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a headache and a half- recovery - Printable Version

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a headache and a half- recovery - deimos - 01-17-2020

She had been pretty much tied to her bed since she came back. She had been stuffed inside a house, hidden away from the sun so her slight wounds and malnourishment could heal. It was awful, to say the least. Being stuck inside that stuffy house, doors closed, the only visitors healers and those that heard she had returned and wanted to say hi. Was that all she was, just another task, another errand to run in a day?

No, she was better then this. The haunting realization she had lost her higher up position, her esteemed help had faded to nothing and her reputation was soiled. Ears flat, fur fluffed up against the cold and a healthier, more filled out face met the streets, heading towards where her home, at least, used to be. She didn't know what she'd do if she wasn't there anymore, if someone had taken her space- despite it being.. rather torn up. Rather Very Torn Up. Her eyes winced, no, flinched and made her head turn at the soiled disposition of it.

Slowly, her green eyes shifted back towards the small rancher. She sighed gently. It was a single level house, and she stepped forward, rolling her shoulder a little bit. Her scratches were healed up, and she was feeling okay. She could tackle this. It was a couple days of work that she set herself upon. Between tearing vines away from the base of the house, all the way up to the second tallest window, to touching up paint- that was a mess, Sam was still covered in paint spots- and bringing away the torn planks on the windows.

She glanced around inside. It still needed work. But it was presentable, livable. She'd make it. Sam stepped back outside with a solid sigh, stretching out her limbs. Were those buds on the nearest tree?



Re: a headache and a half- recovery - wormwood. - 01-19-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

After seeing the state that Sam had been in when she returned, Aurum had added yet another name onto the rather worryingly long list of people that he was completely and utterly stressed about. The entirety of the list was simply chock full of people that he just wanted to be okay in the end, and really the only reason it existed was to remain in the back of his mind, occasionally reminding him – hey, here's another three thousand things to worry about, try not to have a heart attack! Still, he preferred to remain updated on what was happening with his friends, and when he had learned that Sam was out and about again, he had been eager to see her and what state she was in. He had tried visiting a couple od times while she had been being taken care of by the medics, but for the most part the visits were short, brief and cut short by him needing to go and do something, or Sam needing to rest. He had still very much cherished the visits whenever they happened, but they hadn't exactly been everything that he wanted, and now that she was out, he had another chance.

It hadn't exactly been hard to track her down, given that he could remember where her home was from when he had first joined. The lion had flown there without much fuss, landing in front of the decaying home with a soft grunt. He was about to head inside, to see if she was in and available to talk, but then the other emerged from the building, stretching out and glancing around. The proxy immediately felt a smile pull at his muzzle, and he moved forward, clearing his throat to let her know of his presence. As he settled a few feet away, he spoke softly, "Hey, Sam! Good to see you out here... how's the old house? I can't imagine it fared amazingly well without you around..." If he had known about it he might've attempted to keep her home in a decent state even when she was gone, but he probably wouldn't have been able to make enough time for it.
template by orion

Re: a headache and a half- recovery - DELILAH. - 01-19-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Home. Home. Home.

Delilah remembered the last time she had went back to her house, covered in vines and uncleaned except for the parts that Aurum had looked over. Webs covered her steps from where she had not walked in weeks, but this was different. She was walking through the town when she heard Aurum's voice pick up, that cheerful tone making nonexistent external ears perk up. Sam was back? It had been a while since she had heard of the female- things weren't too kind on the end of Delilah and Sam when she last interacted with her.

It wasn't our fault. That familiar voice in her said, as if trying to put the blame on others- it was what Lilith did best, to avoid punishment from the angel that smelled to rank and disgusting to her. Angels, creatures of legend that Lilith herself despised. Why shouldn't she? With her past with them, she was surprised that she didn't just kill them all the moment she saw them now.

"Of course it was our fault. Let's see how she's doing." Delilah mumbled to herself, the dragoness sauntering over on large legs and trembling wings. A low rumble of greeting left the femme, dull magenta eyes sparkling as she leaned her head down to check over any visible wounds on Sam's body.

"How are you feeling?.."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: a headache and a half- recovery - deimos - 01-22-2020

Aurum. Something bitter in her throat still told her she should be angry that, you know, she was visited in passing. But she couldn't be angry at him. He really didn't do anything wrong, besides being so fucking cheerful all the time. Speaking off.. Sam stepped down the steps, turning and looking towards the smaller bungalow, despite it being within the town limits of old 50s houses, it was smaller. Almost studio like. Her mismatched eyes shifted back towards Aurum. "It's still standing. Means it isn't gone, so, yknow. Work to be done." She yawned a bit. "Work, despite, being my least favorite thing. "

Her still sunken face turned back towards the house, noticing the upper right gutter was starting to sag and she cursed. However, an approach from behind caused her to pause in her reapproach to the gutter, body turning. She didn't recognize her immediately, but the tone, the overwhelming amount of pink.. the sharp feeling of anger shoved into her ribs and twisted, making her heart drip with it and her eyes narrow. The last time they met, Del had nothing but anger for Sam, because she claimed it was Leroy's friends faults for not noticing.

And oh, that was acid on her tongue.

"M' fine. Stop looking at me like I'm an art piece." She replied curtly, pulling her head back, her antlers glimmering as she shifted. "Yeah, nice to see you too Del." Sam replied, eyes raising towards the.. drake.. dragon thing. God, Sam didn't know anymore, really.



Re: a headache and a half- recovery - wormwood. - 01-22-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

Delilah and Sam, both back in one place. It was... nice, if not a little bit tense. Aurum could remember well the absolute breakdown that had occurred after Leroy's death, and it was obvious Del felt horrible about it, but... it was also good, seeing the two of them around again after so much time of being apart or at least one of them being gone. The proxy offered a nod to Delilah as she came over, before he turned his attention back to Sam, listening to what she had to say about her little neck of the woods. Letting his eyes trail up to the building in front of them, he found himself nodded a little, rumbling as his claws shifted the earth, "Work to be done... yeah, I'm sure. If you need any help with it, don't worry. I'll be glad to, and I know there are plenty of others who would be willing to help as well, right Del?" He glanced over towards the pink drake curiously, hoping to give her a chance to formulate some kind of apology, even if it wasn't with words. Sure, perhaps helping with rebuilding Sam's house and making sure it wasn't falling apart wasn't enough to make up for the awful things that had been said in the past, but it was a start. Aurum felt bad enough just for not visiting often enough or keeping track of the house while Sam was recovering, but he couldn't even imagine the guilt that Delilah must've been feeling, especially with the change of heart she had gone through. Losing the people you loved the most tended to change your perspective on things, quite a bit.
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