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Plots with Delilah? - Printable Version

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Plots with Delilah? - DELILAH. - 09-13-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

So basically, I'm looking for plots with Delilah, even if they're minor ones? I have a few ideas, since she's working more on gaining the respect of the Tanglers back ever so slowly. Character bonding is possible?

So here are my ideas??

Idea #1: Delilah teaches your character how to use Earth Elementals.
Now for this idea, your character will have to have discovered Earth Elementals, or are about to discover them. Delilah had learned how to use her Earth Elementals from Morgan, so she plans to teach others how to use them in a very similar way. She finds this to be tradition, and is happy to teach her peers if they are willing to learn.

Idea #2: Delilah or Lilith becomes your character's mentor.
While Delilah isn't very experienced with fighting close combat, Lilith, the demon that resides inside of her body and takes over when shes needed, is very experienced. Due to how hard it is to earn Lilith's respect as a man, the demoness will probably only take female apprentices. Delilah, on the other hand, is willing to teach everyone anything she knows about medicine and the territory's specialties itself. Since Tanglewood has so many mutated plants and animals, Delilah has studied them for quite some time. Think of her more of a scientist than a doctor at this point.

Idea #3: Delilah becomes someone your character looks up to & befriends.
While mentoring is possible, Delilah also likes the company of others. She prefers to make new friends, and once she's found those friends, she's incredibly faithful to them to a T. With her friends, she often asks questions about how the world looks to them, and deep conversations are bound to happen between herself and your character. If you're willing for a friendship that can't be easily broken, this idea might be the best for you.

Idea #4: Teaching Delilah how to fight, without having to rely on Lilith.
Due to past experiences with trespassers and her previous death, Delilah has been traumatized to the point that she will never physically fight unless Lilith is in full control of her body. Doing this means that sometimes, not even her clanmates are safe if they get in Lilith's way, and Delilah despises that. She wants to learn how to fight despite being blind, but she finds it impossible. If your character is patient enough to convince Delilah to learn, go right ahead and try!

Idea #5: Become Delilah's adoptive sibling.
Delilah has a kind heart- one that is considered motherly by those around her, in fact. With her having her own adoptive son already, she wishes to expand on her 'family'. While she sees Tanglewood as a whole her home, she isn't as close to others as she is to her 'circle'. These are people whom would either live with her, or on her part of the territory in a separate house. They can be younger, or older than her. She will be extremely protective of these people.

Those ideas are done, so here are a list of other plots that can be thought over!
- Minor injuries
- Captures
- Fights [winner is decided privately]
- In-Tanglewood Drama
- Lilith brainwashing a character.
- Near-death experiences.

....And that's all, folks.

Re: Plots with Delilah? - arcy - 09-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]honestly thus far based solely on the alligators thread delilah has DELIGHTED crowley. he's not really good at befriending people but like, damn if hes not gonna try.
listen,, i havent really decided what theyll bond over yet or anything cause its all cool but what im saying is that theyd Get Along

Re: Plots with Delilah? - DELILAH. - 09-13-2019

delilah could literally do more freaky stuff just to befriend him
he could literally just accompany her for tea and she'd be happy

Re: Plots with Delilah? - arcy - 09-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]GOD I LOVE DELILAH

Re: Plots with Delilah? - DELILAH. - 09-13-2019

But then again Lilith is a little shit and might try to intimidate him since he's a demon as well

Re: Plots with Delilah? - arcy - 09-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]MUTUAL 'IM GONNA BE UR FRIEND DAMMIT' ENERGIES
im already lovin their dynamic damn

DSHFKJSDHFK and she is Successful ... not enough fr him to Leave or anything but enough fr him be like 'oh fuck oh shit' cause hes a Genuine Coward™

Re: Plots with Delilah? - wormwood. - 09-15-2019

man I kinda want Wormwood to be someone to teach Delilah about how to fight without Lilith being in control. He already had a self defense class, but he'd want to have a private training session with Del, where he helps her figure out how to defend herself, while at the same time he's learning to deal with only having one eye now

Re: Plots with Delilah? - toboggan - 09-15-2019

delilah and leroy totally need to have a private soon

Re: Plots with Delilah? - DELILAH. - 09-15-2019

Delilah needs to learn how to defend herself bc the thought of fighting makes her want to run
she needs the bonding with worm, too


Re: Plots with Delilah? - wormwood. - 09-15-2019

Yesssss oh my god
Worm is just hanging out with Delilah and they're talking about their kids and stuff and Delilah mentions how she's worried about protecting Flint and Worm is just like, "oh I'm teaching you so you can protect yourself and him"