Beasts of Beyond
TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Printable Version

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TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Kydobi - 06-05-2020


[OOC: so mainly the point of this is to introduce new pittians as well as the new "Tradition" being installed.  ]

It felt like eons since he had stepped on this stage. It felt like he had aged a lot since the last meeting however there was an awful lot to cover. Apart from the sudden meteor fall and deadly aftermath, there was another surplus of people wishing to be pittians. Considering the state of the group he had no place to reject the possibility of extra hands. Next to sat a fat stack, softly slouched over itself. Whatever was in it couldn't have been anything of large and hard materials.

Even though everyone was a little under the weather and still recovering from the sandstorm, Kydobi hoped to bring some sense of unison. Boost morale perhaps. On his neck sat a new necklace with black and white threads intertwined. Dangling below the necklace sat a charm made of stone and carved in the shape of a dagger.

"Pittians! Gather for a meeting, this is important. Spread the word i want everyone here!." Minutes would pass as he watched a crowd gather per usual. During this time he often thought about what he wished to say and how he was going to say it as well as the order of things. He decided that he would start with the minor and major things and save the best for last.

"As you all know, the whole land has suffered catastrophic damage from the recent... i believe they're called meteors? Yes, meteor shower. We personally suffered a major earth quake and a unforeseen sandstorm. I'm really sorry about directing you all to the desert but it was all i could think of." there was really no option at the time. Risk have buildings collapsing on you? A weak burnt tree giving in and slamming you? The desert had seemed like the safest option because of the open space. Kydobi didn't go unscathed either, he had a patch of fur missing on his left hip. But it was what it was, it could've been worse. He still had no idea what the other groups had suffered but he planned on visiting their allies and seeing what was what. Maybe even Typhoon as the meteors seemed in that general direction. Regarding Tangle? Couldn't care less.

One thing was for sure, everyone far and wide was setback so that evened the playing field. This was not a time Kydobi was going to waste for the world. Time to shove things into overtime and get it done. This was the perfect opportunity to not only catch up but surpass their adversaries.

"If you haven't already go get yourself checked out by Gael and Aine to make sure you're in tip top shape...", he would take a moment to yawn and stretch his tongue past his teeth before speaking, "We've seen a lot of faces come and go here at the Pitt. Some in worse ways and others in bittersweet goodbye. Although i must say we have seen a very minor boost in members... So let me welcome our most recent Debutantes, remember these are people who have yet to become full fledged Pittians. A right they must earn. So without further delay, welcome [member=14429]SILENTGRAVE.[/member] , [member=13875]DIRT.[/member]  , as well as [member=1391]DANTE NORTHWEST.[/member] . Lastly, let me welcome [member=11957]Atticus Roux[/member] into our ranks as one of our own under the rank of Edus. I can't wait to see how you grow and thrive." he would look at the little boy and give him a soft smile.

Quickly he would go back to business, "I, am very very excited to announce a new tradition here at the Pitt. I would like to call it Ibada. It is a rite of passage that all ranks from Aspirant down must under go to prove their prowess as a Pittian. Everyone who is of us will receive a black cord around their neck, different colors will be woven into the original black thread to signify rank. You each will gather multiple items and charms, some of you may even have different threads over time as you grow within our ranks... Debutantes will start with a dark green cord. As they have yet to even earn the black one. However this does show that all debutantes are under our care and belong to us although they are not of us."

He swallowed and allowed a moment of silence before continuing, "Every single one of you will receive a cord today. First i would like to start with Atticus. Please make your way up here.", finally he would reach over and pull a string to untie it which allowed the sack to open. He would pick it up from the bottom so all its contents would pour onto the stage's floor. Below were a handful of small stone dagger charms. Each not like the others. There were plain black cords and even some woven with different colors. There was also a handful of spare threads in case some were forgotten.

He grabbed one woven with green as he waited for Atticus.


- basically i'll be much more active now that i dont have to deal with mobile posts and it is a LOT easier to edit stuff and idk it just boosted my muse immensely
- i'm putting in a new tradition, if your character is already a pittian and still wishes to have their own oneshot/thread where they venture into the wild then yes! go ahead! i'll be adding an updated and thorough section to the guide shortly or soon
- any ideas and plots you wanna shoot out in the pitt go ahead! planning can happen on discord but i know not everyone has it so try to keep in on the brand new and improved PLOT THREAD
- also i'm making a new plot and chat thread Smile let's help bring back some activity to the pitt!
- i'm also looking for ideas on a character themes Smile im also planning new events like Pittian Who's Who and possibly choice awards which will have badges to come with it! (still have to talk to staff on that)
- i also plan on being more consistent with weekly tasks but remember! you dont have to be a high rank to post a weekly tasks, training thread, minor event/gathering, or even a party. if you want to, do it! and if you're unsure just run it by me!
- fastest way to reach me is discord or PM me of Kydobi's account since im most active on that account
- i'm also looking to fill the Pitt's SHP ranks so please be sure to remain active!

please ignore me:

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Luciferr - 06-05-2020

This is not your grave,
but you are welcome in it
for all the catastrophes to Ave recently fallen, you could call its arrival an ill omen

Or maybe another sign of the impending apocalypse,

But whatever the case, the grotesque creature hadn’t seemed to be fazed by sandstorms or meteor showers - though the high winds of the sand had obviously scraped and scored along that strange hide somewhat but it didn’t seem to notice it.

Eyeless pits watched from where they fairly looked at the back of the gathering, as Kydobi spoke and they had to wonder how such a cord would be tailored to fit their non conformal shape - perhaps wrapped higher around their neck (enough to not get stuck along protruding bones and the spine) or around one of their forelimbs perhaps? They were big enough for it.

Still the creature titled its head with a muffled crack, an unnerving click of teeth as it’s name was called and it acknowledged the address before it swung to watch Atticus no doubt ascend as they were called upon.


Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 06-05-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
A meeting; about time, huh? At Kydobi's call, Dante made his way over, listening to the Ardent's announcements. He apologized for leading everyone to the desert, which wasn't that big of a deal; it was better than anyone getting majorly hurt, no? Sure, Dante himself had been hella fucking out of it and the desert irritated his gills but fuck it, whatever. No harm done.

Next was welcoming the newcomers and Dante couldn't help the snort that escaped him when Kydobi declared him as a Debutante. It was rather insulting, really, and Dante was starting to grow irritated by it. What, do I have to be a pansy-ass follower? Fuck that. If Kydobi thought he was going to willingly listen to him without proving that he was a good leader, he had another thing coming. But whatever, again no harm done - perhaps to Dante's ego, sure, but nothing physically.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Atticus Roux - 06-06-2020

Tanglewood held meetings monthly, but seeing that Atticus was still young, he had only attended very few. They were usually exciting, promoting his family members or acknowledging those who deserved it. Very rarely did he get mentioned, but whenever he was, the grey tabby felt content. Looking up to Leroy, any acknowledgement from the canine was a pleasure. Even so, he had left that all behind. The Pitt was his new home now, no matter if he had the urge to run back. The group wouldn't accept him. Ivan would just lash out again. Their relationship had been tainted and he couldn't imagine what Selby thought... or even if Moth if she wasn't dead. Needless to say, he felt his stomach turn at the thought. Luckily, recent events within The Pitt and Kydobi's call distracted him from his underlying troubles.

Atticus meandered over, coming to Silentgrave's side. Amber eyes looked over towards the mysterious figure for a moment, only to offer a nonchalant smile. The creature was new, just like him. Despite their frightening appearance, the boy tried to be there and get to know them. Newbies had to stick together. He wished the others would do the same for him too. Even so, he did have to admit that their pointy appearance still horrified him, but he kept that to himself. When it came to Dante though, that hybrid was a dick. He would rather be near Silentgrave than by that asshole.

One and a half ears staggered upwards, listening to the ardent's words carefully. At the mention of his name, a smile curled upon his maw. "Thanks Ky," the boy muttered. He was quick with his words in an attempt to prevent interruption. At Kydobi's expression change, he gave a curt nod. His smile widened. Finally, some proper acknowledgement...

The mention of a new tradition surprised him. Not like he knew their previous traditions anyways. As he listened, his name was brought up again and Kydobi's gaze laid upon him again. Silentgrave clicked beside him, voided eyes turned on him. Atticus hesitated momentarily. Weary orbs stared up at the stage. A new beginning dawned on him and he was reluctant to start his tourney within The Pitt. Even so, he knew it was right. Tanglewood was no longer his home. Mustering up the courage, the grey tabby sauntered up onto the stage and confidently strode towards the jaguar. A smirk appeared. Atticus turned his snout up to the sky and extended his neck forward. With a new beginning in sight, he awaited Kydobi to don the cord upon his neck.

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - trojan g. - 06-06-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.80; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px; color: #00;"]Sweeney couldn't quite remember the last time she had been involved in one of the meetings here in the Pitt. She was young, which likely didn't help with her memory of the early months of her life, but she was sure she had shown up to at least one meeting that had happened since she'd been alive, since Kydobi had been in charge.

Though her relationship with the other had been, well, strained, to say the least, Sweeney's opinion on the giant feline kept changing. Though she didn't think she'd ever fully trust him - he wasn't family, for one - she found herself lashing out less when the name got brought up. So there was progress there at least.

Coming to a stop beside Atticus for the beginning of the meeting, Sweeney would tilt her head to the side slightly, nose wrinkling at the thought of having cords wrapped around her neck. Sure, they were all stuck in the desert so there really wasn't much to get trapped in it other than sand, but, one day they'd hopefully go back to the jungle, and then what? She'd get caught on something when she tried to defend her home, or stuck on something in the swamp when she got older and finally went after the cat there that hurt Atticus. She hadn't been on the scene, but she wanted revenge. No one hurt her friend and got away with it.

Eyes watching as the kitten stood up and walked towards the jaguar species, Sweeney would look towards the green cord and prick her ears, waiting to see what Kydobi would do.

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - Kydobi - 06-08-2020


[OOC: however the cord fits your character is up to you btw chances are it is going to be really big on the kids but yea Smile
I also have updated the Guide for a section regarding the Ibada ceremony]

If the boy was embarassed, it was the last thing Kydobi had wanted to do. He wanted the little cat to feel special, to feel welcomed with open arms. That he was noticed and appreciated.

"No problem kiddo.", he smiled again before dangling the necklace in his jaws and careful putting Atticus' head in the loop. He doubted it would be a perfect fit because he had asked the NPCs in the market place to make them all a little bit larger than needed just in case. So that way everyone could have it worn.

He looked at the them once more before turning to speak, his voice boomed with pride.

"They may or may not fit perfectly but I have already alerted the merchants and they will be happy to tailor them to your liking. You see, Debutantes will receive a cord. One made of blue material. They will not receive their black cord until they successfully return from Ibada."

He cleared his throat, "Forgive me I've gotten ahead of myself. To be welcomed into our rank you must prove you are loyal to the Pitt. That you have what it takes to survive for we are not weak. We may be preyed upon by others because of our past but we never fall and we never give up no matter how dire and bleak it looks. We have heart and we have a deep strength. So in order to fully become one of us you must prove it."

Now Ky was beginning to doubt himself.. was this too harsh? Would people call him a hypocrite and demand he undergo Ibada? Did he even have to prove? Regardless he continued.

"A clear demonstration of your perseverance is required. So before you earn your black cord or even your... dagger," he nodded to the small stone carving dangling from his own neck, "You will be escorted deep into the desert, blindfolded, and left there. You must survive for at least a week and find your way home. You will return with some part of an animal that you scavenged, hunted, or simply stumbled upon. It may be a piece of bone, a tooth perhaps. But it must not decompose and rot. After you return with this you will be met with a banquet in which you will be adorned with the black cord....All Aspirants and below are expected to experience this trial"

This was the hard part, "If you fail you can either remain here as your rank and try again in the future or leave for good."

After this he flicked his ear and looked [member=10555]sweeney c.f.[/member] "Sweeney. Come here and receive your cord you brave girl.", another misfit child. Another he hoped to provide a place of belonging and sense of home fore. The whole point of this new tradition was to inspire unity and solidify bonds.


Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - gael - 06-08-2020

With a curious glint sharpening hazel eyes, the vulpine took his place in silence.  The concept of the Ibada seemed solid enough to the faerie, though as a father his conscious pricked.  Leaving Aine alone in the desert presented no appeal at all -- especially in consideration of her more giving heart.  He possessed doubt of her willingness to hunt or harm an animal over her drive to protect or mend.

The Vicar inclined his head in thought, simply watching as Kydobi offered the cords to the children.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - trojan g. - 06-09-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 425px; text-align: justify; text-indent: 30px; opacity: 0.80; font-family: verdana; font-size: 11px; padding-top: 10px; color: #00;"]Sweeney had some questions, though at first she wasn't sure how, exactly, to word them, until she looked around, eyes setting on Gael for a moment before she got up and pad forward towards Kydobi. Upon seeing Gael Sweeney's thoughts immediately led herself to Aine, and how she didn't really seem to be one that would be able to kill - or have the guts to bring back the body of - another animal. Of course, the Callahan-Fallout child didn't much care for the other vulpine, but she did care for Atticus, someone not yet used to the desert, but she'd use Aine has an excuse for her next words if asked.

"With the being left somewhere in the desert thing," She began, coming to a stop for a moment to make sure she was able to sit within range of getting her own cord, continuing on as soon as she sat down, "I'm sure I can do it, but for those who can't, since we're kids, would we be able to be in pairs or even a small group of three for the younger ones? Teamwork is something we value here after all..." And of course, if Kydobi agreed to this, Sweeney would make sure she was the leader of whatever group she was in.

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - DIRT - 06-10-2020

Dirt cared little for all of this, really. He did, however, appreciate the welcome. He stood silently, off to the side, away from everyone else. Was it because he knew himself to be repulsive, or was it that the clan itself shifted around to avoid him, like oil over water? Bright orange eyes watched as Kydobi explained the new ritual to them all, his ears listening intently. Surviving in the desert for at least a week, bringing home cleaned bones to be worn as jewelry. Dirt did like the sound of that, at the very least.

The beast watches as Atticus (little broken child, newly scarred, reeking of mother's milk) approaches the panther on command, as he receives a cord around his neck. As Sweeney is called up, and she begins asking questions, about multiple children surviving together in that harsh desert, of teamwork, of being unable to survive on her own. He grins, yellowed teeth just barely revealing themselves behind his black lips. Another example of The Pitt becoming weak? Or was it simply a little girl in over her head?

And Dirt is reminded very quickly, why he doesn't like children. Too chatty, too many questions. Their youth outweighed anything profound they had to add to a conversation, with minds so simple and gullible and easy to manipulate.

And yet... he is also reminded, exactly why he wants one. Not one of his own, but one to make his own. It was so very easy, you see, to break a young child's heart. But for now, he simply watches, waiting at the sidelines. His eyes focused first on Sweeney, and then drifted slowly through the crowd, to the children among those gathered here. Perhaps one day, he would snap one up. But not today. Today, he would be good, and he would wait his turn.

He looks then, to Kydobi, awaiting his response. Eagerly waiting his opportunity to prove himself.
code by spacexual

Re: TOGETHER AS ONE + mandatory meeting - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 06-10-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I DON'T NEED NO ONE SCREWING UP MY FUN !。+゚.[/glow]
A task to prove yourself worthy of being a Pittian made sense, and Dante was rather impressed that Kydobi was introducing such a thing. It reminded him of the old days, back of when The Pitt was first started - but that Pitt was gone now. At least Kydobi seemed to be taking shit more seriously now and even if Dante wasn't the cause for it, he was certainly going to take it as he seemed to make the Ardent come to his senses.

A week in the desert, interesting. It would be easy for creatures that naturally lived in the desert, but what about animals like Dante, who weren't used to such harsh conditions? The sand would cling to his fur and the heat would be extreme, not to mention prey was scarce, and for Dante in particular, it would leave his gills scratched and in pain. It would suck, that's for sure. But it was a way to prove yourself and Dante was rather excited for it.

Like Dirt, Dante found Sweeney's questions to be irritating. The hybrid let out a loud snort at her words, not giving Kydobi a chance to respond himself. "Why should you work in groups?" Regardless of their age, they should learn how to fend for themselves. Besides, if Kydobi was concerned with ages, couldn't he just say that there was a minimum age requirement for the trial? That would be idiotic. But, oh, he had to think of the children, right? "It is a test to prove yourself, kid. It's to show you can survive out there on your own and not have to worry about anyone saving your ass. It would be idiotic to require children to go in groups." His last statement was directed more towards Kydobi, as evident by the fact his eyes had flickered over to the leader.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]