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OH NO, THERE YOU GO! && sickness? - Printable Version

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OH NO, THERE YOU GO! && sickness? - DELILAH. - 09-26-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

//TW for vomiting black stuff, mentions of dark themes, and possibly gore.

Tick, tock.

Tick, tock.



Delilah gasped as the clock that had been kept in her home was thrown across the room, the ancient-looking clock smashing to pieces. The sound was maddening. The faerie could feel the taunting, the sound of the chuckles and those voices again. It had been almost a year since Delilah had last heard them.

She ignored the shouts from Renegade from behind, the calls of Flint- the woman rushed out of the house, stumbling through the mess that was muddy roads. She felt it- something twisting and turning in her body, struggling and punching its way up.


A hysterical cry left the woman when she made it to a space between two buildings, seeking shelter from the sun above. Black ichor dripping past pastel lips, those black, drippy wings soon formed upon her shoulders, just in time for the matching ichor to spill out of her mouth in copious amounts.

”Stop it.. I’m not impure- Stop it! Stop reminding me!”

[tdlr: cue her past- cursed by ‘impurity’ (actually a disease that plagues the mind of the runt of titania’s litter), delilah has finally began to suffer the consequences of her curse. basically fits of anger or irritation, lilith cannot heal delilah, and her presence only worsens the disease. best way to treat the symptoms is to calm her down- unstable emotions lead to the worsening of the symptoms.] 


Re: OH NO, THERE YOU GO! && sickness? - wormwood. - 09-26-2019

It wasn't often that Wormwood went to go and visit Delilah and her new family, since they lived further away than the main town than most of the other members of the group,  but that didn't mean that he never left to go see the little family. After all, he had met and liked Ren before, and he definitely liked Delilah as a clanmate, and he loved hanging out with them and their kids, since he had always loved taking care of children back in the pride. Hell, he even had his own kid now, in Roy. So, he had been trotting towards Delilah's house to go and see how they were doing, and perhaps even ask them if they needed anything from town that he could grab for them, when suddenly the exact feline he had been looking for went charging past him. The hellhound blinked in surprise when Delilah went running past, and he could hear the shouts of Flint and Ren off in the distance, obviously similarly caught off guard by their Mother and girlfriend just deciding to bolt like that. He glanced towards the house, wondering if perhaps he should go and comfort them, but ultimately he ended up turning around and going after Delilah, his clawed paws pushing him forward after the smaller feline.

She had a head start on him, so it was several minutes before he came upon her, dark dripping wings sticking out from her back, as well as strangely thick almost unlike other dribbling from her jaws. He had only seen her like this once before, and he found himself staring for a long moment before he snapped out of it, clearing his throat and cautiously approaching. He made sure to come up in front of her slowly, not wanting her to freak out and lash out at him or anyone else, especially after losing his eye because of getting too close to someone who was panicking. Tentatively, the male stretched his paw out toward Del, offering it to her as he barked softly,  his large ears pinning back anxiously, "Del...? Delilah? Are you alright? It's me, Wormwood... come on, talk to me." He didn't want to freak her out anymore than she already was, so he kept his tone soft and even, being sure not to sound like he was ordering her around or forcing her to speak. He just wanted to know what was wrong, so that he knew how to help her.
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