Beasts of Beyond
HIGH ON BELIEVING ☆ hallucination - Printable Version

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HIGH ON BELIEVING ☆ hallucination - wormwood. - 10-07-2019

( written for the October cdc prompt "spirit" !! )

If there was one thing that Wormwood really hadn't been expecting, it had been to see Judith again. After what Poetking had done to her, he had figured that his Mother had passed on to heaven or hell or wherever the fuck rotten spirits like hers ended up, and for a while it had seemed as though he had easily been right. However, it turned out that if you hadn't slept for hours for several days, and you were essentially running on pure fumes as you tried to get your daily duties done, you had a chance of hallucinating. Wormwood had known in the back of his mind that it was a possibility that sleep deprivation could cause strange hallucinations, but he had never actually figured that it would end happening to him. However, it seemed as though this wasn't the case. The large lion found himself practically ready to collapse as he walked into camp with several pieces of prey clenched in his jaws, the result of a rather long hunting trip he had gone on by himself to try and help out. His legs were faintly trembling as he went to deposit the prey in their stores, before he finally just let them collapse beneath him once he was back out in the main camp area. His chin sat down against the dirt of the ground beneath him as he panted, his eyelids already beginning to droop from the tiredness that gripped at him. He tried to fight against it, but he could already tell that he was fighting a losing battle. He had been avoiding his dreams so damn much ever since he had that strange angel dream filled with visions of Poet screeching at him, and it was finally catching up with him now.

The male could feel himself finally beginning to drift off when suddenly a voice cut through the air in front of him, a certain cruelty in the female voice's disappointment tinged tone, "Sleeping on the job, Wormwood? I guess you always were the more disappointing of my sons." Almost immediately all of his fur spiked up with anxiety, and he lifted his head up to look at the hallucination in front of him with his one good eye. Before him was Judith, although she was a mangled approximation of herself, with all of the wounds that Poetking had afflicted upon her before he had run away, her wounds still torn open and bleeding, splattering against the dirt ground beneath her, as far as Wormwood knew. Almost immediately the chaser felt his heartrate increase, his body moving backward as a frightened noise left his throat, his single blue eye a wide disk of petrified terror as he rumbled softly, "No, no, no, you're dead... you're dead, I saw you. I saw your body. Get away from me..." His voice was weak and strained as he struggled and failing to get to his feet, his body still weak from exhaustion. The hallucination of Judith's raised corpse laughed cruelly, saying with an evil smirk as he stepped closer to her son, one claw tracing along his cheek and making him whimper weakly, "What's the matter, Wormwood? Can you not even deal with an old dead lady? How pathetic. Now we know why you never got anywhere in this world, now don't we? Wormwood broke as she began her cruel tirade, backpedaling further and mumbling weakly as he covered his paws with his eyes, beginng softly, "Stop, stop, stop, please... get away from me. Go away! Go back to wherever the fuck you're supposed to be!" Of course, Worm didn't know that really he was just laying near the edge of camp, whimpering softly to nothing thanks to the sleep deprivation that was currently effecting him.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: HIGH ON BELIEVING ☆ hallucination - fulzanin - 10-08-2019

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As bad as her terror could get, as terrified as she became, she had never experienced a hallucination before. The vibrant snow leopard had experience with nightmares. They plagued her constantly, but she didn't try to fight against sleep. Feza already stayed up late enough with her party plans and so when exhaustion smacked her in the face, she usually listened and braced for her nightmares before slipping under. The nightmares of being killed, over and over again. Tortured and maimed and torn and bloodied, over and over again. They were common and beginning to lose their hold on her. It was constant exposure that froze her heart and steeled it, and her mind presented the fact that it was not happiness and therefore she had no place to care. Didn't stop her from being frazzled, though. It didn't stop things that happened in the waking world that barely resembled her nightmares to keep her from being startled and terrified. Never to the point where she hallucinated. Never to the point where she was about to drop from exhaustion.

"Are...are you okay? I'd really like to not go back where I'd came from," Feza said after she had approached. She had come for prey, to munch on something while she worked on her latest project. She had seen the lion collapse. She had cared not. Why should she give a single rat's tail for the lion that scared her on purpose? Why did she feel compelled to check on him? Smugly, and inwardly, Feza deemed that she liked to believe this as a way to show that she was a better person. She wouldn't strike with words about how the ever strong and absolutely malicious (in her eyes) lion was now cowering at..something. It couldn't be her. She was too small and too weak, and it had been proven over and over again that in the terms of strength and sense it was the lion that would best her time and time again. He didn't care about her, so why did she feel compelled to come and check on him when he suddenly began acting out? Yet, Wormwood had come to check on her when she had gotten close to the verge of how Wormwood was currently; but her mind refused to acknowledge it. He hated her. He was a lion, and would probably kill her if he had the chance. That was her deepest fear of the time. She didn't want to die again.

"Do you need like, water or something? To splash on your face?" Feza offered. Her weight anxiously shifted back and forth. She assumed such from how his face was covered. The vibrant kazoo-player kept her distance, a good couple lengths away. She didn't want for him to suddenly lash out due to whatever was plaguing him at the time. Feza's long tail flicked behind her, twitching in a manner that mimicked her usual nervous stance. "Or..something? If your eyes are hurting, which I can totally understand because it's been bright today, I can get you something to put over them. A cloth? I think I have some back home. I can run and get one." There were her usual rambles, mostly rid of her nervous stammers. It was channeled into her shaky twitches, her rocking form, the dilated eyes and the lowered ears. She felt ridiculous. Would he ever accept her help? She doubted such a thing, with how much that she thought that the lion despised her very existence. Yet she offered her aid nonetheless, ignoring the stake of fear that drove through her and made her want to cower and run home nonetheless.

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