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So Off My Rock | Joining - Printable Version

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So Off My Rock | Joining - Blazic - 10-02-2019

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - trojan g. - 10-02-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]There had been a hyena here before, and though Moth was sure she was still a part of Tanglewood she hadn't seen her in a while. She knew Vathmos had seemed to dislike some other canines and such stepping into the territory and deemed them to be 'under' her in ranking, so she would be curious to see how the other would have dealt with the trespassing hyena on the territory.

Though Vathmos wasn't here right now, nor was Wormwood. Moth was by herself for the time being.

It made her nervous.

She had been walking around the territory that day, but the scent of a stranger caught her nose. Padding towards the other, she hadn't realized that it was a bigger animal until she got closer, and although she was still bigger - especially with her wings and feathered mane - she was still worried, the lack of fighting experience fresh on her mind. Though the slight twinge of blood caused curiosity to prick at her - was the other hurt, or was it simply the prey they seemed to carry in their maw?

"Hello." The mutated jaguar would speak, voice not giving away her fear of being attacked on the border once more, "Can I help you with anything? You seem to be in Tanglewood territory."

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - wormwood. - 10-02-2019

If Wormwood really thought about it, he probably wouldn't have been able to tell Snarl if the glass shards in the forest were some sort of accidental event like someone dropping a bottle, or something intentional like one of Beck's many traps. He still didn't know where all of the ghost's traps were, and he still wasn't sure if they were only in the swamp, or if they extended out into the surrounding forest. He had tried multiple times to figure both of things out, but it never really worked, and that was pretty disappointing to him, since it means that he could fall prey to them as well, just like several others had, like Moth. Still, his current focus was not actually on Beck's traps, but instead focused on the scent of blood that reached his nose as he wandered around the territory. He tensed up immediately at the fragrance, terrified that someone else had been attacked and taken by a Pittian, but thankfully it didn't seem that was the case. However, when he approached the scent of blood and found that he smelled something that wasn't familiar as either Tanglewood or the Pitt, he didn't feel himself relax at all. When he slowly emerged from the thick trees toward Snarl, he found himself pausing at first, caught off guard by the sight of the unfamiliar hyena in front of him, with just the faintest of oddness in her step.

For a moment, Wormwood thought that it was Vathmos, back from whatever impromptu vacation she had taken, and he felt a little thrill go through his heart, excitement entering his blue gaze. However, he soon realized that this was not in fact Vathmos, and a different hyena. He felt himself stare for a moment, having not seen another hyena anywhere near Tanglewood other than Vathmos, and having not seen a single other hyena since he had left the pride. Hyenas used to bring to mind terror and unpleasantness, since they had attacked he and his brother and terrorized their pride for ages, but now they had the opposite effect, ever since Vathmos had become one of his best friends. Now hyenas actually made him feel at ease, although this one didn't really have the same effect, since she still had the strange scent of blood on her and was sort of just wandering through their territory, heading towards the shore. Moving to settle down beside Moth, who had already asked the very important questions, he hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether he should ask, before he decided to chance it, following up quickly, "And... are you alright? I thought that I smelled blood before we ran into you..." She did have a piece of prey with her, which could have been the source of the scent, but it had seemed so fresh and hadn't seemed like it was from a piece of prey like a rabbit...
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - Blazic - 10-02-2019

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - wormwood. - 10-02-2019

Wormwood definitely noticed the way that Snalr stiffened in their presences, particularly in the presence of him, but he found that he wasn't too surprised by that. After all, Vathmos had been pretty hostile and fearful when she had first met him, since lions and hyenas kinda had a tendency to be natural enemies. He no longer held any biases against hyenas, however, and when he saw the look on her face, he just gave her a steadying smile and a nod, wanting to silently communicate that he wasn't about to just go around attacking anybody who wandered over their borders. He hadn't even been at that level when he had been a hellhound and unable to control his own anger – sure, he had attacked a Pittian, but never someone who was just innocent and had wandered over the border without realizing it. He supposed that the rabbit she currently held clenched in her jaws did qualify as "stolen", but he found that he didn't really feel that much anger or hostility over it. It didn't seem as though she had willfully crossed the border just to come and hunt in any sort of malicious way, so he just inspected the rabbit for a moment before looking back towards her.

Snarl spoke in a surprisingly calm tone of voice that didn't match her name at all, not that Wormwopd knew that yet, and explained why she was here, and presumably what the smell of blood was. He still wasn't sure that he believed her, given the subtle winces and faint way her eyes darted about, but he decided not to press it, since he was pretty sure she wasn't just hiding a body somewhere nearby. Once she was done speaking, he shifted his wings upon his back before rumbling softly, glancing over at Moth and gently draping one wing over her in a sort of calming motion, since he had noticed when he first approached that she had seemed very anxious, "Ah, well, it's alright if you just got lost and ended up here in the territory. It's not like we're gonna rip your head off or anything. It does mean that we'll have to escort you off of the territory, though. Unless you'd like to join, that is. We're a pretty friendly group, and there's safety in numbers, y'know? Not that you have to. I just know how rough it can be, being on your own when you're so used to a pack... or in my case, a pride. If you did decide to join though, we'd need your name." He was being truthful, remembering just how hard it had been for him to adjust after he had first left the pride. Of course, he had never had many people he could count on back in the pride anyways, but the general presence of the other lions had still been a great comfort to him in those days, that he had immediately lost after leaving.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - Blazic - 10-05-2019

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - wormwood. - 10-05-2019

Worm was thankful that it seemed as though Snarl was going to join the group, or at least was preparing herself for the possibility of it. After the events of Olalla's appearance on the border, Wormwood had been feeling a bit bummed that they hadn't gotten a new joiner. After all, new people meant new friends and family, and he never minded that. Still, he also wanted to make sure that Snarl felt comfortable joining, since he knew that hyenas were never really massive fans of lions, if Vathmos and hyenas in the past were anything to go by. Still, when Snarl gave both he and Moth her name, he felt a small smile curl onto his muzzle, and he rumbled softly as he dipped his head, his wings lifting up a bit as his back hunched, "It's a pleasure to keet you, Snarl. My name is Wormwood, and I'm a chaser of this place, Tanglewood. If you want me to, then I'll be happy to show you around, or I'm sure Moth wouldn't mind either " He turned and smiled, gesturing a wing over to where Moth was sitting, having fallen silent after her initial greeting. If Worm had known what Snarl thought of the two of them because of their wings... well, he probably would've been very damn amused. After all, he certainly didn't feel like sphynx, and he doubted Moth did either. Plus, neither of them had a penchant for riddles.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: So Off My Rock | Joining - arcy - 10-05-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Admittedly, a lot of Tanglers had wings. Crowley assumes they can all fly, too. No, Crowley is not bitter about this. He's fine. And, anyways, he can't say a lot on that particular state of affairs. He's had his wings since the beginning of time, even when the other demons lost theirs.
.. Anyways.
"I don't think Chaser means any more to her than it did to me," Crowley rolls his eyes, making an easy trot to the small crowd. Spending time with so many people isn't precisely Crowley's idea of a good time, but he can't say that he didn't know what he was signing up for, either. It's not so bad, at least. "Crowley." He introduces, lifting a wing in lazy greeting. He misses being able to gesture with hands, but wings'll do in a pinch. For that matter, he can't believe her name is Snarl. Honestly. "S'not so bad, even if it's a bit .. odd, at first," He shrugs. Snarl could be as weird as the rest*, but she sure doesn't seem it. And even if she was, well -- things were probably odd no matter what.
*meant with a very grudging sort of affection, even if he won't admit it.