Beasts of Beyond
exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - Printable Version

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exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - Kydobi - 09-20-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

He sat at the entrance of the strategist temple, looking at the pittians below him. While Fourth was handling the offensive side of things, Kydobi would be working on improving the groups defense.

"Pittians!", he called, "Come here for a moment. I believe it is of highest importance that we do this task I have prepared for majority of you while there is still time."

He would like to know there was an escape route for those who couldn't fight, children and the sick. He had heard rumor of tunnels but hardly ever saw anyone use them.

Re: exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - beatae - 09-20-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
fourthwall was... entirely too intimidating for august to handle. he was already worked like a dog (pun intended), he would rather save the double-time by staying with someone familiar. someone that saw him as, perhaps, equal. not to mention most of his night life was spent in the tunnels.

maybe not the ones kydobi specifically spoke of, but they knew how to navigate a tunnel at the least.

"here, sir!" he piped up, tail high and ready for the next order.

i'm the prize

Re: exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - gael - 09-20-2019

A pessimistic order had the red and black vulpine ever heard one.  Sharp, hazel eyes narrowed, ears perking alongside them.  The jaguar stood near one of the towering temples, a dark silhouette besides brick and stone.  A point highlighted in his words caused the fox to consider — who among the Pitt recognized their strategic failings?  Surely enough among them to count.

Steady moving paws brought the fae at a halt besides August.  Ill at ease below the ground, the vulpine only desired to linger below long enough to gain something useful.  The air below the earth grew stale, still — while finding a tree house simple to reach brought some level of difficulty, he felt more at ease knowing the home he chose belonged to the air.

A creature of silence until necessity, Gael inclined his head.  A simple affirmative for his willing attendance.
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby

Re: exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - Kydobi - 09-21-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: feel free for Auggie to flex his knowledge of the tunnels! Kydobi would happily allow him to step forward and help devise a plan Smile ]

The first to arrive was the ever faithful Auggie.

Kydobi gave a soft smile, allowing his head to bow briefly before repeating the same greeting for Gael.

"Hello my friends... I'll wait for more people to show up. Might I suggest calling those who may need an escape route should a battle ever come to place?

He looked at Gael meaning, Aine.

"I believe we should excavate, clear, and design a solid plan for those who are incapable of defending themselves. Or rather the sick and such... I've heard tale of the tunnels but considering I don't see them used too often... they must not be used often... Let alone maintained."

Clearing his throat he would look at the two before him,"Gael I remember you mentioning something about air powers? Perhaps you could blow a slight breeze down to circulate the air? It's probably hot down there. And we may need a strong gust to push stuff out."

A quick idea propped in his head. Perhaps, if necessary, they could use the tunnels to lead the enemies down there.

"Maybe make a few traps and dead ends or hidden exits to confused the enemies.... Ideally it must be easily defendable."

Re: exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels - aine. - 09-21-2019

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Soon enough, the petite vixen materialized, poking out her head from behind her father.  Old habit.  Her hazel eyes, a seemingly golden hue for the time, danced with curiosity.  The tunnels represented a new place to explore for the youth.  Although she felt no qualm sharing the first adventure with older, wiser adults.  Having gotten lost once, above ground, Aine failed to find appeal in growing lost below.

Overall, she lacked her father’s discomfort.  Naively, perhaps.  The smaller fox never set foot underground before.  Of course, the sound of hot air sounded somewhat irritating.  If her father could remedy that however, it would not be a problem.

Shyly, she smiled up at Kydobi, blinking her eyes owlishly.  He sounded so serious.  Where was the fun in exploring someplace new?  The adventure?  Her soot-colored paws dug into the ground absently, ill at ease from the mention of battle.  She remembered the last battle... She’d rather not.

Now that there was four of them, could they go?  Maybe she could tell Ikaia about their adventure in the tunnels... Assuming it proved interesting to the fae.  Her pirate friend probably had better tales to tell... Her mind soon continued to wander, until halted by a sudden inquiry, "how’re we gonna see?  There’s no light... Underground." Not that she was scared of the dark, of course.

[ mobile ]

Re: exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - Kydobi - 09-27-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

"Do not worry Ra-", his heart jumped as he caught his fault, clearing his throat he let out a false cough, "N-no worries Aine. The darkness is not all bad. The sooner you embrace the more of an advantage you have over those who are terrified of it."

He flicked his ear smiling at her, "There is nothing to fear, me, your father, and everyone else would never let anything happen to you."

He looked at everyone, "Okay, let's go in. There's an entrance in this temple. Perhaps we'll find more ways in and out while we're in there."

Re: exploring our options [cleaning and mapping the tunnels] - beatae - 09-30-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
auggie smiled at gael as the fox approached his side, then down to aine as she arrived next. it appeared pretty sound to him. make a nice, neat tunnel. excavate through it in case of some emergency. from what gael had said in a prior event, aine could handle herself well. she wouldn't likely be the first, or only one using this. if anyone it might be himself using it as a means to escape during battle.

"from the slaves quarters in the tunnels, sometimes there's little breaks in the surface that let sunlight or moonlight come in. your eyes should adjust after a few minuts anyways, though. your whiskers help too!" the terrier wiggled his own with a smile.

his attention turned to the dark wildcat next. "i can come up with some traps to lay down, but we'll have to inform everyone of them. maybe we should form up a map as we go along and mark where the traps are. or make a secret code of markings to warn about them." some part of august felt a tinge in his chest. the irony of helping them against the ones supposed to save him but... a way of retreat was a lesser evil than fighting them completely.

i'm the prize