Beasts of Beyond
the city of the dead -- open, tresspassing - Printable Version

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the city of the dead -- open, tresspassing - london r. - 05-06-2018

There were many things the girl did not know, however one she had discovered today. She was terrible with directions. The girl's albino pelt stood out like a sore thumb within the lush green forest she had found, which had once been an all too common occurrence for her, but ever since she'd moved to Snowbound she was used to the camouflage that their icy terrain offered. She felt far too exposed out here, but perhaps that was a good thing, that meant someone would be able to find her easily and guide her in the right direction. That is, if they were kind enough to help her. The girl had no worries though, as she had never met another soul who would purposefully harm her, besides of course Guru, but that had been settled, the consequences had been dealt. But surely no one else would do such a thing.

The albino clouded leopard was far too naive for this world, especially as she neared the age of one year. One would think she would know that the world was a dangerous and scary place, but she had nothing to fear besides illness and perhaps bleeding out. And lightning but who wasn't scared of a flash of bright light that resulted in a booming roar of thunder? In her life she really hadn't experienced anything all that terrifying yet, she had been sheltered by isolation from such cruelty. Her family had lived on a small piece of land, just the six of them, there weren't many travelers that came by. That little place was all she'd known for the longest time before she had left. She knew that the past was a scary place, and that it was best not to linger there, but other than that she remained blissfully ignorant.

Perhaps that was why she felt no fear crossing over the scent line that marked Tanglewood's territory, she hadn't done it purposefully, but she'd been aware of entering another clan's territory. She was just in need of some assistance finding her way to the Typhoon, once she'd received that, the girl would leave. However, London did not know of the conflicts between the different clans, she just knew that Snowbound was neutral with all of them, except for the Typhoon of course, whom they had recently declared their allies. Any other such relations were a mystery, but it seemed she would learn soon enough not to go messing around with Tanglewood. Such a shame a place with such a lovely name would be so uninviting towards their guests.

[member=67]beck.[/member] [member=18]tricky.[/member] 

Re: the city of the dead -- open, tresspassing - Morgan - 05-07-2018

Morgan lied on its belly in the nearby brush. Having sensed an unknown presence while hunting, the samoyed assumed it was yet another newcomer. Many strange new Tanglers were joining in swarms, it seemed; the canine assumed this wandering outlander was no different.

The dog remained hidden, waiting for the clouded leopard to say or do something before making its presence known. Though Morgan was not very well-camouflaged with its creamy fur, the tall grass and shrubbery made up for it in spades.

Re: the city of the dead -- open, tresspassing - Luciferr - 05-07-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Unlike morgan, Fenris' more darker pelt did help blend well into the murky territory - even the flashy orange hid well amid the leaves like an overlarge tiger. Fenris was aware of his fellow tangler not far off on the opposite side of where he crept forwards under the dark shadows of the trees, the acrid scent of cinders clinging to his fur like the remnants of a burning battlefield in the dim light of the aftermath.

War strode closer, pale blue-white eyes watching the stranger advance further in their territory - any further forward they might bump into him in the shadows.

/bc idk if u wanted beck to find ya first or smthn.


Re: the city of the dead -- open, tresspassing - beck. - 05-24-2018

    After having spent hundreds of years with nothing to call his own and finally an entire clan under his possession, it was clear why Beck was territorial. All the wayward creatures that happened to loose their way and stumble into the bog might as well been invaders to the poltergeist, dead-set on tearing away all he had worked for from his clammy grasp. Paranoia was what drove him to circle the perimeters like a predator closing in on injured prey, lingering in the high branches of looming cypresses and willows. And when he couldn't lurk on the far edges of the swamp, he rigged traps to do the work for him. Brutal and primitive as toothed legholds were, their crude designs had rewarded him with struggling victims or their abandoned severed limb in the past, and even now the method rung true.

    If only sheer luck didn't save the girl from a gruesome set of jaws clamping around her leg.

    He was perfectly willing to take matters into his own hands -- paws, now. A frigid nose twitched as a distantly familiar scent drifted on the wind, a red flag of his predominant fear. Another slimy wanderer from a different clan waltzing right onto their land. The same aroma of frozen earth and earthy caverns as the bumbling husky leader -- Snowbound couldn't take the obvious hint, huh? Snapping his attention away from scenting the air to pursue the unwanted guest, the mangy feline departed from the overgrown trail cut through the foliage and began his hunt.

    Creeping over brambles after the clouded leopard with a limp to his nimble gait, his lantern-like eyes bore fiery holes into her blinding pelt. At every step, his apparition was stabbed through with wrathful razors, angered thorns coiling tight around his brain stem and infesting his skull until their tips scratched at bone and pushed against the backs of his slitted eyes. If he wasn't furious enough, Beck was livid by the time he noticed the comfortable apathy glazing her movement. She wasn't concerned at all that this swamp was a home to a large sum of beings.  London had just barged in through the front door without knocking and continued to ransack the bedrooms. Claws hooking into a gnarled cypress root as he remained a safe distance behind her, his notched ear flicked upwards at the faint breathing of not one, but two of his peers lying in wait. He would be able to identify them later -- now, he had to act on his opening. While he would have preferred to have some form of weapon on hand, it seemed Beck would need to improvise once more, glancing down at his poorly bandaged paw. His impaled wrist had closed up, leaving the internal damage to be repaired discreetly; the only reason the gauze had remained was because he had forgotten about it. There was no hesitance as Beck hastily unraveled the worn gauze from his paw, keeping the battered fabric in a clenched grip. A moment or two of complete stillness from the boy as he silently urged London to inch just a little bit closer, stalking forward despite the bandage in his grasp to close the gap even more.

      What finally prompted his attack could have been anything; Beck lurched forward as if his recreated muscles were nothing more than tightly-bunched springs, aiming to ambush London from behind and sling his stretch of bandage over her snout. Gripping both ends of the bandage and pulling it taut against her muzzle, he swapped the ends to hold it with one paw behind her head, while using his freed paw to smother her with the bandage until she fainted.