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SPIN OUR WHEELS + MEETING - Printable Version

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SPIN OUR WHEELS + MEETING - toboggan - 10-07-2019

"Folks of Tanglewood! C'mere for a meetin'!"

The canine sat at the foot of the statue. Crow was unavailable due to unknown circumstances, so it was up to the tribe's appointed second-in-command to host this week's - rather, this month's meeting. Having never done so before, Leroy spent the prior night playing the past few meetings on loop within his mind. There were promotions to give out to people who deserved it, demotions to dish out to the slackers, shoutouts to those who didn't do well enough to get a promotion, but still deserved some recognition, and warnings to those in power who were beginning to get lazy.

"First off!" he bellows, his voice chock-full of enthusiasm that had been absent from his character lately, "Crow's M.I.A. at the moment, so I'm in charge with givin' y'all shit and whatnot. And just for your FYI, I do not evaluate easily."

"Err- first off, we got promotions, I guess... [member=6881]wormwood.[/member], [member=6883]Feza[/member], you're Guardsmen now. Bravo to you guys. Yeah." He shoots those named a contented nod. Both of them had exhibited above average behaviour when it came to interaction, assistance, and simply being active. Seeing their faces around more would only do good. "On a similar note," he continues, "I'd like t' give shoutouts to [member=8784]echo .[/member], [member=8845]moth[/member], and [member=7789]CROWLEY[/member]. Keep up the good work, and ya may end up in the same league as the big guns."

Before, his tone had been dull, yet gratified. As he finishes up declaring the promotions, the grace drains from his voice. "[member=2344]suvi k.[/member], I'd like t' see you around more. That is my only warning for today. Otherwise, [member=4834]samantha[/member], you're no longer a guardsman." Saying the final sentence pained him so. After saving the doecat from the Pitt's grasp, her presence in day-to-day life dwindled. He'd been in a rough spot with her before, and scantily any time had passed since their make-up had she been nabbed from her home. Who was it who took her again? Dragon? Draekon? Raygun? He couldn't recall their name...

"Finally, I got some other announcement to make. Uhh... make sure you attend the meet and greet. It's gonna be epic."

"That's all... uh, I think. You can go now."

- Wormwood and Feza are now Guardsmen!
- Echo, Moth, and Crowley get shoutouts!
- Kiira gets an inactivity warning!
- Sam is demoted from Guardsman to Tangler!
- There is a meet and greet!
- Tobo was here!

Re: SPIN OUR WHEELS + MEETING - wormwood. - 10-07-2019

Wormwood was... startled, when he heard the call of Leroy for all of them to gather for a meeting. He was petrified for a moment that something terrible had happened, and Crow had somehow died or vanished off the face of the earth, but thankfully Leroy calmed his fears as soon as his new little turtle feet brought him over to where the proxy had called them to father. Crow wasn't dead or missing, just... MIA. After how exhausted the leader had seemed at the last meeting, Worm couldn't say that he was too surprised, and he was pretty sure that he knew why Crow needed some time off after Pastel's death. Settling down into a sitting position, the new plant themed hybrid listened intently to all of the announcements that Leroy had to make, his eyes widening slightly in surprise when his own name was called, alongside Feza's, to step up and become guardsmen. A grin broke out over his face, and he listened to the rest of the announcements before calling out softly, "Thank you for the promotion! I won't let you down. Congratulations to Feza and everybody who got a shoutout too. And sorry, Sam..." His voice was very squeaky thanks to his new form as he spoke, even though he could shift back to his lion form if he really wanted to. He had chosen to stay in this form for a bit just so that he could get used to it, just in case he ever needed it for getting into tighter little spaces. Curiously, Wormwood glanced around to see if he could catch any glimpse of Sam, desperate to see any sign of the female around, even if it was in the circumstances of her demotion, but when he saw no sign of her, he just sighed and looked back down at the ground as he got up to his feet, shaking his head.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: SPIN OUR WHEELS + MEETING - arcy - 10-08-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Oh shit, a meeting.
Crowley hadn't really been sure what to expect. But, for the most part, it seemed like it was for promotions. Which, fair enough, he supposes -- make it clear who they were supposed to be looking up to and whatnot. Besides, he's not really sure what the hell they'd announce -- it's not like anything was going on.
"Congrats," Crowley's grin is sharp and crooked as he turns to Wormwood. He rather likes the ... guy, whatever his current species even is, despite his early misgivings. He'd clearly been working hard -- he deserved it, probably. And, anyways, focusing on Wormwood let Crowley ignore his own shoutout more. He's not really sure what to make of that. On one hand, he's not really used to being involved. He'd always been working behind the scenes. A possible future promotion? An acknowledgement that Crowley was present and not, in fact, generally disliked for causing a ruckus? Terrifying.

Re: SPIN OUR WHEELS + MEETING - Blazic - 10-08-2019