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TWO BIRDS | return. - Printable Version

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TWO BIRDS | return. - DELILAH. - 06-21-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
;; Will I ever find a good time to get back into roleplaying for good after this? Probably not. Quarantine screwed my schedule up.

The fall was a time where Delilah could slumber, the warmth of a child gone and a lover nonexistent. For so long, Delilah had lived for the purpose of others- to keep them save, to feel their company. Two personas in a singular body caused by spiritual mishap and a wrongful death- she remembered the day that she was slaughtered and died in the arms of her best friend.

Leroy- the memory of him was blurry after the dragoness awoke from her slumber, but still there. His death, the day he had passed in the library- it was etched into Delilah's brain, and yet- something pulled her closer. Much closer, to feel the breath of smog and swamp. Large wings beat at the dragoness' sides, alligators snapping at sharp talons as she landed. Ah, she supposed they didn't remember her, either.

Memories were a strange thing.

Fire spilled past parted lips, a brief warning for the reptiles before she shuffled through the dirt and stared, almost longingly, at a tree in the distance.


tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: TWO BIRDS | return. - ASVINI - 06-22-2020

Fire lit the area. The four eye child flinched sharply- they were still so sensitive, her new eyes, that she backtracked and her tail hung low, hiding behind a tree. What was it? She wasn't sure, but the struggle in her body, the soft sickness she felt from the fear of instinct, make her stay there for a long few moments. Her ears twitched, picking out the sensitive sounds of another's breathing. But there wasn't anyone here to stop her from introducing herself. Not like Keter.

Slowly, the piebald child stepped away from the tree, facing Delilah. Her ears twitching again, curiously scanning the dragon. Her typically cold optics, thawed from the pain of Aurum leaving her here, blinked a bit before lifting towards the head of the dragoness. Drake? Asvini wasn't sure. She wasn't an expert on dragons. "Who are you?" She prompted, her voice steady, despite the wavering in her eyes- the fur tufted on her back from the fear of flame.


[glow=black,2,300]BREAK THE SILENCE; DAMN THE DARK[/glow]

Re: TWO BIRDS | return. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-28-2020


Seeing such a thing filled Vigenere with multiple emotions. He was angry, afraid, and almost flung into the past as he was reminded once again of how his parents had perished. And being apart of Tanglewood - and now, their General, no less - gave the savannah another sense of urgency: he needed to protect his clan. Even if he didn't particularly like using his powers, water would be the easiest way of getting rid of the flames. So the fire and smoke filling the air lured Vigenere to the scene, and he would try to step in front of Asvini in a protective way.

However, seeing such a pink-colored creature reminded the demon of an old clanmate. "Delilah?" Vigenere called out to the dragoness, blinking at the figure she had become. He had seen her last in a Maine coon body; but he was no stranger to possession or shapeshifting. Her pink-colored scales is what reminded him of the frail she-cat, and of course he could be wrong in his assumption, but damn. It felt nice to think an old clanmate was returning.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TWO BIRDS | return. - DELILAH. - 06-29-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah was a creature of silence until spoken to, until she absolutely needed to voice her opinion. Long ago, the woman had been scared of male's and had died at the hands of one. Stryker's kidnapping of her scared her, a traumatizing event which the woman had still never forgotten. So she thought.

First presence was a child of odd appearance, Delilah's eyes blinking at many before she lowered her head and bowed it in greeting. Her throat sore, aching almost with a need to speak.

"My name is Delilah, I.. Used to be a medic here, long ago. A member of Tanglewood. I'm returning, if I am permitted to."

It was a ragged breath that she drew, the woman feeling achy and unused joints crack at the misuse. Sharp talons sunk into mud, squishing and squelching.

And then a familiar voice, and another figure stepped protectively in front of the child. Yellow fur, pointed ears, dots- she remembered that before her accident. Before she lost her sight back then.

"Vigenere? Viggy? Is that you?" Came a choked sob as she woman stared down at her long-lost friend. He had left with Morgan.. When did he come back? "If.. If you're here, then is Morgan, too?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: TWO BIRDS | return. - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-29-2020

Strange appearances were a common thing here in Tanglewood, weren't they? Asvini had four eyes, Vigenere had his strange-colored fur, Aurum with his wings, and now Delilah would be here, with her bright pink scales. Vigenere gave the dragoness a smile as he gave her a little chirp in response, "Of course you're welcome back here, Delilah." Though her question about Morgan made him frown. The General shook his head as he went on, "No, Morgan isn't here. Just me. But our son, Alan, is here." Morgan wanted to stay back and work on their home - and he wanted Alan to experience clan life. Vigenere wasn't one to argue with his partner's wishes, even if it wasn't something he agreed with. Hell, if he wasn't here now, who would be leading now that Leroy was gone?

Vigenere sat down and raised his forelegs as much as he could, offering to give Delilah a hug - clearly, she was in distress, though whether it be because of the memories or not, he wasn't sure.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]