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sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - Printable Version

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sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - guts - 05-09-2018

She couldn't remember how long she had been walking, and her paws were starting to ache. No, scratch that--her whole body was on fire. Her throat could be compared to a desert at this point, and her sides were racked with hunger pangs. Overall, she felt like shit. Looking back, she probably should have prepared better, instead of just running off to who knew where. She didn't even really have much of a destination, she was just aimlessly walking forward, or more-so trudging. Her paws were barely picked up off the ground with each step.

Despite the slow way she walked, Ramiel was running. She left what could barely be considered as her home in a hurry, no longer able to stay in that place anymore. Not with him around. She had tried to be a good mother--really, she did--but it had been too much. As if losing her lover hadn't been enough, she had had the utmost luck of having to take care of his child without him. So far, she had been a failure of a mother.

Luckily, it seemed she had reached the place. Along her travel, she had heard of this group, and so she could only hope this was the area everyone had spoken about. She sits back on her haunches, sighing in relief at the pressure off her legs and paws. Now just some food and water and she'd be set. "Hello?" she calls out weakly, her voice hoarse. Hopefully someone would be nearby and hear her. "I'm here to join,"


Re: sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - Morgan - 05-10-2018

Morgan appeared, ready to greet the new presence as it usually did. Though the stranger did not seem to be in good shape, the samoyed offered nothing, instead opting to stare from under its mask. If the newcomer wanted to join, some resources would hopefully become available soon enough.

"Join," the dog said, stepping closer. It took a moment to plan out the next sentences in its mind before continuing, "But dangerous. Hard to live." The canine paused once more, fetching the right words from its memory. "Still want to come? And your name is...?" It could only hope that its broken speech would be enough.

Re: sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

Re: sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
aha Morgan had beaten him to this one it seemed,

the strange border comrades - plus one dream demon - were all here it seemed - Fenris' ears flicked forwards slightly as the war god blinked watching the three.

well at least this one had gotten straight to the point - he did always appreciate promptness.

well while they waited for a name - The giant canine-draconic beast inclined his head to her and spoke "Well welcome to tanglewood and like Morgan says it is rather dangerous for newcomers - Fenrisulfr Grimm, and we can lead you back to ensure you avoid the traps"


Re: sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - guts - 05-10-2018

Ramiel is slightly caught off guard, as she had never seen such animals before. Where she'd come from, it mostly just felines like her, with a few domestics mingled in. But here, it seemed to be quite different. That much was obvious enough, with these three odd-looking..canines? Most of them seemed to be, though the third one she wasn't quite sure. Either way, she keeps her composure, shrugging her shoulders at Morgan's statement.

"I'm a tough cookie," she says simply, cracking a smirk. She wasn't exactly accustomed to rough conditions, but she'd adapt. It was better than wandering around more, unsure when she'd find some place to settle, if she even would. It'd be her luck if she ended up dying out there. Turning to Fenris, she nods, shakily standing up.

She had never lived in a marshland before, but then again, there was always a first time for everything. Once she was somewhat stable on her paws, she motions for them to go on and lead the way.


Re: sad boy with a guitar / o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018