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peppy to pepper - power discovery - Printable Version

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peppy to pepper - power discovery - fulzanin - 10-26-2019

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It was very cold. The snow leopard hadn't felt this cold ever since she had come down from her birth place to aimlessly wander. The heat when she had first arrived had been near unbearable. Now she had grown used to it. The sudden feeling of cold that made her eyes flutter open was strange. She yawned, stretching, giving a small shake. It was getting colder outside, yes. Not this cold. She stared, looking at her bed. It was absolutely frozen solid. "Huh." The feline muttered as she stood up. That was odd. She couldn't remember putting ice on her bed before falling asleep. She nudged her bed harshly with a paw. Solid ice. That was an oddity. The ground around her bed was frosted a little, but otherwise still normal. She nudged her bed with her head, thinking. She exhaled, watching her breath form into the mist that came from cold and hot air hitting each other.

An idea came to mind. The snow leopard exhaled, hard. A giddy squeal sounded when where her breath full of moisture hit the ground, ice began to form. How cool was this - and that pun wasn't even intended! She finally, finally could be as cool as she liked. No more surges of heat sending her back into her home to rest until it was tolerable! She bounced on her paws. She needed to do something to celebrate, something absolutely glorious. It had to incorporate this icy breath that she had created as well. Thinking is hard, especially when she is so excited. The leopard bounds around her home, giggling loudly as she begins her search. Soon she finds some other large and flat objects, and swiftly ices them. Feza then began dragging them all outside.

It was exhausting work, but it had to be done. The thrill of the party was far too great in this situation. She was going to create bumper cars, but on ice instead. Of course, there had to be some form of safety, right? The snow leopard decided that making some icy railing would work too. It was absolutely frigid, the area that she was using to craft this small bumper car ring. She was out of breath by the time that she was done, panting despite feeling comfortably cold. For a good few minutes the snow leopard surveyed her work. The rails had been made by cupping her paws around her mouth and blowing as hard as she could, creating rigid 'poles' crafted of ice. They would melt slowly, but Feza figured they'd last long enough for her festivity. It would be terrible to do this in the summer time, where it would melt all of her hard work in a heart beat. With the chilled fall air, the rate of everything melting was thankfully slowed.

Once her energy was regained, the snow leopard set out the 'carefully' constructed 'carts'. Frozen baskets and blankets were what were being used as carts. She rubbed her face with a paw, feeling exhaustion bite into her. She had only recently discovered this ability, and using it so swiftly left her absolutely winded. Nothing a little candy later couldn't handle. Her wings dropped, tail hanging limp behind her. "I've got some, I've got a bumper car set-up here! If, if anyone wants to come and play, it's, it's open!" In truth she hadn't thought about how the carts would be propelled. She was too excited, but too exhausted to continue her delighted bouncing. Her smile and gleeful look in her eyes was present, even if her form was hunkered down from the amount of energy she had just expelled. "Oh, I'm gonna have to inhale an entire bag of candy after this," Feza then muttered to herself, huffing out another tired breath.

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Re: peppy to pepper - power discovery - wormwood. - 10-26-2019

When Wormwood had first arrived at the border of Tanglewood, he had been shocked by the sheer heat that enveloped the entire territory, even now that it was beginning to come closer and closer to the winter months. He had been able to somewhat understand it when he had first arrived, near the beginning of summer, but now it was just annoying, and Worm found himself laying out on his porch, grumbling a little to himself over the still oppressive heat that sunk into his thick pelt. Feza probably had it worse than he did, given the fact that his pelt was thin enough to cling down to his body – minus his mane, of course – while Feza was like an extremely fluffy thundercloud all the time, but at the very least she now had this elemental power that she could call upon to cool herself down. Meanwhile, in comparison, Wormwood had the power of flames under his control, something that wasn't extremely useful when it came to cooling down. It was very useful when he had to, say, cook something, or when he needed to quickly injure an enemy and motivate them to get the hell away from him. In terms of powers that he used on a daily basis, though? His fire elementals never even really came to mind, since he didn't particularly want any more sharp heat close to his body. Still, over time he had become used to the heat, and usually he dealt with it by hiding himself away in a cold place, curling up into a tight ball and just letting the chill infect his bones, staying with him for a long time after he went back into the open humid air. Worm had been attempting this once again by curling up in his nice cool bed before heading out onto his porch to try a nice long nap, but it seemed that fate had decided that it wasn't Worm's time for relaxation. When he heard Feza's call, his head immediately snapped up from his rest, slowly sitting up and heading down his steps. He had no idea how Feza had managed to set up bumper cars, but his interest was certainly piqued, and he found himself padding quickly towards where Feza was standing, huffing out tired sighs.

When he saw the huge bumper car ring that Feza had managed to set up, Worm found himself blinking in surprise. He stared at the ice for a long moment before his soft blue gaze moved up to the railings that were surrounding the arena. He silently felt a great deal of pride over the fact that Feza actually seemed to be attempting to make the things that she did a little safer, and less messy. Moving over to where the snow leopard was sitting, the lion sat back on his haunches and tilted his head to one side for a long moment before rumbling to his fellow guardsman, "Feza... I'm not mad or anything. I'm actually quite pleased with how you set this up, and it seems fun, but... how do the bumper cars move, exactly?" He looked over at the other curiously, his large paws resting against the earth as he questioned her, wondering what was supposed to propel the icy bumper cars forward. He had been being honest, when he had said that he wasn't angry with her, and his tome held no note of malice or anger, just genuine confusion over how this was supposed to work. He would've actually been willing to participate in this little get together, since it seemed like it was safer than any of the others, but he wasn't sure how to participate. Perhaps he would drive it forward with the power of his wings? That was the only idea that came to mind, besides just propelling himself forward with an oar off of the ice, or something like that.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]