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I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - Printable Version

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I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - redvox. - 11-25-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Recently, Vox had been informed by Cottontail that they and their Mother had been watching over and cleaning up the decrepit town hall that was currently being used for meetings and would – eventually – be utilized for social events. Vinny had expressed how grateful he was thsn, and he intended to do it even more later, but usually he had so much work to do that he didn't have a chance to go and see the town hall, or what improvements had been made since the group had first claimed the large growth covered town. It certainly still looked the same from the outside, with the vines and all sorts of different plants still clinging desperately to the formerly pristine and white sides of the building, but as he trotted up on wings and hooves, the Harbinger was sure that it was a different story inside. From what he could see, and smell, it was unlikely that Cottontail and their mother were in the town hall at the moment, but the hybrid doubted they would mind him taking a quick peek inside, just for a couple of minutes. After all, he was the leader, and it would probably be good for him to become acquainted with the place before they hosted any big events inside of it, right? At least that's how he rationalized it to himself, since he was so delightfully excited to see the inside of the large building that he found he couldn't wait for Cottontail to sneak in.

Carefully, aware of how fragile the structure probably was, the gat pushed open the large wooden front doors, letting his eyes dart around the building slowly. It was still in a state of mostly disrepair, but it was pretty clear that someone had recently gone through some effort to clean it up, since the floor was mostly free of vines or any other type of wildlife, and the tiles that made up the ground of the entrance room were almost glimmering with cleanliness. Vinny felt a soft grin split his face as he took in the state the main room was in, slowly making his way forward and letting himself take everything in. Sure, another person might've looked at the still mostly destroyed by nature town hall and given up, saying that it was rotten and wasn't worthy of attention or work, but Vox wasn't another person. He had already put this much effort into getting the Halls back together, so what was another little project? Still, he was still a bit of a nervous wreck when it came to certain duties he had as harbinger of everyone, but he was getting better at things gradually, and he liked to believe that everything would be alright. After all, a group without an optimistic leader could be a group without optimism at all, and the hybrid was far from wanting that. So, as he slowly made his way to the back rooms and offices of the town hall, he found himself imagining all the different things they could do with the place once it was cleared out, rather then how much extensive work would need to be done in order to get it into working condition.

Vinny allowed his thoughts to wander freely as he wandered in real life around the large town hall, taking in all of the sights. He was finally broken from his reverie, however, when he felt something crunchy underfoot. Glancing down, he blinked in surprise at the sight of an old human bag of chips, ripped apart and clearly absolutely wiped out from any traces of food by whatever had grabbed it. Letting his eyes wander just a bit higher, he noticed that there was a trail of various food items scattered through the small office he was in, all leading towards a closet door. Immediately, a worried look came to the hybrid's face, and he hesitated before moving closer, his claws giving a soft click against the ground as he approached the door. Once he reached it, he yanked it open with a wing, and was immediately met with the closet, which had inside of it an absolutely enormous rat's nest. It was obvious that the rats weren't too happy to be discovered, as the horde of them immediately turned to face the harbinger, their eyes narrowing before they began to squeak and screech, streaming off in different directions around him. Immediately he let out a yelp, the sheer force of the crowd of creatures nearly knocking him over as he bolted out of the office, heading towards the front door of the town hall while yelling, "Rats! Fuckin' rats! Shit, fuck!" Half of his thought process was just a stream of profanities, wanting to get away from the nasty little creatures. Several of them managed to squeeze by him, however, rushing out of the front door of the building before even the gat could.

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - trojan g. - 11-25-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
It had been a long time since Roman had thought of rats, so long in fact that he almost forgot about the last time he had an encounter with them. The sound of Vox running and yelling about them brought the memories all back, and, worried, the male would furrow a brow, the thought of swarms of rats coming out of the rafters and walls in the buildings in the territory clutching at his chest.

"Where are they? Did they bite you?" Ro knew that it wasn't all rats that were rabid, not all of them could cause more harm if they were to bite someone, but the ones he remembered were, the ones he remembered had caused him to go into an illness where he had experienced his most memorable death. It had been slow, and it had been painful. Suffocating to death from your own snot was not something you wanted to happen to you, no matter if you were immortal or not.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - fulzanin - 11-26-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Aslisk hadn't ever had issues with rats before. She'd had issues with people she considered to have the mental capacity of rats, but never the species itself. Aslisk had probably killed them for food before, but the wyvern wasn't certain. She'd killed a lot of different prey items, and thus far this place had less that spectacular or thrilling to hunt prey. The prey of where she came from was her preference. It provided a thrill that mice or squirrels or whatever the fuck people around here hunted could not. Which was annoying. She didn't want to try and aim for something too big and get her tail handed to her, but she hated the mundane feeling of just teleporting on top of her prey.

Screaming attracted the wyvern. She had, long ago, said that panicked screams were a type of soothing melody to her ears. Now they just made her curious and wonder what was causing all the ruckus. She wasn't the only one to investigate the shrieking, red eyes falling upon Roman for a few seconds. Her attention was ensnared when some of the rats came rushing out before Redvox did. Hissing, Aslisk charged after one, trying to smash it under her talons. "You're seriously scared of just a little hasking vermin? Hah!" She laughed, although that brief lightness of her voice was swiftly destroyed when the ever nimble creature evaded her efforts. Hissing, the wyvern kept on charging after that one rat, her flaming tail streaking out behind her. "Why does it matter if they bit him? They're just lusluing hask," Aslisk sputtered, again messing up her attempt to contain one of the swift footed creatures. There was more than one rat, through, and in the midst of her tunnel vision on that one rat she was able to offer her snide remark. Her awkward sprint after the rats was stuttered from her burns, but she was.. attempting, nonetheless.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - Kamara Jilani - 11-27-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

“Rats cause disease”, she would inform Asilisk.

“Even if these ones are clean. They aren’t sanitary and they’ll only multiple. I doubt any of us want to share our home with unsanitary, selfish guests.”

She look in disgust, there were a few good rats. But these ones most likely weren’t. The way they scattered showed her they were mostly unintelligent and purely instinctual creatures.

Her tail lashed, she would have to bathe herself later after this scene

but all will bow to her


Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - redvox. - 11-27-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vox was still taking in large gasping breaths to calm himself when Roman and the other's approached, and the harbinger flinched a little, embarrassed he had been caught in such a prone and frightened state. He supposed he had brought it on himself, panicking and screaming and all, but that didn't make him really feel any better about it. When Ro asked if any of the rats had bitten him, the leader quickly shook his head, mumbling softly, "No, none of 'em got at me, s'far as I know. And they're all in one of th'back rooms in the town hall. I wasn't expectin' it, 'n' they all just came... streamin' out." He closed his eyes briefly and shook his head, a sigh leaving him. He really hoped that none of the rats carried any diseases, since he absolutely didn't want to deal with sickly little rats running around their territory, biting people and afflicting them with rabies. Thankfully, Vinny had only ever seen or heard rats in the vicinity of the town hall, so hopefully it was the only building that was afflicted with rat shaped unpleasantness. At least if they knew the rats were originating from one point, they could destroy that point and not have to worry about any more disease carrying little mongrels.

Looking up when Aslisk approached, the leader rolled his eyes when she made fun of him for being afraid of the rats. He grumbled sarcastically, shifting his wings a bit and glancing back inside, "They're pretty fuckin' scary when there's tons of 'em running straight at ya, ready to bite anythin' they can find. 'Sides, it's like Kamara said. They can have life-threatenin' diseases, and I'd really like ta not fuckin' die anytime soon." After all, he had just put the Halls back together. It wouldn't be very good if their first nee harbinger just dropped dead from a rat attack, now would it? The gat let out another heavy sigh before nodding at Kamara, turning around and eying the last of the straggler rats that were still crawling sneakily out of the building. His ears flattened as he watched them, and he then said with a shake of his head, "I s'pose we'll have to get rid of 'em somehow. I saw th'nest, 'n' we can probably get rid of it, but there's a lot of 'em. It'll probably take a lotta people t'kill the last of them off... not ta mention if they're diseased, we can't even eat 'em..." It really wasn't a winning situation, and Vinny found himself wishing that he had found something much more positive inside of the back room. Like, a party. Or a lifetime supply of prey. That would've been nice...

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - breena - 11-27-2019

[align=center]— breena | halls of hiraeth arch-rouge | druid —
Rats.  Oh dear.  The petite badger slowly approached the gathering group.  Her dark hues seemed locked on beyond, brows beginning to crease.  While the druid disliked outright violence, she understood the threat of the rodents.  Their little teeth could bring death in the worst cases.

"We... Should be careful," Breena murmured.  "If we found a way to poison them, or something... Less chance to be bitten." A number of poisonous plants came to mind, but they would have to find a way to entice the rats.  Still.  She disliked the idea of any of them trying to face off a hoard of potential disease-carrying rats when other methods existed.

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - trojan g. - 11-27-2019

"I'm sorry, secret siren, but I'm blocking out your calls"
Listening to each member of the group speak, Roman was simply only able to nod his head in confirmance with some of those there - words he would have spoken already having been done so before he got a chance to - before he finally opened his maw and did so. "I can trap them with my powers, or just straight up kill some of them... but it could smell, and could potentially catch things on fire if I try to just kill them." He could control his plant elementals, he could trap the ones he comes across, but in his mental state, the fire would just go everywhere, it wouldn't aim for just one thing, but all and around him, and he didn't want to deal with more injured members of the group right now.

"I've dealt with rats before, but, it was a long time ago." And there had been more of them, and he had been bitten. So needless to say it didn't go well.
tags - penned by @ tikki
[color=transparent]template by orion

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - redvox. - 11-29-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vinny sighed, looking up when Breena approached, flicking his ear in a faing greeting to the smaller badger. When she explained that they should be careful, the harbinger nodded, mumbling as he glanced back inside of the town hall and flattened his ears, "You're right... poisonin' them would certainly be easier. I think we have some poisonous herbs stashed away somewhere just in case, to teach th'kits about what ta avoid... we could use those." He then looked over at Roman, listening intently to what both his arch-rogue and arch-templar had to say. The gat seemed to think for a moment, studying the ground beneath him intensely as he tried to figure out a plan. He certainly didn't want Roman setting the town hall on fire, and fighting them directly as a group wasn't the best idea... evidently Roman somewhat knew what he was talking about, as well. Vin could somewhat recognize from the male's tone that it hadn't been a pleasant experience, so he didn't press further, instead just letting out a soft hum of acknowledgement. Eventually, he took a deep breath before nodding firmly, looking at the group around him, "Roman... do ya think y'can trap 'em in one room with your powers? If ya can, then the rest of us can load some food up wit' the poison, 'n' put it inside. The trapped rats would be forced ta eat what we put inside, and would die off. It might not get all of 'em at once, but it would probably get most of them..." It was the best idea he had at the moment, and seemed like it would at least be decently effective against the rodent menace.

Re: I AM THE GIANT RAT ☆ o, rats - fulzanin - 12-09-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

"For the love of Nitis, poisoning will take way too lusluing long," Aslisk groaned. She'd given up on chasing the rat, it being far too nimble for her injured body to continue pursuing. She glared after the nimble creature with hatred in her eyes that likely would kill if manifested physically. It didn't stick around to mock her, of course. Good, Aslisk would think. Good for the rat to not stick around. She'd spared it, yes - it totally had not managed to evade her sharp talons and jaws. Anyone who would dare to say such a thing, the wyvern firmly cemented that she would burn them. Or attack them. Whichever she felt more like doing at the time. A sharp huff parted her maw, talons and wings moving her burnt body back over to where the group had congregated. Disgust was present on her face, and her face scrunched up in distaste. The expression did hurt. Her face was burned from her little stunt, and it left her face to swiftly resume a state of near neutrality in order to cease the pain of the burn wounds causing her pain. Yes, it made her irritable and her fury claw harder, but she managed to keep such a ferocity contained to her raging glare and furious tone. "Close them off, burn them out. The smoke will suffocate them." Aslisk's tone was snappy, as it often was. Her webbed ears flicked, wiggling a little as if it was helping with whatever it was she was churning on in her mind.

Slowly her tail swept behind her, the spikes that stuck out at random from the limb. It tugged at the ground, sticking, but it didn't seem to cause the wyvern any discomfort. The only true discomfort was her burn wounds, and Aslisk would of course say this incompetent way of dealing with vermin was equally as annoying. Her red eyes rolled, and she stomped a talon against the ground. "With poison you run the risk of not all of them eating. They continue, ugh, reproducing and scampering off somewhere else with their small size. I don't think it's possible to fully close off a room but at least they'll for sure die from smoke inhalation. No survivors. Unlike with poison where there's always the possibility." Sharp was the hiss that curled from her tongue. How she missed being poisonous herself. It would be great if she was still capable of such an ability. Alas, it had not carried to this wyvern body. She was left with fire, though, in more ways that the flames that crackled from her spiky tail. It burned in her eyes, furiously, and it flickered forth from every word. Her gaze was fixated on the doorway where Redvox had burst from, as if considering using fire already without getting confirmation on the tactic.

TAGS 11/19/19: