Beasts of Beyond
just enough of a bastard // open - Printable Version

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just enough of a bastard // open - galexiux - 10-03-2019

It was a peaceful day in the swamp. Or... as peaceful of a day that it could be in Tanglewood. Of course, peace was not something that The Goose understood. All The Goose understood was that there were shiny things in this swamp, and it longed for them to be added to its growing collection. The Goose miraculously managed to avoid each and every trap in the defensive barrier that was the swamp surrounding the town of Tanglewood. How did it do this, you ask? It is The Goose. Even The Goose has no idea how it achieved such a feat.

The Goose honked as it waddled into town, tilting its head and inspecting the area. The first thing it noticed was it was dark. It could not find shinys anywhere. Was it lied to? .... Did it misinterpret words spoken because it cannot understand common? Probably. Perhaps the shinies were inside. The Goose set one foot forward, opening its wings for balance for a few moments before setting forward. It set its gaze on the library first. The door handle was chested gold and shiny. It hopped up, taking hold and falling to the ground. The door, with the handle pulled down, opened slightly. The Goose honked, reaching its head behind the old wooden gate and forced it open. The Goose was inside.

It instantly set off towards the shelves. It shook its tail, staring up at the thousands of tomes painted over the wooden shelves. Interesting... but geese can't read. So it continued on. Shinies had to be in here somewhere. The Goose searched and searched. It knocked things off of tables, scared locals, moved chairs. No shinies anywhere! What a disgrace.

Re: just enough of a bastard // open - wormwood. - 10-03-2019

Wormwood had been in the library, peacefully helping out with organizing the books inside that had recently been returned. He had volunteered for the task because he needed a good distraction from the fact that Roy was still in the Pitt, and work had always worked for him as an effective distraction. The lion had been moving throughout the place with several books in a basket clenched in his jaws, before an unfamiliar scent reached his nose, and made him pause. Glancing around, he frowned a bit and moved to carefully put his basket down, stretching a bit before walking among the aisles and calling out softly, "Hey, is somebody in here...? You don't have to hide away from me, you know. I don't mind company." When he received no response, his fur prickled anxiously, and he grumbled as he continued searching through the aisles. He felt frustrated that his work wasn't getting done, in addition to the fact that he still couldn't place what the fuck the was that he couldn't identify. It wasn't the Pitt, which made him calm down a little bit, but it also wasn't comforting that it wasn't any of the other groups that he had become acquainted with recently.

Before long, however, Worm finally came across the source of the scent – The Goose. He blinked in surprise at the creature, having only ever seen a goose in pictures, since the swamp wasn't exactly teeming with the avians. He found himself staring for a long moment before he cleared his throat, moving forward and reaching out to prod the goose gently in the wing with a paw, before questioning softly, "Hey, you. What are you doing in our library? I've never seen you around before, and you don't smell of Tanglewood..." He wasn't aware that The Goose probably wouldn't end up answering him, too focused on his current important task of hunting for shinies, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try. Threatening or not, anybody just wandering into the territory without anybody noticing was... a concerning thought, and Wormwood found himself silently chastising himself for being organizing books in the library, rather than out and about patrolling the border to make sure nobody got in. After all, what if The Goose had been some Pittian or somebody frantically looking for help? He wasn't, but the question still lingered in the back of Wormwood's mind.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]