Beasts of Beyond
Alan's tags and stuff - Printable Version

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Alan's tags and stuff - Alan - 04-16-2020

  • [align=center]
    Alan's tags:
    Alan was born a month or so after his fathers, Morgan and Vigenere, reunited. Settling for a while in uninhabited territory, the two inexperienced parents did their best to raise their child, showing him plenty of warmth and teaching him survival techniques. Alan found himself really enjoying books; Morgan brought home new books for him to read every once in a while, though he eventually could not find more.

    Not long before his first birthday, Alan was sent off with Vigenere to go to Tanglewood. Morgan had found a nice location to permanently build a home and settle in, and wanted his son to experience clan life as he once did in order to toughen him up and teach him more about life. The current plan for Alan is that once he is old enough and experienced enough to travel, he is free to return home.

    • Male
    • Samoyed-F1 Savannah (dream demon) mix
    • Tanglewood
    • 11 months old, birthday on April 22[sup]nd[/sup]
    • Friends: Members of Tanglewood in general
    • Allies/Acquaintances: --
    • Enemies: --
    • Neutral with those not listed

    • 4kg/9lbs
    • 30.5cm/1' tall
    • Cream-colored fur - various dark brown-grey spots
    • Medium-blue eyes
    • No injuries or scars

    • Earth - Alan can manipulate the earth around him into a small variety of forms. He is only experienced enough in using his abilities for survival, and has only basic combat training in a controlled environment. Still, he can use the earth to transport himself quickly, break through or lift large rocks, and create a crude set of rock armor to protect himself. His general cleverness helps in a pinch, allowing him to make up new moves or tactics on the fly -- though he cannot guarantee they'd be effective given his lack of experience.
    • ??? - as the son of two elemental adepts, Alan most likely has a variety of other magical abilities yet to be unlocked.
    • Clairvoyance - Inherited from his father Morgan, Alan can sense the general location of others’ auras at will, or he can home in on a more precise location if he focuses.
    • Mental manipulation - Inherited from his father Vigenere, Alan has some mental and emotional abilities, including manipulating emotions, projecting illusions, and (when in danger) reading minds. However, he rarely uses these powers due to not being trained in them.

    • A bit of a bookworm, always carrying a tome in his bag
    • Trusting and friendly
    • Even more warm and affectionate toward his family and loved ones
    • Inexperienced in battle; clever but not powerful
    • Laid-back and calm normally, but easy to frighten due to his size and age

    Miscellaneous information:

    • I'll add this eventually!

    • Old grey Tanglewood scarf - a spare one worn by his father Morgan, given to Alan to remind him of home.
    • Simple bag - a cute little bag big enough to hold a book or two.
    • Books - Alan brought two books with him to Tanglewood: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and a small book on old-world mythology.

    Story thus far:
    • [li]Joined Tanglewood (link)