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the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - Printable Version

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the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - fulzanin - 11-07-2019

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Feza knew there was a lot to improve on. She sought to improve in her own way, for her own means. There was always a way to improve what she did or how she executed her totally well thought out plans. Improving was good. She could always improve, because the snow leopard knew she was far from perfect. It all depended on how she did it - the snow leopard's reasoning, the why, she did not think she needed any more improvement on. Not perfect, no, Feza was far from saying that she was perfect. Her aspiration was to improve her ideas, to make them more inclusive, more exciting, more thrilling. That was her deepest desire, a heartfelt one. It went hand in hand with her desire to create and spread joy and happiness to her fellow Tanglers. That was a good desire, wasn't it? All she wanted was for everyone to be happy. Healthy, well, she couldn't do anything about. Happiness Feza strove to provide in surged amounts, constant festivities to distract and please. The snow leopard felt a blankness in her mind, this day. She was considering a festivity to do, and while she wasn't drawing a blank, she wasn't having any gloriously festive ideas, either.

Her first ever festivity upon arriving to Tanglewood had been a kazoo class. In the depths of the night and at the beach she had hosted her class. There had been a massive turnout! It had been delightful, even if there was problems with it. Too loud - which Feza could not correct for that was the nature of the kazoo - and too late in the night for her to be hosting such a class. Feza had been asked if the class had been a joke. She had felt belittlement directed towards her for the first time since she had left her home. It had stung. She hadn't wanted to admit any form of understanding to the issues with her first festive idea. Those two issues alone had been hard for her to accept. The first one she blatantly ignored, but the second she could do something about. There was also the issue of inclusion, of people with beaks or who had absolutely no idea as to how to play the kazoo. That had been the point of the class but, fine. She could remedy that too.

The snow leopard gathered her balloons and some plastic tubing. It took a lot of work and a lot of tape to get everything situated the way that she wanted. The balloons were styled after re-inflatable whoopie cushions. They were filled with air, and attached to the plastic tube. Then the other end was carefully (not really carefully, it was rather messy in actuality) attached to the kazoo's mouthpiece. The only thing left to be controlled was the top of the kazoo, and how much air was being pushed into the item. Her hind feet had somewhat frozen to the ground from how long she'd been standing there. Huffing, Feza freed her paws and gathered all of her nifty little contraptions. Her head shoved the door open, and felt a surge of delight. It wasn't too late in the day, nor was it too early. The exact time? Feza wasn't sure. Didn't matter, really. She grabbed the basket full of her contraptions and raced from her home.

Setting up the class had to be changed, too. She had, stupidly, used a cardboard box to transport all of her kazoos. That had been a massive mistake on her end to the items she worshiped. Now the snow leopard carried her items in a basket. Feza then set to work on carefully constructing a circle of her contraptions. Her own kazoo was at the bottom, unaltered, for her own personal use. She had another kazoo on hand with the modifications just so she could truly show and teach as an example. Feza felt excitement bristle through her pelt. "I'm hosting another kazoo class!" The snow leopard's voice was an excited screech. Her form bounded on her paws, blue eyes wide and glimmering in the mid-day light. "So if, if you wanna learn how to play an instrument, the kazoos are ready and are- they're already provided! Plus they're a great, they're a great staring instrument!" Perhaps actually shouting the ideas of her class rather than hastily scribbling them down could be considered another improvement. Feza wasn't sure. She was caught up in the thrill of the festivity once again, and her mind was buzzing with sheer delight.

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Re: the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - wormwood. - 11-07-2019

Feza's kazoo class... it had been an ill conceived experiment that had ended in failure that had happened very soon after Aurum had first joined the group. He could still remember the anger that had run hot through his veins when he had been woken up by the shrill noise of a kazoo just a little bit away from his house, and the way that he had snarled as he got up to his paws. It had been the first real time he had snapped at Feza, and everyone had practically heaped up criticisms and harsh words on top of her after that, with the exception of Crow. He felt bad for it now, but he still had the same criticisms of the activity he had back then – Feza had chosen a very poor time for the event to take place, made it as loud as possible, and had been awful at telling people what was going on. Perhaps he would have been less pissed off if he had known that Feza was going to host the class in the middle of the night, but instead he had just been given a strange flyer with extremely broken writing on it, that hadn't actually communicated anything to him. Ever since then, Aurum had hoped to god that Feza would never do anything along the same lines as that, since he was sure it would be a bad time just like it had been the first time. However, it seemed that Feza had at least made a few changes to make the event a little less rage inducing.

The guardsman had been out for a walk through the town, greeting people and making sure that everyone was alright after the huge raid on the Pitt, when suddenly he heard Feza's call, and his heart sank a little bit. His eyes instinctively flicked up at the sky, a feeling of relief flooding through him when he noticed that the sun was halfway through the sky, signifying that it was midday. At least this was a bit better than last time, when the snow leopard had decided to host the event when the moon had been gleaming in the sky. Taking a deep breath time brace himself for his fellow guards man's usual nonsense – he didn't hate her, but that didn't mean he particularly enjoyed every single event that she decided to set up – Aurum moved over, looking over the supplies that had been laid out for the class. He found himself a bit surprised, looking in confusion down at the balloons that were attached to the kazoos. Feza's shrill voice continued on once he had made his way over to the class, and his ears pinned down against his head, a soft sigh leaving him for a moment before he forced an almost nauseous smile on his face, "Hey Feza... you're trying this again, huh? Well... at least you're doing it in the daytime now. What, uh... what are the balloons for, exactly?" Despite the fact that he could remember the anger from the prior kazoo class experience, he couldn't remember the worries that other members had over the fact that some of them couldn't actually play a kazoo with their mouths – like Bink hadn't been able to. So honestly, when he looked at the balloons that were attached to the shrill instruments, he thought it was just some weird bad idea that Feza was going to show off in the worst possible way.

When he realized that Feza might've expected him to participate in the class, he hastily rumbled, gently pushing away the kazoo that was nearest to him and speaking in a neutral voice so that Feza wouldn't get upset, "I'll, uh... I'll just stay and watch, alright? Musical instruments aren't really my thing, and plus I'm sure you only have a limited amount of kazoos for people to play. I'll just, uh... I'll hang out, alright?" He was trying to play nice, especially considering what their last few interactions had been like. He could definitely see why Feza wanted to cheer the group up, considering recent events such as Leroy's death, but he wasn't sure this was the best way to go about it. After all, not everyone had the same sensibilities as Feza, and not everyone found the things she found entertaining to be all that fun, himself included. However, he wouldn't stop her or others from enjoying themselves – that would just be a dick move.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - Crow Roux - 11-08-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Crow remembered the first kazoo class like it happened yesterday. They had met on the beach late in the night, and he had stumbled across it like a few others did. He remembered how Aurum had snarled at Feza for waking him up. Now as he glanced at the lion, he did not see that same annoyance as the first kazoo class or the hay balloons, and instead Aurum kept his emotions controlled. Or maybe he was realizing that Feza's antics were harmless and felt no anger to begin with. Whatever the case was, it made Crow proud.

He would sit to the side and squint at the balloons with curiosity. "Yeah, what are those balloons for?"

Re: the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - suvi. - 11-08-2019

[align=center]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
There's a blankness on her face.  Void.  Empty.  Lost.  The petite arctic fox simply passing by, ears flicking as the announcement went out.  Kazoos.  Unmatched hues moved slowly, taking in everything in silence.  Honestly?  The vixen felt no desire to learn the kazoo.  Their sound strange and more a brief humor than sparking musical interest.

In the wake of everything, Kiira would rather hide herself in the library.  Only... The library had been where they lost him and she couldn't handle... Instead she was out and about, wandering listlessly.  Maybe she should visit her father.  Maybe she should restock her medkit, except didn't she do that yesterday?  She didn't need to check it so often.  Maybe she should visit her brother.  Did she know the path to Elysium?

She didn't need to learn how to play the kazoo.  Where else to go?  Her paws faded out beneath her, catching her quiet attention.  Stop it.  The youth raised her head again, blank.  A simple shaking head.  No kazoo for her.  She might watch and listen... For a moment or two.
✯ — suvi kiira ní faoláin. female. medic of tanglewood. beta of the typhoon. arctic fox.  ref. bio.

Re: the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - fulzanin - 11-08-2019

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One by one, people were coming to her event. Her fellow Tanglers, the people she sought to please and bring joy to. The melody of the kazoo would rejuvenate their souls, she was sure. It sure did for hers! It eased up a constant ache that was present, a crushing feeling that she fought hard against. The joyful toots of the kazoo filled her ears and could make the feeling in her lungs be of the exhaustion of air rather than whatever else it was. Her tail rapidly swung behind her when she noticed the first to arrive. Deep down, Feza supposed, her re-doing this festivity did have a little to do with her.. truce? Make-up? Whatever it was that had gone between her and Aurum. To show that she'd improved, that her parties and festivities truly were for the bestest of grand intentions. "I'm glad you asked! Y'see, last time, in addition to it being so dark no one could see anything," there came her top-of-the-head reasoning for now having it in the daytime, "I realized that not everyone has th' parts to play a kazoo. Which is really sad. So! I've got these balloons attached to the kazoos. Squeeze the balloon, it blows into the kazoo for you!"

Feza snagged one of the modified kazoos with a paw. She pulled it closer to her. Grinning, the vibrant feline had lowered her paw to rest on the balloon. She had to pause when she noticed Crow's approach."It blows into the kazoo, see, I'll show you!" After her explanation, she carefully pushed down on the balloon. In addition to some air spilling randomly from the gaps in her tape-work, a noisy toot came from the kazoo. Having not tested this prior, the glint of sheer delight in the snow leopard's eyes truly was genuine. "That way, uh, you don' gotta put your mouth on it. Sanitary reasons." Despite having already acknowledged the mouth issue department, Feza's mind swiftly changed to the next logical reasoning. Her paw pushed down again, sounding another toot. Her fluffy tail began to madly flick behind her, absolutely delighted by the noise she was making. She was a noisy person. The noise felt nice to her ears, it felt wonderful to have some form of noise around her. Talking was nice, and sometimes it was better than the delightful toot of the kazoo. She would not deny the pleasant warmth that came from another kazoo toot, snickering.

Her head lifted and turned upon noticing the third person to approach. Hadn't she.. spooked this person a while ago? That dilemma had become a blur in her mind. Not happy. Not enjoyable. Not important. It had been filed away in her mind under being too similar to her nightmares - being pinned down by a lion had been enough to warrant such a thing - and so she entirely ignored it when it barely scraped into her conscious thought. "Is.. anyone gonna.. participate?" The snow leopard kept her grin, but her tone fell into something similar to uncertainty. It was fine if no one wanted to, really. Feza wasn't sure what she'd do with all her contraptions if absolutely no one partook. It would be like last time. She would do something and no one would partake.

Absently she tooted the contraption kazoo, ears flicking. "I-I mean, I can still explain all the wonders of the kazoo! Yes, yes, I can do that!" Not a moment later her slightly disgruntled expression disappeared. Her paws scrambled to grab her own kazoo. Unmodified, green and orange. It looked a little banged up: Feza had the musical item in her possession for quite some time. "Okay so, so, so this is, this is what I call the dooter end. 'Cause it makes the doot. The most pleasant doots." Feza set the kazoo down, pointing with a paw to the narrow end where the noise came from. Her tail was rapidly swinging behind her again, delightful flickers returning to her icy blue gaze.

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Re: the catastrophe melody - kazoo.2 - Crow Roux - 11-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
To... make noise for him? No thanks. His eyes swooped across the balloons, then he picked up a bare kazoo, unmodified and seemingly unused. Then he put his mouth to it and blew. Nothing. Feza made it look so easy, yet he failed to make even the most miserable squeak from the piece of plastic. "Am I doin' somethin' wrong?" he asked, his expression growing downcast.