Beasts of Beyond
heartbeat / o, lost - Printable Version

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heartbeat / o, lost - Silenthero, - 05-09-2018

It was a quiet morning in the swamp when the wolf had wandered upon the border. Blue eyes would search around, a trace of fear in his optics. He had no idea where he was, nor did this place look familiar to him. Slowly and steadily, Link or "Silenthero" would take a step over the border, but a voice in his head spooked the male and he jumped slightly.

"Link." Came the voice of a girl, who sounded somewhat frantic and scared. "Link, wake up. Please." In his puzzlement, the lupine let out a whine and he shook out his head, in his attempt to get the voice to go away. Yet, the soft voice of the strange girl only grew more loud. "Link! Please don't leave me!"

Now growling in slight frustration, he would lie down on the floor and he would close his eyes tightly.
tags :: updated 5/09:

Re: heartbeat / o, lost - Nayru - 05-09-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Nayru had been out collecting herbs when she came across the wolf. Eyeing him curiously, the first thing she noticed was the blue bandanna wrapped around his neck. It was similar - too similar - to her own blue scarf and she wondered, vaguely, where he had found such a thing. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Who are you?" She demanded, though there was no denying the intrigue that laced her tone, [color=#6b7e99]"And where did you get that?"

The nurse hadn't anticipated on questioning him on his bandanna. Rather, the inquiry just happened to escape without any real intention to. She didn't care all that much though, not when she carried with her such a burning intensity to know where he had found an article so similar to her own.  Rearing gracefully upon pale haunches, Nayru would perk her ears attentively and wait, an unreadable expression gracing her features. Typically, joiners were a lot more vocal when they came across Tanglewood's borders. This male... he was certainly different.

She wanted to know why.

Re: heartbeat / o, lost - Silenthero, - 05-09-2018

Upon hearing the sound of approaching paw-steps, the male would swiftly jump to his feet and he eyed Nayru, a curious look forming in his optics. She had a similar scarf to him, the same color and all. He would open his jaws to open the female's question but nothing left his lips.

He shook his head and with a few swipes of his paws, he wrote his name in the mud and it said: L-I-N-K. Hoping the Nurse would understand, the male sat there and waited for a reaction from her.
tags :: updated 5/09:

Re: heartbeat / o, lost - Nayru - 05-09-2018

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She gazed curiously at what the male had written on the ground, realizing, with sudden embarrassment, that he was mute. [b][color=#6b7e99]"Link," She affirmed aloud, blue eyes raising to once more study his face. [color=#6b7e99]"My name is Nayru and this is Tanglewood. Are you here to join?" She questioned softly. Try as she might, the petite nurse's attention could not deviate for very long from the blue bandanna. She wished him not to be mute just so she could figure out where he found it. She didn't know why or for what reason, but there was something different about Link. She was desperate to figure it out.

[color=#6b7e99]"Were you born mute?"

Another question, this one even more so inconsiderate. She looked away quickly after the words left her mouth, red quickly coloring her cheeks. Her father had raised her better than to make comments such as that one... had he been here, he'd call her once more a disgrace to her Goddesses. [color=#6b7e99]"I'm sorry... Don't answer that."

Re: heartbeat / o, lost - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"Found a lost soul Nayru?" a dark voice rumbled from the underbrush before a large form parted the tangling dank shrubbery and the scent of burning cinders grew stronger as War approached the nurse and the stranger - pale white-blue eyes glancing down at the word written in the ground and having caught the tail end of the conversation - a mute wanderer, hm.

the nine foot beast stopped short of the two, head tilting slightly "Fenrisulfr Grimm" Nayru had already asked if the stranger was joining, might as well throw in an introduction.


Re: heartbeat / o, lost - Silenthero, - 05-12-2018

The male wolf's ears would lift upward at Nayru's introduction and question. For a few seconds, the male didn't answer, as he was lost-in-thought. Nayru. Why did that name sound so, familiar? Shrugging it off, the male would nod his head before he heard the female's next question. Link hadn't been born mute, somehow he knew that yet he couldn't remember how he became mute. How odd.

Then Fenrisulfr arrived. Upon hearing the other male's dark voice, he would jump slightly before he laid his eyes on the large beast. Interesting. He was unworldly, as if he wasn't from this planet, but Link was probably wrong, after all he didn't know anything about the other.
tags :: updated 5/09:

Re: heartbeat / o, lost - COSMIIX - 05-12-2018

[Image: source.gif]
[div style="background-color: #17202A; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Arriving next to Fenrisulfr, the Goddess would angle her curved ears forward with a twitch of whiskers only to introduce herself as well "Amunet Ghana." She caught sight of the writing in the mud soon speaking with a light smile appearing on her ethereal face "It's a pleasure to meet you, Link." She enjoyed being next to the draconic hybrid even though he was much taller than her, Victory would let her fur brush against his warm smiles embracing the warmth that pulsated off of her friend. She flicked her tail and took the moment to sit down before curling her fluffy tail around her forepaws, she waited to see what would be Link's answer to joining or not. She tilted her cranium to the side in a bit of thought not wanting to possibly interrupt the interaction with Nayru and Link any further, it was nice to watch and endearing in a way.