Beasts of Beyond
you kissed my heart | joining - Printable Version

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you kissed my heart | joining - pallid-i - 10-07-2019

[glow=#d245ae,2,300]▶ MASQUE - TAGS - TANGLE - MEMBER - HE/HIM - RACCOON ◀[/glow]
Masque hopped from tree to tree before climbing down once he saw swampland. The raccoon stood at the edge and looked on to see how far the marshes really stretched. The territory seemed to go on forever and there was a notable difference between borders. The neutral lands were behind him and they were sunny, but here? Here in the marshlands, it was... dark. It was kind of intimidating, but his mask did not betray his emotions.
He stood stock still and waited. He had heard of the people making their homes here and he wouldn't dream of upsetting them by passing their border. Masque didn't want any trouble, he just wanted a place to stay. Even if it was temporary.


Re: you kissed my heart | joining - wormwood. - 10-07-2019

Sure, perhaps the swampland looked a little bit dark and unsettling for those who were coming from the outside, rather than having lived here for as long as he had now, but Wormwood thought that kind of just added onto the charm of it, particularly in the coming Halloween season. After all, the darkness was perfect for scary stories and tricks, so he could definitely appreciate the shadows of the trees that blocked out the sun. As Wormwood moved slowly through the swampland that made up the territory of Tanglewood, he was surprised when the scent of another new person reached his nose. It seemed as though they were becoming rather popular lately, which was kind of nice. Heading towards the source of the new scent, he was surprised to find a small raccoon sitting there, wearing a mask on his face. Part of him wanted to ask if the mask was some sort of Halloween thing, but a larger part of him didn't want to, since he didn't want to offend if that wasn't the case. Sitting back on his haunches, the winged lion cleared his throat before rumbling softly, his head tilting to one side as he observed Masque curiously, "Hello there, new fellow. I like the mask... could I get your name, maybe? This is the border of Tanglewood, but I'm assuming that you know that by the fact that you're just chilling out here... do you want to join?" Masque didn't seem to smell of any other group other than Tanglewood, so he could only assume that he was a joiner, rather than an ambassador from some other group with urgent news.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: you kissed my heart | joining - fulzanin - 10-08-2019

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"It's a very cool mask," Feza would say as she came bounding over. Her wings were fluffed out from her sides, aiding her in bounding forward and keeping the impact against her feet from being so severe. The snow leopard kept a solid tail length between her and the other Guardsman; she did not want to be close to him right now. Not after her prank gone wrong, not after the absolute terror that had surged forth, grabbed her, and hadn't relinquished it's hold up until recent. "But yea, yea, as he said, are you here to join? You're right on the border, didn't cross it, which is very respectful, isn't it?" Her rambling begun again for a few seconds, raising a paw to wave in a generalized manner. Borders. They were such a big deal. She personally didn't comprehend the concept. It made sense; she was the 'open the doors and windows it's time to party' sort of feline. The concept of a method to keep other people out? Preposterous! Feza of course didn't know of such a word, but it was certainly the correct one. Her vocabulary was short and swift. It was only grand when it came to the terms of a party. Such a topic wasn't the most elaborate. Especially not to the feline, who's crazy and silly endeavors often overlapped with one another in many ways: annoying the group being the largest aspect.

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Re: you kissed my heart | joining - pallid-i - 10-09-2019

[glow=#d245ae,2,300]▶ MASQUE - TAGS - TANGLE - MEMBER - HE/HIM - RACCOON ◀[/glow]
He gazed upon the lion and snow leopard and did a little bow in greeting. "My mask is pretty nice, isn't it? I made it myself. Anyways, I'm Masqueradeball, but you can just call me Masque." His name was quite a mouthful but the raccoon usually went by his nickname anyways.
Masque sat on his haunches and tapped his mask as if lost in deep thought. "Yes.. I would like to join Tanglewood if you would have me." He was always polite and respectful, mostly because he didn't want any trouble. Getting into fights would be pointless, in his opinion. Masque just wanted to live a peaceful life and dance, and maybe make some friends along the way.


Re: you kissed my heart | joining - wormwood. - 10-09-2019

Masqueradeball... it was a very nice name, and seemed fitting for the masked male in front of the guardsman. Not only because he had a mask himself, but also because he was so polite and respectful, which reminded him of the old storybooks that described masquerade balls as beautiful and elegant events that only the most important of nobility attended. Wormwood could already tell that he was going to like having Masque around, if he continued his pattern of polite friendliness and was helpful around the group. It was nice to think that, even though they had lost some people recently to inactivity or disappearances, they were at least still getting members that would hopefully help to keep Tanglewood a friendly and exciting group to interact with and live in. Dipping his head to Masque, and flicking his tail in greeting to Feza beside him, the lion rumbled softly, "It's very nice to meet you, Masque. My name is Wormwood, and I'm a guardsman here, and I hope to become more acquainted with you as you live here, since you're very welcome to join." He glanced towards Feza curiously, wondering if she would be the one to offer the male a tour around, since she was always so gungho about anything that was fun. Plus, she had yet to introduce herself as well.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: you kissed my heart | joining - arcy - 10-10-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]What the fuck sort of name is Masqueradeball? Nobody had ever told him about two-part names -- Crowley is just left to think that whoever named this guy was absolutely nuts. .. But, anyways. Aside from the name, and the strange if charming mask, the guy doesn't seem that bad thus far. A little too respectful for his tastes, but Crowley can look past that. .. Not that he's ... going to. Definitely.
"Yeah, 'course," Crowley yawns as he strides over, tail twitching. "Don't think there's anyone we wouldn't take, anyways," He rolls his eyes. It's bound to get them into trouble at some point -- assuming that the people living on this island are as prone to chaos as humans. So ... maybe it's not going to, fuck if Crowley knows. "The name's Crowley," He tells the raccoon, lifting a wing in greeting.