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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Printable Version

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START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - bubblegum - 10-31-2019

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - hushsound. - 10-31-2019

The Pitt. Despite having never encountered their fury firsthand before, Hush had been bombarded by stories of blood and betrayal and slavery all stemming from just one group, ever since he had joined the Typhoon. The moment Jervis's name had entered his ears, he had taken up his sword, dedicating himself to training and readying himself for battle. It had been a long wait – long enough for him to become well acquainted with his new home – but now, surely, it would finally be the end of things. Hushsound hadn't missed the faint hesitation in his clanmates eyes when the small golden male accompanied them, assuming that he was too frail or too weak to take on a group as vicious as the Pitt. However, he knew that he could prove them all wrong. Hell, he would prove them all wrong, even if it meant fighting valiantly until he collapsed. Despite appearances, he wasn't a child, and he wasn't just going to continue to let the Pitt do whatever they wanted. He had heard far too many horror stories, and now the score needed to be settled, with bloodshed or not. Clenching his blade in his jaws, the domestic feline padded up a little bit behind Goldie, settling down and digging his claws into the earth as his eyes darted around, searching for any signs of their enemies. He wouldn't rush in without Goldie's orders – after all, she was giving them a chance to surrender – but he could feel every muscle tensed and ready, ready to attack when the moment came. Silent, he hoped that the Pitt just decided to surrender, sparing them all from the bloodshed that would surely happen if not, but he didn't get his hopes up too much for Jervis – or any of his underlings – to take that option.
[glow=black,2,300]LOVE IS NOT A VICTORY MARCH[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Warringkingdoms - 10-31-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]This was it, really it- the moment of truth.

  Though she had no idea if the Ascendants were watching her now- she did not know if any of them, other than Suiteheart, cared to watch their last surviving member- she liked to think they were present in spirit, cheering for vengeance. The Pitt had dared to obliterate a fallen clan's history, and for that she was going to make them pay. Jervis, Fourthwall, and everyone else taking part in this oppressive regime would become just another footnote in the legacies of this land.

  Warringkingdoms took her position in the midst of the burnt jungle, her eyes watching the Pitt's camp closely. Her claws were unsheathed, her quiver slung around her form with six newly-fashioned arrows within, her muscles tensed in preparation for war. With Idyll as a medic, she had decided to leave most of her herbs at home- she had tucked away a satchel of bandages and basic disinfectants in a tree outside of the Pitt's territory in case anyone suffered severe injuries, but hopefully it would prove unnecessary.

  As Goldenluxury's declaration rang out, electricity crackling above the Pitt's camp, Rin glanced over her shoulder at the gathered Elysites. "Stay close by," she ordered. "Watch each other's backs." She had strayed far from her original path, the path of vengeance against the gods who had struck down her former home- but she had sworn, just a few short days ago, to defend Elysium and its members with her life. The one thing she could say for herself was that she was a woman of her word.

  Turning her head to watch the Pitt once more, Rin stood tall and prepared herself for what would undoubtedly become a bloodbath.

  attacking: no one
  power reserves: 100%

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - wormwood. - 10-31-2019

The day had finally come for the raid on the Pitt, and Wormwood could feel the blood pumping through his veins, his heartbeat roaring so loudly in his ears that he could hear it with every step. He trailed only a bit behind the rest of the Tanglewood group, a green piece of cloth wrapped securely around one of his front legs to signify that he was a member of the swamp dwelling group. Soon enough, the stench of the Pitt filled his nose, acrid and far too familiar for his liking. His ears instinctively pinned down to his head, a low growl leaving his throat once they reached the jungle. He had been here for many different purposes before – meeting Draekon, attacking Bai Shi, trying to rescue Roy – but this raid was by far going to be his favorite. Not only would Goldie have her revenge for the many things that they had done not only to her and her group, but Sam as well, but Wormwood would finally have his revenge for so many of the awful things that the Pitt had done not only to him, but Tanglewood as a whole. Sam, Beck, Red, Roy... they were all in his heart as he stopped in his marching, his blue eyes blazing and his golden and red wings stretching far up above his head. Not only was he going to get his revenge, but he was going to also get his son back, the true love of his life who had been snatched from him only days after he had officially been adopted. The last time he had seen the tiger, he had been totally unresponsive and had lashed out at him, seemingly with no memory of his new father figure... they would pay for that, as well.

Once Goldie was done with her brief speech, the lion rolled his shoulders and took off into the sky, flapping just a bit above the large group of three allies, temporary or not. As his eyes scanned through the Pittian camp, desperate for any sign of his son, Roy, he growled darkly, his paws and mouth slowly becoming engulfed in flames, "I would recommend you take her offer of surrender, or you're just dragging your defeat out." There was utmost confidence in his voice, quite confident that there was no chance they could fail. The Pitt might have gotten a few more members as of late, but that didn't mean they could take on Tanglewood, Elysium, and the Typhoon all at once. Not to mention the extremely powered up and pissed off enemies that they had made, such as Goldie and himself. As his eyes darted from face to face within the Pitt's desolate looking camp – no doubt full of agony and slaves desperate for help – he also kept an eye out for Jervis, his mouth practically watering at the chance to finally tear the Pitt's leader apart – that was if Goldenluxury didn't get to him first. Worm could still feel the throb of the leg wounds the fox had inflicted upon him in the last raid of the Pitt, and he was eager for his payback.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - idyllfields - 10-31-2019

stars did fall
idyllfields secured the cloth around their bracelet after coming in beside the captain, looking between her and wormwood as they spoke. their heart pounded in their chest. their first time in any sort of fight or battle, and it was a full on war. war. the word would creep down his throat as he murmured it before looking ahead of them. so much jungle and desert. they only saw bits and pieces when visiting bai shi but now, seeing it in full view... it would have been a beautiful sight had it not been soon filled with blood.

they departed from goldenluxury's side and into an empty pocket on the side, remaining there until the following call.

//idyllfields is acting as a BATTLE MEDIC and is NOT open to fighting. if your character is injured and wants to flee, @ this account please!


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - fulzanin - 10-31-2019

we'll see the sun come up again, we'll climb higher than we've been
Lightning was noisy. It crackled and screamed through the air. It was a terrible force of nature, and it was one that was deeply feared by all. It made people jump, it lit fires, and it was here. And there was an armada too, marching forward, of three groups that were infuriated and out to stop an evil. What had brought him over had been, initially, his search for food being interrupted. That was all an animal truly was concerned for when their mind barely stretched into consciousness. Food and shelter and space were all Astiar consistently showed to care for. His search for a tree to eat had been disrupted by fire. So he came scampering back to the camp only to see the group that was responsible for the destruction.

Astiar’s wings buzzed noisily. He could not speak. He knew not of the atrocities of those that lived here, and of how these new arrivals sought retribution. The dragon’s mandibles clicked once, twice, a third time. Another loud buzz. He wasn’t sure why there were so many strange faces present. The cicada sat on his rear after trotting a little into the open. Red eyes stared near unblinkingly at the group, and his wings continued their sharp bursts of noise. He was confused, yes, and decided that staying and lingering until it made sense to him was a perfectly reasonable plan. Cicadas could not plan, though, and it contributed to the silliness of him sitting alone while staring down at an angry, fuming armada.
TAGS 9/4/19:
we've got a fire that burns within, we are the dragon hearted

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - trojan g. - 10-31-2019

[align=center][div style=" width: 425px; font-family calibri; font-size: 12px; text-align: justify; padding: 7px; line-height: 130%"]He wanted to fight. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to be the best and Knox would do anything in his power to prove that he was, in fact, the best. Despite his age, the young canine was headstrong and determined, and honestly didn't care about what - or who - was in his way. He was going to demolish them.

Padding forward, attention caught by the noises and strange scents that came from the border, the red wolf pup would prick his ears, looking around to see if there was someone that he could take on here.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Cosmic - 11-01-2019

The large thunderbird would not miss out on this opportunity to right the wrong. The Pitt needed to pay, and with everyone united against them, The Pitt stood no chance. Eirny descended from her position on a nearby perch, ready to battle some slave-driving scum.

Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Kydobi - 11-01-2019


[OOC: cries in amazing overload of muse. Would someone like to kill kydobi somewhere near the end/middle?

Addresses: [member=9327]KNOX[/member] [member=48]goldenluxury[/member] [member=4460]idyllfields[/member] ]

He didn't sleep much anymore. Constantly paranoid of the impending war to cone, it had slowly begun to morph into an obsession. Be prepared. Stay vigilant. Don't stray far. Follow orders. Maintain duties. Stay ready.

So when he heard the booming lightning and thundering voice of Goldenluxury, he knew. Odd relief washed over him it had finally come. No more waiting. Quickly it dissipated, blood would not just spill... It would run . Jervis would not so easily give up his power. H would play it out till the end. Throwing every player on his board, down to the last pawn. There would be no stalemates. Someone would lose.

He inhaled deeply, quietly slipping into his camoflauge. Invisible in all ways except scent. His paws made no movement, going through the thick brush like a ghost. Silently he stalked, listening. Paw steps. Heavy breathing. Anticipation and anxiety were just as electric as the tigress as herself. Whether it was her lightning or not, his paws were tingling.

He would look around, seeing Astiar. Worry settled in a little, did they realize what was happening? He prayed to everyone and no one that the dragon would not fly into the crowd on hostiles out of sheer hostility.

Luckily, he had been attempting to control his newly acquired power. So far he had learned the most about it, he had a terrible tendency to ignite when he was feeling extremes. Elation. Joy. Deep sorrow. Dead. But most violent fires were caused by his rage. He had found that on numerous occasions, fire storms in the desert..

Oddly enough it was somewhat therapeutic. He watched more come, eyes narrowing in on Wormwood. The brute took comfort in knowing he could not be seen or heard. For now he would use this to scope out the amount of enemies.  More would spill in, from the sounds of it... all directions. He closed his eyes, whispering under his breath affirmations and ideas. Please let Aine and the others recall their exploration of the tunnels. The defense plans.

Kydobi quickly realized this would be his first full blown battle. Never had he fought another... well. Just think of it as if you’re hunting, he would tell himself, except this time the prey fights back. Relatively normal. So Kydobi would see all them and consider them such. It made the idea of murdering much easier long as he maintained that mindset.

Don’t get worried or overwhelmed. You’ll be fine. Still, he was wondering if he should truly defend the fox. Jump to his defense, but considering the tiger slave and the hellhound devotee... he wouldn’t have to.

The jaguar recalled his favorite vantage point, quickly he would make his way there. However something caught his eye. A puppy. A child would run towards the enemies.


He had been walking up to his spot slowly, trying not to let any rocks crumble and whatnot. His intangibility failed to work with his wall walking skills.  But upon spotting the child, who foolishly looked unafraid, he would turn around and sprint down the wall of stone. Paws gripping and all surfaces on contact. Still he remained invisible, dust pelted behind him and rocks gently tumbled.

He arrived near the pup, allowing himself to be seen. He was hoping the wouldn’t harm him. A defensive growl would roll as he walked to the pup, glowing eyes set on Goldie.

“Child, it is not safe here.”, he knew not who the wolf was but he could recognize his own quite well. Especially by smell, he had the scent of the jungle deep within his fur now.

He looked down, noting the determined look in his eyes, lowering himself he would allow his eyes to stare at Goldie, while whispering in Knox’s ear ”We will handle them, but go wake the others. Help the children, we need someone strong like you to defend those who cannot.”

If the child refused he would simply grab them by their scruff and throw them in the tunnels for safety. Oh god, all the poor orphans here. He couldn’t save them all.

All of them had good intentions. None of them wanted to lose their home... some were simply too large to not be threatened by. Many would be hurt. This is what hurt the most. There were no children from the enemy. The battle was not taking place at their home, the lesser were safe. Sleeping probably.

Posture would straighten and his chin would tilt a little up. Not cocky, simply sure.

“We all know here that a white flag will not be raised until the floor is splattered with red.”, he mainly addressed Goldie for she stood as if she ran the whole thing, which he did not doubt, “I ask one thing, do not harm the children. Even if they attempt blows... Goldie, they’re trying to save the only home they know.”

There were no children slaves after all. None. None that he knew of... a lump was swallowed. His voice felt oddly quiet although he knew it hadn’t been.

Eyes caught sight of a familiar figure. Idyll. His neck cranes forward slightly as his heart sped up. That mutt would be his to harm if this battle did commence. Jealousy fanned his fires and caused his eyes to quite literally brighten and flicker.

“I mourn for all the lives on both ends that will be lost tonight tigress. But I cannot say I will mourn for the only one I will take.”, he kept his gaze on [member=4460]idyllfields[/member]

“Or at least the only life I plan to”, his tone was calm and flat as if speaking of rainy weather. But his message was loud and clear.


Re: START A RIOT / mass raid + takeover - Crackers - 11-01-2019



Kydobi would not be the only one to face down the horde. Fourth had known this was coming for a while, and it was why he'd hoped the new intake of members would consist of a few that knew how to conduct themselves in battle. Not that they could necessarily win with odds like these, but the panther had been correct when he'd said raising a white flag wasn't going to happen, not right out of the gate at least. There would be war, there would be death, and it was only at the very bitter end that perhaps an end could come to this conflict. But what would that end be? The Pittians wiped out? Forced to retreat? Or would Jervis be able to see through his pride long enough to put the group first? To be honest, Fourth wasn't sure he liked any of those options. He, too, was a proud beast. It didn't sit well with him to see his clanmates come to harm and yet there was a monster in him that snapped its feral jaws in defiance at being bullied like this by three groups at once. He supposed he couldn't really blame them though- The Pitt wasn't an easy group to bring down and no single clan here could do it on their own.

More than anything it was that which annoyed the black furred beast most of all. The Pitt was slowly becoming a group that could handle itself, one that would have taken the world by storm. They didn't use any allies to help them and they hadn't asked for any favors along the way, and yet here they stood faced by cowards who had to swell their ranks with outsiders in order to face them. It was the equivialant to Fourth beating the shit out of some kid he outsized and outpowered, never leaving room for a fair fight to begin with. The Pitt may have been a brutal place that allowed things no other group did, but at least they had the decency to do it by themselves.

Stepping up beside the jaguar, Kydobi would notice at once that Fourth was not as he usually was. Instead of the massive wolf/lion hybrid body he wore so commonly without change, today he stood in the body of a female fox, a miniature black and gold version of his true form. He ached to change back, instinct urging him to return to what he truly was so that he could fight at his best, but he could not. It would be sacrificing too much. What made it all the worse was that he knew he could not let himself die yet either, for the vessel that this body was carried much more than just his own soul inside of it. Having to protect himself from injury and death would mean having to give up his reckless way of fighting, and he knew that he would not be able to fight as he normally would. Still, that wouldn't stop him from participating, from crushing as many of these fools as he could.

His wine red eyes would shift, searching for [member=3615]JERVIS[/member] among the gathering Pittians, and if he saw him he would immediately make his way to the Ardents side. He hadn't told him or anyone else about the pregnancy yet, and he wasn't sure if the male would draw his own conclusions upon seeing Fourth in his fox body on the battlefield or not, but he still had a job to do. He'd promised to protect the other canine, and he would unlesh hellfire on anyone who aimed to do him harm- which was likely everyone here. He didn't want to think about the odds, didn't want to face the facts that this time things were against him. He couldn't recklessly fight for Jervis and hope to preserve the life he was growing within himself, and yet he tenaciously denied the realization. If only the timing had been different.

