Beasts of Beyond
well hello there - Printable Version

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well hello there - charliemoo - 04-27-2020

hey, I’m Charlie and I’m on feralfront in addition to this, and have been for years. I’m hoping to meet some new friends and old ones alike and hopefully settle in here uwu

Re: well hello there - arcy - 04-27-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]HELLOOOO welcome to bob!!! >: DDD
im arcy!! aka arcane aka ttrickster, depending. just .. arc, though. its good to have you, i hope you enjoy it here!!! if you ever want to chat/plot, im open!!

Re: well hello there - tikki - 04-27-2020

[align=center][div style="max-width: 400px;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]Welcome to the site! I'm tikki! I went by tikki on FF as well from 2012/2013 up until I left in 2017/2018!

It's similar for the most part here to that site so hopefully you'll have an easy time getting to know the RP scene and such, but remember to read the newbies guide and the site rules to make sure!

&&I'm an admin on here, so if you need anything staff related or otherwise feel free to message me! I've got characters in each of the front boards and look forward to writing with you <3

Re: well hello there - stilly. - 04-27-2020

Hey Charlie!! We've talked a bit on discord and ff in the past, but still, hello! Welcome to BoB, I'm Stilly, and I'm a junior mod here! I play a bunch of different characters around most of the groups, so I'll be happy to plot with you at any point! Feel free to DM me either on here or discord if you need anything <3

Re: well hello there - Orion - 04-29-2020

hiya! welcome to bob <3 i used to be on ff by the name of star and roleplayed characters like fragilepast/fernando/archipelagoisland so it’s nice to see someone from a familiar place!!

tikki provided some really good guides for you, but if you have any additional questions, let me know! you’ll see a #forum-questions channel in the discord also :^)