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without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - Printable Version

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without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - Unsignedcontract - 06-11-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]The sun hung low in the early dawn sky, yet the desert’s dunes had already caught fire. The sand underfoot was just prior to the point of scorching, hot enough to foretell future discomfort but not quite painful to step on yet. The season was summer in all but name, close enough to the solstice for it not to matter that it was technically still spring.

  Luckily, Unsignedcontract had never been the most thick-furred of wolves- even the relatively dark, burnt-red fur she did have did little to hold in the heat. Under that thin pelt, though, was thick skin. She wouldn’t have even set foot here if she were seeking comfort; there were several other factions on this landmass that had comfort in generous supply.

  Tales of the Pitt differed from teller to teller. One had spoken of a “yes man,” others of a “striker,” others still of a recent usurper named “Kydobi.” They each had their opinions on the Pitt’s strength, but it couldn’t be denied that the Pitt had to be strong to survive out in this wasteland.

  Her pawpads were beginning to feel the toll of the sand’s heat, the sun baking her within her pelt. She grinned, her teeth slightly gritted, her eyes squinting to resist the rays of sunlight. A creature with more to lose might turn away, but she persisted nonetheless. Some would call it madness; she called it strength.

  The spikes ahead of her formed a wall of glorified gore, heads and limbs scattered about as trophies- a waste of resources, really, but it made a statement. Many of the body parts belonged to creatures several times her size, though size wasn’t so important when powers got involved. Nonetheless, it was a strong first impression.

  The temptation gnawed at the back of her mind to step over the border, swagger in like a proverbial “big man on campus,” but she resisted. There was no such thing as a non-territorial animal, and it’d be pointless to travel all this way only to be turned right back around by a ticked off pack of beasts. It’d be a real Tortoiseformation move, in fact.

  Standing outside the spikes, Unsignedcontract cleared her throat, then called out, “‘Ey, this is the Pitt, right? Name’s Unsignedcontract, call me Connie if you want. I’m here to join.”

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - Atticus Roux - 06-12-2020

Hmph. Another kitten on the border first. Talk about 'traveling in pairs.' Atticus, rowdy and prone to breaking the rules, wandered the border's edge with eyes peeled. Amber hues focused on the horizon, noticing a silhouette approaching and stopping at the border spikes. Questioning their intent, the grey tabby meandered forward with caution. Luckily, his answers were answered with ease before he could even mutter a word.

While Atticus had no power to accept her into The Pitt, he tried to interact as much as he could to keep her company. Emerging from the dunes, he offered her a subtle smirk. "Connie," the boy repeated back. The name rolled effortlessly off the tongue, unlike Unsignedcontracts. "Well, Connie, you are, in fact, within The Pitt." Especially since no other area had a mysterious desert surrounded by a gruesome border. "Why do you think you're good for us?" he mockingly questioned, jarringly shoving his paw forward and pointing at her.

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - Unsignedcontract - 06-12-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Well, now, this was interesting- they had a kid wandering around the borders, and a kid with a mouth on him at that. Fixing her eyes on the kitten as he strutted his way over and pointed at her, Connie narrowed her eyes. There was no way he was strong enough to warrant sending him out alone like this, unless they were playing mind games with whatever dehydrated schmucks happened to make it all the way out here.

  And he wanted to know why she thought she'd fit in.

  "Well, I wouldn't have come all this way if I wasn't okay with a little discomfort," Connie remarked, straightening back up to her full height and grinning once more. The overbearing heat barely mattered, now that she was here. "But I'm guessing you want a little more than that." Tilting her head, she swished her tail. She had plenty of stories, for sure, but...

  They'd probably seen all manner of liars and fakes bringing false tales of courage. Her grin relaxed into a smaller smirk, and she said, "Tell you what, my words probably don't mean anything. So do me a favor, and fetch me your strongest warrior." This was a terrible idea, and the small voice of reason in the back of her head was content to shout as much at the top of its lungs, but honestly? She could take the heat. If she came to regret this, then oh, well, but this could end up being just what she needed.

  Relaxing her stance, Connie twitched her ears, and waited for the response.

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - trojan g. - 06-12-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.80; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px; color: #00;"]Another child, though slightly older than that of the one before, showed up at the former area where the heads on spikes had been set up, ears pricked from before when she'd been walking over, listening to the words that had been spoken. This stranger wanted the strongest warrior that they had? "If you're planning on fighting the strongest warrior you might as well tuck tail and run away now, unless you're a bitch with a death wish." Whether Sweeney meant bitch as an insult or as a descriptor would be up to Connie.

Thinking about it for a moment, Sweeney had thoughts go through her head. Who was the strongest warrior? Well Kydobi was pretty strong, but Silentgrave was scary and big, though she hadn't seen them fight yet. She wanted to though. "You think your tough shit anyway, coming in here and giving orders before you're even told you're allowed in, huh? Probably not the best idea unless you actually want to die." Fur rose for a moment before Sweeney squinted her eyes towards the larger wolf. "If you want our 'strongest warrior' then you're going to have to wait Connie, either until they get here or until a pushover brings 'em to ya. Hope your patience is good." Oh if Gael or Kydobi heard her talking she'd get in so much trouble.

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - Atticus Roux - 06-12-2020

Oh dear, didn't she read him like a book? Atticus glared, watching her speak. He mocked her words inside his head. As if The Pitt was all about discomfort. He'd come here for Sweeney, not for their politics, but subconsciously he did enjoy the sick and twisted environment. For a former Tangler, the boy would never come to admit that. Speak of the devil though, as the girl showed up right after he did. The tabby's amber gaze shifted to focus on Sweeney. As always, she had something to say. They truly were one and the same, weren't they? Atticus snickered. He loved her firey attitude.

The boy's eyes returned to Unsignedcontracts, looking her up and down. With Silentgrave in their possession, Pier's size, and Kydobi's utter strength leading the group, he doubted the wolf would overcome any of them. "Don't think fighting the strongest warrior is gonna get you anywhere," he remarked with a snort. "The Pitt's not just about strength." The cunning, mischievous misfits ran the place. Kydobi was a runaway panther, Jervis had been kicked out of his family, Yes Man reigned with kindness and business in mind. They weren't some group to join if you expected to just bully the other clans. The Pitt was much more than that.

"But please, if you think you're hotshit and would like to attack your potential groupmate, go ahead." Bouncing on his toes, the kitten gestured towards himself. In no way was he the strongest here, but he would spar when necessary to protect Sweeney... fucking showoff.

/tikki ninja'd so had to edit a bit

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - aine. - 06-12-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Walking... Presented some challenge.  Especially into the desert.  But little stopped the youth when she felt like wandering.  Padding off on solitary walks had become a habit of hers, especially now with Ry's return to the Typhoon.  With her right hindleg splinted, the petite deer-fox trotted over the sand, hazel hues sparking with a wary curiosity at the sound of overlapping voices. 

The dripping tones of aggression and haughtiness made her frown as she came to a halt.  Atticus.  Sweeny.  A stranger.  One whom Atticus seemed to be challenging.  Aine furrowed her brown, unable to stop from glancing at the ex-Tangler's ears.  He really shouldn't be getting into a fight so soon after taking care of his previous injuries.

Nervously, she shuffled the wings at her sides.  "I-I... Don't think... That's necessary?  N-no one has joined... T-this way?" And she would know... Given how long she'd been within the Pitt.
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - Luciferr - 06-13-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
a cacophony of voices in conflict across the sands,

Tall, thin ridged ears flickered

A heavy tread uncaring for stealth this morning changed its step, away from further deep and more toward where the talk came from

A low gurgling growl as it made its way through the jungle that had gone silent and still at his appearance.

It was perhaps another few minutes before the creature the voices had drawn out emerged from the foliage to cross sand towards them, steadily growing in size as it got closer and closer until upon reaching the group it fairly towered over the assembled lot,

Three it knew, it’s fellow faces in this mass grave,

One it did not,

the grotesque figure’s jaws parted in what would have been a sigh and it’s neck almost fairly shivered through a series of cracks as the masses of bones and flesh moved in tandem - somehow the thing watched the newcomer,

Prideful thing,

They all were really, it’s fellows at least had confidence of a home territory bred into them - this one wished to impress, why else travel so far

It’s words were amusing to it though,

A sudden hideous choking coughing noise - and you’d be forgiven if it took you awhile to realise Silent was chuckling of all things, before it’s jaws parted enough to speak

”one should beware what rocks it chooses to break itself upon”

It did not think they could accept joiners without having done this Imbada yet, but alas at least it kept its amusement from dying just yet

[ooc: yo welcome! Don’t mind Silent he’s awful]


Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - DIRT - 06-13-2020

cw: insects, parasites, & gore.

There was an awful lot of noise coming from the border. Dirt crept forth, from his palace of corpses in the scorched woods, towards this demanding stranger. Dead orange eyes fell upon her, upon the scene laid so elegantly in front of him. A group of children interrogating a Joiner? A Joiner who wished to fight their strongest, trying to send children she held no claim to as messengers. This simply would not do. Who was she, making these demands of their young?

An odd fondness springs up in his chest as he notices Atticus, his eyes searching over the young kitten. He seemed to be recovering nicely, learning to fit in well, already taunting those that were... lesser.

How quaint.

Dirt slinks into the situation, his body moving much too fluidly for his own mass. He makes his way to the top of a nearby boulder, looking down at them all with a very curious grin. Silentgrave being here was.... certainly interesting. Personally, the wolf would have loved to watch her fight him.

Dirt watched as Aine... was that her name? Expressed her concerns. No one had ever joined this way before. Unnecessary. Unfortunately for her, perhaps this is the way it should have been all along. He barked out at the newcomer from his perch, tail raised and ears high.

Was he their best warrior? No. But she had made herself an easy target.

"Who are you to command our children? You have not yet bothered to prove yourself worth our time and patience, and yet you declare our progeny below you?" He lowers his head, looking directly at Connie, as though he were stalking prey. He jumps off the rock, slowly making his way over to her, growling low in his throat.

"You are arrogant and foolish." He spits, circling her. He is close enough now, that one could see the insects skittering over his fur, rusting the tufts. Cockroaches and beetles and centipedes all seemed to hang on for their lives, enjoying the taste of the rotting flesh he was perpetually caked in. His face and paws seemed to be covered in holes, where larvae grew. The wolf drooled excessively, licking his chops and slathering the rank fluids over his maw. "Prove your worth to me, and perhaps I will consider your request."

Dirt would consider it alright. Not that he had any real power to act on that consideration. He cackles, head tilting as a cockroach nestles into one of his ears. His tail waves, as he creeps closer, sizing up the other wolf.
code by spacexual

Re: without a compass, the soldier knows no disgrace -- joining - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 06-13-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
It wasn't hard to be drawn to the scene, especially with everyone making noise. From a distance, Dante could vaguely understand what they were saying - but only one thing stuck out to him: fight. The stranger was asking for their strongest warrior and wanted to fight them in order to prove herself. Well then. Dante smirked to himself, his shark-like tail flicking in satisfaction. If she wanted a fight, then so be it.

Dante wasted no time in hauling his ass over to the scene, a grin on his maw as he raced towards [member=14881]Unsignedcontract[/member] . His wings were slightly outspread - mostly so he was able to move properly, not really out to fly (not that he could, anyway). As he neared the wolf, Dante tried to leap at her and tried to snap his jaw together close to her face - more of an intimidation tactic more than actually attempting to bite her, but hey. If he drew blood, he drew blood. It would be satisfying.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]