Beasts of Beyond
YOU'RE ALL THAT I HAVE TO LOSE && afraid - Printable Version

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YOU'RE ALL THAT I HAVE TO LOSE && afraid - trojan g. - 10-21-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Useless.

The word that echoed in her mind when she had been hurt before, when she had been on bed rest for the longest time after being injured from the Pittian known as Roman, after she had been knocked out and talked down upon. She still didn't know about what Wormwood had done to the male when she had been out of commission, when she had been on the ground inside the town that many resided in in Tanglewood - and it would likely be a while before she did find out.


Echoed in her mind almost every day, louder and louder until it deafened her and nothing else could come through. More often since she had been confronted by a wolf and she simply cowered in fear, frozen, unable to do anything but comply with the words that had been commanded towards her, only to be hurt anyway in trying to only do what was told of her. Jaw still hurt from the snap that had echoed through her head there and fire-like pain that had spread through down to her neck when it had been dislocated.

No one cares about you, they just pretend.

Concerning voices and things she tried to fight against telling herself, though it just happened, she couldn't stop the bad thoughts that had invaded her mind as of late. Part of her - the rational side - knew that it was a lie, that she was cared about. But the rational part was too enveloped inside of her paranoid side to be heard most of the time, so she tried to hide the fear that wrapped around her when those words popped up, put on a fake smile and go through her day.


Of everything. Of most things. Of most others. She was small, she was weak, she was fragile, she wouldn't last in a fight, even with training, so what was the point? Why not just be scared and afraid her whole life and just go with it.

Breath hitched and heart stopped beating for but a moment as these thoughts suddenly rushed into Moth's head, the tears she so often shed beginning to peak out from the corners of her eyes, scared that these were true. Were they? Some of them, yes. And she hated herself for admitting it.

Re: YOU'RE ALL THAT I HAVE TO LOSE && afraid - wormwood. - 10-21-2019

Although Wormwood cared a great deal about others, and considered pretty much the whole of Tanglewood to be his family, there were very few people that Worm was legitimately close to. The list had become shorter and shorter as time had gone on, and he had lost family and friends to death, kidnapping, and betrayal. Still, there was still a small list of people that he took solace in, such as Red, Delilah, Selby, Roy, Crowley, Vathmos, and finally... Moth. Moth was someone whom, over time, had become truly like close family to him. They had already been close before, just because Moth had been such a kind soul that had worked well with Worm's own warm personality, but truly it had been Poetking's abandonment of Tanglewood that had driven the two of them to be as close as siblings. Both had felt betrayed and stabbed in the heart when Poet had left the territory without a word, and both had learned to count on each other and go to the other when they were feeling upset. That was part of the reason that he had felt so unhappy lately. It seemed like, ever since that thing with Roman had happened, he and Worm hadn't really had a chance to talk yet, and it felt like whenever they did get a chance to talk, Moth always hid her true feelings away from view. It was upsetting to Wormwood, although he kept it buried down inside. After all, he might've just been imagining such things.

Still, he was pretty sure that he hadn't been imagining things, when he came upon Moth looking very upset, the faintest shadows of tears beginning to take up the corners of her eyes. A small frown came to the guards man's muzzle as he moved over to her, lowering himself to the ground in a laying down position so that they were at the same level, before he spoke in a soft and reassuring tone to the medic, "Moth...? Moth, hey, are you okay? Take a deep breath and talk to me, please..." The lion had never thought once that Moth was in any way a coward, or useless. Sure, she had almost been kidnapped by Roman, but it wasn't as if many other strong Tanglers hadn't been taken by the Pitt before, and it wasn't as if she could have controlled it. Worm still felt bad about what he had done to the Pittian – not because he didn't think that Roman deserved it, but because it had just been so brutal. He now knew that it had been caused by his hellhound's form predisposition to rage and violence, but that didn't make him any more eager to tell Moth about what he had done. However, all that said, Worm had never thought once that Moth wasn't worthy of his time or familial love just because she wasn't a fighter. She was a wonderful medic and sister figure, and she was so smart sometimes that it left him speechless. She had been far too good for Poet – even if that had only been in the barest beginnings of puppy love – and would probably be far too good for anybody else who might take an interest in her, so the thought of her thinking so lowly of herself? It was crazy to him.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]