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smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Printable Version

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smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Nayru - 05-09-2018

[b][color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Nayru had happened upon the scrap of fabric by mere chance, tripping on it on one of her early morning walks. She was gazing at the thing with curious eyes now, typically not a fan of anything human-produced but unnaturally intrigued for a reason she could not quite pinpoint. Was this perhaps a sign from her Goddesses? An omen of what she could only hope was fortune? Or had this just been some lucky find that she had grown immediately endeared with the moment she literally stumbled upon it?

Either way, the scarf was soon wrapped around her neck. A stunning blue that matched her eyes almost perfectly, it felt natural from the very second she put it on. What Nayru did not realize as she confidently made her way back to town was the faint, white-ish gold glow she literally radiated. A new development certainly, for the tiny medic had no idea that perhaps her prayers were finally (and she meant finally) being answered. 

Feeling an almost uncharacteristic desire to show off, Nayru situated herself in a well-populated area of camp, gazing amiably at the sky as she relished in her recent find. A Goddess's Blessing? She thought to herself, a smile tugging faintly upon her white lips, Thank you.. Nayru. Farore. Din... Thank you.

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Morgan - 05-10-2018

Lounging around in the forest, Morgan tilted its head to the side as it almost forcibly noticed Nayru's presence. It was quite off-putting; the Tangler's presence had grown inexplicably more clear, even from as far away as the samoyed was. It headed toward town, wanting to find out whether the phenomenon was only an improvement in its abilities, or if it had come from something else.

It seemed that it was a combination. Upon reaching the nurse, the canine noted a heightened sense of where others in the vicinity were as well. However, Nayru had a wider-reaching presence indeed... somehow.

Once it was only a couple of steps away from its ally, Morgan asked, "Nay-ru, why?"

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"Accessorising?" War rumbled as he joined the two questioning Nayru - the larger beast almost strangely tall next to the smaller, honestly it was a miracle he got around any of the nooks and cranies of tanglewood as easily as he did but he pulled it off well enough.

War didn't have much in the way of accessories himself - his mask he had since he'd near joined - and the only other thing was the Pendant Amunet had given him, lying shining against his chest where it settled around his neck.


Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Nayru - 05-10-2018

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[b][color=#6b7e99]"Because I like it," Nayru responded confidently, looking between Morgan and Vigenere. She was not afraid to admit that she felt slightly out of place though, noticing with sudden distress that she seemed to be the only one who really sported anything of human-nature. That was at least blatantly obvious anyways- the masks she did count for they were part of Tanglewood tradition and jewerly.. well, jewelry was subtle. She couldn't say the same for her electric blue scarf.

Still, she liked the odd sense of uniqueness that she experienced as time progressed, rationalizing that she would grow to embrace being different and standing out. [color=#6b7e99]"I am," Came the nurse's quick reply, her cerulean gaze falling upon Fenri now. [color=#6b7e99]"What do you think?"

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

”It looks idiotic.” Vigenere stated with a snort. It wasn’t the fact Nayru was wearing something from humans, it was the fact she was wearing it in the first place. He just didn’t understand it. Why wear something outside of battle? Hell, why wear something that serves no purpose to you other than you ‘liking’ it?


Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Nayru - 05-10-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
[b][color=#6b7e99]"You look idiotic," The Nurse coolly responded, her once amiable expression faltering almost immediately. Nayru, while generally of peaceful disposition, would refuse to be spoken to in such a manner. [color=#6b7e99]"I didn't ask for your less than stellar opinion and frankly, I think that you shouldn't even open your mouth if you don't have anything pleasant to say," She continued, wondering, briefly, if her father would be proud of her for handling the situation in a manner such as this one. He was always stressing the importance of acting like a princess to her and she had always been so reluctant to listen to him. Asserting herself was... well... nice. And besides, she enjoyed the scarf around her neck greatly- she wouldn't listen to anyone tell her otherwise.

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Morgan - 05-10-2018

Nayru's answer made no sense to Morgan, who tilted its head in confusion. It was asking about something completely different; it wondered if it asked the question wrong. The scarf-wearer's self-righteousness was lost on the dog, as were the newer feline's insults. It waited for its allies to finish their banter before thinking of what to say.

After a moment, Morgan repeated, "Nayru, why? Why strong?" It had a feeling that its question was not going to get a good answer this time either, but it had to try.

Looking to Fenrisulfr, it asked, "What is 'idiotic'?" Both of its other allies had used the word, but it knew nothing of its meaning. Its tail wagged as it wore a newfound smile under its mask, waiting for an answer from the larger Tangler.

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

Re: smoother than a storm | open, discovery - Luciferr - 05-12-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris inclined his head "It suits you" it did in his honest opinion - he had seen much worse attempts at accessorising, scarfs were mild and did suit certain people - before of course Vigenere had to voice their opinion to which Fenrisulfr shot them a look.

"Tanglewood allows free speech yes but that doesn't divorce you from consequence - if you'd like to alienate your fellows - and one that is here to heal your wounds after battle I might add - then you may do so, but you'll find yourself in a sore spot should you sorely need allies" he rumbled at the dream demon in a neutral tone - he did not see the point in voicing an opinion that did little but serve to detriment yourself - he was War and keeping careful allocations of alliances and resources was a large part of just what outcomes a battle might bring - If Vigenere wanted to alienate their only Nurse then they'd find themselves in a sore spot on the battlefield.

his tail twitched in agitation before addressing Morgan "It's another word for something stupid" he shrugged "To which I hardly find accessorising an act that warrants such scorn unless in the most extreme circumstances" the firebrand replied - extreme that the were bedecked in dresses or over complicated outfits, Nayru's scarf was anything but.
