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Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - Printable Version

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Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - RB Graveyard - 05-20-2020

[div style="background: #646160; padding: 8px; ext-align: justify; color: #D3CECB; padding: 8px; font-family: georgia;"]Eology -female - bengal tigress - tags - [member=9997]Eulogy.[/member]
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; color: #646160; padding: 8px; font-family: courier;"] Eulogy hadn't taken a good walk before she had made her way into the town, leaving her window's open to let her house air out again.

The tigress laid down, a large oak casting its shadow across the ground near her. "Anyone want to hear a story?" she asked aloud. The old cat smiled, her whiskers frayed out as her lips parted. Eulogy looked around slightly. "Anyone?" the cat repeated.

Licking a heavy paw, she drew it over her ear and over her face. Eulogy already had a story all thought up, she hoped a few youngins would come around to hear it. But if they didn't she'd still tell the story..

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - toboggan - 05-22-2020

The Irish Wolfhound would heed Eulogy's call, sauntering into the town's domain with a slackened smile. In spite of all that'd occurred in the hindmost week or so, what with the tremors, the loss of Moth, the disappearances of children, and the cataclysmic damage sustained to their allies' territory, Leroy found himself in a relatively relaxed state of mind. Perhaps it was the weather? This was the time of year where the territory was at it's closest to being habitable, so that could have been a factor in his elation. Whatever the reason was, the canine planned to make his nonchalant attitude last.

"I'll listen to ya."

He retires to a seated position a handful of pawsteps away from the bengal tigress, relieving his aching legs of standing duty. It'd been a hot minute since his amber hues took note of Eulogy's presence. Had she been gone, or was it just him not noticing her? Perhaps she had a story up her metaphorical sleeve that answered this very question?

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - OCTANE. - 05-22-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


Ohoho, who's this?
Octane steps from their house, approaching slowly. Before his brain can think it over, Octane lays down nearby on his back. His legs stick up in the air, and he removes one of them, toying with it in his paws.

"I'll listen chica."


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - KETER. - 05-22-2020

Keter had left their cosy little home with no direction or purpose in mind, they were simply interested in what everyone else was up to. If they could help out. They made their way towards the center of town, before hearing an old woman's voice call out. A story? Keter made their way over to the old tiger, noticing that Leroy and a cheetah they didn't recognize had arrived before them, and were getting ready to hear what she had to say.

"I'll listen as well."

The wolfdog sits somewhere near the middle of the two, green eyes wide and focused on the bengal. At least, until Octane removes one of his... legs? Those were legs? And starts playing with it. Perhaps it was rude of them to stare, but he was quite far the strangest Tangler they'd met so far. They cock their head, checking out the metal legs.
code by spacexual

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - Ivan - 05-22-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 300px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

By no means Ivan was in the greatest state of mind after the tremors. The days passed lethargically and whenever Ivan wasn't sleeping, he was fuming or pacing. On this day, he would be one of the youngins who would listen to her story. Maybe it wasn't a little known fact, but Ivan was a great fan of stories — good ones that is. Being named after a book character was not an accident in his mind.

"I want to listen." Ivan murmured softly, plopping down next to Leroy and tucking his paws underneath him. One large ear twitched in Octane's direction, but in disinterest. If he had more spirit in him, he might have actually said something about it, but conditions weren't the same and he was still struggling to adapt.

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - RB Graveyard - 05-22-2020

[div style="background: #646160; padding: 8px; ext-align: justify; color: #D3CECB; padding: 8px; font-family: georgia;"]Eology -female - bengal tigress - tags - [member=9997]Eulogy.[/member]
[div style="margin: auto; max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; color: #646160; padding: 8px; font-family: courier;"] The tigress smiled, her whiskers fraying. "Oh your all so sweet!" she chimed. "I didn't think you all would listen-" a soft chuckle fell from her pink lips. "But im glad you all are."

"Long ago, near the beginning of the world, Gray Eagle was the guardian of the Sun, Moon and Stars, of fresh water, and of fire. Gray Eagle hated other creatures so much that he kept these things hidden. The creatures that didnt guard or create anything lived in darkness, without fire and without fresh water." she purred. Setting a paw to her chin, Eulogy snickered. "Pretty narcissistic of him, huh."

Rotating her paw beside her chin, snickering. "Anyway, Gray Eagle had a beautiful daughter, and Raven fell in love with her. In the beginning, Raven was a snow-white bird, and as such, he pleased Gray Eagle's daughter. She invited him to her father's home.

When Raven saw the Sun, Moon and stars, and fresh water hanging on the sides of Eagle's home, he knew what he should do. He watched for his chance to seize them when no one was looking. He stole all of them, and a brand of fire also, and flew out of the house through the smoke hole. As soon as Raven got outside he hung the Sun up in the sky. It made so much light that he was able to fly far out to an island in the middle of the ocean. When the Sun set, he fastened the Moon up in the sky and hung the stars around in different places. By this new light he kept on flying, carrying with him the fresh water and the brand of fire he had stolen. Quite a hero, isnt he
!" she chimed. "Though it was for a good cause, i dont think Raven should have done it how he did."

"He flew back over the land. When he had reached the right place, he dropped all the water he had stolen. It fell to the ground and there became the source of all the fresh-water streams and lakes in the world. Then Raven flew on, holding the brand of fire in his bill. The smoke from the fire blew back over his white feathers and made them black. When his bill began to burn, he had to drop the firebrand. It struck rocks and hid itself within them. That is why, if you strike two stones together, sparks of fire will drop out. Raven's feathers never became white again after they were blackened by the smoke from the firebrand, his song once beautiful now grew hoarse by the smoke. That is why Raven is now a black bird and his song is croaky." Eulogy smiled, looking around at Octane, Leroy, Ivan, and Keter. "If your going to do something heroic, dont act big and bad and steal things." she snickered. "And dont pick up fire!"

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - wormwood. - 05-26-2020

Stories. Aurum had been a big fan of them ever since he had been but a cub, constantly entertaining himself by imagining himself in the position of the big, brave hero. It had been a stark contrast to his actual everyday life, where he had been forced to endure the cruel words of his mother while quite desperately trying to keep his brother safe. He was glad that those days were over now, but he had still never lost the love for storytelling that had come along with them. So, despite the frequent exhaustion that now followed him around like an unwelcome storm cloud, the lion found himself padding over to listen to Eulogy's tale. It was hard for him to enjoy the stories like he used to, considering it was hard to think of takes of heroes and magic when the real world was so drab and awful at the moment, but he didn't want to make Eulogy feel bad, and perhaps hearing something unique would cheer him up, even the faintest bit. He wasn't sure whether or not the female had heard about everything that had happened in her absence – or at least in the period of time where he hadn't seen her – but either way, he was grateful for the distraction.

The angel sat and listened attentively as Eulogy told her story, occasionally nodding his head and smiling faintly when she got to the part about Raven stealing off into the sky with everything he had needed to take. When she eventually got the end of the rather creative tale, Aurum found himself chuckling, the little smile having evolved into a full blown grin. He rumbled, his tail flicking casually behind him, "That was a lovely story, Eulogy. Although I'm not too sure about that moral at the end. Generally stealing is bad, yes, but sometimes it can be useful..." His mind traveled back to Kaito for a moment, his eyes darkening as he thought of how he hadn't seen the thief who was like a son to him in ages. Hastily shaking his head to ward those thoughts off, he then continued, "Besides, I've got fire elementals. Sometimes the fire holding happens unintentionally." He chuckled a bit at that last part, having clearly intended it as a joke.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - OCTANE. - 05-29-2020


High-Speed Daredevil
"Ooh, sick death, dude!"


If he was being completely honest, he spaced out about halfway through. Octane had started fidgeting with his paws, clacking his claws together. When it sounded like it was done, he rolled over, looking at Eulogy and trying to decipher what the tigress just said.
Octane has a blank stare for a good few seconds, as his brain tries to buffer the information. "Wait," he pauses, flicking his tail, "I don't get it." Octane's face turns into a frown- or at least, tries to, but it comes across as an open-mouthed look of disgust.
He tilted his head, "Heroism and stealing are... the opposite. I don't get it."


Original code by lexasperated / artwork by @R_HillPrime

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - Ivan - 05-30-2020

[td][Image: 1qs0g0C.gif][/td]
slav. "god is gracious"
a son
a brother
[td][Image: yoqcgBR.gif][/td][/tr]
Ivan mulled over the story rather thoughtfully. He chewed at his lip and sat very still with his head politely inclined toward their narrator. Surely it was fake, but the best stories usually were. It reminded him of the Greek myth of Prometheus. He did not like the idea of some earthly features being founded on a lie, a theft, a sin. However, the narrative was pleasant and he allowed it to open his mind.

It would seem that Eulogy was bringing home the point then that it was unheroic to steal. So she likely agreed with him and Ivan elected to keep his mouth shut for now while he formulated his ideas carefully and mentally.

Aurum voiced his dissent, and Ivan was not particularly surprised. His head tipped over to the other side as Octane chimed in.

"Can't have your cake and eat it too." Ivan finally said. He took a deep breath to try to properly express his thoughts into words. It was easier said than done. Only he completely understood his mind, and apart from Caustic, he had never tried to present philosophical arguments in public.

"Stealing is either wrong or it isn't. Or," His eyes glinted pleasantly. "Kill the notion of right and wrong. For your confusion," He turned his face toward Octane. "Just destroy the idea of heroism, of good and evil, and then stealing becomes an action just like breathing. Then you can call it a useful act as Aurum says and not an immoral one."

He just ... really liked this.

"Good story, Miss Eulogy. Thank you."

Re: Still a grandeur and abandoned son, pace your running ❀ Story Tellings - KETER. - 05-30-2020

Keter had smiled at the young cat, who had dropped by to listen in as well. They supposed that Eulogy has expected more... well, children, to listen to her story, rather than a bunch of bored adults. The scene did look a bit silly.

As Eulogy began to speak, the wolfdog turned their attention to her, listening closely. By all rights, it was a nice story, of aspects of the world being stolen by another animal. Keter found that stories like this were among their favourites. But... like the others, they did find the moral at the end confusing. They listened quietly to the others around them, their understanding of it, their views on morality.

Ivan's young voice stood out to them. Worldly and deeply considered.

"Stealing in itself isn't inherently wrong," They venture, adding their two cents to Ivan's musing. "It depends on what, and who." Why.

Keter felt silly. Anxious and silly. They hoped everyone didn't think they were just admitting they commit minor crimes. Their body language is withdrawn, small. Tucking into themself the best they can. Atleast when they were at the crater they had a traumatic event to focus on while they spoke. Right now, they only had the quiet bustle of town, and everyone in the vicinity's ears on them.

"Heroism won't ever really go away, because there will always be someone who wants to be praised. Good and evil is hard to abolish, because people are used to thinking that there is an "us" and "them". I think.... if we try to avoid prescribing firm morality to actions, and look at intentions, and the overall effect... it would lead to better outcomes."

They look over at Eulogy, smiling softly. Sheepish.

"It was a lovely story, thank you."
[div style="width: 62%;font-family: georgia;font-size: 8pt;color: #hexcode;text-align: right;margin-top: -5px;"]code by spacexual