Beasts of Beyond
POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - Printable Version

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POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - Kydobi - 05-12-2020


[OOC: this thread will end with tremors ]

Maybe if the canopy above was still as dense as it had once been then Kydobi may not have noticed the fiery streaks flying across the azure sky. Although the night was often dazzled in sparkling diamonds, dawn had a habit of making the bright stars fade.

Kydobi had been up all night again, just thinking. Whether it was sheer animal instinct or his mind haunting him, he had trouble sleeping. Something in the air was different, it smelled different. Felt heavier.

But for now the sight was quite beautiful. He didn’t want to wake anyone, although a small crowd started forming as they all watched the little lights in the sky dance. More would come every so often and it seemed like they were too far away to be of any danger.


Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - deimos - 05-13-2020

He had just stepped back free of the greenhouse as his eyes lifted to the sky. It might have been late, but Piers knew that the work in the greenhouse was rather important. His tail swayed behind him as he slowly took a seat, his eyes scanning the fire balls of the sky. It must have been something different, up there in the sky. His breathing hesitated, turning back to the books in the library of Tanglewood. Flight, something he would have loved to accomplish in time. Maybe he could build a glider, like the brothers of North Carolina.

Piers shook his head.

He laid down, rolling onto his back and star gazing. Lovely time, this was. Peaceful at night, and.. were they getting closer? He blinked a tiny bit. No, that must have been his mind.


Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - aine. - 05-13-2020

I'll come back when you call me
Sometimes, the night grew dark and long, and sleep, sleep lingered away, a distant memory.  Dancing like the leaping flames of a fire.  Sometimes, the thought of sleep frightened her the way falling embers did.  Sometimes, her eyes refused to stay closed.  Fearful thoughts and memories lingered in the clouds of her mind.  Threatening to claim another peaceful night.

Water could dose a fire.  How did someone run from their own mind?

Late as it was, her father was likely asleep.  Trygve, she didn't want to disturb.  No one should lose sleep because of her.  That wouldn't be fair.  Besides, it was an issue within herself, wasn't it?  Her own head running in circles.  Forward.  Rewind.  Pause.  Rewind.  Breathe.  There's no fire here.

Slowly, Aine pushed herself up, legs wobbling beneath her.  Steady.  Unsteady.  Hooves seemed to click louder on wood than paws.  Deafening tapping.  A single step and the petite druid paused, a deer in the headlights.  Uncertain.  Holding her breath.  The treehouse remained quiet.  No one heard?  No one heard.  Another step.  Another.  A few more and out the door.

The stairs were almost worse.  Always a frightening journey down.  When her hooves touched solid ground, she breathed out, then quickly trotted into the jungle.  Down a familiar path she walked every day, until she found her garden.  Dark as it was, she knew she could not do much, only sit beside the flowers and herbs, but that was enough.

Through the branches, she thought she saw a flash of light.  A moving star.  Of course, her father would remind her that everything in the galaxy moved... Aine squinted her eyes, to little help.  Maybe she only thought -- oh there's another one!

She clambered on top of one of the stones she used to split her garden into fourths, sitting up and watching through the canopy as more and more lights seem to fall from the sky.  Joli...
— aine | the pitt | commodore of the crows | fae druid —

Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - Kydobi - 05-22-2020


[OOC: ]

It was quite jaw dropping in the beginning. There was a minor crowd that began to form and for once dawn was painted more so than usual. The contrast was quite lovely, although something out him on edge.

His instincts were preparing for something but what he couldn’t tell. Maybe it was just different and therefore he feared it. Besides, if harm was to come  it would’ve came. For now he would just try to ease himself and enjoy the experience.

About ten minutes had passed and there was an exceptionally large flame in the sky. Kydobi’s eye caught onto it and his stomachs fluttered. It was much large than the rest. He would flick his ears as his tail nervously winded and coiled. There was something different though, this one seemed much closer and burned brighter and faster.... instead of just passing through the atmosphere it seemed to have actually been in the air.

Kydobi growled as he watched his, the fur in his neck spiking. There was a moment of silence, the birds had stopped there singing long before the shower and perhaps that should’ve been a sign. Shortly after loud and distant crash happened. It seemed as if the whole world was cracking. Suddenly all the birds would take flight, screeching and whistling danger. A noise Kydobi was familiar with when hunting because he often was the danger... but not right now.

The world around them began to rumble subtly and then violently all at once. Kydobi was having trouble walking and at first he thought he was the cause and while he tried to stabilize it he couldn’t. Mere elementals were no match for the real raw power of nature herself.

Immediately his mind went to his son and Aine. She had just gained this new body, could she even walk if he could barely maintain balance? His tail was moving this way and that in an attempt to counter the jolts.

He really didn’t know what to do in this situation. Truly. Where could they go?

“Everyone! Run to the desert!”, at least there would be no threat of falling trees.


Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - DANTE NORTHWEST. - 05-23-2020

[glow=white,1,400]I THINK I'M TOO FAR GONE TO SAVE !。+゚.[/glow]
Dante was not one to give a damn about the stars and how beautiful they were. They were just lights in the sky for him; they meant nothing. How could one find those beautiful? He didn't understand. That being said, however, the hybrid was not out about admiring the night sky when the tremors hit. Hell, the dude was taking time to himself and getting high on shit. When the world started shaking around him, Dante paid no mind to it at first, but when it started getting so rough that he could hardly fucking stand, Dante knew something was up.

Throughout the noise, Dante could faintly hear Kydobi's voice commanding them all to head towards the desert. Fuck. Could he even move at all during this? Not to mention, it was the fucking desert. That shit irritated his gills, god damnit. Luckily for him, he didn't need the gills to breathe air. Dante practically jumped out of his den, vapor and smoke flowing out of his den as he did so. He coughed, shaking his head as he tried to get control of his body. It certainly wasn't the high doing this, it was the god damn ground. Fuck this shit.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - gael - 05-23-2020

When nights turned rough or provided no rest, the vulpine sometimes turned to the sky.  The black canvas stretched as far as the eye could see; littered with lights he knew would flicker out one day.  Regardless, the stars lived for many years and created a painting he could appreciate, though one he rarely recreated.

Once, he painted the stars falling for Salomé -- following a night spent watching a meteor shower.  He had painted her onto that canvas too, orange fur lit on fire as she sat bathed in the starlight.  He thought once, about recreating the painting but as he stared at the blank canvases in his room, Gael decided some beautiful things were okay to leave to memory.

Unable to entirely drift to sleep, the Vicar felt his ears twitch -- he thought he heard the door creak open.

After a moment of listening past, the faerie rose to his paws, brows furrowing.  Stepping onto the front of their treehouse, Gael caught sight of the crowd growing in the marketplace.  Ah.  If Aine or Trygve had gone outside, they must be below, among the others.  For what?

For some reason, Gael felt uneasy, even as he turned his gaze towards the sky -- the unusual object of mass attention.  As lights trickled and flashed across, falling beyond the horizon, it was simple to discern why.  His daughter, he decided, must love this -- despite his age, the sight remained fairly rare.  However, his fur still pricked.

Until one light burned brighter and closer than all the rest.  Meteor.  As it sailed over the desert, Gael knew it would impact somewhere, moving quickly down the stairs, even as his ears pinned at the sound of collision.

Kydobi's call reached him but the vulpine failed to beeline -- instead he attempted to direct traffic as the ground shook, pushing the more panicked in the right direction, looking for Aine the entire time.  She could barely trot up and down the stairs; how could she out pace the trembling earth?

She's not here -- not in the Marketplace.  Warily, hazel eyes locked onto the jungle, fixing on the path towards Aine's garden.  Without hesitation, the faerie took off, conscious of the trees around him, and around the garden.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / vicar / lamby

Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - DIRT - 05-24-2020

cw: insects & gore.

Dirt had little care for the stars, spending the better part of the night tucking into the long dead corpses of various prey animals and splaying them bare, putrid innards spilling over his large paws. But the meteor that passed over The Pitt, falling ever closer to the horizon.... well. Dirt supposed that was different. He'd looked up from his playthings to watch it pass, a great marvel of space. Beautiful, to some extent. Or perhaps, what he found beautiful, was the chaos that it would cause. He watched, as it hit the earth, far off.

The bright lights flashing from the collision.

The great noise, so distant but so very near.

The trepidation inherent, as the entirety of the island held their breaths as one.

The rumbling that ensued, how the ground shook as though it would split.

Dirt emerged from the hollow of scorched trees and earth he called his home, hearing the cries. To the desert. His paws and face looked a mess, covered in old putrefied blood and viscera. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, saliva pooling and dripping from his jaws, as he carefully made his way out of the forest, towards the slowly increasing gathering of Pittians in the desert. Flied buzzed around him, lapping at the old, rotting blood smeared into his fur. Shame, that he would miss the inevitable destruction out here in the cool sand. He stood among the group, orange eyes locked on the brightening horizon.
code by spacexual

Re: POWERS OF HEAVEN •• meteors/tremors - deimos - 06-07-2020