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haunted -- assembly 1/26 - Printable Version

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haunted -- assembly 1/26 - Warringkingdoms - 01-26-2020

  [font=trebuchet ms]Well, her schedule had slipped quite a bit.

  There hadn't been any signs of the Captain on the coast, but if he had been truthful about his deadline, he would be here in a few days. She needed to make sure Elysium had a plan. Taking into account the dimensions of a blue whale's tail and the fact that he most likely had power over water, the waves could be extremely dangerous even to those who weren't fighting. And that wasn't even getting into whatever can of worms the Halls of Hiraeth might have opened.

  Stepping out into the middle of the mountain camp, Rin called, "Assembly time. Everyone get over here." At her paws, she had notes written on a sheet of paper. There was quite a bit to talk about today. Once a decent number of creatures had gathered, she began, "A quick welcome to Cosette, Quennel, Adelaide, and Wheatley- and welcome back to Finnloch and Kade."

  Tugging at her scarf, she swept her gaze over the crowd. "Also, shout-outs to Sanzu and Valerian." Promoting anyone while the curse was active would probably be a bad idea unless the person explicitly volunteered- and now that she thought about it, she probably ought to ask Lemy if he wanted to resign. She'd put him in enough danger already, after what the reapers had done to him. Maybe as stubborn as he was, he'd figure he might as well hold onto the position until she repaid him, but...

  ...well, regardless, shout-outs would do for the moment. Now for major point number one. "The Halls of Hiraeth asked for an alliance, and invited us to a festival. However, I do have some concerns that I wanted to bring up," Rin said, twitching her ears. "First, the Pitt is invited. If I recall correctly, Goldenluxury has stepped away from the Pitt, and Kydobi is in charge. Redvox claims that they've been well-behaved, but I still have my reservations."

  Narrowing her eyes, she added, "More importantly, this festival is apparently a celebration of the Halls' pantheon of gods. I don't know if the gods in question have any affiliation with the gods that we're currently fighting- I have no reason to suspect that they are, but I also have no reason to trust that they aren't." She took a deep breath. "I personally plan on visiting the festival to investigate both these gods and the Pitt's current status for myself, but I am leaving it up to each Elysite as to whether or not they wish to attend. If you do, be cautious."

  They'd probably yell at her for putting herself in more danger. If this were a typical festival, she probably wouldn't take the risk, especially after the ambush- but the costs of going were outweighed by the benefits. If the Halls and the Pitt were colluding, if the Pitt was planning something, or if the Halls' pantheon had any overlap with the gods that were threatening her, Elysium needed to know.

  "Speaking of gods, the end of the month is coming up." Rin glanced out towards the coast, then back at the crowd. "When the Captain attacks, there will likely be coastal damage. I will be hosting evacuation drills tomorrow. In addition, I suggest securing any valuables you might have in the mountain camp- and on the nights of the 30th and the 31st, I want everyone staying in the mountain camp until sunrise." Those measures should prevent any night attacks, minimizing potential casualties. If they insisted, she'd even stay in the mountain camp herself.

  Bringing up the option of sacrificing her seemed pointless, since it didn't seem like any of the Elysites were willing to do that- probably because of what she'd said after the Warrior incident. Bringing up her trauma had been beneficial in the sense that Nemhain had appeared, but it was never going to not feel like guilt-tripping to her. She could apologize all she wanted for forcing everyone to stay by her side, but once Pandora's box was open, there was no putting its contents back in.

  No, now wasn't the time to think about that. Shaking her head, Rin said, "We will need to fight him, but we can be smart about it." Letting him tire himself out trying to flood an empty town, then striking when he was exhausted, was probably their best move. They'd devise a more precise plan when she held the drills tomorrow.

  "That's all I have. If you're new and want to swear the oath, step forward."

  /tl;dr + ooc notes:
  /welcome to [member=10612]Cosette[/member] [member=10840]quennel ![/member] [member=10457]ADELAIDE[/member] [member=10353]Wheatley[/member] and welcome back to [member=2827]finnloch.[/member] [member=1077]kade .[/member]
  /shout-outs to [member=7001]Sanzu[/member] and [member=2129]HALO MERCER[/member]
  /Halls of Hiraeth wants an alliance and invited us to a festival, but the Pitt is involved, and the Halls have their own gods- be cautious c;
  /the Captain will most likely attack at the end of this month, so stay tuned, move your valuables and be ready to evacuate
  /evacuation drills
  /if you want to swear in, have your character say so in their reply

Re: haunted -- assembly 1/26 - Cosmic - 01-26-2020

There was a lot to take in, but the white feline simply nodded in understanding, listening closely to what Rin had to say about the Halls alliance and event. In his opinion, with the chaos of the gods attacking them, it wouldn’t be the best idea to go with their reputation with being ‘god-killers’ and all. But on the other hand, they couldn’t just say no to an opportunity for another allegiance and bonding between them. If he looked at the bright side of going, who knows- their gods probably wouldn’t know them and everyone could have a wonderful time. Hell, he knew he could really use a distraction for a while.

Coastal damage? From the ‘Captain’. Another god, Valerian assumed. It wasn’t a surprise anymore, and it wasn’t like the gods were immortal. It was just a title and had lost its meaning long ago when they decided to start this war.

And lastly, a shout-out? That was really kind of Rin. He didn’t feel like he deserved one, but appreciated the fact that she had taken notice of him regardless. A smile would appear on his face, and his markings would glow lightly for a moment in acknowledgement.

Thank you, Rin. I will help with the evacuation drills if you would like.” With all that she had done for him, it was the least he could do for her.

Re: haunted -- assembly 1/26 - nemhain. - 01-28-2020

Nemhain would be one of the first to admit that the quickly approaching date of the Captain's threat had certainly begun to put her a little bit on edge. It was partially nerves being transferred over to her by Rin as well, but there was a fair bit of her own anxiety in there too, and they were mixing together to create an unpleasant cocktail in her mind. Normally the combat oriented persona wouldn't have been even mildly worried about such a thing, but the Captain was a different story. The Ferryman and his minions had been relatively easy to deal with, because they were all small and easy for her to come down upon. The Captain, however? From Rin's visions, she knew him to be massive, and capable of doing a lot of damage. Just her talons and ice shards would hardly be enough. Hopefully Rin's planning ahead would work out for them in the end, and they would all be safe. At least, that's what the massive bird tried to convince herself of as she came to a landing near Mercer, listening to what the magna had to say. It all seemed fairly standard to her, and she found herself nodding firmly in agreement at the mention of the drills. From her crouched position beside Mercer, she chirped firmly, "Congratulations to those shouted out... I can also assist with the evacuation drills. I am more than capable of transporting several people over quite a distance quickly, so it would be best to figure out how I can make myself useful." She didn't particularly want to not be involved in the action against the Captain, but if she was more useful helping people escape, she wouldn't go against Rin's orders.

Re: haunted -- assembly 1/26 - teef - 01-30-2020

my sweet love
code by spacexual
following the sound of voices and a sense of summons, the young wolf moved to the gathering mass of bodies. she didn't know much about what was going on, but she knew that it was something serious, after all mama had been grooming her to be a strong-headed future queen.

with memories of her mama, brought home the memories of her papa and his deep voice. seeing rin leading the meeting reminded her of sneaking away from her studies to watch her papa leading daily meetings for his guardsmen and knights, all under his tutelage and guidance. a warm memory at that, but painful. shaking her head daintily,  she stepped up, "miss rin? i would like to swear in.", loyalty came above all things. but loyalty to who?
watch the air raids

Re: haunted -- assembly 1/26 - guts - 01-30-2020

Ever since she had joined, she had been eagerly waiting for the chance to say the oath, as Rin had told her. She didn't have to do anything like that when she came to Tanglewood, but she wasn't concerned. In fact, she was quite excited. What was there not to be excited about in a new place like this?

The snow and cold winds was hard to get used to, since she had just come from a warm and watery swamp, but she was determined. It would take more than a rough climate to bring her down.

"I'll swear in, too!" she exclaims after Quennel. She just had no idea what she was expected to say.
