Beasts of Beyond
open [★] and as the clouds roll by - Printable Version

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open [★] and as the clouds roll by - Keona. - 05-04-2018

✯ — female. beta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
For once, there was not a sign of mischief or deceit in the sightless sea-green eyes of the youngest Ó Faoláin.  No attempts to sneak out this morning.  Not technically, anyhow, for the tiny beta was rather certain the beach was not off-limits and she had gotten her hands on a rather - perhaps comically - small basket.  She still struggled with it, but determination was a powerful tool.  Keona had grown more and more surefooted over time, stumbling and pausing less and less in the most familiar portions of the Typhoon's land, though she had yet to truly explore, let alone familiarize with, the jungle.

When her basket was set down, the rusty spotted kitten ventured closer to water, using her ears to navigate the shore.  The sun was warming her back, and she did not fail to place a paw briefly in the water before skidding away from the tide.  She had no intentions to be washed away.  Humming an old sailor's tune beneath her breath, she began her search, pressing her paws carefully into the sand, testing and feeling.

Keona remained alert for crabs, just in case, but the goal was seashells.  Whenever she discovered one she was satisfied with, she pushed it away from the sand, and gently maneuvered it across the beach into her waiting basket. Truthfully, she was not entirely sure what she was going to do with the shells.  For sure, she would give some to her father, and her uncle, as presents... Perhaps she could give the rest to the crew.  Maybe she could find someone who wanted to turn them into necklaces.  She knew she wanted to keep a few however.  Keona did not need working eyes to appreciate a shell; she was fascinated by the different textures, by the cracks in some, by the ridges in others.

All in all, it was, most likely, a better way to occupy herself than sneaking into the jungle again.
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] and as the clouds roll by - Beatrice - 05-05-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Cuiosity killed the cat, but little did everyone know, it also killed the canine. Beatrice trotted towards the beach, watching Keona search for seashells. The red heeler stood a ways off for a few ticks before nearing the beta.

"There's a really pretty shell to your left," she barked, voice suddenly filing the silence. She sat down in the sand, eyeing the young girl. It didn't take the dog long to realize Keona's disability: the minute pauses and odd movements were easy signs. The poor thing was blind. "And there's a crab." As she spoke, she stood, padding toward the crustacean. She picked it up and then tossed it further down the shoreline. [color=#D87921][b]"There was a crab."

Re: open [★] and as the clouds roll by - Keona. - 05-05-2018

✯ — female. beta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
Keona very nearly jumped out of her skin.  She had not heard the canine's approach.  Briefly her ears flicked back.  She did not appreciate feeling like someone had snuck up on her, though she supposed they had not meant to.  Not in this case, anyhow, but one had to be weary.  Even she liked to play tricks on others, though it was mostly her father, and sneaking up on someone was a trick, in her book, one she had not quite mastered yet. 

She frowned, tail flicking to and fro, low enough to gloss over the sand.  What made a shell pretty?  She imagined, for others - however foreign the concept was - the colors. Nothing had a pretty touch.  They might feel nice, smooth, or unique, but the feeling was not something pretty.  Only sound truly applied to her concept of the word.  Someone might have a pretty voice, or a bird might have a pretty song.  Still.  If this crewmate thought the nearby shell was pretty, maybe she'd like to have it when Keona was done.  Placing a paw left, she tracked down the shell like prey, then brought it back to her basket.  "Wou you li that one, miss? When I'm done?"

As far as pinching crustaceans went, Keona was weary.  Only because of one crab managing to latch onto her paw once, but she had been more worried about the crab afterwards, since she didn't know where it landed.  "Tha you. Didn't hurt him, right?" The lesson learned from that first encounter afterall, was to simply avoid getting too close to the defensive little creatures. Granted she imagined there were plenty of greater size, especially in comparison to a tiny rusty spotted cat.
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] and as the clouds roll by - SÉAMUS - 05-05-2018

[div style="width: 90%;overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt; color:black;"][align=left]☠ I COULD BE THE LIGHT OR DARKNESS, REDEMPTION OR SORROW
Even Séamus was a little glad to see that instead of sneaking out in the jungle, which was much more dangerous, Keona was wandering across the beach. When he picked up on what she was up to, he disappeared again, and didn't appear a few minutes later until he found another basket.  It was too large for the beta to carry, but that was the idea.  Making an effort to convince her to like him - especially when he was certain his dear brother had already given her vague warnings - was important.

If the basket got too heavy, he could shift, but for the moment, he remained in his present form, trotting across the beach to join the two, a friendly glint in his sea-green eyes.  "Those shells look deadly," he praised, offering the girl a small nudge with his nose.  "How 'bout we shift all the them into this basket 'an we can carry more.  I'll hold it for you, alright?"

Re: open [★] and as the clouds roll by - Keona. - 05-06-2018

✯ — female. beta of the typhoon. blind. rusty spotted cat. ref. bio.
Keona found herself blinking, tilting her head up towards the sound of her uncle's voice.  She was not sure why she had not been expecting him, but perhaps she was simply still new to the concept of having an uncle and having him around.  Besides, he was being nice; offering to help.  She supposed there was no harm in it.  She doubted she needed her father's permission to just let him help with her shell collecting, even if he, for some reason, did not seem to fully trust his brother.

"Okay!" With a smile, the beta very carefully tilted her basket over, letting the shells fall slowly into her uncle's.  She dropped her own basket, and angled her towards the new canine, "you can help too." If she wanted.  Keona didn't particularly want to have anyone over her shoulder calling out locations; she liked finding things on her own, but two sets of paws were more efficient than one, and if someone else was looking too, they'd have twice as many shells in half the time.

Seconds after the words were out of her mouth however, she was skidding back across the sand, the search afoot once more, not waiting for a reply.
code by spacexual

Re: open [★] and as the clouds roll by - Beatrice - 05-06-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]Beatrice simply shook her head at the inquiry, saying, "No, thanks." She wasn't particularly fond of the things if she were being honest. There was just something about the ocean and water in general that freaked her out. She wasn't sure what it was, but the thought of things coming from the ocean also disgusted her because of her fear.

The red heeled flicked her ear at the next question. Had she hurt the crab? Mm, maybe, but who could say? After she flung the creature a great ways down the beach, she couldn't spot the crustacean. Considering she wasn't a fan of crabs, she wouldn't have minded if the little bugger was dead. However, Kiona seemed very concerned with that. "Oh, no, kid. He just went on a little trip. I'm sure he'll be back, so be careful."

Her eyes flickered to Séamus, and she recognized him from her joining. She hadn't though much of him, but she was now curious as to what his relationship to Kiona was. He seemed close to her, and something deep within her soul ached for a bond like that.

"Here, I found another shell." The canine stood and placed the oddity in the basket. It was equal parts smooth and rough, textured heavily. She hoped the young girl could find some enjoyment out of it.