Beasts of Beyond
DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - Printable Version

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DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - redvox. - 11-02-2019

Re: DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - beatae - 11-02-2019

the battle had been less than savory for the mutant. aside from the fact they lost, az and envy still hadn't shown around at all. even just to look around and see what was going on. it was... an expansive jungle, but noa wasn't used to them being gone for so long. noa had begun to think of going out and searching for them. or maybe not... it wasn't sure what to do, really. it had no use here in the pitt anyways, even before the victory on goldenluxury's part. it simply felt no need to remain and the lack of family pushed that further.

when vox had called for their attention, explaining of a place he had once led and called home, the bush dog figured that was their cue. vox was a pretty okay guy from their previous interactions; and if it came to, az and their mother would be informed of where it went should they ever return.

"i'm right behind you." noa piped up, looking at the hybrid with a polite smile.

template by orion

Re: DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - Kydobi - 11-03-2019


Kydobi would join but he dead rn cause he died in battle

Re: DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - beatae - 11-11-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
august was rather thankful he didn't die during the raid. in fact, no one really seemed to bother him or vox, giving the terrier time to slip away back where he and kydobi had discussed for him to run away to. the caves were just as cold and dark as when they had first come upon them, but it felt a hell of a lot safer than being up on that hell-scape. though when all things were said and done, august hadn't seen their friend much afterward. he was glad to see them safe now, but confused. he was leaving?

leaving... an odd feeling. auggie frowned as someone agreed to join him, finding himself unable to do the same. even though kydobi… perished, he couldn't get himself to go. even after all the time spent treated unfairly and unruly. things were supposed to change now.

august ran up to the hybrid and pressed his forehead to the others chest. "i'm gonna miss you... you were an awesome friend." it was hard trying to force his voice not to crack. he couldn't look too sad. he didn;t want to make vox feel bad for going back home.

i'm the prize

Re: DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - redvox. - 11-11-2019

REDVOX "VINNY" ABRAMO - cis male - goat-bat hybrid - harbinger
[Image: pEeXKGc.png]
Noa was coming with him? That was a bit of a surprise, considering they had seemed comfortable in the Pitt ever since he had arrived here, but... perhaps they were like him, and they had only stayed for the people here, rather than the group itself. Giving a toothy grin, Vinny dipped his head towards Noa, saying in an amused and pleased tone, "Glad ta welcome y'aboard, Noa. Hopefully I'll make an okay leader." He chuckled a bit, hiding the nervousness that gripped him at the thought of once again being Harbinger of the Halls. However, his nervous thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Auggie, someone that Vox had silently been hoping would show up. He wasn't sure why August had been on his mind so much lately, particularly after the raid, but... he preferred not to think about it. That got into feelings that were a bit too complicated for him to worry about right now, especially considering everything that had happened with Kydobi, somebody Auggie had been eternally grateful to. When August ran up and buried his face in Vinny's chest, the hybrid felt his heart immediately speed up, his green eyes widening the slightest bit as he looked down at the other. He took a deep breath to keep himself from freaking out any further, wrapping a wing around Auggie and moving his nose down to gently press against Auggie's head. There was a lump somewhere in his throat, but he steadfastly ignored it, completely unwilling to let himself cry in front of the canine. Instead he just mumbled softly, a small and sad smile coming to his face, "'Ey Auggie...I'm definitely gonna miss ya too, man. You were great... I'll try and visit ya, okay? Promise." A part of him – a small, sad part of him – wanted to beg August to come with him and join the Halls, but he knew it wouldn't work. Auggie was still indebted to Kydobi, even after the other's death, and he wouldn't come with Vox, no matter how much begging was done.

Re: DIE AMONG MY FLOWERS ☆ leaving - fulzanin - 11-12-2019

we'll see the sun come up again, we'll climb higher than we've been
The closest Astiar could associate leaving to would be migration. Both required moving locations in a massive swarm. The cicada, of course, didn't quite comprehend the words that were being said. Promising to treat other people well, to be a leader? They soared right over the insect's head. A lot did. Astiar's comprehension was minimal. It was restricted to tones and in rare cases expressions. His wings softly buzzed as he came over, his common noise that always announced his ever noisy presence. His head turned, watching a youth bound towards the Gat and grace an embrace. Not that Astiar fully understood the motion.

The insect provided his greeting, the one that had specifically been crafted for Redvox. He had done such for Kydobi as well - even if the other had died in the combat not long ago. Astiar hadn't intervened in that fight. He had stood amidst the chaos and watched it unfold, not sure in the slightest as to what had happened. His wings loudly buzzed, then scraping at the ground beneath him with the second foot of his left side. His mandibles quietly clicked. Astiar could barely grasp the notion that the other was leaving. That was saddening, barely, to him. First Kydobi, and now the Gat; the two members of the Pitt that Astiar had fully grasped caring about. The cicada lowered his head a little, shifting his weight. He would not be following. Maybe, if Astiar knew of how his food source was absolutely demolished due to the fire, he would. But here was where the dragon considered his home, unaware of the entire conflict that had been brewing for a long time coming. His tail swung slowly behind him, clicking his mandibles, staring with his ever blank red eyes. Perhaps that was his own version of his farewell. Hard to tell, as it was with anything involving the noisy cicada.
TAGS 9/4/19:
we've got a fire that burns within, we are the dragon hearted