it'd fluttered along behind a few patrols sometimes and had learned the landmarks. Landmarks were so much easier since they were easily seen rather than smelled. The bat wasn't all that certain about what they were looking to do today. Probably something regarding lasers. The last attempt had ended in complete and utter shambles. It had put a stain onto their ego, and such a thing could not be allowed to stand.

Their flight was halted when they took note of one person on the border. They dipped down a little from the height they flew at, banking a small turn. Nope. There was two. Three? Their pearly eyes squinted. They couldn't tell from all the way up from where they were flying. Getting closer was the solution. Maybe they'd have another one of those basket things! Their fur bristled in excitement, and they dived on down to greet the trio. Upon landing, feet shuffling against the ground to wear off some of the more intense momentum, they allowed themselves to gaze over the three. One of them they recognized from when all those stupid crows attacked. Not by name, just that they too had been against Rin being handed over. Respectable. The other large creature? Clony couldn't say that they'd seen them before. An ear swiveled. They were... quite the reddish hue, and it prickled their fur. They had quite the nasty hatred for the color. Give the color a chance, they had told themself in the past. It was hard to do so when the hue was right there, right before them. Then, the last one, one smaller than the other two. Were these the parents? Clony didn't see why not. What was the small one, even? Clony didn't know any of the three's species.

"Yup! I'm here to see you. Hi! Clony here," they begin to chatter, launching themselves in mental speech as they always did. Their tail swings behind them, curiosity again flickering within their pearly eyes. "What brings you here today? Festival is over. You were there, right? I think you were there. Do they like lasers? If they don't like lasers we got problems," they continued to ramble, hopping and flapping their wings as they moved from side to side. "Other than lasers, yea, what're you here for? Don't see no basket. Is this what they call a fashion show? You're gonna need more ribbons. Lots of blue," they said as a wing gestured to the bandages that covered half of Aurum's face, mistaking them for ribbons, a fashion statement, rather than something to cover up an injury. Clony then tipped their head, curiosity continuing to surge forth at a restless pace.

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - spacexual - 06-27-2020

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - wormwood. - 06-28-2020

Aurum hadn't been expecting Clony to be the one to welcome them at the border, considering how jumpy and strange the other had seemed at the festival, but he couldn't say he was disappointed. Any Elysite would do, and it wasn't as if cCony didn't already have backup coming in the form of a coyote. Although the male didn't serve to put the angel at ease, considering he was a stranger, and he seemed far too interested in Roy. Despite this, the lion tried to keep an open mind. He was sure that the canine was just curious about them all. He wasn't plotting to hurt anyone. Aurum sunk his claws into the earth for a moment to stable himself before he rose his one eyed gaze, smiling at both Clony and Limbo as he spoke, "Clony... hello. It's nice to see you again, and in good shape after that whole festival business... I was there." He wasn't entirely sure how to address the whole "lasers" thing, so he tried to just transition smoothly into the next part, shaking his head a bit, "F... Fashion show? No, no, we're not here for anything like that. We're here to join, actually. Well... my son and I are. My friend Siborno here needs some better medical attention, and then he can decide what he wants to do." Although Aurum was already enjoying Sib's quiet company, he wouldn't blame the other if he decided to head back to whatever he had been doing before the attack.

After Clony, Aurum then turned his attention to Limbotrials, breathing a silent sigh of relief that they had someone a little bit more down to earth here. Not that he didn't believe Clony could help them in the end, but he was fairly sure it would involve several strange tangents in the process. Gently touching his tail to Roy's back in a soft protective motion, the lion rumbled with a nod, "Yes, exactly. I'm Aurum, and this is my son, Roy. Unfortunately, Siborno is with us because he needed some help and shelter, and I figured Elysium could provide that." He shifted a little, digging his claws into the ground once again before continuing, "Not that you both aren't helpful, but... Rin is still around, right? I don't... I just want to make sure, considering the last time I saw her, a giant bastard was trying to get her, along with a bunch of crows." Although the battle with the Messenger had ultimately ended well, Aurum knew that Rin had been fairly injured after the dust settled, and the thought of her having passed away... it made his gut twist.

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - fulzanin - 06-28-2020

[ age mover of the oblivions ]

Large ears swivel, Clony hearing another approach. Another Elysite, one that Clony figured that they'd seen in passing a couple times. Probably. Hard to remember a person they'd never spoken to - hypocritical coming from the clone that had chatted it up with other parts of themself, never met in person yet spoken to. That was different, though, for all of itself was itself. Thinking that through made their head hurt, and so with a small hop they regained their attention for the situation at hand. "Aha! I knew I knew you knew me that I knew you from somewhere!" They squeak with their ever present barging into peoples head's method of communication. Their ears twitch, noting the other's comment of joining. And, sadly, the lack of a fashion show, a cause for their expression to falter and their ears to lower. "No fashion show? Really? But you've already got ribbons on!" Clony insists, leaning forward on their feet. Sure, those ribbons on the other's face didn't seem to be the normal kind of ribbon. Clony was sure with a little work, it could make the lion look absolutely fabulous. Maybe they could even borrow - steal, more likely - some of 2D's makeup for the cause. They were sure he wouldn't mind, even if they hadn't seen the other around as of late. All the more reason to borrow without saying anything!

The other continues to press about Rin, a cause for Clony's pearly eyes to narrow. The lion had been there when the crows attack, had he not? Yes, that was the festival. That was where Clony knew them from. "We're very helpful. Rin's probably busy, dunno with what. Apparently a fashion show. I bet its the fashion show," they chatter rapidly, tail beginning to rapidly swing behind them. "Wait. If you were from the festival you came from somewhere-" Their mental tangent comes to a halt, the bat silencing themself. That was for their internal thoughts to churn over. The slightest glint of suspicion within their small eyes, another hop of their small form. Why weren't they going to the other's native group for aid? Clony supposed Elysium might've just been the closer option. The romantic option, if they allowed that train of thought to continue, which they do not. A clicking noise ruptures from them for a few seconds, then pittering off back to silence. "Well! I'm sure she'd be really happy to know you're worried about her! I'm pretty sure you can stay, get your friend there healed up. We're gonna need a laser for it, of course. I've been workin' hard on that!"

TAGS 3/17/20:

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - spacexual - 06-28-2020

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - spacexual - 06-28-2020

Re: BROKEN CROWN / joining - Warringkingdoms - 06-29-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Today had evidently been the perfect day to go out and collect herbs- it sounded like they were going to be necessary here.

  Rin heard the snatches of conversation from her position in the flower field- what sounded like Aurum's voice, combined with the buzz of Clony's telepathy from afar. Vigenere had already been here on a visit from Tanglewood, and apparently was running the group now... so why was Aurum here? Frowning, Rin stuffed a few more sprigs of marigold into her satchel, next to the bandages that she always kept on her. She might need something a bit more specialized, depending on what the problem was, but it was enough for basic first-aid.

  As she traversed her way down to the border, she listened in to the rest of the conversation, or as much of it as she could pick up. Clony's mental projection became clearer the closer she got, though she'd apparently missed whatever tangent had gotten them on the subject of fashion shows. She could detect the scent of blood, too, enough of it to make her stomach turn. Aurum's voice didn't make it sound like anyone's life was in immediate danger, but she still had to be quick about getting down there.

  As quick as she could be, at least, given her newly-impaired depth perception.

  Aurum had a son, Roy, he'd said. And they were here to join... why was that? Leroy had stepped down according to Vigenere, rather than disappearing or dying- and even if Aurum had done something else to get himself exiled, Vigenere would have warned them. Presumably Aurum had left of his own free will.

  ...but why?

  Clony's projected thoughts mentioned that the newcomers already had ribbons on. Could they have meant bandages? Their mention of a laser sent a spike of concern through her veins, but luckily by that time the group was in sight. Carefully descending down to ground level, Rin called out, "Okay, okay, I'm here-"

  Her eye fell on the deer pelt covering Aurum and the little one, and she had to bite back a hiss of panic.

  That could be them in a moment. She couldn't stop the thoughts from flowing. Parent, child, felled in a single swipe- Sucking in a breath, she ducked her head and focused in on the rocks on the ground. Count. One rock, two rocks, three rocks, four rocks, five... this isn't then. There's five people here, not two.

  Breathing deeply, harshly, she looked up at the large, rust-colored one. "Siborno," Aurum had called him. Bloodied bandages. Smells like an easy kill. She had to get them all away from the borders, now. "Yes, we need to get back to the town," Rin said, walking around until she stood behind the group and looking deeper into the forest.

  No sign of attackers, but that could change in the blink of an eye. She didn't trust herself to keep watch while they remained here, not with only one functioning eye. Shaking her head, she turned back towards the town. "Let's go. We've had people attacked out here- I don't want you three among them."

  If they started walking in that direction, she would follow behind them, bringing up the rear.