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SOLSTICE || open, task - Printable Version

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SOLSTICE || open, task - KETER. - 06-16-2020

"I need ya to clear out the windmill by the farm. It broke down a long time ago and it don't function like it's supposed to, but we've been usin' it as a storage unit for grain, flour, tools, booze, and foodstuffs. All of that stuff can be moved to the town square - from now on, the windmill will be used to store buildin' materials."

Keter had run off to set to work near immediately, ready and happy to help where needed. They made a beeline for the farm, cracking open the old windmill door. They immediately sneezed, from all the dust flying into their face. The wolfdog took their time, removing the materials from the windmill, careful not to spill flour or grains. They organized everything into their own categories, and soon set to work bringing it all to the town square. They'd enlisted the help of one of the horses that roamed the farm freely, by lasso-ing a rope around its neck and underneath, creating a rudimentary harness.  They'd roughly tied it to one of the trailers that lay about, after loading it up with some of their cargo.

Now, the question was, how to make the horse, well. Go. They tried nipping at its ankles (they found out they had zero herding dog in them this way, after being nearly kicked in the head twice.), and tempting it with a play bow, and then they were just.... out of ideas. They'd considered using a trail of apples, but there really weren't that many on hand. They sat, just to think for a moment, before heading over to the fields, setting their paws to the dirt and digging up a carrot. They tied it to a stick, and held the stick in between their jaws, keeping the carrot just out of reach.

And just like that, they were on the move.

it didn't take long for them to bring most of the materials into town, especially with the tease of a juicy carrot, and a strong horse to carry the cart, but it was tough work. Upon reaching town, they'd let the horse take a good bite of the vegetable, and let them eat the rest of it while they unloaded the cart. For the returning trip, they did the same once more, tying a carrot to a stick and leading the horse forward.

The day was nearly over by the time the windmill had been cleared out, and they'd even taken the liberty to dust the floor with their tail. At the end of their task, Keter had released the horse from the ropes, and gave it a few more extra carrots for its assistance. They'd taken it upon themself to collapse into a pile of hay as the sun sunk below the horizon, as the stars grew more visible in the absence of that light.
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Re: SOLSTICE || open, task - alaric g. - 06-17-2020

    Alaric could safely say that he was quite glad that he had not been given the task to clean out the windmill. He was a feline, and that meant he was rather small. As such, heavy lifting was not his forte in any way, shape, or form. For that reason it was definitely a good call on Leroy's part to give Keter, a wolfdog, that responsibility. He'd not seen or heard much about Keter, but from his few interactions with them, they didn't seem helpless. Hopefully he'd at least be capable of cleaning out a windmill without assistance.

    This assumption proved to be true. Alaric ventured outside of his home in order to stretch his legs. He headed for the town square, first. He spotted the grain and flour and other materials within the square as he approached and figured that it must have been a result of Keter's efforts. The tabby could not say that he had expected for them to get to work so quickly, but...  they did. Keter was nowhere to be found, so he ventured to the windmill to see the results of their progress.

    He stepped into the windmill and issued a glance around the room. It was spotless; even the floor was clean. As to how that was the case, Alaric couldn't be quite sure. When he left, Alaric spotted Keter lying on a bale of hay not far from him, and figured it wouldn't hurt to compliment the wolfdog on their work.

    "Nice job," said the tabby as he approached Keter. "But I must ask, how did you do it so quickly?" Alaric had yet to do his, and he was honestly quite impressed at the speed with which Keter accomplished theirs.
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: SOLSTICE || open, task - KETER. - 06-21-2020

They were gliding gently along, in that gentle space between dreams and reality right before slumber took over, when they heard a voice. They grunt, wiggling and twisting themself around to face Alaric. They had hay... well. Everywhere, sticking out of their fur. Their tail wagged, recognizing him vaguely, from the crater incident, and from Leroy handing out tasks earlier. His name was on the tip of their tongue...

Their mind however, drifted to the crater. All of that had felt like so long ago, but it really... wasn't.

"Thanks! I didn't really have much else to do." It wasn't a rude statement, they were still only new, and the rebuilding efforts had only just begun. There was a lot to do, and they were happy to have a task at hand. At Alaric's question, they withdraw a little, sheepish. "I uh, had a little help."

They look over at one of the horses, specifically the one they had employed the services of. They hoped that wasn't looked down on, but they'd figured... why not? They were one wolfdog. And it had still taken nearly all day. Even with the horses' help, they had still done quite a bit of hard labour, dragging our the materials, sorting them. Attaching the wagon to the horse.

"You wouldn't believe how much these guys love carrots." They add, picking hay out of their chest fur. They look over at Alaric, a piece of said hay caught between their teeth. "Also... I didn't catch your name. Mine's Keter. How is your task going?"
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