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wield power of your own making -- assembly 11/10 - Printable Version

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wield power of your own making -- assembly 11/10 - Warringkingdoms - 11-10-2019

  If she wanted to keep things running smoothly, Rin would need to check in on the members often. Nothing would threaten a clan's livelihood quite like the perception that nothing went on within its borders. As dangerous as it was just for her to hold power, it would be even more dangerous if the other groups got the impression that Elysium was weak.

  Climbing up onto the tall rock from which she'd called the previous assembly, Rin glanced around. The place seemed a little livelier, but that didn't make this any easier. It would always feel wrong, she suspected, for her to demonstrate any sort of authority- so she'd just have to get past it. "Gather for another assembly," she called, tugging at her scarf.

  After waiting a few minutes for other creatures to arrive and take their seats, Rin nodded. "I'll begin by giving my thanks to everyone who fought at the Pitt raid," she said. "I will be holding checkups over the next week, to ensure all of you are healing properly from any injuries you sustained." She made a mental note to check in on Tanglewood to see how their medic was doing, after Roman had turned traitor and attacked him... if she'd just been stronger, she could have killed Roman right then and there, but it hadn't turned out that way.

  Glancing around, she continued, "Once we've recovered, and made sure that the Pitt is safely under control, we'll start discussing events for the next few months. I think a market festival of sorts, where we can each sell our wares, would be a good place to start- but we can talk over it as a group over the coming weeks." Maybe she'd set up a cartographer's shop- recording information did come naturally to her.

  After thinking for a few moments, Rin nodded. "I'd like to extend an official welcome to Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, White, Wings, Rock, Videogames, and Lemy." Having rattled off that list of names, she twitched her ears. "As well as both a welcome and a shout-out to Winterwish. Keep it up." Odd as the kitsune had seemed at first, she had made a strong first impression. Perhaps Elysium could use a specific title for such initial impressions, or even a new stepping-stone rank- but before any of that, oaths had to be sworn.

  Clearing her throat, Rin added, "Speaking of Winterwish, she's hosting a scavenger hunt, for anyone who wants to participate. Which brings me to my next point." She glanced up towards the sky. "I'll also be hosting a public discussion sometime this week- we have a couple different things to talk about, specifically apprenticeships, biweekly tasks, and any other ideas you have." The assemblies had probably been originally meant to involve public discussion, but since there were potentially new joiners to swear in, there never seemed to be time.

  Stepping back, Rin nodded. "Anyone wishing to be sworn in, please step forward. Anyone with comments, feel free to speak up."

  OOC notes:
  -welcome to [member=9297]PIKMIN ![/member] [member=9345]VIDEOGAMES[/member] [member=1487]lemy.[/member] [member=9318]winterwish.[/member]
  -shoutout to [member=9318]winterwish.[/member] - keep it up!
  -floating the idea of a market festival, if anyone is interested
  -scavenger hunt
  -Pitt raid's still going on
  -public discussion
  -oath-swearing will be started in the next post, have your character speak up if they want to swear in

Re: wield power of your own making -- assembly 11/10 - candorosa - 11-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width:65%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Meeting time! Meeting time! Ah, he always loved meetings. Not because he actually cared, but because he was nosy and sometimes these meetings became places to air dirty laundry. Fun for everyone involved! So, of course, Lemy showed up, whistling a cheery tune.

He felt no hesitation in sprawling on the ground in an empty spot, lazily gazing upon Warringkingdoms as she began to speak. He's kind of miffed he missed the raid—it sounded exciting, but whatever. He'll participate in one sooner or later. When different populations lived so close together, it was inevitable that they'd give in to the urge to bash their neighbor's brains in. festival? That sounded interesting but what the hell was he supposed to sell? Dirt? Grass? Essential oils? Like, come get your tree oil! It's mixed with demon spit because fuck you. Lemy had to deeply think about this; he wanted money. Later though.

Blah, blah, other people had joined along with him, including—shit where was he? Lemy discreetly glanced around before forcing himself to relax. It seemed like the serval hadn't arrived yet. Good. Aside from that, there wasn't anything else that peaked his interest. He perked up at the final words.

Lemy quickly scrambled to his paws and bounced towards Rin. "Ooooh! Me, me! Swear Lemy in!" Hell yeah, he was the first one. It meant nothing in the long run of course, but Lemy wanted to be proud of something, damn it.

Re: wield power of your own making -- assembly 11/10 - Warringkingdoms - 11-21-2019

  The first to arrive and ask to take the oath was Lemy. If she was being honest, Rin had not expected that in the slightest- she would have expected Winterwish to speak up first, if not actually swear the oath, or perhaps one of the strange group of seven creatures. To be fair, though, given how long it had been since a full swearing-in, it might not have been common knowledge what the oath said.

  Well, it would be now. Straightening up slightly, Rin looked down at Lemy from her perch with curious, if stoic, eyes. "In that case, the oath is as follows," she said. "Do you promise to protect this community with all of your strength; to trust your fellow members enough to ask for help when necessary; and most importantly, to uphold the values of community and justice, and always serve the greater good without giving too much of yourself?" She, personally, had some disagreements with the wording of the last portion- but realistically, she knew it was better for the members not to pour out everything they had recklessly. Fewer members would get hurt that way.

  /links to the checkups and public discussion have been added to the original post ^^

Re: wield power of your own making -- assembly 11/10 - candorosa - 11-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica; color: #140D32;"]As Rin looked down at him, Lemy replied with a grin and a wink. He stayed quiet as he listened to the oath and processed it. He refrained from snorting and kept his face clean of any negative thoughts; the smile on his face unchanged and friendly as ever. "Do I gotta repeat all of that? Oh well, yep! I promise to protect the community, to trust my fellow members, and uphold the values of community and justice. I'll be so good, they'll make me a saint!" He said smoothly, punctuating his words with a pound of his chest.

Promises this; promises that; what good were words when betrayal lurked in everyone's hearts? Lemy was not a child anymore; he no longer carried that optimistic confidence in the words of others. Everyone who could hurt him would if given the chance to. 'I promise,' were words that delayed that process. And when everything went wrong, they were words that could be uttered through clenched teeth.

He stared up to the Magna with his dead fish-eyed gaze and waited with that same smile.