Beasts of Beyond
HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - Printable Version

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HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - DELILAH. - 01-12-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
She has forsaken us. It’s all lost, broken, ruined! A riot has begun, but not in a city- no, it has begun inside of her. A sadness runs through her, one that can’t be contained- bordering on rage.

Pain wasn’t an option. Only wrath.

Flames. Unholy, filthy flames. They consumed her, ate at her skin, pulled and pinched and burned.

Before she knew it, she had wandered off- in search of her child, in search of her lover. It was a repeat- she had felt this once before; The loss of her first lover, killed in cold blood- even with the trauma he put her through, she still loved him. But Renegadeanthems.. Ren was the love of her life. She spent months tipping the scales on how much she would do for that man. His gentle voice, shaky paws helping her up when she fell- even with blind eyes, she knew he was a kindred soul, tormented by the past just as she was.

For many weeks- nearly months, Delilah wandered aimlessly; just as Ren had when she had disappeared before. The smell of him wrapped around her, the faint scent of Ren upon the scarf she wore. Her mask, dangling idly from the horns atop her head- decorated with tribal markings of tree branches and cherry blossoms. The smell of cherries clung to her thick scales, the pink blossoms left behind made her head dizzy with thoughts seemingly left unspoken. She needed to see him.

But she couldn’t, and so Delilah returned home, bigger than before and much, much skinnier. Relying on only fish wasn’t doing her any good.

Before she knew it, the dragoness had climbed over a fallen tree and let her claws dig into the mud below her.

This is home. It always has been.

Even if Morgan and Leroy, and Arrow and Ophelia and Stockings- and.. and Malphas..

Even if they were gone, this was home.

”I’m home..” Ever so soft came the voice, sullen yet the gentle air of a mother remained. Always remained.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - charactercemetary. - 01-12-2020

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'VE BECOMES ECHOES BUT ECHOES, THEY FADE AWAY — 。+゚.[/glow]
//pre injuries

Kaito was a bit of an enigmatic, truly having no home. Hearing those words made his heart strings pull, glad that someone had found a home here, but at the same time, angry that this would not be the case for him. He watches as the dragon like faerie comes out of the sky, unfazed, blue eyes focusing on the rather odd form. Sakura fell from her, and she wore a halo, almost like a crown of it. The magician gently blows them to the wind before looking towards Miss Evergarden.

He appears a bit nonchalant, a paw behind his head, smiling, approaching the larger creature. He sticks a paw out to her, "Well, nice to meet ya, ojo-sama! Welcome home."

Re: HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - wormwood. - 01-13-2020

i was born, on the highway, in a train wreck
with a heart, that was beating, out of my chest
Delilah. Sweet, kind, and strong Delilah. Delilah, who had come to be a close friend of Aurum and one he would defend to the ends of the earth. The last time he had seen the dragoness, she had been staring numbly at Leroy's body, unable to even comprehend the fact that one of her oldest friends and clanmates was gone. At the time, Aurum hadn't exactly been focused on anything but the dead hound in front of them all, but afterwards? He had been worried. Worried about everyone, and how they were faring with the mourning process. He'd gone from place to place, making his best attempts to offering comfort and his friendship. For the most part, it had been positive, but he had never been able to get to Del. By the time he had arrived at Delilah's home, it had been deserted. No sign of Delilah, nor Ren, nor their child. It had practically shattered the Roxy's heart, his mind full of agony over where she could've gone. Where any of them could've gone. Unfortunately, over time, her disappearance had just become another one to add into the pattern. The pattern that slowly wore away at him, tearing him between never bothering to get close to anyone again, or clinging on so tightly to those he had left that his claws would pierce and rip skin. Neither were good options, and he had been trying his best to shove down that little dilemma.

However, as of late, it seemed as though the world had begun taking mercy on him, and all those that he cared about. Faces began to appear again, familiar scents filled the air, and everything just felt... right. And that same feeling was beginning to come again as he came up beside Kaito... until it wasn't. Even though Delilah was here, and safe, and uninjured, he could tell that she wasn't fine. She was skinny, and sullen, and her dark eyes betrayed a pain that made his heart sink. Stepping up past Kaito, Aurum moved forward to press his head against the dragon's shoulder, a silent and warm sign of love and comfort. When he pulled back, he spoke in a soft rumble, watching her carefully, "Delilah... Del, I missed you so much. I wasn't sure where you had gone. I checked your house, but nobody was there... are you okay?" He was fairly sure he knew the answer to the question was no, but he wanted to hear it from her lips first, so that he would be able to offer her some form of relief and comfort, even if it was just hugs and someone to vent at.
template by orion

Re: HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - DELILAH. - 01-19-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
She was older now- Delilah had noticed the creak in her bones, or maybe she was getting joint issues? Maybe she should have stretched her wings out on her adventure.. Massive wings opened, stretching out unused muscles before the sound of a voice made her flinch. Magenta eyes peered downwards, towards something much smaller than herself.

A child? Was it a child?

There were children in Tanglewood?

How long had it been..

Long, whip-like tail moved around to greet the young man before her as he greeted her, a coo-like greeting leaving the dragoness in return. It was soft, somehow something was lost from it- maybe more emotion? She didn't know how to explain it well. It was hard to feel when she felt so numb.

"Hello, dear.." Delilah spoke softly, soft horns atop her head shifting as she moved her head down to be at the right height. "My name is Delilah, I'm sorry if I frightened you in any way by suddenly appearing." She rumbled, grunting in surprise when she felt something brush up against her. She was still getting used to the fact that she could see again, after all. A low chitter of happiness left the female dragoness as the proxy said that nickname. That beautiful nickname..

"Aurum.." She chimed softly, leaning down to nuzzle her face against the angel's own, ignoring the cries of complaint from Lilith internally. Her friend, her friend was here- he was alive, he was safe. With clouded eyes and pained smiles, Delilah finally let the smell of relief leave her- sharp cherry blossoms, as if most of her scent due to her aesthetic element was blocked away, seemed to radiate around them, honeysuckle sprouting out in a crown and tangling in the halo above her head.

Hackles shook, taut muscles quivering as tears slipped past the woman's eyes. Wheezes of breath, long forgotten to talk about her problems. To just.. Say something. Mouth agape as the dragoness wheezed in air, trying to calm herself down before she finally spoke again.

"My child.. My precious child, he's gone.. He's gone, he's gone.. Renegade's gone.." She croaked out, exhaustion finally giving in as her legs gave out under her, the dragoness collapsing to the ground- pain, it was so painful. "Everyone's gone.. The past has left me here, to.. To suffer, maybe.. Or to ponder, I wonder.."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - beatae - 01-22-2020

  the pangs that once poked at her chest no longer haunted her when she saw delilah. with everything that had occurred since the time she had wrapped herself in that cocoon it was hard to remember the kind of person she had been during those days. it had certainly led her to the night with kydobi… as regrettable as that had been indie was forever grateful for what it had given her.

what would have been an aching pain had filled with concern seeing her so distressed. she felt her pain, though. piers had changed recently. something had happened to him and she couldn't make a connection anymore. she couldn't compare it to entirely losing him though... not knowing where he was. "sweetheart..." indie murmured, stepping toward the dragoness. "chin up, dear. look around you." she lifted her paw to delilah's forehead to gently pat her. "you have endured a great loss i could not imagine feels, but you have not been left behind. tanglewood is still here, just the way it was before. only the people have changed and they are still here for you. and leroy-" she looked back at aurum. "leroy's returned. he's leading us now."

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Re: HOW SHOULD I FEEL? • returning. - wormwood. - 01-22-2020

Everything stays, right where you left it.
But it still changes, ever so slightly, daily and nightly.

Aurum looked on silently as Delilah spoke to Kaito, watching as the dragoness introduced herself to the teenager. He found himself smiling slightly, glad to see that Delilah could at least enjoy the appearance of a new child within the clan. However, the happiness was short lived. Del was delighted to see him, and that definitely warmed the angel's heart, a soft chuff leaving him as their foreheads were pressed together, but the warmth and happiness was soon followed up. Tears began to pour freely from the female's eyes, and the young proxy felt panic and pain grip him, sympathy warm in his one blue eye as he wrapped his paws around her, holding the other close to his chest. He wasn't going to let her just stay there on the ground, even if it was a little bit awkward to hold her in such a way. He nuzzled her gently atop the head, attempting to comfort her as he rumbled, "Delilah... I can't... I cant even imagine how you must be feeling. I'm sorry. So very sorry... I wish I could tell you where Ren and your child have gone..." And he really did wish he could. He wished that he could take away all of Delilah's pain, even if it meant taking all her suffering upon himself. Unfortunately, that was not how the real world worked, much to his chagrin. Far too many of his friends were suffering because of things that he couldn't fix, and it was starting to get to him, just a little bit.

Swallowing thickly, Aurum looked up when Indie approached, gently patting Delilah atop the head as she spoke in soft, and caring tones. Her motherly voice made even the angel relax slightly, and he gave her a grateful look when she caught his eye, glad that she had come to help. Once she was done giving her little speech, the proxy nodded along enthusiastically, continuing, "She's right, Del. You haven't been left behind here in Tanglewood. I know you've lost a lot. More than I could ever know. But... that doesn't mean you're all alone. You've got me, and you've got everyone else who still lives here in Tanglewood. I'm not leaving anytime soon, and I know a whole lot of others aren't going to either. Hell, we thought we lost Leroy, but what Indie says is true. He's back. It's great. It took a little while, getting used to him being leader instead of Crow, but... he's doing a good job. You'd be proud of him. He even made me proxy, so there's no way I'm going anywhere." He smiled reassuringly down at the pink dragon, trying his best to get across the warmth he felt in his chest when he was around her. Delilah was an amazing person, and an amazing mother, and someone who made him feel safe. He didn't want her to be in such pain.
template by orion