Beasts of Beyond
YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - Printable Version

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YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-04-2018

Alright, it was about damn time he stopped being antisocial and actually did things for once. Vigenere recalled a couple of loners talking about some groups that lived nearby, and he got directions to the nearest one - which just so happened to be Tanglewood. The loners warned him that this group tended to be a bit malicious, but Vigenere didn’t mind. After all, he was a former soldier. Until his brother, Caesar, fucked that up. But whatever; it’s been about a month since that happened. Surely Caesar was gone by now?

Vigenere halted at the border and stood waiting. Hopefully he wouldn’t regret this decision. And if he did? He could easily go back to living by himself,.


Re: YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - Luciferr - 05-04-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"Well at least you decided to wait at the border" a smooth dark voice intoned before the culprit stepped from the shadows, War's pale white-blue eyes looking down at the little feline - ah a feline form but something else perhaps.

the god blinked breifly before sighing "Name and intent?" the same questions repeated at bored verbatim at everyone of these border sits - at least that monotony had been broken lately by a spate of joiners just brazenly wandering into the area and then wishing they hadn't when they were ensnared by a trap or attacked by the local fauna.


Re: YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - Morgan - 05-04-2018

Morgan crept forward, remaining a step or two behind Fenrisulfr. It found itself meeting strangers alongside the fellow Tangler quite often, so it tagged along this time as well. It let its fiery comrade do the talking, sidling up beside the beast and staring at the outlander. The dog's ears perked up as it listened to the silky voice, wearing an unseeable samoyed smile. Its ears happened to be at just the right height to get the perfect volume; Morgan could not help but wag its tail.

Once Fenrisulfr finished the samoyed added, "Why here?" So many newcomers were flocking toward its home as of late that it wondered if there was some specific reason.

Re: YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-05-2018

As soon as Fentisulfer approached, Vigenere looked up at him. The demon tilted his head in amusement at the god’s first comment. ”I have respect for your boundaries.” He replied. And of course he did! Being in the King’s Court at his old home taught him this. If they weren’t careful about where they treated, they would end up getting their tails blown off, sometimes quite literally. As for his name and intent? ”Vigenere Cipher. I wish to join.” For lack of better words, such as ‘I want to actually fucking be sociable to once’ or ‘I need protection from my unstable, explosive brother.’

Vigenere turned to Morgan at its question, clearly surprised at being asked that. ”Well, I heard rumors of a group living near where I used to hide out, and I suppose I decided that I actually wanted to be of use, rather than defending myself from outsiders.” That was, at least, half true... he was tired of his makeshift den being attacked and him having to protect himself.


Re: YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - Morgan - 05-06-2018

Morgan tilted its head as it attempted to comprehend what the stranger said. It got the majority of it at least, and nodded before replying, "Come, if you want. Dangerous." The samoyed turned to walk toward town, feeling that the feline had a righteous enough reason to join.

"Fen-ri-sul-fr," the icy canine called, passing by a recently-marked tree. "Nice voice," it continued, smiling under its mask as its tail rose from its resting place to wag back and forth again.

Re: YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - Luciferr - 05-07-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fenris snorted at the comments before inclining his head to the icy canine - ha, fire and ice - the war god nodding his agreement with the somyed's words "Mh, well welcome - and as Morgan said, Fenrisulfr a pleasure" he mused padding after the other.

"And keep close, wouldn't want to get caught in a trap" or eaten by gators, the war god finished in his head.


Re: YOU WENT DARK ON ME // open, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 05-07-2018