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Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Maybe it was a terrible idea for a blind person to feed a wild, non-sentient alligator, but Delilah was daring when it came to such things. The vibrations against the large, wooden square underneath her was all she needed- if they got too close, it wouldn't be too fun for the gators themselves. Rocks falling on your head doesn't feel too good.

Delilah was so daring, in fact, that she was doing a Mass Feeding. Mutated fish were kept in a basket beside her on her square, the gators eagerly lining up and trampling over each other to get to the one whom was feeding them. It was a usual thing that Delilah did- after all, the gators had their own job in protecting their territory. It was a shared home- with Tanglewood and the Gators alike.

The least she could do was help feed them all.

"One at a time, darlings. One at a time." Delilah could hear their jaws snap every time she poked each of their jaws with a dead fish using telekinesis, blindly attempting to feed them despite not knowing just how many there actually were. She was assuming about six or seven, from the amount of feet she could hear splash around in the mud.

The question was if they would actually eat the fish, or try to eat her instead.

Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - wormwood. - 09-12-2019

When Worm came upon the scene with Delilah and the gators, he was... well, horrified. Not because of what Delilah was doing, but because he was petrified that if pastel pink feline leaned forward just a little bit more, she would become easily snapped up by the gators that were eagerly climbing over each other for her snacks. He liked to believe that Delilah knew what she was doing, but he still couldn't help the deep sense of anxiety that ran through him as he approached slowly, eying the gators nervously. Not only did he not want Delilah to get eaten up by the reptilian beasts, but he certainly didn't want to get eaten either, so he kept a bit of a distance as he sat a bit to the side of and back of Delilah. He barked softly as he watched the gators, a small frown pulling at his muzzle as he anxiously scratched at the muddy ground beneath him, feeling like there was millions of butterflies in his chest scrambling to fly out, "Er, Delilah...? You're feeding the gators? You... you know how dangerous this is, right? I really don't want you getting pulled down and devoured by a bunch of angry and hungry gators..." One of the gators turned it's gaze to look at him a bit sharply before turning back towards Del, and he felt a soft grunt of anxiety leave him.

Deep down he knew that he could probably take on several of the gators at one, both with his flame elementals and his new strong hellhound form, but that didn't mean he particularly wanted to. Sure, a few of his clanmates even took gators down as prey to eat them, such as when Roy had done that very thing, but Wormwood had no desire himself to do that, and he also remembered the several times where others had been attacked by gators and ended up very wounded. He wasn't sure how much he particularly wanted Delilah to be encouraging the gators to stick around, considering how violent the feral beasts could be sometimes towards the Tanglewood members, but he supposed he didn't really have much of a leg to stand on there, given his various relationships with mostly feral members of both Tanglewood and other groups. After all, he was close friends with Ament and was the now father to Roy, who, while he wasn't entirely feral, still wasn't entirely as lucid as everybody else. He was getting better, but there was still a bit of a line there. A soft sigh left the hellhound as he watched Delilah and her feeding, feeling pretty nervous still as he looked at the fish she was telepathically shoving at the gators.
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Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - arcy - 09-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Oh, oh man.
This was the most hysterically cool thing Crowley has witnessed. Like, in the way that there is a vivid pink cat feeding mutated fish to fucking alligators. He's not really sure about the floating fish portion of it -- Crowley was like, 80% sure that telekensis was a thing non-angel stock could use? But to be entirely honest, he's seen some weird things since showing up here, so he's not going to question it.3333
He was still stuck on the implications that dragons were real.
"I'm sure she does!" Crowley cackles, wings flapping in the excitement of the whole ordeal as he pops up beside the unfamiliar feline, unconcerned. Crowley lives for a bit of chaos -- even if it's not something that Crowley has had a hand in. And, well, Crowley figures that nothing defines a fun bit of chaos much more than this. "What's the point, though?" There has to be a method to the madness, surely? Because Crowley really can't place what the point is, and he'd think he knows humans and, uh, sentient beings pretty well by this point. Abruptly calmed, he folds his wings back in and beams toothily at the feline -- Delilah? Wormwood had called her Delilah?

Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - fulzanin - 09-13-2019

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Feza had heard that there were gators that lived around here. In the swamp. Where the air was hot and thick and near unable to be handled by a feline built for the cold such as her. It was to step past the physical boundaries that had her out and wandering through the hotter, swampier part of the territory. It was detested, and she disliked it ever severely. Her pelt felt heavy and as if she was one degree away from combusting into flames. The sight of all the alligators being fed was, well, a sight of itself. Feza did not know that the other was blind- the snow leopard couldn't remember if she'd seen the other pink feline before. They were both pink, and that struck a giddy vibe in her heated form as she came hopping over.

"If she's feeding them, they're probably used to her. They wouldn't bite the paw that feeds them, would they?" Feza mused as she came to a halt. Her wings were spread from her sides to fan her thick pelt, but kept her distance from where the fish was being tossed to the hungry carnivores. She knew she wouldn't bite someone that gave her food. It was the barest amount of logic that she withheld to try to process the concern. "I mean, they could eat her now, but then they would have to work for food later instead of getting fed. That's what a paramecium is," the snow leopard drabbled on, a nod of her head depicting her inward agreement with her words. "Does there have to be a point? I'm sure she has one. Oh, that one right there is really big," the snow leopard cut herself off, tone going from inquisitive to astonished in the brief moment she had paused to take a breath.

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Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Ah, it's fine! The gators and I have this.. Pact, almost? I feed them, they don't die if they try to eat me." Delilah chimed as she fed the massive creatures, a mewl of welcome to the others that had arrived. When Crowley landed beside her, she lowered her head in greetings to the other male. A soft hum left her, eager to show the others just how brave she was now despite the flush of embarrassment of being watched.

"I think they'd still try to eat me if I didn't feed them on routine like I usually do. They'd probably stalk me and eat me whole. After all, it's not hard to catch me off-guard. I can't see them, so." She mewed, her tail feeling around until it touched Crowley's side, a fish floating up to settle in front of the male's face. "Wanna try it?" She asked, smiling ever so gently despite the fact that she was feeding literal feral alligators.

"Wormwood, Feza, darlings- I'd suggest staying behind me. When I'm done, I usually use my elementals to shove them back into the swamp so I can get down-"

Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - arcy - 09-13-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]"Are you saying there's literally no reason you're doing this besides the pure joy," Crowley says, delighted. Unfortunately, his other clanmates have already faded to background noise. Delilah had not offered even a single solid reason as to why she was doing this. I mean, to be fair, Crowley never had a reason for feeding the ducks, despite what he may say. But there was an awfully large difference between ducks and alligators. Difference being the alligators were strangely rabid, and would gladly kill any of them, apparently.
"Would I!" The serval hoots as Delilah acknowledges him, already wild-eyed with excitement behind his sunglasses. Uncertain of how to take to the .. floating fish, he awkwardly grabs at it with his front paws, wings spreading out to balance. His grin may be considered mildly unsettling as he pauses for a moment, and then tosses it out into the swarm. Just as quickly as it was thrown, it was gone. "Oh my fucking ..." Crowley whispers. His enjoyment of this could be attributed to his demonic nature, if one really wanted to. In all honesty, though, it really wasn't. Crowley was just that sort of person -- you know, the type that lost their minds over alligator feedings. "How much more are you feeding them?" He demands, the implications clear. Look, there's just no way Crowley is going to willingly sit and just watch as she feeds them.

Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - wormwood. - 09-13-2019

When Delilah provided no really good reason for why she fed the alligators besides just wanting to, Wormwood just sighed and moved a little bit behind the former medic, eying the gators nervously. He couldn't believe the enthusiasm that Crowley was showing just from tossing fish clumsily at the ravenous beasts, half just because he had never seen Crowley be enthusiastic before in his life, and half because he couldn't really believe somebody was so happy just to be tossing aquatic creatures at other, more scary aquatic creatures. Still, he wasn't going to question the demon's life choices, since god knows that Wormwood had made some poor life choices in the past as well. He almost just wanted to say nothing and just go on with his day, without engaging any further with the crazy activity happening in front of front of him, but Delilah was his friend, and he stuck around just to watch. After a long moment of keeping careful watch over Delilah's floating fish, he barked softly, "So... you're feeding them just so that they don't eat you first? You know that you can just ask one of the larger members of Tanglewood to drive them off away from you, right? You don't need to put all this effort in, really..."
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Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"I'll be done in a bit- two more fish, is all. They've taken a liking to me because at first, it was them stealing my fish that I caught for my darling and my son, but now they've come to visit me every time they smell fish." She mewed, her tail twitching slightly as she tossed the last two fish out a bit further, jumping down from her post on her wooden board before she stretched all three of her limbs, preparing for something.

"I'm fine! The company is welcomed. The less we feed them outside of the territory, the more often they'll eat intruders. I'm trying to teach them the difference between friend and foe." She mewed, mounds of earth coming out in front of her, earthy walls shooting out of the ground and shoving the gators back, cornering them just enough so they could only return to the forest that was only a few steps away. "Everything has a life of it's own, and we can't treat the gators like outcasts. Even if they are feral, they also have emotions. They feel pain, hunger- so I have to take care of them. The Earth Mother has left me that duty."

Delilah soon turned her blind hues back towards the group, smiling at the three that were there. "I have a few fish left, if you three wanted some. The rest will be going to Flint and Ren, since I don't eat raw meat."

Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - wormwood. - 09-13-2019

Wormwood watched with a vaguely impressed expression as Delilah shoved the gators back with her powers, and he watched as the scaley creatures turned around and shuffled off as a group, grunting and snapping at each other. He didn't see why the gators made very good company, considering these were far from being like Reedy, whom Worm had heard was a sentient gator, of a sort. He might've made good company – or at least Wormwood assumed he might've – but it seemed as though Delilah preferred the company of the irritated feral beasts current walking away. Still, he did have to admit that Delilah had a point when she pointed out that having the gators on their side was better than having them be hostile. If he was being honest, he wasn't sure how much feeding the gators would actually make them not just randomly attack members, but he wanted to trust that Delilah was doing something that could actually help on that front. When Delilah offered them some fish, the male hesitated and just looked down at the fish for a moment, wondering if he actually wanted some fish. He probably would've appreciated it more in his lion body, but he could try it now as well, even with the adjusted tastebuds. Picking up one of the fish in his jaws, he grunted around the food muffling his voice, "I'll take one, I suppose. I doubt Flint and Ren want all of this, and I don't want it to go to waste... I should probably get back to town. Maybe I'll share with Roy... thanks, Del." He gave a dip of his head to the blind feline before straightening himself out, flicking his tail at the others present as he trotted off towards town, glad that this hadn't ended with the pink former medic being snatched and ripped up by the gators she was feeding.

( out <3 )
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Re: WITHOUT ME | GATOR FEEDINGS - fulzanin - 09-16-2019

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"I've never had fish before," Feza mused, having fallen silent to watch the alligators. She had moved back as requested, her wings flapping to aid the motion and do such all the faster. She couldn't fish, she'd never learned. It wasn't necessary to have learned where she had come from, and here? Didn't bother, the water wasn't for fishing in if Feza were to be honest. Nor was it for swimming- the sight of all of the alligators reaffirmed that mentality in the snow leopard's mind. It was equally astounding of the sight of the alligators being forced away. The movement of earth was foreign to the snow leopard, and her ears raised in surprise. "Oh, that was cool," she said softly.

Was there any harm in just trying one of the fish? Feza didn't suppose she would have another chance to do so. Her wings curled closer to her sides, and a shrug was administered in a sort of confirming manner towards herself. "I, I could try one, 'cause I've never had it before. Just a little, wouldn't- I wouldn't want to take any away from what you're bringing home." The snow leopard slowly moved to pull one of the fish closer, pawing at it for a few moments. How was she supposed to eat this? Her face scrunched up in a confused countenance. Her claws moved forward to simply claw off a part of the flesh; not wanting to waste the entire thing if it turned out that she didn't like the taste. She licked the scraps from her claws. Slimy, strange, causing her to shudder. It was not a taste that she liked, Feza swiftly discovered. She kept herself from recoiling and spitting, instead forcing herself to gulp down the scraped off portion of the fish. The snow leopard felt squeamish, squinting her blue eyes shut.

"Eah..yea, I think I'll just.. settle with that little bit of a taste. It's- It's a good fish, though!" A good fish to the standards of one that had never eaten such a meal before. It would be rude of her to not say the fish was good, even if she didn't like it. It was a taste that she merely didn't have, and one that she didn't think she would be trying to develop in the future. "Thanks for the fish and, uh, feeding the alligators for everyone." The snow leopard said. She'd have to wash the taste of fish from her mouth sometime soon, twisting and swiftly bounding away.

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