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CRUSH CULTURE && STORAGE - beatae - 05-09-2020

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Re: CRUSH CULTURE && STORAGE - beatae - 05-10-2020

— general
NAME. hollow's creek.
NICKNAME. holly.
NAME ORIGIN. named after his grandfather.
SEX. male.
GENDER. male (he/him).
AGE. approx. 5 years.
GROUP. typhoon.
RANK. crewmate.
ORIENTATION. undetermined.
PARENTS. eagle's call (npc) x burrowing mouse (npc).
LITTERMATES. leaping elk (npc).
OTHER RELATIONS. cave's echo (npc).
— important notes
- he has an extreme suppression of emotions from forced hypermasculinity
- his electricity abilities were often abused by his uncle in battle, and he gets migraines when using them due to this
- he isn't used to seeing the sun every day, and it partially makes him uncomfortable
- his loves the rain and water in general
- he's hesitant to show physical affection, even to loved ones
- his love language is acts of service
- he is pretty easy to mentally manipulate because he trusts so easily
- he has deep attachment issues from his uncles abuse, he's self aware of this which makes him feel worse
- he is extremely competitive, and unintentionally forms rivalries with other males
- he has internalized homophobia / biphobia
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. saber tooth tiger. s populator
CURRENT SIZE. approx. 2.2 meters at the shoulder
ACCESSORIES. a single braid tied by 4 white pearls
— personality

competitiveness / hyper masculinity.
overdrive to work.

- his favorite color is white.
- his favorite food/taste is bison.
- his favorite smell is snow.
- his favorite season is winter.
- his favorite activity is hiking.
- his favorite time of day is morning.
— other
POWERS: electricity elemental & mental manip/communication
RELIGION. holly is a devoted follower to aarus, god of the sun. in the tundra, the sun was only clearly visible for a month out of the entire year, and tradition had it for that month would bring fertility, prey, and good luck. while his uncle did not worship him in secret, he still taught holly his feats and meaning to their clan.
FIGHTING. he is very skilled in combat, though humbly claims to not be the best. still, he enjoys showing off his abilities.
ALIGNMENT. neutral good
[div style="width: 62%;font-family: georgia;font-size: 8pt;color:hexcode;text-align: left;text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black;"]— history
[div style="width: 103.15%;height:210px; overflow: auto;font-family: times new roman;text-align: justify;line-height: 125%;"]hollow's creek was born to burrowing mouse and eagle's call alongside his brother leaping elk. his father, eagle, was their clan's second in command under their uncle, cave's echo. innocent cubhood did not last long as the offspring of the lead hunt and kin to the sun crown. once they could walk, holly and elk were taken under their uncle's wing to learn how to hunt and fight.

their father's responsibilities as the lead hunt kept him from supervising these interactions for long, frequently having to leave early to settle hunt disputes or organize them. because of this, echo would work his nephews until their paws felt like ice and their noses runny from staying in the cold for so long. their mother, mouse, was unable to do much as echo ruled with a hard grip on everyone and his followers blindly accepting his decisions. the twins were still incredibly close through all of this, at times even being able to speak to each other through thoughts or visit each others dreams. it wasn't anything they thought was out of the ordinary, assuming siblings simply had that ability.

there came a point in time where echo had grown incredibly impatient and unsatisfied with what they had. though they resided in the tundra, they had enough land to soothe the bellies of their numbers. he wanted more, though. he began to harden the clan to battle their neighbors, setting eagle as the lead. they were victorious against the small numbers of the neighboring village, surrendering and merging into the clans ranks with ease. their victory, though obviously easily won, was roared with praise to echo. it easily went to his head, and by the time they were prepared for their next battle he and elk were prepared to face it. fresh at just a year old, they stood behind their father as they entered their next battle.

holly was more afraid of his father and uncle's disappointment than losing his life, driving him to fight harder against their foes. in the midst of the fight, something odd- something miraculous had occurred. as a storm raged overhead, lightning had struck the bodies of the enemy clan all at once. a connecting bolt bouncing between them and shocking them into a surrender. holly stood in the middle of it, electricity crackling from his jaws as they cowered away from him. his family stood in awe and fear.

his father rushed to hide him from their eyes, barking orders to round up their victory and return home. when they did, the whispers of what holly had done followed him as eagle brought him to echo's den. echo had taken the news as if he was already aware, and immediately set to place holly directly under his care. he announced to the clan that night hollow's creek was chosen by aarus to lead them through their victories, gifted with the power of lightning to ensure they win.

they continued raiding villages, minor or matched in numbers. the clan began to grow, their land would stretch beyond the eye could see. yet the sun crown was still not satisfied.

echo hastily followed with their next goal, a large rival clan in the north. merging with the former clans and teaching holly how to hone his abilities, echo was overconfident they would achieve victory.

this time he accompanied them with holly at the front alongside eagle. holly's nerves got to him, accidentally missing his cue to act and costing the lives of several of his clanmates. elk eventually stepped in and pushed him to save them in battle. swallowing his fear, he summoned another harsh storm and used all of his energy to strike several bolts down onto the earth, some making contact on both sides while others scorched the earth. it was uncontrolled and messy with just as much strength, only stopping when holly's body gave out under the stress.

the storm had been enough of a distraction for eagle to catch the enemy leader by surprise, killing him in front of his followers. they were left with the ultimatum to run away as rogues or join them, most if not all choosing the latter.

it had taken weeks for holly to recover, elk staying by his side and helping their healer when needed. just as he was able to get back on his paws, echo had him back out in the tundra to continue training. he didn't protest one bit, eager to please his uncle again. meanwhile, his family was growing concerned on where his future may lead him.

only weeks after holly regained his health they were thrown into another fight. it was outside of the tundra entirely, and would take time to even arrive. they had grown so much since they began, each of his new ranks following behind in blindly supporting him, they shared his bloodlust. holly stood by his father as they trudged through several sunrises, echo making him use his powers to scare prey into their paths to make hunting easier.

he noticed the more he used them in short succession, the more intense reaction his body had. he avoided using them as much as possible until their big fight, hoping it may wear off. the time came too soon for them to meet their rival. the leaders disputed for the other to surrender in vain, both too proud to stand down. holly had grown a reputation alongside his clan, and the rival leader had singled him out.

he was fast, boldly targeting holly before he could even bring out a storm. before the crackling static could be heard from his jaws the leader leapt for holly, but was cut off as both eagle and elk protected him. even with their leader subdued and inches from death at the paws of his brother, the clan didn't stop their carnage. echo urged holly to continue as planned, and use all that he could.

as he did, mustering all the strength he had to strike the battlefield with bolts of electricity. his training with echo had kept him from making any friendly fire, but the concentration had exhausted him to the point of passing out. he was supported by elk as his father and uncle took to dealing with the few stragglers. echo roared his victory speech over the storm that continued to rage over their heads, this time refusing to take them into his numbers.

instead, he called for his followers to slaughter them save for the young to bring home. they did so brutally, doing just as told despite those that begged for their life. eagle participated out of obligation while elk supported holly, bringing him away from the bloodshed so not to see it.

their return home was met with ultimate praise and echo's actions had somehow received more support and love from everyone. he turned his own praise to holly, admitting they could not achieved as much as they had without him.

that night elk had confided in holly about the outcome of their battle. he refused to kill anymore than he had to, choosing the life of a healer over a hunter. of course, holly accepted his decision and encouraged him as he went to speak with echo about it. their uncle accepted his request, even holding a feast to celebrate both their victory and elk's newfound path. afterward, he also made the announcement that holly would be replacing eagle as the lead hunt for the clan.

it was a breach in tradition, as the offspring of the lead hunt was only to succeed their parent upon death or retirement. the clan was suddenly split in half between the older ranks believing in following the order of position, and the younger standing behind echo's actions. holly's own stance stood more neutral, wanting to keep both sides of his family pleased. it didn't immediately jump to violence like he had assumed, but they began to treat each other coldly.

first the older hunters kicked echo's supporters from the shelter of the den, leaving them out in the cold winds.

then echo's followers began to claim their hunts as their own, no longer allowing the eldest to eat first.

the last straw had been a physical confrontation between an elder and echo. they bickered back and forth, both stubbornly standing their ground until echo found it unnecessary to go any longer. he attacked the elder, killing them in cold blood. it began an uproar, eagle coming to defend the elder and echo's cultists joining him at the head.

then the real war broke out. the warring went on for hours that night. night stretched into days, then weeks. echo had coldly killed mouse, and that had finally been the breaking point for holly.

he unleashed all he had in their final battle, his concentration set on only contacting echo. the sun crown had been struck, but holly had not tuned his focus enough. eagle was hit at well and already sustaining injuries from facing his brother.

while fatally injuring echo, in turn eagle had died from his actions. far from saving even with elk's attempt.

echo hadn't been seen by either of the twins since then, and gradually both sides began to dwindle from the needless fighting. holly and elk left them as they no longer had ties to their home. they traveled together until they met the end of the tundra, and elk suggested they keep apart from then on. holly agreed, and they parted ways to travel on their own.

traveling alone had taught holly many things. he learned more about the non-natural creations and politics and how there were other creatures with powers similar to him. he began to travel across the seas more frequently as well, though his last trip had been caught in the midst of a meteor shower. the waves caused the ship to down, and holly ended up washing up on the shore's of an island belonging to the typhoon.

code by spacexual

Re: CRUSH CULTURE && STORAGE - beatae - 05-10-2020

— general
NAME. safflower.
NAME ORIGIN. named after his father, but particularly the flower.
SEX. female.
GENDER. male (he/him).
AGE. approx. 4 years.
GROUP. knights of concord.
RANK. knight.
ORIENTATION. bisexual.
PARENTS. honor (npc) x safflower (npc).
LITTERMATES. thistle (npc).
— important notes
- he has daily dysphoria, and becomes insecure easily when seen in any way feminine
- he uses his earth elementals as a cheat when hunting
- he avoids physical confrontation when possible, but will use it as a last resort
- he heavily regrets ever leaving his mother, despite their strained relationship
- he rarely thinks of his sister anymore since they parted
- he hates talking about himself, and indirectly makes it hard for people to befriend him
- he has extreme trust issues and is mainly loyal to himself
- he is a kleptomatic
- he gets very defensive over food and does not share
- he is awful at conversation, which makes him come off as mean or uninterested
- he knows sign language, as his mother was HOH
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. domestic cat
CURRENT SIZE. approx. 12in 8lbs
— personality

bad social skills
nonverbal when stressed
thinks to survive first

- his favorite color is yellow.
- his favorite food/taste are magpies.
- his favorite smell is pine.
- his favorite season is spring.
- his favorite activity is napping.
- his favorite time of day is noon.
— other
POWERS: earth elemental.
RELIGION. safflower was never taught any religious belief growing up, but he is curious as to what happens after death.
FIGHTING. he tries to compensate his fighting abilities against larger creatures with his elemental powers
ALIGNMENT. true neutral
[align=left][div style="width: 62%;font-family: georgia;font-size: 8pt;color:hexcode;text-align: left;text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black;"]— history
[div style="width: 103.15%;height:210px; overflow: auto;font-family: times new roman;text-align: justify;line-height: 125%;"]TEXT HERE
code by spacexual

Re: CRUSH CULTURE && STORAGE - beatae - 05-10-2020

[align=center][table][tr][td][div style="background-color: none; font-family: arial; width: 135px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 16pt; color: #262626; margin-top:10px;"]32
just saff.

not good at words
here's some pictures
template by orion

Re: CRUSH CULTURE && STORAGE - beatae - 05-10-2020

[align=center][table][tr][td][div style="background-color: none; font-family: arial; width: 135px; height: auto; text-align: center; font-size: 16pt; color: #262626; margin-top:10px;"]243
t o c h o

travel and explore
template by orion

Re: CRUSH CULTURE && STORAGE - beatae - 05-14-2020

— general
NAME. larkspurskip.
NICKNAME. lark. ma[lark]ey.
NAME ORIGIN. a plant of the buttercup family, symbolizing strong will and heart.
SEX. male.
GENDER. male (he/him).
AGE. 11 months.
GROUP. elysium.
RANK. elysite.
ORIENTATION. undetermined.
PARENTS. stark. pim.
— important notes
- larks first impression mainly relies on his synesthesia
- he prefers the taste of sweet things over savory
- he enjoys prepping sushi-type meals
- he releases his frustrations through physical and mental training
- he uses his lute to communicate feelings he has trouble processing
- his lyrics to his lute represent his emotions in the situations he is in
- he doesn't take criticism well at all
- he has fears of abandonment
- women intimidate him easily
- he's afraid of getting old
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. domestic cat
CURRENT SIZE. approx. 12 inches at the shoulder
AILMENTS. color-graphemic, chromesthesia, and lexical-gustatory synesthesia
— personality

boastful and proud.
holds grudges and forms them easily.
pathological liar.

- his favorite color is sea blue.
- his favorite food/taste is fish.
- his favorite smell is the beach.
- his favorite season is summer.
- his favorite activity is agility training.
- his favorite time of day is noon.
— other
POWERS: none
RELIGION. larkspur believes in an afterlife, just not one specifically. he is vaguely aware of starclan as a religion but nothing else.
FIGHTING. larkspurskip has proven to be a sizeable opponent for those around his range of size due to stark's training. he's not very good against animals larger than his father, though.
ALIGNMENT. chaotic good
[div style="width: 62%;font-family: georgia;font-size: 8pt;color:hexcode;text-align: left;text-shadow: 1px 1px black, 1px -1px black, -1px 1px black, -1px -1px black;"]— history
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code by spacexual