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DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - Printable Version

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DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - toboggan - 05-09-2020

Springtime was easily the region's loveliest time of year, in terms of the weather.

Autumn brought forth rainstorms of monumental proportions, as well as high winds that modified the freshly fallen leaves into precarious projectiles. Winter was a blotchy amalgamation of snow and sleet, and the temperature oft fluctuated between far too hot and just a tad too cold. The Summer, however, established itself as the worst of all four seasons. Being within a subtropical climate, Tanglewood's wetlands and woodlands adopted air that is far to muggy to breathe typically towards early June, if not by the end of May. In addition to the humid atmosphere, the sun unfortunately found joy in seeking to boil the nearby residents alive. And, while not a direct factor of the weather itself, the local population of insects replaced The Pitt as Enemy Number One, what with the copious amount of them trying to make a feast out of literally anyone and everyone.

Thus, Spring stood atop the podium as best season. It brought not weather of the shitty variety, nor did it piggyback an unhealthy figure of black flies and mosquitoes. Instead, the season heralded light rains and soothing breezes, livable temperatures and enjoyable air. As should anyone with a brain inside their skull, Leroy comfortably called Spring his favourite. The General got outside the most this time of year, going on hikes and reveling in the adequate conditions. He also loved Spring for the fact that one could finally host bonfires once again - doing so in the Winter months was certainly possible, of course, but you had to evade the awful precipitation in order to keep a steady flame going.

This year, the wolfhound found himself savouring the season somewhat more than usual. Perhaps this was because, for this first time in years, the fine folks of Tanglewood weren't threatened by any hostile group or entity. Last year, at around this time, Ninazu or Stryker or whoever the fuck had the desert-dwelling fucks under their jurisdiction ordered an attack on the forest territory, and Leroy had put his life on the line in order to defend his home. Thankfully, the Pittian threat seemed to fall dormant sometime in the past handful of months, meaning the tribe had nothing to worry about.

Yeah, it's been pretty easygoing, lately.

Two days ago, Leroy took time to relish the land's coastline, getting his paws a bit dirty in the moist sand and soil.

Yesterday, he paid a visit to the cemetery on the town's outskirts. He didn't bother trying to read the headstones, since he's completely illiterate. Instead, he admired the marble statues and busts of humans and their religious symbols.

Today, he watched as an extraterrestrial object hurled through the planet's atmosphere in a huge-ass inferno, slamming the absolute fuck into the Earth somewhere West.

The day was only in its early hours, and just minutes before, the sky had depicted that fact. However, as the foreign body entered the atmosphere, the heavens lit up as if it was high noon, as something brighter than the sun hurled through the atmosphere above. Leroy'd seen nothing of this sort before. He recalled reading newspapers that sported pictures of meteor showers, but never did he observe one in person. Hell, with how close the thing flew to the ground, it's presence could be felt; the male wouldn't be surprised if a couple dozen trees were flattened in the territory's outer reaches.

Feeling the falling object's force whilst it shot across the horizon was only the butt end of what'd be felt this morning. Soon after the meteorite hurtled out of view, the sky resumed its typical pre-morning hue of dark blue. Only a scarce supply of minutes separated the bright sky's diminishing and the following blast. The explosion was obviously a fat stretch away, though the distance didn't mitigate the impact's volume by that much. On a scale of totally quiet to absolutely deafening, the collision sat at an 'ow, my ears'.

Leroy couldn't find a means of mentally processing what the fuck had just happened. The happening played on replay upon a hypothetical screen within his mind. The meteorite entered the sky, lit everything up, before disappearing and possibly smashing into the ground. God, it was going in the Typhoon's direction; unless it crashed into the waves far away from the island's territory, Tanglewood's ally had a high possibility of being utterly screwed.

The worry he had for the Typhoon soon morphed into worry for his own people, as the ground beneath his very paws began to tremble in a treacherous and unreliable manner. He stood at the base of the building he shared with Crow, and had previously left its walls in order to watch the cosmic even unfolding up above. Whilst he attempted to maintain his balance against the shaking earth, the sound of objects falling off of shelves inside his home had reached his folded ears. Fuck, Crow was in there. If this really was an earthquake, then his boyfriend could get really hurt inside the house. The both of them had to get to a spot that's open and far away from structures.

He boldly barged through the doorway and scrambled to the room where the alabaster feline slumbered. "We're gettin' the fuck outta here, pal!" he cried, afterwards picking him up by the scruff and dashing out of their home. And he kept running. Or, at least, he tried to keep running. The ground unconditionally refused to let up with its trembling, causing the canine to lose his footing in a couple of instances. Though he continued to sprint away from his home with Crow's scruff in his maw until finally arriving at the town square, where their closest thing to a hazard was the lump that used to be a statue.

He lowers his posture and places the male down on the ground, saying to him in a tone laced with fear and uncertainty, "I dunno what the fuck's gonna happen next, but we gotta stay here." Then, returning to a standing position, he raises his voice in an attempt to overpower the catastrophic noise of destruction and shouts, "COME TO THE TOWN SQUARE! IT'S SAFE!"

// it's a friggin earthquake thing. due to the asteroid's enormous size and its capability to completely mess up the typhoon's territory, the tremors that tanglewood is facing will result in immense structural damage! this can range from small furniture being broken to houses and homes being crumbled.

// the tremors will continue until stated otherwise in a future post. and even then, aftershocks can still happen Wink


Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - KETER. - 05-10-2020

Keter would be the first to admit, that they were having a hard time. Coming to grips with where their device lead them, how it reacted to the crater... it gave them chills. They'd tried to busy themself over the past few days or so, learning how to make traps and set them, doing this dozens of times until they got it right. Not that the swamp needed more, but it was handy to know.

Nets had taken the longest, they just couldn't get how the damn things were tied. And so many knots... they struggled quite a bit. They'd even taken a trip out into the swamp to brush away the leaves from one and take a good look at it. During this outing, they saw... some kind of bright light in the sky. More than that. Something was falling.

Another radioactive meteor? It was so close to the ground, it seemed to be ready to skim off the tops of some of the trees. Dread settled in them, thinking of the crater, the bodies frozen in time. The blackened, scoured earth. Was it going to touch ground in Tanglewood?

They bolted just before it hit. The impact was loud, and it felt as if the whole world was shaking, and that shaking didn't stop, even as the sky had returned to normal. They ran, towards the town square, more than happy to hear Leroy's voice calling out to everyone. In the distance, they saw Vigenere limping his way over as well, seemingly hurt his paw. They slowed down then, matching Vigenere's pace, concern etched onto their face.

"Are you alright? You can hop on if you want, we're almost there."

They didn't want to simply scruff him and go, they barely knew him, but they could offer him their back. With how awfully shaky the ground was, they could only imagine how difficult it must be, trying to walk and balance while limping like that.
code by spacexual

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - wormwood. - 05-10-2020

There were certainly times where it paid to have wings. Such as when the earth beneath you was trembling like the very planet was about to collapse in on itself. When the meteor had come roaring down through the sky in a flash of bright light, Aurum had been resting on his front porch. He had a perfectly good bed inside, but the weather was rather nice out, and the springtime breeze was great for a nice cat nap. He had thought it would be a good day, free of any worries. Obviously, he had been wrong. His one blue eye blinked open when suddenly the darkness of his closed gaze was flooded with light, bright enough to light up the insides of his eyelids a horrid orange color. As soon as he saw the meteor streaking across the sky, he felt his heart sink. Shit. Even if he could see that it wasn't going to land directly in their territory, he knew events like this never went off without issues for all, even those farther away. Sure enough, as soon as the proxy began to get up to his paws, there was an almost deafening roar of the meteor colliding with the planet far off, in the territory of the Typhoon. Only moments later, the world began to shake.

The angel cared little for whether his home remained standing or fell apart, but what he did care about was those inside of it. His young children, Kaito, Roy... he didn't even know if Roy was still inside, but he didn't care for the moment. All he knew was that he needed to rush inside, his chest heaving as he threw himself up the stairs and yelled, "Everyone, out of the house, now! Get to the square!" He was quickly to usher out anyone that emerged from their rooms, helping his cubs along with urgent little nudges. Once he knew that his home had been vacated, he turned his attention towards the rest of Tanglewood. Turning, the proxy cursed loudly as one of his framed pictures collapsed nearby, bouncing painfully off of his side. He knew that was only a taste of what worse things could come. He moved quickly out the front door of his home, throwing himself into the skies and away from the quaking below. He began to search out anyone who needed assistance, flying over and nudging or carrying them along as he echoed Leroy's message, "Everyone! Get to the town square!" Flying back up, he began to search for anyone who was injured, continuing, "If you're injured and need help getting there, call out!"

( if you'd like your character to be helped/rescued by Aurum, feel free to have them call pit icly or say so oocly <3 )

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #1B1B2F; font-size: 24px;"][color=#44437F]— AURUM


Asvini wasn't in her bed, when Aurum came to find her. No, the cub had gotten up in the middle of the night to sit outside, around the backside of the house, after going to the bathroom. The stars, of course, were one that that could captivate Asvini's mind- which, of course, didn't care for much else. They were such an intricate system, and of course, if the little cub could read, she'd be all over the text about them. But, for now, what she could do is sit and point out the little shapes they made, even if they weren't real. She had spent the night there, wondering at what was truly out there, the little streaks crossing the sky. And she rested, time seeming to pass like liquid.

However, when the bright light crossed the sky, Asvini's instincts told her to run. But, where? Run where? She pushed to her paws, wildly looking about. The earth shook, and the cub did what knew was best- run. She turned, taking off, the lanky body of hers easily picking up speed. An old house she did pass however, and in the wrong moments. It's balcony toppled backwards, crashing over Asvini's body. She cried out with a sharp, bitter noise, her body squirming beneath it's weight. Nails pressed down against her skin, scraping as she tried to squirm and move.

Breathing was suddenly hard, her chest in extreme pain. Asvini fell silent, trying to keep her breathing even, her eyes squeezing shut. Hopefully, Aurum would find her. She hoped.


[glow=black,2,300]BREAK THE SILENCE; DAMN THE DARK[/glow]

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - selby roux ! - 05-11-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Spending time with Ivan was a favorite pastime of his. The inquisitive kit was intelligent and he found it easy to talk to him, even if his son seemed afraid to disappoint. Often he tried to think of a way to subliminally tell him that it would be impossible. He could not, and so he settle for quiet reassurances when applicable.

When tremors started while showing off plants to the child, Selby didn’t even think. Instinct kicked in, and Ivan was wordlessly seized by the scruff. Legs traversed the shaking earth in long, fumbling strides. Several times, he almost tripped over nothing, easily losing his balance in the newly unfamiliar terrain. Town square would be safe, right? Nothing to fall on him there. He set his course.

Briefly looking around and seeing others, he set Ivan down on the ground. “Listen to me,” he said breathlessly, tone low and serious. “I’m going to look for the others. I need you to stay so that I know that you’re safe.” Without waiting for a response, he turned and again took off into the trees.

//out! he’ll be in moth’s death

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - Ivan - 05-11-2020

[Image: b94dbd8a-65a5-11ea-af51-45358cb49cc4.gif]
pixel by tricky

[div style="width: 300px; max-height: 100px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; padding-bottom: 5px; margin-top: -5px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color: #152232; letter-spacing: 0px; text-align: justify;"]He kept fancying that Ivan was absorbed in something — something inward and important — that he was striving toward some goal, perhaps very hard to attain.
— Бра́тья Карама́зовы

He began this evening with his father and his plants.

It was not for the sake of the plants — plants were something he didn't think he could ever form an attachment to. It was more for his father. Ivan found his eyes fixated on Selby rather than the plants, a softening of his gloomy features. Maybe one day he could become someone as great as him. For some reason, he felt that his father was catching on to his hesitance and reclusiveness, and this made him all the more guilty. But when he could spend time like this, maybe he could forget.

The bright light blinded the young cat's delicate eyes; he hunched over with one paw covering his face. For a moment, both his father and the plants disappeared from Ivan's sphere of existence. He would have thought he was dead. His senses returned halfway through their journey to the town square. Ivan curled up his haunches to keep them from dragging on the ground. His eyes were wide and glassy.

Next his paws hit the earth, but did they really? He could hardly feel anything. He was shaking, and the earth was trembling right with him.

Selby was saying something to him, but he didn't know what. Or maybe he did. All he knew for sure was that he panicked when Selby left — Wait? Why are you leaving me alone! — and immediately raced after him.

/out as well

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - isaac. - 05-12-2020

    This marked the second occurrence of a catastrophe great enough to shake the earth, with the first a result of a scientist's incompetence. No blame could fall upon shoulders now, natural wrath plummeting from the atmosphere in the form of a meteor.

    Dull eyes surveyed the trajectory, the owl more reliant on vision until his hearing healed -- no thanks to Caustic. A meteor, or rather meteorite striking the earth often signaled extinction, as it had for the Mesozoic beasts of the past. In this case, it would doom the apparent pirates dwelling on the island. Bitterly, he couldn't help but chuckle. If an apocalypse stalled on the outskirts of society, biding time to catch the population unaware, a devastating plague would be scheduled soon. Perhaps respiratory, from the dust that would be inevitably stirred into the oxygen. Perhaps even the radiation of the condemned town would take effect, forming tumors and metastasizing at remarkable rates, unable to be treated or excised. Slow, silent deaths at the hands of an unseen enemy too small for naked eyes.

      If only Isaac wasn't occupied with another task.

    A heavy sigh slipped from his cracked beak. There wasn't anything better to do at the moment; on muted wings, the owl located the gathering of panicked mammals. In the air, trembling ground did not matter. Circling above, his unfeeling gaze locked on the departing figure of Selby. Despite teaching the tabby the extensive methods of surgery alongside anatomy and physiology, Selby held the position as a medic, while Isaac did not. A twinge of envy wormed its way to his mind, his eyes narrowing in cold calculation. With Selby gone, tending to the wounded in the town square with Leroy present would mightily benefit his reputation, if not at least catch the leader's interest.

    Gliding downward with broad wings outstretched, Isaac perched himself lightly on the worn pavement, talons reflexively gripping the surface in response to the tremors. He remained silent for a moment, beak clicking in thought before a dark wing waved and pulled forth his old doctor's bag from seemingly nothing. Unclasping the mouth of it, his toneless voice informed those nearby his purpose for arriving. "If you're injured, come to me so you can be treated until Selby returns." He paused, head tilting to the right as he tacked on, "Or bring the injured here. Either works."


They took the night, to rest, to find a home, near the outskirts of the little town. They spent a few hours, mulling over finding themself face to face with Caustic, upon entering their new home. Clearly it was not coincidence. They had spoken, briefly. Stiffly. Perhaps they would seek him out come morning, to have a real discussion. Alone.

A raven had already begun to build its nest, next to the mess of blankets and cloth they had scrounged up to lay upon. Close to the window. Close to them. It reminds them of Artur, their raven companion. Their previous life, their previous home, now long out of reach. They look out the open window, into the encroaching night, and slowly drift asleep, chin propped up on the sill.

[img width=50][/img][img width=50][/img][img width=50][/img]

They awaken to a bright light, shooting across the sky. A childlike wonder, and then sobering fear fills them. It was much too close to the ground. They can hear worried voices below, can see a few animals scattering. They bark, rousing the raven. This would not be pretty. They snatch the bird up into their jaws, minding its wings, but keeping it secure, as they dash out of the house. Anywhere without a roof over their head was safe. They release the frantic, cawing raven, and it flutters up, landing on their back and pecking at their mask. They suppose they can deal with a carrion bird's ire, for the moment.

The ground trembles, as the meteor hits. The sound makes their ears ring, oh, too much. Much too much. They can't help but feel a little shocked to their core. And then they see a few buildings collapse. Homes, crumbling, furniture falling. They can hear shouting in the distance, the General, and Aurum. Come to the town square. They take their time, running first to the collapsing buildings in sight, calling out to anyone still inside, concerned.

"Hello? Is anyone in there?"

All they receive is silence, a face full of dust, and a very concerned raven, cawing in their ear. They begin to cough, taking a few steps back, leaning on the rubble. Their body shakes with the effort of it. It takes them a few moments to steady their breathing, but they know that they can't afford to worry about it, with lives at stake. They start to run, turning down a side street, following the scent of the others that had made it to the square.

They keep their attention to the square as they near it, looking for anyone familiar. Anyone, as if there was anyone they knew here besides Caustic. But... even so. They keep an eye out for their Felagí, out of concern. Did he get out okay? Did he need help?

They run up to Leroy, bowing their head in a quick greeting. "I am going to help get others to safety." They do not wait for an answer, simply making sure Leroy was aware that they were well. They take one last glance over the crowd, before running back into town. Their raven friend flaps its wings, and takes off, scouting the skies.

//off to go help! will be posting an open if anyone wants their character rescued!

Re: DEVIL DON'T CARE + TREMORS - Crow Roux - 05-12-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
One second, the bony feline was having a much needed nap in the comfort of his quilts, and the next he was disturbed from his slumber by a sudden quake in the earth. Teeth closed around his scruff and he was lifted from the warmth, his legs instinctively flailing to find balance, but there was none to be found. He was being carried, and he was completely helpless in Leroy's jaws.

Crow didn't even have his bag. He was lowered to the ground, and he sat there for a moment in confusion as he assessed what just happened. There was a loud noise. The ground shook. His house shook. He was dropped here, and now Leroy stood beside him yelling at his tribemates to get themselves to safety. What the fuck?

He shuffled himself beneath the wolfhound's lanky legs as soon as his feet touched the ground, seeking any comfort he could possibly get as his brain processed the events that lead him here. Where was Selby? Crow felt his gut sink and turn to ice as he frantically glanced around. His son caught his gaze for a brief second before he was gone again, and he would lurch forward and chase after him.


Crow could hear her voice taunting him again.
