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SOLACE •• joining•• open - Printable Version

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SOLACE •• joining•• open - Kamara Jilani - 11-19-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

[throws in Kydobi’s half sister]

She never wanted power, war, or revenge. It was all mortal play. Wasting their temporary time on futile gestures. So she had left the people of Tanglewood. She attempted her hand at Typhoon but seeing their leader was the one helping continue the fight she quickly gathered her things and high tailed it out.

This was not her war. No war was her war. She never fought for retaliation or vengeance. Only would her hand raise in defense. Even then she did not mind dying. She always came back. But she would not die for a fierce and alien cause in a foreign land of strangers. Even if there was some moral justification, when one got down to it... it was all the same.

Hurt one for this. Hurt one for that. Take all of this. Leave nothing. Leave everything. Lose. Win. It was all so repetitive. It was another eternal cycle of this life. One of the many cycles that made Kamara loathe her immortality. She had a terrible habit of not staying somewhere for too long. In search of something she could not quite find, lately the leopardess was beginning to suspect she was searching for eternal sleep. But she would not get it and so she would be forced to play this game.

For a month or so, the hybrid would roam alone. A large percent of her lives were spent this way so she did not mind the solidarity. Free to do whatever she fancied without duty. But life gets boring when you have no responsibilities to any but yourself. Especially when those responsibilities are minimal. So once again she was craving to be within the vicinity of others, to be apart of something grander than herself.

It always started that way, sometimes she intended to stay. She always left. But for now she hoped to find somewhere to satiate her curiosity. Once she learned of a group that took no part in the battles, she would make her way towards them immediately. A group formed in the aftermath by none other than a Pittian by the sounds of it. But the birds had told her they were not if the same stock. Different morals.


The goddess arrived, standing atop a mound in the rolling green hills. Farther down, rabbits hobbled and bounded. Kamara closed her eyes, inhaling the fresh air deep into her lungs before exhaling as she opened them. This land was good. This land was clean. This land was green and fertile.

There was a nostalgic calm to it. Something so familiar to her and yet she couldn’t quite recall why or what it reminded her of. But it felt safe. It felt secure.

Perhaps she would find what she desired. Or someone to help her.

Knowing she was crossing boundaries and borders she would keep her posture neutral, inviting. First impressions were everything.

but all bow to her


Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - fulzanin - 11-19-2019

ASLISK - wyvern - powers - halls of hiraeth - sentinel - hot shot

Maybe she shouldn't have been up and wandering about. Maybe it would do her better to be staying in bed, resting, and healing. The wyvern spat in the face of slow recovery. She did that with a lot of things. Her fierce temper refused to be halted by the agony of getting up and moving around. Feeling her burn wounds be graced by the chilling air was absolutely painful. She could barely stand it. The air nipped at her burn wounds in a manner most fierce. Yes, maybe she should have stayed in bed. The wyvern was stubborn, she fought hard, and decided that she was not going to just be staying in bed while she waited for all the burn wounds to go away.

Aslisk somewhat knew the pains of immortality. Her original home had been of a place where no matter how many times she died, she would be brought back from the dead. It mattered not how she died, how long it took, or if she wanted to continue living. Her eyes would close, her body would fall still, and soon after she would rise in her birth place, reformed and repaired and ready to continue existing. It perhaps contributed to her feisty personality. Knowing that her words wouldn't ever have her fully killed, that her actions were covered by the insurance that every time she died she would wake back up again. Death was not permanent. Perhaps that was why she worshiped the concept as her god - her entire people group had. Death was their savior. Death would deliver them. Death was the only god that she had ever worshipped. Aslisk sometimes wrote up her somewhat immortality to that worship. Other times, she wanted to curse such a thing. Death was a double edged sword. It could bring demise to your enemies just as easily as striking down the ones you cared about. The wyvern liked to think she knew such a concept well.

Her arrival could be contributed to the rabbits. Hunger was as good a motivator as any. Her burnt body wouldn't let her actually hunt them, but the wyvern supposed that a swift teleport would allow for her to be able to catch them. Her blazing red gaze had been caught by seeing the newcomer. Aslisk could not attach a name to that face, nor did she think she had seen them before. The purple beast grunted. She elected to teleport most of the way there - which was still taxing and even more so with how her burn wounds leeched at her energy - and slowly trot the rest of the way. "Er. What're you doing here? Right on the border thing." Aslisk's words usually came out with a fierce and fury fueled ferocity. Teleporting and getting this far from camp left the wyvern with no energy to spare on her irritable nature. The idea of borders was foreign to her. Such was why her question was more open, addressing the border as an object rather a place. One of her webbed ears flicked, staring, her body stiffening when she felt a twinge of pain flicker through from the burn wounds that colored her purple body yellow.

TAGS 11/19/19:

Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - Kamara Jilani - 11-19-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

Kamara could not deny the rough shape she was in. The purple gem would make her way over, crossing large spaces in the blink of an eye. Teleportation, nothing unheard of but quite the spectacle to witness all the same.

When the wyvern addressed her, Kamara could not help but furl her eyebrows in worry. Not good shape. the way she addressed the border was a little different but the feline understood what she meant.

”In Kamara Jilani... and i came to join.”

She blinked, her amethyst and icy jewels looking at the wounds. Perhaps she suffered in the battle as well.

but all will bow to her


Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - redvox. - 11-20-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Luckily for Kamara, if she was looking for somewhere with strong morals that didn't just revolve around death and fighting, then the Halls was the place to be. Sure, they certainly weren't afraid to fight, and went after other groups if they felt it was in the name of justice and peace for all, but usually the process of choosing whether or not a group deserved to be raised or not took quite a while, with tons of deliberation going on to see if it was the right choice. Vox preferred not to make rash decisions, and he knew that their gods wouldn't want him to either. Hell, that was the whole reason that they had an entire division dedicated exclusively to making sure that other groups were on the up and up. He wasn't quite sure how they stacked up against say, Tanglewood, or The Typhoon, but he did know that they had a hell of a lot stronger morals than the Pitt had, and he was quite fucking proud of that fact. Sure, he had liked and even loved a lot of the people within the Pitt, and didn't want them to be hurt, but he couldn't have stayed there, not after everything that happened with the raid and the aftermath of it. Besides, he didng regret reforming the Halls for a single second. They were active, safe, and rapidly getting a hold over their new territory, and the Harbinger couldn't help the sense of pride that swelled in his chest every single time he stepped out of the fortress and saw other members milling about everywhere, excitedly talking or moving off to complete their various assigned tasks.

The leader had been out for a bit of a walk when a strange new scent reached his nose, and his large ears perked up with interest at the sound of Aslisk's voice, and another more unfamiliar one. Trotting up beside Aslisk and shooting her a nod of greeting, Vox offered Kamara a little sharp smile, his bat teeth glinting, "Well, Kamara, welcome ta The Halls of Hiraeth, then. M'name's Redvox, but y'can call me either Vox or Vinny, whichever ya prefer. I'm th'Harbinger around here, so y'got any concerns? Feel free ta bring them t'me." His tail flicked from side behind him before he gestured back towards the direction of the apartment building they called home, continuing, "Just through 'ere is our main base, th'Fortress. It's where we all bunk. Either Aslisk or I will be happy ta show y'to it if y'want. Y'can pick any room y'like, as long as it's not, y'know, owned by somebody else. Unless they don't mind a roommate." A soft chuckle left the harbinger at his own little joking comment, a strange warmth in his chest over the fact that they had yet another joiner. She almost reminded him of someone from back in the Pitt, but... he didn't want to intrude on her past, or her family.

Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - Kamara Jilani - 11-21-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual
[do you know anyone that can fix this post template? It looks a little wonky on mobile? Idk about desktop]

Her attention would be pulled to another and he would hold it. Although on the more menacing side due to his teeth, a smile was offered. Kamara would smile recognizing he most likely wasn’t malicious. Besides, he was eager to accommodate her and his efficiency was greatly appreciated on her part. No need for silly questions and cautions for now. Not that it would be too dangerous, the group was fairly new and not much to take over considering the lack of members.

He called himself the Harbinger, whatever that truly meant she would assume it was a position if not the position if power. Funny little creature, odd mix of two very different animals. But also another interesting mix.

Politeness and proper behavior was natural for the cats of her land. Wherever that may be, and so she would wait till he finished speaking before answering. She could not hide the excitement in her eyes for the future.”I’d love it if you showed me. Perhaps I’ll find a cozy little corner to reside in.”

She would take a step forward and look at him, tail slowly curling and uncurling in anticipation, “Perhaps I can have a more in depth backstory on this place and its values? I only know the least.”

but all will bow to her


Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - redvox. - 11-21-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
In all honesty, Vox often forgot just how intimidating or unsettling his hybrid form could be. He could always feel just how jaggedly sharp his teeth were, but that didn't mean that he knew just how terrified certain people could be by his appearance. Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Kamara was one of those people. When she agreed to have them show her around, he grinned again, dipping his head and glancing over at Aslisk. He gave the sentinel a bit of a nod to signify that she could come along as well if she wanted, turning and beginning the trek towards the main fortress as he spoke, "I'm sure that you'll find somewhere great ta settle down, Miss Kamara. We've got plenty of room, although y'might have ta share some room with some plants. They seem ta like takin' over our balconies 'n' all that." As he led the larger creature along, his large bat ears perked at Kamara's questions, and he couldn't help a little chuckle of happiness. It wasn't often that people were actually that interested in their history, "Ah, well, I'd be happy ta share our history 'n' values with ya, Miss. First of all, we're a very devout group with an interestin' pantheon of gods that help us ta navigate our daily lives. In fact, it is believed that our group was formed because th'goddess Bertille saved our founder, Silas. Ever since we were founded, we've been a group that values justice 'n' devotion above all. Th'different gods may have different values specific ta them, but all of us are just a bunch'a misfits tryin' ta create a peaceful world." Sure, maybe he was sugarcoating it a bit, but... that was truly what the main purpose of the Halls of Hiraeth was meant to be.

( I'm afraid I don't know how to fix it, but I'm sure if you asked in the help center somebody better at coding could help out. It doesn't look too awkward, but you do have to scroll to the right to see the text )

Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - Kamara Jilani - 11-27-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

The more he talked the more she became aware of what this was. Just a hunch of misfits trying to make peace. And as a consequence, fighting?

She knew her preferences were unrealistic. Few immortals and even fewer mortals ever preferred peace. She looked at him as they spoke of their religion. And what made a being a god? She would have to ask him that later.

“Do not take offense if I do not practice this... belief. More importantly, are you of the sort to seek peace akin to the methods of Tanglewood and the Typhoon?”

She was speaking of the battle, ”a great many lives were lost in those endeavors. No doubt stirring up newer enemies of vengeance.”

A life lost has his echo in the living world. Not all reacted well, and while she didn’t visit the site. On the day of, birds were talking, she couldn’t help but feel like she smell metallic copper on the air. Distant breezes carry dark tidings.

but all will bow to her


Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - redvox. - 11-27-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Vox preemptively found himself nodding as Kamara began to say that she wouldn't follow their beliefs, mumbling softly, "Don't worry, no one is punished for not followin' our beliefs. The gods are just what guides us in most times of need, and a lot of our celebrations 're based around them, but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate with us if y'don't believe. We always like company." He chuckled a bit, before pausing in surprise when he heard the females question about how they wished to seek out peace. Blinking,  the harbinger looked down, seeming to heavily consider her question before saying softly, shaking his head, "...It highly depends on th'scenario. We're not th'type of group ta just seek out senseless violence, if that's what y're askin'. We're not afraid ta fight back if we're attacked, and we won't stand for major injustice in th'world, but we don't fight often. In fact, that's the whole reason we 'ave our rogues division. They're ta make sure we don't have t'fight unless it's absolutely necessary." He was telling the truth, even if it was a bit of a flowery version of the truth. The Halls certainly weren't strangers to fighting, but they didn't often randomly kill others, or go charging into wars with other groups. Hopefully that would be enough to Kamara, since he certainly didn't want to turn her away.

Re: SOLACE •• joining•• open - Kamara Jilani - 12-05-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual
She was glad to hear they did not enforce religion upon the members. Naturally, the events were not exclusive either. She blinked slowly as she listened to him.

Finally he got to the party that mattered most. Their behavior in regards to other was very important to the leopardess. It would dictate if she would find peace or chaos here. While his answer wasn’t what she wanted, it was enough.

“Alright, well may we never have to fight”, she smiled softly as she dipped her head and stood up, “I guess I’ll stay here and see how it is”

but all will bow to her