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SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - Printable Version

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SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - toboggan - 05-27-2020

Holy fuck. To say that a lot of shit had happened would be the greatest understatement one could make right now.

"Tanglers!" he cries, his voice reverberating off of the town's plethora of buildings, some of which being severely damaged. "We got a lot of stuff to go over, so make sure ya grab some popcorn!"

As soon as a sizable enough crowd assembled within the town square, the meeting would formally commence. Leroy clears his throat, as the hound always did before he spoke, and scans the company before him. There were more than a few new faces spruced into the mix, but what the general really noticed was those who were missing. More than one high position had disappeared from the tribe's ranks since the last meeting, and the deficiency of influential individuals was something that corroded his composure away. Those newfound gaps needed to be filled as soon as possible.

"There's some fresh folks among us, so as customary, I'd like to kick off this meetin' by welcomin' Ryder, Bloodhound, Alan, Wondla, Nuzapa, Keter, and Octane into our creed. Hope all of ya enjoy yourselves." One newcomer he made no mention of was a reported plant specimen discovered off near the crater. The mongrel knew not their intentions, nor their name, so he didn't feel it was necessary to remark their existence. "There's also some friends of yore that came crawlin' back to this place; here's a hearty welcome back to Vigenere and Snarl. I hope round two of Tanglewood life is even better than the first."

"Now..." he continues, stretching his slowly-but-surely aging spine out whilst carrying on, "it's time to address the elephant in the room - a recent cosmic event rocked our territory, causin' some very nasty tremors. 'Cause of that, there's been a fair bit of destruction throughout the town, which unfortunately brought some fatalities; one of our medics, Moth, being among them." Ensuing those final words, he pauses for a solemn moment. Nothing of this magnitude had ever been faced by the tribe before. Never had there been so much calamity, so much death in a brief timeframe. It left Leroy shaken, and he presumed that many others felt the same.

"Thankfully, the structural damage hasn't been too dire. As far as I'm aware, none of our landmarks sustained noticeable damage - though the interiors of the library and tavern will definitely need a deep cleaning. We've lost some houses and homesteads... but those, they can be rebuilt. We will persevere. We are Tanglers, and something as insignificant as a meteorite from outer space ain't gonna tear us apart. Tanglewood was built on companionship, and the solidarity that we have as a group has - and always will - move us forward." Shit. He didn't intend on giving a rousing speech midway through the meeting - that completely ruined the tempo. Oh well. "If anybody wants to help out, there will be cleanup-related tasks that'll be issued to anyone willing to lend a hand. There'll also be a funeral for Moth, as well as the others who lost their lives in the tremors. Attendance isn't necessary, but it'd be greatly appreciated if you could show up and pay your respects."

Time for a topic change. "We've had a handful of changes in ranks. [member=12638]alaric g.[/member] , I invite you to step up to Chaser. You're a very prominent figure in everyday life here in Tanglewood, and I think you're ready to fill an important position. [member=10990]CAUSTIC.[/member] , I invite you to assume the role of Guardsman. You've proven your grit by being an active member of our community, and I'd gladly have you on board with the guards- err- team." He nods to the two individuals as he addresses them respectively, a smile upon his maw. His smile does not diminish as he continues. "Shout outs to [member=11964]Ivan[/member], and [member=14157]BLOODHOUND.[/member] for consistent activity. Keep it up."

Akin to promotions, demotions were also a natural part of the tribal lifestyle. Three individuals would be departing from their high positions and semi-high positions - though, of course, one did so involuntarily. "[member=9346]kaito.[/member] has been demoted from Chaser to Member. This position can be earned back through persistent activity. And [member=67]beck[/member] receives an activity warnin'." As he finishes that last announcement, Leroy adjusts his tone somewhat. It had been already been of a serious nature, as demotions were never fun, but the manner which his second-in-command abdicated his position left a dissatisfied taste in his mouth. "Aurum, our now former Proxy, vanished in the night a li'l while ago, abandoning Tanglewood for parts unknown. Because of this, we're lookin' a little lean on the high position side of things - and the loss of Moth, a Medic, only furthers this. So, it's of our best interest to rectify these new gaps. In the comin' future, maybe a bit after our cleanup effort ends, there'll be medical trainin' sessions - feel free to attend if ya'd like to pursue a healin' path."

The mongrel's throat always ran dry by this time. So much speaking with scarcely any pauses betwixt the stanzas. Luckily for him, all that remained were the closing remarks; "This just about finishes it. If any of ya have somethin' to say, go right ahead."

// What Happened:
- Ryder, Bloodhound, Alan, Wondla, Nuzapa, Keter, and Octane are welcomed into Tanglewood! Vigenere and Snarl are issued a 'welcome back'.
- The recent tremors have been addressed. Some structural damage has been sustained, but there's been some loss of life: Moth, a Medic, as well as a few NPCs.
- There will be some reconstruction tasks that will allow your character to take part in the cleanup effort! Press this link for that thread!
- A funeral service for those lost in the tremors will be held in the future.
- Alaric is promoted to Chaser!
- Caustic is promoted to Guardsman!
- Activity shoutouts to Ivan and Bloodhound!
- Beck receives an activity warning.
- Kaito has been demoted from Chaser to Member.
- Aurum withdrew from Tanglewood, meaning that Tanglewood is now without a Proxy, for the time being.
- With Moth and Aurum no longer being in Tanglewood, there are some gaps in the high positions. In the near future, there will be training sessions for those who are interested in becoming a medic.

Re: SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - Blazic - 05-27-2020


Snarl was, when she could help it, nothing if not present. Even this soon after she'd arrived again, the hyena had taken to making sure she was everywhere she could be. Especially meetings. As soon as she'd seen Leroy approach the statue (she'd been surveying what of the town was damaged), she'd trotted up to the clearing. Listened, actually kept her mouth shut throughout. Moth dead. That was a name she knew. What was it... Kids with the doctor? Aurum gone. Fuckin' deserter.

It was tasks that caught the hyena's ears. Always, was she eager to do whatever menial task people needed - but something that was actually useful? Now that's fun.
The hyena lingered until she was of the last few meeting members left, to be sure she didn't miss anything of importance.

Physical || Scent || Group ||   Roleplayer

Re: SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - Ivan - 05-28-2020

[td][Image: 1qs0g0C.gif][/td]
slav. "god is gracious"
a son, a brother
tormented soul
[td][Image: yoqcgBR.gif][/td][/tr]

Meetings were sparse, but it made them all the more precious for Ivan to attend. He had been so much younger at the last one. He heard his name and leaned forward, but it was just the same as what happened in the last meeting. Ivan's social hierarchy remained moot. Another 'shout out' while Alaric got to advance. The five month old worked his claws into the ground and swallowed.

Still a fucking kid.

He stared right down at the ground hearing Leroy speak of companionship during trying times. The backbone of the Clan — it was not an understatement — Aurum, was gone. Moth was gone. Atticus was gone, but they wouldn't talk about that. Atticus' pleading pounded his head again, and then he saw his brother's glaring yellow eyes, clear as day in front of him. Ivan blinked rapidly and his chest heaved. He strained his ears, thinking that he had heard the visitor's voice again.

Maybe leaders have to pull shit out of their mouth for the sake of keeping it all together. He doesn't blame Leroy. Ivan saw nothing but darkness in his foreseeable future, a born pessimist. The only good thing now was that Caustic was on the track to potentially becoming the next proxy. Ivan's opinion of the wolf had developed quite favorably.

"Atticus ..." Ivan muttered after Leroy concluded the meeting. He cleared his throat. "Atticus is gone, too." Not many seemed to know. But Ivan would never forget.


[glow=white,1,400]YOU FUCKING DISAPPOINT ME !。+゚.[/glow]
At one point, meetings had been frequent. Given everything going on nowadays, however, Vigenere understood why meetings were so spaced out lately - not to mention, they were all still recovering from the tremors right now. But a meeting was a meeting and so Vigenere was going to attend. At Leroy's call, the demon limped over and took a seat.

The normal announcements started; welcoming the newcomers and welcoming back the returners - which one seemed to be him and someone named 'Snarl'. There were a couple of newcomers around, which was definitely nice. Next were promotions and Vigenere felt like those were well-chosen. "Congrats." The savannah muttered his congratulations before listening to Leroy's next words - what caught Vigenere's interest, however, was the fact Aurum was gone. He vanished? No, it seemed like Aurum abandoned Tanglewood, according to Leroy. Vigenere frowned in thought, irritation running through him. Aurum seemed like such a courageous soul, not a cowardly one. Shame. What's done has been done, he supposed; nothing could be changed.

When Ivan spoke up, Vigenere blinked at him. Atticus was gone too? That was another soul lost to the wind, another shame. "Has anyone tried looking for him?" He asked, just to be sure. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - selby roux ! - 05-28-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Though Selby normally considered himself quite attentive, recent events had shattered his routine and left him more than a little helpless. Caught off guard by the call for the meeting, he slunk numbly towards the sound of Leroy’s voice and sat just behind Ivan. As the leader spoke, Selby forced his eyes to stay dry, though anyone that could see his disheveled fur would know that he wasn’t doing well. An unpleasant tightness in his throat forced him to dry swallow multiple times. He’d have to come up with a curriculum for a training session. That didn’t sound so hard.

He tried to ignore the fact that he had been Moth’s teacher, too.


Bloodhound was one of the first to arrive, sticking off to the side. They were eager to hear what all this was about (Undoubtedly the earthquake, but it seemed as though there was... more.). They sat down, ears perked towards Leroy as a few others filed in. The only ones they recognized were Vigenere and Ivan, but they supposed they would meet the others in time.

As Leroy spoke, they listened intently. Welcoming the newcomers, including themself, they nodded at Leroy as their name was called. Octane being the last name of the bunch hit their ears, and they cocked their head curiously. How strange, they'd assumed he'd been around for some time, now.

The rest seemed to be customary, welcoming others back, and then listing off the deaths. Bloodhound's thoughts drifted to the collie they had tried to save. Lost in the same instant. Hearing that Tanglewood had also lost it's medic, Moth, feeling the energy of the crowd sink... it wasn't hard for them to understand exactly what Moth meant to them. They bowed their head in respect.

There were a few who gained ranks as well, namely Alaric and Caustic. Their tail wagged some, a silly, uncontrollable sort of gesture. Perhaps being promoted to Guardsman was something to tease him with later.

They cocked their head, as they received a shoutout, as well. Interesting. They certainly appreciated the acknowledgement. And then the news broke. Aurum had left. Bloodhound had not been close to him, or really known much of him at all, but he had been a kind presence, and someone they had wanted to get to know. Unfortunate. They hoped that he had safe travels, but they could feel the crowd becoming somewhat restless. It seemed... with the loss of Moth and Aurum, that Tanglewood itself had those dearest to its heart.

Perhaps they would take up learning medicine, when everything was eventually cleaned up. They already had a working knowledge of what plants were and weren't poisonous. They supposed, it was only to learn then, which ones were actively beneficial.

Ivan spoke up, about Atticus being lost. His voice wasn't much over a mutter, and the grief in it tugged at Bloodhound's heart. They walked over, a bit closer to Ivan, concern in their voice.

"Where last did you see him? I may be able to track him."

Re: SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - alaric g. - 05-29-2020

    Punctuality was normally something that Alaric prided himself on. This time around, he hadn't been the most timely feline of the bunch; by the time he made his way over to the square, a sizable crowd had gathered, among them being Snarl, Bloodhound, and Vigenere as well as the grieving forms of Ivan and Selby, who naturally situated themselves near to one another. He couldn't blame them. Alaric knew all too well what it was like to lose a parent, although he was sure that his way of grieving was much, much different than either of theirs was.

    He found himself pleasantly surprised by hearing that he was promoted to Chaser. Eyes widened momentarily before he sputtered out, "Thank you." Caustic was promoted just after him, and then there were shout outs for Ivan and Bloodhound. One blue eye glanced over to the younger feline who appeared to be distressed over Alaric's advancement over his. For once, the tabby felt bad for the kid.

    The remaining announcements were taken in stride. He made a mental note to participate in each of them, figuring that the faster that Tanglewood rebuilt the better off they'd be. What most interested him were the medic training sessions. He'd be sure to attend those, as well.

    Once more Alaric would shift his gaze to Ivan as the child spoke, telling everyone of Atticus's disappearance. So not only had the Mothby family lost a mother, but a child as well...
don't do love, don't do friends

Re: SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - KETER. - 05-30-2020

Keter had arrived a little later, just in time for Leroy to start speaking. They sat alone, near the back of the group that had gathered, eyes peeled on the wolfhound in front. They listened carefully, feeling a bit shy, as they were formally welcomed into Tanglewood.

A few Tanglers had been promoted, Alaric to Chaser, and Caustic--the doctor, to Guardsman. They cocked their head, as Leroy mentioned that Aurum had left, that there were quite a few openings in the higher ranks. They wondered what had happened. They last remembered him from Eulogy's story telling, and even then, he'd seemed to be holding it together well. Even in the face of all the tragedy.

As the announcements wrapped up, there were a few concerns expressed over an Atticus. Keter stood on their tip toes, to get a look over the crowd, recognizing the dark kitten. And their heart fell a little. They were still losing people, even today.

What an awful past few days.
[div style="width: 62%;font-family: georgia;font-size: 8pt;color: #hexcode;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]code by spacexual



Any expression akin to joy or neutrality dropped to a dead, deflated stare as he listen to the announcements, more importantly, the one pertaining to him.
Oh, he did not want that, but he had to. It was advantageous to himself, it would get him more power, more respect. Caustic sucks in a breath, "That would be great, Leroy."


Re: SHOOTIN' STARS + MEETING - fulzanin - 06-08-2020

Meetings. Something new, but the massive amounts of persons brought it to her attention. The call as well, bringing the bee out from her brief disappearance after her joining. Getting lost was easy when she could only see things that moved. Antennae and wings remained stiff and still, waiting and listening through the meeting. A delighted buzz briefly sounded as she heard her name among those that were being welcomed to the group. Other names, names she didn't know - names she'd love to learn in the future. She remained silent, though. The loss of people was certainly far from anything to comment on, head lowering and a twitch of her antennae following.

TAGS 5/1/20: