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[Image: 0MN4Z8j.png]
Roxanne had joined the Typhoon finding it easy to make her home, the least of her troubles were crushes or any of the sort, that was until he came along. Of course, it wasn't love at first sight, the thing that the two of them had between each other was simply playful banter nothing more or nothing less. One night, while there was a thunderstorm, both Roxanne and Greed found themselves having to share a tree trunk. The two began to talk, they shared laughter, and joked about a (former) crewmate yet the moment had been interrupted by Roxie's baby crocodile, Kalayavan, who had bit down onto the jaguar's tail. Luckily for Greed and Rox, the storm had somewhat subsided, the smaller feline thought it would be a good idea to dry up back at her place. They ended up eating ice cream and watching a movie that night, the two ended up dozing off. Little did Roxie know was that Greed wasn't about relationships, he kept the bed warm at night but when morning came, he was gone. A player. This harsh truth hidden by Roxie's suddenly blossoming feelings yet, it happened to her leaving her heartbroken and angry at herself.

After that, the two of them were on stiff terms, Roxanne not wanting anything to do with Greed even if she was partly to blame for that one night. What Rox hadn't expected was Greed to slowly reciprocate these feelings, it wasn't obvious until the day the Typhoon had been hit by a catalyst; a tsunami. He tried searching for her and in turn, ended up getting harmed in the process. Roxie went missing. The worse being assumed. Greed searching for her frantically, the only thing he had left of her being a pink envelope. That was until she reappeared though her wings were missing from their place, she was greeted by everyone and welcomed back home. The jaguar believing she was a mere hallucination, a cruel trick from his mind, until they locked eyes did he know she wasn't a figment of his imagination. Greed was happy and relieved to see her but once words left his mouth, Roxie had already given him the cold shoulder, her heart still aching from the pain. Some days later, Roxie decided to pay Greed a visit, the both of them walking along the shore it didn't take long for Roxanne to spill all her feelings out that day but Greed hadn't been ready for a relationship, the two of them remained friends with a slight tension still between them. Friends. Both of them knew that didn't sit well with either of them yet Roxie didn't pursue a relationship anymore.

They both parted ways in a span of months, Roxie had ended up having a son with one of the guys from the Typhoon, her mind and attention concentrated on her newborn. What she hadn't expected was to see Greed four months later, he didn't expect it either especially with the fact that Roxanne had a kid now. It made him angry, he nearly blew up at the kids first day outside of his home that was until Roxie stepped forward defending her son. She felt bad when the jaguar had stormed off though it didn't take long for Greed to find her hanging around the shores of the island, except the jaguar was a bit wobblier than their last unfortunate reunion, with a drunken mind Greed began to let his feelings spill. He began to cry speaking his regrets and wishes all at once, Roxanne was very uncertain of what to believe that came out of the drunken man's maw but it didn't take her long to start trying to comfort him even if her heart ached with all sorts of pain that she hadn't felt in a long while.

She couldn't believe after nearly a year, she still found herself still in love with Greed yet, she didn't want to love him in this state. After a comment of his, she exploded rather angry but before she could lash out any further, she had flown away from him. Leaving Greed to lay in the sand, later that day, when the moon rose to take the suns place. Roxie could feel herself stirring, unable to rest, she had wanted to make up with Greed but she knew she had only made it worse with her sudden rage towards him, with a bit of hesitance, she decided that it was best if she went and looked for him. Greed having already risen from his drunken facade, walking about only to be toppled over by Roxie. Once more, she professed her love not caring at the possibility of being rejected yet this time it had gone differently,  the two of them deciding that they were ready for a relationship. Ready to commit to one another.

A few weeks into their relationship, they decide to spend Valentine's day together, Roxie providing plenty of gifts and love for her beloved boyfriend. The gesture was returned, of course, they shared a few passionate kisses which led to them having a night of love. Now, Roxanne is expecting a batch of cubs, she decides to keep them as a secret for now not wanting to alarm Greed about her pregnancy.  Though she's completely aware that their unborn cubs can't be kept as a secret for long, she plans on telling Greed before it becomes too noticable unsure of how her boyfriend will act towards the news.

• Even if these cubs were unexpected, they will be loved dearly by both parents. Regular/"loner" names are preferred over warrior names but feel free to use any type of name. So no depressing names please!

• School/college/work often gets in the way, which is totally understandable, but please make at least a few posts within the month, the bare minimum being 10 posts. Lack of activity will result in rehoming the cub to someone else who may be interested in roleplaying a cub.

• The cubs will all start at the age of 3 months old, seeing as Roxie has a bit of a draconic mutation, they can have horns and wings or they could be born with one of the two. Their surname would be Roux.

• It is heavily preferred if the cubs stayed in the Typhoon until adulthood, though you are free to pm me or Guts about a possible plot that involves the cub possibly not staying in group (would be highly preferred if done around the age of 9 months old or so, since Roxie and Greed probably won't keep their eyes off of their cubs)

• Roxanne is a regular jaguar with mottled spots rather than rosettes, she has a pair of long curved pink horns and large wings with pink webbing, and to finish off her look, she has heterochromatic eyes (mismatched eyes; pink and purple). Greed is a black/dark jaguar with pale lavender eyes. The cubs can definitely vary in appearances from either of their parents.

• Having trouble with coming up with an appearance for your cub? Say no more! Out of excitement for testing out a drawing app and for the Groxie litter, I've made five designs! Now, it isn't mandatory to use the designs provided to you since we'd love to see what you come up with but it'll definitely give ya some brownie points.

• The five designs are will be linked in a bit! How this will work, is that you may use the design (only a single person may have the design in the end when we're narrowing down applications) to work out the appearance of your cub. If you're application gets picked and you made subtle changes to the design, I will gladly redesign them free of charge. Also yes, their eyes are closed, so you have creative freedom in making their eye color whatever you want! Just don't make it something crazy like rainbow eyes or something.

THE DESIGNS / Please note that anyone applying can use these designs as they please, the only thing issue is only one person will be selected for the design. Example; Person A choses Design 1 but Person B goes for that design too, Person A gets picked so they stay with the design. Please note this isn't first come first serve.

• Upset you didn't get a design or simply didn't use one? Not to worry! I will be providing art for the chosen cubs, regardless as to whether you picked a design or not.

• Applications will be picked by me and Guts, if you have any questions feel free to send us a dm on Discord or PM here on site.

• As of right now, there is no choosing date but cubs will presumably be born around March or so.


• Roxanne is Pincher Roux's sister, former leader of the Typhoon, and aunt to the current leader of the clan, Goldenluxury. Through the Roux family, the cubs will also be related to Crow, former leader of Tanglewood, and Selby the current Sawbone (HP) of Tanglewood. Roxanne is currently a Privateer (HP)

• Greed has no known relations and formerly was a Striker (sHP)


template by orion

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - tikki - 02-07-2020

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - spacexual - 02-07-2020

cousin track

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - guts - 02-07-2020


Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - GuardianAngel - 02-07-2020


Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - axiom - 02-07-2020

dawwwww <3
track for rosie, also i'm tempted af

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - Misty - 02-07-2020

[div style="width: 570px; line-height: 1.3; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: 1px;"]basics | only rainbows after rain
natyli roux [ nat-ah-lee ] | nat, nattie
female | she/her pronouns
the typhoon | minnow

physical | the sun will always come again
chimera jaguar. petite.  soft, fluffy furred.  unkempt.
— splashes of black and inky splotches across a canvas of golden tan, splitting into ebony across her legs.
— her face seems to split down the middle; a mirror of both her parents with mitchmatched eyes of pink and lavender respectively.
— splatters of white highlight her chest, underbelly, back of her right ear, tip of her tail and the bottoms of her paws.
— little pink nubs for horns, matched by little, deep rose wings.
— smells of lavender.  often covered in grass and flowers.

personality | and it's a circle, circling
hufflepuff | dauntless | ENFP-T
[align=center]'It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for – and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool – for love – for your dreams – for the adventure of being alive.'
— Oriah Mountain Dreamer
[<] curious, friendly, playful
[Ø] breezy, competitive, high-spirited
[>] impractical, silly, strong-willed

In a word, "quirky" may perfectly illustrate the bright and bubbly Natyli.  There is often a fire of mischief and chaos blazing in her mitchmatched eyes and she never seems far from the action — thriving on the bizarre in the midst of the hustle and bustle of day to day life.  Imaginative and friendly, Natyli never shies away from the new, her smile always present for friends and strangers alike.  Despite her obviously vibrant social tendencies, time tells all tales; the child possesses a soft, self-conscious soul and in truth she is far from the confident, forever upbeat girl the world presumes her to be.

interaction | around again, it comes around 
— incredibly amiable; emotionally invested in others.  easy to befriend.
— heart over head, always.  doesn't always think ahead before her words or actions. 
— extremely sensitive.  takes everything to heart.  tries to wear a brave face whenever she is upset or angry.
— ADHD.  extremely energetic, loses focus.  tries her best to be attentive for others.
— makes dolls of her friends.  carries at least one with her at all times; grows fretful and panicky without.

relationships | but you gotta keep your head up, oh
roxanne roux x greed
demiromantic demisexual | single [ too young ]

combat | and you can let your hair down, eh
str: 5 | dex: 10 | con: 5 | int: 10 | wis: 5 | cha: 15 | [Image: HfnJZUK.png]
reckless.  attacks to defend.
enjoys playing with poison.
— physically;; easy
— mentally;; easy

powers | you gotta keep your head up, oh
none as of now; may invest in air or fire elementals, and clairvoyance.

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - pallid-i - 02-09-2020

NAME. Aceto Roux
NAME ORIGIN. Aceto is the Italian word for Vinegar
— vinny, vinegar, vine, ace
SEX. Male
CURRENT BODY. Draconic jaguar
DESCRIPTION. Doe-eyed, Aceto is a dark golden furred draconic jaguar with pink eyes. He's significantly smaller than his siblings but is not a runt by any means. His horns and wings are hot pink while rose gold splotches are scattered around his body. As he gets older, he will get more muscular while still retaining his look of innocence.

When he's feeling okay or down in the dumps, Aceto's colors are dull. When he's excited or feeling emotions like love or happiness, his spots will start to get brighter in color.
detailed description:
— polite, loyal, good-natured, honest, cowardly, short-tempered, aggressive for like five seconds, kind of bratty
BEHAVIORS. Likes to play the game telephone at really inappropriate times (ex: during a raid he'll probably waddle up with a stick and ask someone to answer the phone for him), can't stand being dirty so he'll go crazy trying to look as clean as possible
— nobody really knows why he acts the way he does, not even Aceto is sure why he's like that. It's just how he was born and his behaviors don't bother him all that much.
He will develop DID later on in life after a traumatic event and his other personality will be more assertive and out there, but not to an overbearing degree. It's just there to help him cope. There is potential for more personalities to split off as well
code by spacexual

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - Dragon- - 02-10-2020

babey time, y'all

✧ Steller's jay Roux | jameson, jay, mason, jamie
✧ physically unborn, mentally unborn | unborn | no zodiac, he's in the womb
✧ cis male | he/him
✧ the typhoon | minnow/child | no titles
never likes his name and starts going by jameson early on, nobody really knows why.

✧ jaguar (ref.) | health: 75% | birth/original body
— from the tips of his ears to the tips of his toes, jameson is an unimpressive jaguar. his body is small, his coat is ragged and patchy, his eyes are weak, weepy, sclera stained pink with irritation. he isn't beautiful, nor is he captivating, but he is interesting. birthed into this world a weak and sickly little thing, he's probably had as far from a headstart as you could get. he's a fragile cub, prone to bruise and break with the gentlest of touches, to sniffle and cough and never really get over any illness. his growth seems to be delayed, if not stunted, and he doesn't grow like his siblings do.

  Jameson resembles his mother, especially when he's young. He was gifted with her frame, somewhat small and gentle. He shares her cream coat, brown markings, light underbelly, down to the spots on his ears. His wings and horns are blue to her pink, but that changes little. Were it not for the white splattered across him, it would be virtually impossible to tell him and his mother apart.
— no accessories
— sickly as a child for no discernible reason

✧ eloquent | kind | genuine | charming | passionate
- 'you're good at speaking, for a kid.' jameson is very good at speaking, able to pull together prose and poetry with ease as a young child. unable to play with the others and do much of anything as a child, he turned to books, writing, and music to keep himself entertained. he can sometimes come off as snobby but he just enjoys using large words.
- 'thanks for helping me out, jamie.' he's a kind child, willing to help out even if it's at his own expense. he wants to make the best impression he can upon those around him and will do whatever others want, although he can get taken advantage of because of it.
- 'you really don't hide anything, huh?' jameson is genuine. he doesn't understand people who hide their true intentions or goals and doesn't feel the need to do so. he expresses himself truly, even if it's not always the greatest.
- 'you've really grown on me, kid.' although he's shy around other children, jameson seems to shine around those older than him. he knows just what to say, exactly what to do. he's funny and polite, some would say charming.
- 'you really wanna do this, huh.' passionate is only one word to describe how jameson acts about what he enjoys, mostly music. it's not uncommon for him to ignore everything else and focus solely on what he's interested in, often forgetting to eat or exercise or do basic tasks.

✧ intense | outspoken | impulsive | sensitive
- 'you're.. intense.' most people know how to chill and have a good time, jameson? not so much. it's not necessarily a bad thing to be like this, but not a lot of people are great at dealing with it. you don't really get to direct so much as get dragged along to enjoy the show. dedicated, upbeat, often loud, non-stop, you can't do much but follow.
- 'can you chill? you don't need to give us your opinion on everything.' jameson has a lot of opinions and he will share them, wanted or not. he's not necessarily rude but he doesn't mince his words, straight-forwards and blunt.
- 'dude, you've gotta stop doing whatever you want.' he does whatever he wants. it's not necessarily that he wants to do stupid things, but he does think up a lot of them. he's impulsive and he makes a lot of sudden plans and he has a lot of not-really-thought-through ideas. he's in pain most of the time and isn't really terribly rational or smart so he doesn't care that much.
- 'i'm sorry, please stop crying!' jameson can handle himself relatively well with those his own age but if someone, especially someone older, critiques him.. he won't do too well. he tends to dwell on what people say to him, struggling to simply let it go and not be hurt by it.

✧ insecure | escapist | clingy | flighty
- 'you're a weird kid.' jameson is pretty insecure about what others think about him. he tries his hardest to make good impressions and keep good relationships but there's always a lingering thought of 'what if they don't really like me?'. he's more upset than anything if a friendship or relationship is broken off, especially if it's with minimal cause.
- 'you gotta come back to reality sometime.' sometimes fantasy is better than reality, especially on stressful days. jameson is bad at dealing with stress and emotions, so he prefers to either hole himself away or go exploring alone, pretending that he's some big important position in a made up land as he gets lost in the jungle.
- 'dude, i won't leave you. it's alright.' the idea of his family and friends leaving him is absolutely terrifying. they're all that he has in the big, bad world and he doesn't know what he would do if they were gone, so he makes sure they don't leave him. he attaches himself to whoever makes an attempt to talk to him, regardless of if they're a good person or not.
- 'can you just calm down and stay.' jameson's fight or flight response is very much flight, flight, flight. if he's confronted, he tries to run. if he can't get out of the situation, he cries. it's not very 'manly' of him but he can't help it.

✧ roxanne roux x greed | parents together

✧ physically easy | mentally difficult | enhanced senses, wall-walker | no weapons
✧ will start fights, medium provoke | will not kill

✧ jameson isn't the smallest of the litter when he's born, but as they all get older, he has a failure to thrive and does not stay on track with the others for growth and development. he is sickly until he hits five months old, in which his health and condition takes a sudden turn for the better and he gets absolute gainz in body, mind, and health.
✧ he has enhanced senses and struggles to block out the sheer noise, and the smells, and the over-sensitive touch, so he becomes a very upset cub, his wailing never seeming to stop. it gets better as he gets older but it takes a while for it to be controllable. it also gives him migraines.
- he throws tantrums because of this.
✧ he discovers his wall-walking shortly after he learns to walk and it makes things a bit more complicated.
— tantrums are not fun when the child is stuck to the ceiling

Re: I WANNA BE YOURS — 。+゚. TYPHOON LOVE LITTER - Grimm - 02-11-2020

eulia roux
means sweetly spoken
ela, lu

they / them & she / her


real time

the typhoon
[align=center][b]Summer strawberries and cream[/b]

Soft the cream encasing the rich hue of freshly plucked berry, sweet yet of little substance, a morsel gone within moments. Akin, almost, that of  child if given singular glance, a sweet treat of no substance until looked upon in further depth

Frail from the moment of first breath, worrying the manner their breathing hitches and rolls in unfortunate fashion, shied away from any light to fall on lids to thin almost may the soft hue beneath be perceived. Against them seems the world, compromised their immune system to such a point sickness is common, weak until toddling first step does not occur until well beyond those around them, growing at a rate that does not match. Youth is a hardship but thrive they will, a pale ghost to what they may become

Indeed, fitting the title of spectre. Neither parental unit seems to have hand in the paleness of plush coat, removed all traces of colour beyond the oddity of soft pink points, near to freckles dotting back and face. Yet so too are other points stark in their difference, of such a thinness the coat over belly, paws, and visage the blush of skin is visible, near translucent the rounded tips of ears in similar manner. Removed the tarnished gold mother bears with a quiet dignity, a beauty all her own, and lacking the stark hue of rich ebony adorning father, a handsome figure cut from marble, to both a comparison leaves them wanting, a tiny snowflake dressed with a rose blush

Theirs is the child, however, no discrepancy in such can be found, and adorning features speak further truth. Tiny are the horns adorning skull, barely an inch if that upon the date of birth, darker the base though still washed out is the pink, growing pale enough glasses seems the tips. Alike the wings of no truth size adorning back, the soft gradient making apparent the veins impeded in thin membrane, unknown if growth would permit flight

Startling the depths of lilac set in the backdrop of ivory and rose, washed out the hue of purple but a touch of colour all else lacks. Like all stricken with such faint is the red tinge about edges, touched the depths of pupil until direct light makes them only such, removed all traces of the prior black. Poor is their vision, to such a degree beyond the extension of forelimb distinct is the blur that leaves all difficult to perceive, strengthened as the distant is increased until head aches with the mere attempt of seeing what is present. So too is their depth perception lacking for such, often miscalculated what is before them until clumsy is the child, prone to walking into things or others that do no good for thin is their skin and all too easily do bruises adorn them

a soft base of tarnished gold broken by irregular patches of pale cream. As with their mother they lack rosettes, rather black spots speckle the gold portions of their body, becoming near freckles along their cheeks and the bridge of their nose

Mere bumps within the fluffy fur of their head easy is it to mistake their horns for sea glass, opaque in a fashion that makes light warp the pale base of green, teal and blue shining through depending on the light source. More solid in terms of colour their wings still bear the shift from green to blue, a pale gradient running along the thin membrane

very sweet, if a little slow to pick up on new things, scatter brained thus necessitating writing everything down thus making it easier to remember things. very emotional and loving but hides how anxious and unsure they truly are, little bit of a cry baby

above has she suspended the very stars that cradle moon in a gentle grasp, everything wrapped up in a neat little bow. Understatement every attempt to put into meagre words how they care for mother with all their fragile little heart, queen bearing a crown of spun silver and rose, caretaker with a delicate voice so soothing and kind, adored in every way. It may be aept to deem them a mama's girl but they can not help such, and there is nothing that will tarnish the quiet love they harbour





the primary focus will be through interaction with others but there are a few things I've been playing with

the dead of night brings with it soft whispers, a quiet murmur speaking of poison friendship. Not the first is the child of strawberry and cream, another before lingering in hidden recesses, a child of knight and Queen dark in the manner in which he views unwitting vessel

Not for some time will they learn of this passenger brought along for their ride, the humble beginnings as opened are their eyes to the world behind their own. Dancing spectres fill their vision and once divide can be conquered together do they work, a soft medium with a gentle heart never realizing the price paid for helping others to their eternal rest

pound of flesh
they had never wanted this, beyond their bounds had they been pushed and necessary was their departure in a manner that may be performed with haste

Poor is their management of a deteriating mental state and it takes a simple push to get them falling beyond, the mere brush of another, sharp words uttered within their direction, simple a thing but all too much. Afixed as their jaws around another and the heat of rose hued flames is all they know, the faint crackle and pop of skin overlaying the ragged screams

They never meant to hurt another in such manner but away did they come with the taste of blood on their lips, an insatiable appetite quenched by what they can't have yet are desperate in their desire for

sweet tooth
it grows easier to temper the urges that rise in the darkness of endless night when filled is the air with the sweetness of baking treats

A way to apologise at first they found a quiet love in the act of creating, enjoyed the way others spoke of their baked goods, at peace when about them is the open space of a kitchen. Though a poor substitute for truly unpacking and understanding their emotions it grows clear they take to cooking in a way they have little else before, yet it can hide things for only so long


suffers from a litany of issues which makes for a rather poor childhood, while such will plague them through out life they use a manner of methods to keep safe, often employing sun hats and thin cloaks to keep their skin from burning
selective mute, most comfortable speaking in the Spanish their mama has taught them but tends to default to simple signs and gestures, later will employ simple messages if an avalible surface to write on is present
quite a picky eater, as most do lead to stomach issues they tend to be a very fussy eater making the way any cut or even hint of blood catches their eye all the more startling but they never act upon such confused over the urges that plague them
dulcis innocentia
I dig 'til my shovel tells a secret
Swear to the earth that I will keep it
© ceilidh