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Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Printable Version

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Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Morgan - 05-08-2018

Morgan stood at the edge of the forest, listening to the muted natural sounds of solitude. Only a stone's throw away from both the town and the swamp, this particular forest entrance was ideal for what the samoyed had set out to do. It had previously tried to invite every Tangler it knew to help with its task: to purify some of the swamp's water. Its invitations usually sounded like strange questions, made stranger still by the dog's lack of a consistent tone:

"Help kill gators, clean water?"
"Fix swamp for Tanglewood?"
"Help with water!"

Thanks to its poor ability to speak, the samoyed did not expect anyone to arrive. It still held out anyway, hoping for the slight chance that someone would come. The dog could potentially do part of the work on its own, but it knew it would appreciate any help possible. It would not be easy; although Morgan did know how to clean seawater, the downright dangerous swamp water was a completely different story.

After waiting for a little while longer, Morgan let out a howl. It was just loud enough to attract Tanglers (if any) who had lost their way trying to find the masked canine.

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-09-2018

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Nayru - 05-09-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
Though Nayru saw herself only as a pacifist, she heeded Morgan's call with the simply ideology that someone needed to be able to run and fetch Belladonna if something went awry. She, being the medic's apprentice, figured that that role suited her best and came to stand more on the outskirts of the group, cerulean eyes unreadable. [b][color=#6b7e99]"I'll be no help except in watching and moral support," She extended awkwardly. Goddesses help us, this is going to be... something.

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Morgan - 05-10-2018

Morgan let out a sigh of relief once some of its comrades arrived. Misunderstanding Vigenere's question, the samoyed replied, "Will kill gators. No gators in clean water."

Having the nurse around to help was a good thing as well in case anyone would be injured during the task. The dog listened to and nodded at Nayru's statement, though it was not sure what exactly "moral support" meant. In any case, it was glad it wouldn't have to do things alone.

Still, Morgan held onto the hope that more of its allies would come in time. It elected to stay put, looking toward town and telling the others, "More help."

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Luciferr - 05-10-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"Barbecued gators, I can do that" War rumbled as he joined the trio with a nod to Morgan, he could also probably burn away any rot in the water or boil it to purify of germs like some old survival guides used to say - though still water was not ever an ideal way to go - still the bulk of his powers hm,

fire to burn, earth to shatter and shake,

"I could likely create new motes for the water to run through if needed" a careful manipulation of the ground would do so easily and allow the water to run elsewhere if need be.

Fenris flicked his ears towards Nayru and turned his head when he'd caught the tail end of her words "Don't sell yourself short" even just an apprentice would be worthwhile to have when it came to injuries.

his gaze darted to Vigenere and the strange hybridic looking beast shifted slightly "I've killed one before without my abilities, even with my size and form - theirs always a way to kill a beast larger than you" if you got the jaws clamped shut, it'd be an easier thing.


Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - ▷killian◁ - 05-10-2018

The newly shifted demon probably couldn't offer much help in the way of cleaning water, but he was sure he'd be able to get some gators. If not, he could at least distract them long enough for someone else to take it out.

His tail whipped from side to side as he trotted up, bouncing slightly; his longer legs were lots of fun but they seemed to make him even clumsier.

"I'll help out, there's nothing else to do anyways."



Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Morgan - 05-10-2018

Morgan smiled beneath its mask as the party grew from three to five in total. It was especially happy when Fenrisulfr appeared, its heart racing for a moment. When Killian arrived next, the samoyed attempted to wag its tail before realizing its armor wouldn't budge. "Enough," it announced, finally ready to go. With this many allies, the task was sure to go by quickly. If anyone else wished to join in, they would have to follow their trail and scents. "Come," it continued, turning around and taking its first few steps into the forest.

The portion of swamp it hoped to clean was quite large and self-contained. This isolation led the samoyed to believe that it was the best candidate for purification. Of course, there was still the issue of the alligators; at least six of them had made the pond their home. While it was not that large of a number compared to some other parts of the swamp, it was still plenty to deal with before worrying about the water itself. Even though it was clad in a full set of armor, Morgan knew not to underestimate them.

The canine stopped some distance away from the pond. Hoping for some input, it turned and asked, "Dangerous gators here. Plan?" Morgan's hopeful gaze moved between its various allies, holding it on the largest of them. Though simply barging in and attacking the reptiles could work, some other ideas would definitely help. It still had yet to consider how it would purify the pond's water, but it hoped it would think of something later.

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-10-2018

Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - ▷killian◁ - 05-11-2018

The dog moved to trot along next to Fenris, most definitely not over his awe of the hybrid. His cloudy gaze flicked to look at the yellow cat, he really was a bit of an eyesore huh? Much too bright, especially in the sunlight. Although, considering his pelt was also way too bright in the sun, he couldn't judge. Well, he could, but he shouldn't. Whatever.

"I don't have powers either, but I mean.. Teeth and claws. Plus, there's-" He stopped for a moment, looking around to count up who was there, "Four of us who will get 'em, that's plenty, especially against one gator at a time. Maybe we can try to lure them out so we don't have to deal with them all at once?"


Re: Purification - open/killing gators/cleaning swamp - Luciferr - 05-12-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris' ears flickered as Vigenere and Killian spoke on the sidelines whilst they followed Morgan to the pond - giving it a look he glanced to the icey samoyed "I can flush them out by boiling the water with my abilities - as a bonus it might go some way to purifying the pond also" he shrugged looking towards the opposite end of the pond with a nod "If i start from there, they should be flushed out on your side - you'd have to be prepared"
