Beasts of Beyond
INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - Printable Version

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INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-25-2020

It's been a while since the last meeting, though Vigenere was sure that Leroy was only waiting for something to go on in order to make some proper announcements. It made sense, but the savannah knew that his clanmates were getting antsy; or at the very least, some NPCs were. "Tanglewood!" Vigenere called out to the group, bounding over to the statue where Leroy usually made his announcements. "It's meeting time."

Would anyone pay any attention to him? After all, he had only been a member prior to this. Vigenere felt bad that Leroy had chosen him out of say, Caustic, but he also respected the canine's decision. It was the guy's wish, after all. "I know you all aren't expecting to see me up here, but Leroy had approached me and asked me to step up to General. He's leaving Tanglewood, I'm not 100% sure why, but he came to me and asked me to step up." He respected the former leader's wish, even if he didn't entirely understand why Leroy was leaving so suddenly. It was a shame, but now was not the time to focus on that. "However, if anyone has any objections, I'd be more than happen to consider them." After all, Caustic was next in line, if one were to consider high positions. Vigenere wondered why Leroy hadn't asked Caustic to step up, but perhaps the wolfhound had his reasons.

"First order of business, though. I want to preface this meeting by saying that Tanglewood is going to go through some changes. Specifically with our rank names, but I will go into more detail regarding that next meeting." He still needed time to think about them, to be quite honest. "Secondly, meetings are going to be more frequent. I hope to do them at least once every three weeks - granted something has been going on. Obviously, if there's nothing to report, there's no reason for a meeting." At the very least though, Vigenere did plan on keeping a consistent schedule.

"Next up. Beck and Suvi are demoted." Vigenere cleared his throat after a short pause. "I haven't seen them in a while, but they're more than welcome to try and earn their positions back if they're interested." Beck had gotten a warning last time, and Vigenere considered giving Suvi a warning as well - but he hasn't seen either of them for a long while. "I'm not doing any promotions this meeting, but I would like to give Bloodhound, Octane, Caustic, and Ivan shoutouts. I really appreciate you guys being around. I'd actually like to give those four the title of Gatorbait, assuming they haven't received it already." He wasn't sure if Caustic or Ivan had earned it previously, but he was pretty sure Octane and Bloodhound hadn't gotten them yet. "Oh, also! Delilah has returned to Tanglewood, so give her a big welcome. Roxanne has also joined us for a duel-membership." Did Leroy announce that last meeting? He couldn't remember.

"Finally, I'm also going to start Weekly Tasks up starting Sunday. If someone would like to host it, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be around this area again to give tasks out." Vigenere went on, mentally checking off the things he wanted to go over this meeting. "I'm also going to be visiting The Typhoon and Elysium to let them know that I've stepped up as leader, if anyone is interested in coming with me."

- Leroy/Tobo has stepped down as leader, and staff has decided that Vigenere would step up in his place! ICly, Leroy has left for his own personal reasons.
- There's going to be some rank name changes going on soon, I'm going to have a chat with our current HPs as well as get everyone's opinions on our changes when the time comes.
    - Meetings are also going to be tri-weekly now, starting today.
- [member=14157]BLOODHOUND.[/member] , [member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member] & [member=11110]OCTANE.[/member] , and [member=11964]Ivan[/member] have received shoutouts! Also, they have gotten the title of Gatorbait if they haven't gotten it already.
    - [member=1277]DELILAH.[/member] has returned to Tanglewood! [member=901]ROXANNE R.[/member] has also joined us as a duel member!
    - [member=67]beck[/member] and [member=2344]suvi k.[/member] are demoted
- Weekly Tasks are starting up on Sunday! I'm also going to be adding up sign ups for you all to sign up to have your characters give tasks out. If you want to host Sunday's thread, let me know!
- Vig is gonna visit Typhoon and Elysium and let them know of the leadership change. Anyone is allowed to tag along, so lmk and I'll tag you![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - ASVINI - 06-25-2020

There was a bitter gnaw in Asvini's throat. A taste of bile. Leroy wasn't the leader anymore- where did he go, then? Asvini's head swam as she gathered for the meeting, listening with a dull look to Vigenere. She didn't feel one way or another about Vigenere, not yet, at least. Well- a number of the things Vigenere asked for, Asvini couldn't comply with. She sat, silently, waiting for other people to announce their thoughts.


[glow=black,2,300]BREAK THE SILENCE; DAMN THE DARK[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - BLOODHOUND. - 06-25-2020

Bloodhound had not been far when they'd heard the call to another meeting, this time in Vigenere's voice. They made their way to the square quickly. They took sat near the middle of the square, listening quietly. Leroy had just... up and left? And so soon after Aurum. Tanglewood was losing so many, and it was hard to see the clan struggle this way. They bowed their head, to Vigenere, as he declared himself the new leader, per Leroy's wishes. They had no complaints, they thought kindly of the savannah, and despite not knowing him very well, they did appreciate his company. He seemed hardy, and could very well handle himself.

Other than that, they were interested to hear what the rank name changes were going to be. With the cat adding that meetings would occur more often, they were excited to hear that perhaps there would be more structure to life here in Tanglewood.

They wagged their tail, as they'd recieved another shoutout, alongside Ivan, Octane, and Caustic. And also given the title of Gatorbait, which certainly came as a surprise. It was nice to be noticed, and have their presence acknowledged.

"Thank you. May the gods bless your leadership." They say simply, staring up at Vigenere.

Upon hearing that there would be a trip to The Typhoon and Elysium, they spoke up again. "I would like to attend." It was time, they thought, to get a feel for the other clans in the area.

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - Ivan - 06-25-2020

[td][Image: 1qs0g0C.gif][/td]
slav. "god is gracious"
a son
a brother
[td][Image: yoqcgBR.gif][/td][/tr]
No. He hadn't gotten a title. Every single meeting he had attended — which had been three now — all he got were shout-outs. He got one now too, but with a special "Gatorbait". He tried to smile, he tried his very best. And his father was demoted. Couldn't Vigenere understand that he was grieving over the loss of his partner? Maybe not. It wasn't professional, and maybe it was better this way.

For some reason, the disappearance of Leroy weighed heavier on his heart than he thought it would. It brought about a feeling he could not understand. He remembered how before he walked out into the dead of the sea, he told people he was going to the Typhoon. The same thought flashed through his head now, like a rat preparing to leave a sunken ship. But maybe not the Typhoon. Maybe somewhere else. Everyone else was leaving without consequences. How much the world could change since his kittenhood ...

Ivan sighed dejectedly and cast a look at Asvini and Bloodhound, too weighed down to say anything. He didn't care if Vigenere was telling the truth or not about Leroy appointing him. It didn't matter. He wanted to go with Vigenere to one of the groups, but he just could not find his voice and so settled for mediocrity.

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - DELILAH. - 06-26-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
It had been a long, long time since Delilah had seen Vigenere's face. Refreshing, like the past visiting her. Maybe it was a ghost..

"Understood.." Came the soft voice as the woman lifted her head from the ground where she rested. Too many aching pains for one to move, too many words to comprehend other than 'welcome'.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - trojan g. - 07-05-2020

His first meeting of being in the group, and Ryder would remember it well. He had heard nothing from his father of leaving, no offer for Ryder to come with him, no goodbyes, nothing. The first - and possibly last - time he would ever hear about his father leaving would be here in this meeting made by some stranger that spoke out towards all those who could hear them, all who attended here. Of course, if Leroy had his reasons to leave Ryder couldn't question him, nor could he question the fact of whom was chosen to be the leader in his place. Father Leroy may have been to him but they had yet to have bonded enough to be able to call each other dad and son. Though he'd been happy enough to finally be able to meet his father, it seemed as though Ryder - and any other siblings he still had wondering around the island - were finally orphans at last, whether they knew it or not.

Ears pinned to his head for but a moment before Ryder would look up towards the yellow hued feline once more, watching as demotions were announced, congratulations given, and plans were given out. He didn't care about any of it to be fair. Knew not of who each member here was, hadn't been around long enough or active enough to know about them. Maybe one day he'd learn of each of those names, whether it be in stories told by old members or even meeting them himself.

Though he would speak out, at last, before the meeting was done and over with, a simple question that he was curious as to the reactions he would elicit not to mention the response he would receive from the new General himself. "Why not let the Pitt know too? Of my fathers departure and the new leader Tanglewood has. I'm sure there's still some sour notes left from there..."


Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-05-2020

The voices his clanmates gave was all muddled together, almost becoming a chorus - but there was one voice that did catch Vigenere's attention. At Ryder's question, the savannah looked over and blinked slowly at him. "They're the enemy." He replied. "Why would we need to alert them of such a change?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - trojan g. - 07-05-2020

Eyes watched as Vigenere gave his response to the question Ryder had asked only moments before, shrugging his shoulders for a moment while he thought of an answer. "Surprise factor, going there to see their status, retcon if you will, see if they think we're weaker because of it and prove them wrong." He'd pause for a moment, giving himself and Vigenere time to think of what was said and what could be said. "They're going to find out one way or another why not make sure they get all the facts from us first so they know we still can't be fucked with." Leroy left a lot to be put onto Vin's shoulders in regards to their enemy after all.


Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-05-2020

Vigenere tilted his head thoughtfully, considering Ryder's words. "You know what, that actually might not be a bad idea." A smart one, if he were honest - he definitely wouldn't mind trying to get information on the enemy. "If you'd like, I can lead a small patrol over and you can be apart of it." His gaze then went over towards the other Tanglers gathered. "Unless anyone has any objections?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: INSIDE I'VE BEEN SHAKEN || Meeting 6/25/2020 - DELILAH. - 07-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah could remember when the past had been so cruel as to steal members of Tanglewood and harm them. She was one of those people, snatched by Stryker and his little sidekick and abused and beaten- she was blind, and they had no issues with harming her.

So when the newest member spoke up, Delilah's head lifted in panic at the name- The Pitt.

"And if they attack? You would have been walking yourselves into a fight. They can take you back to their camp and torture you. You can't trust them to not start a fight, Vigenere."

Delilah wasn't ever one to speak out, but the worry in her voice couldn't be betrayed. She was serious.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion