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WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE ☆ announcement - Printable Version

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WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE ☆ announcement - redvox. - 12-23-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Going from group to group with the invitation to their dance had certainly been a... very interesting experience, to say the least. For the most part it had been positive, with many pleasant interactions with the other groups... save for Tanglewood, of course. Not every member had been an asshole, but their leader Leroy hadn't exactly endeared himself to Vinny, and he found that he didn't want to return there anytime soon. Aside from that unpleasant part, however, Vin had enjoyed himself, and he had especially enjoyed his time in the Pitt, despite how much of an oxymoron that seemed to be. Still, the thing that had surprised Vox the most was the fact that the Halls was starting to become somewhat well known, even amongst the larger main groups. It was... a very pleasant surprise, really. He was quite glad to hear that their exploits and hard work had yielded results, and the hybrid was quite sure that the other members of the group would be pleased as well. After all, everyone had been working so incredibly hard to make sure that their territory was safe, and that they were active as every other group. For that... for that he was very grateful, and he was hoping that he had been able to show that effectively thus far. It seemed like he had been able to, considering Aslisk and the others like Roman and Breena were pleased. And they were still getting joiners every so often, which was definitely comforting.

Anyways, as a result of them becoming fairly well known, Elysium had apparently taken notice. Vox had been rather surprised when he had reached the mountain dwelling group with his invitation, only to have an invitation extended to him in return. To a festival, which would apparently include the Pitt as well. He wasn't exactly enthused about Tanglewood being there, but it wasn't as if he could just ignore the other group forever, and he wasn't about to reject the invitation just on account of them. So, he had enthusiastically accepted the invitation on behalf of the Halls, and had continued on his travels until he eventually arrived back home. He felt pretty exhausted from traveling, but he wanted to let the group know about everything that had happened before he collapsed into bed. Sighing heavily, the harbinger stretched out slowly before he pulled himself up onto the front steps of the town hall, looking up at the nicely decorated building. Once he had a chance to relax, he turned and called out softly, "Can everybody please gather 'round? I've got a little mini announcement." He then waited until quite a few people had gathered around before he continued, sighing, "Alright, so... good news first! I went and invited everybody ta our dance, 'n' most of 'em agreed ta come. Tanglewood refused th'invite on account'a the Pitt bein' invited, but their leader said that the members could go if they wanted ta... after th'holidays, we're gonna have a conversation 'bout allies 'n' enemies, especially since Tanglewood was... let's just say less than friendly ta me." He shook his head a bit before throwing a wing out towards the mountain of Elysium, "Lastly, while I was out at th'mountains Elysiun lives at, they invited us to the market festival that they're havin'. I accepted th'invite, 'n' anybody can feel free ta go if they want to. I'll be goin', at th'very least. If ya do decide ta go, please be on ya best behavior. Elysium was kinda ta me when I was there, and I don't want anybody causin' trouble... anyways, that's all f'this little mini announcement thing. Thanks f'listenin' ta me." He then started down the steps of the town hall, letting out a soft sigh as he felt his eyelids drooping. He really was exhausted... he needed to get some sleep before the dance.

( elysium market festival thread + festival food stall )

Re: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE ☆ announcement - Kamara Jilani - 12-23-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

Although oblivious to his existence, Kamara held many similarities to her half brother. For example, she wasn’t often seen around the camp on the daily, however she did have a knack for appearing when important things were occurring. It wasnt that there was anything wrong with the Halls, she just liked solidarity among the vicinity of others. Or perhaps she was scared of bonding, this much was true that she was sure of. Quietly the leopardess would walk up, having heard the kind call for a meeting.

As she found a spot to sit in the front, she would listen to Redvox speak. He spoke of Tanglewood, was she surprised by their encounter? Not in the least.

A irritated look would come onto her face as she recalled her time there.

“I’m very familiar with Tanglewood. Before coming here I had very briefly spent my time there before leaving..”

She flicked her tail as she thought of what to say, searching for some verbal grace but she decided there was no sugar coating the truth.

“They’re monstrous fools- all of them. I hadn’t even been there a week and I watched one of them snap the neck of a Pittian.... and justify it on the fact they were a Pittian.”, she had no doubt that the alliance discussion would be involving the Tanglewooders, “I have hate for no one but that lot gives me a run for my money. They’re just as bad as the folks they swore to destroy and if you ask me... it’s best to not keep such hypocrites close.”

She was sure that they didn’t take kindly to her leader’s former residency. But that was fine, fools saw everything in black or white. While she knew her more peaceful way of life was somewhat unrealistic, there was certainly things everyone could take away from.

Defense only on all sides saved a lot folks. 

but all will bow to her


Re: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE ☆ announcement - fulzanin - 12-23-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - regent - hot shot
Aslisk couldn't say that she was.. super thrilled for a dance. Dances weren't something she had attended often, if at all. What an odditity. It was a concept she knew, a situation she understood, but that didn't mean she was familiar with it. She knew there were commonly songs and, of course, dances involved in a hosted dance event. She strode forward, flaming tail swinging sharply behind her. Good news came first. Of course it did. Her talons curled into the ground a little, or as best as they could in a nonchalant and not fully thought out movement. Her ears flicked upon hearing about allies and enemies. Ew. Politics, they weren't her favorite. She was a strong force, and deemed herself the executioner of her plans. A judge, too, of character to decide on if they were even worth the troubles that came from dealing with the situation at hand. Her solution was, of course, usually violence. It worked! What else was there to be said about such a manner of dealing with issues? Aslisk would say that it was near foolproof, less someone somehow be immune to death. She'd already witnessed what happened when that plan failed. Sure. She'd say it was for the better if she was alone. Aslisk would refuse to admit such a thing when in the presence of other persons. It would be weakness, and the wyvern refused to be remotely considered weak.

"Us? Not on our best behavior? Careful Redvox, you're gonna pop someone's pride like a balloon," the wyvern briefly chuckled. Then hearing Kamara speak, her ears raising and flicking. It was then her teeth bared, a fury swiftly brewing that was not hard to earn from her. "That's a load of Xiogipa-hask, killing people just for their residency. Hypocrites. That's the word." Aslisk snarled. Her head arched upwards a little, small flames splitting from her jaws before settling down. "I'll go to that market festival thing. Mostly because if any of those.. Tanglewood folks show up and decide they've got problems for lusluing locations I'll be there to put their sorry hasking faces back into line," the wyvern said. Her words ended in a sharp huff, red eyes narrowing. It was not hard for her temper to become sour. It struck nerves, what she had been explained about the behavior of Tanglewood. It struck nerves of her youth, and those nerves were the easiest to swiftly alter her mind into an absolute infuriated mess. Aslisk had originally planned to go to the market festival nonetheless, before Kamara had spoken up. Perhaps she would be able to find some neat gift for her wife and kids while there. But now, now her attitude was soured, and her bared teeth and grumbles of swears in her native tongue certainly proved such.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE ☆ announcement - breena - 12-24-2019

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #7b66a8; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px; letter-spacing: 3.3px;"][b]I will try to be the brightest
The petite badger found the thought of all these... Social events somewhat overwhelming.  Inviting so many... And they were invited to another event from somewhere else.  Oh dear.  Breena breathed out slowly.

In silence, she listened.  Observed.  Learned.  Never protruding.

The Arch-Rouge let Redvox go before truly pondering the worse of the announcements.  Soured relations.  Hopefully none of it escalated, but it certainly bore ill will for the peace-loving druid.  The aggression spoke of them... Well, she hoped nothing escalated between them and Tanglewood, but she certainly didn't want them as allies either.

Politics.  Breena sighed.