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Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

/Please wait for Flint to reply first. Tracks welcomed.~

TDLR: Basically, Delilah brings home a child named Flint. This thread is dated to after she took him home and got him used to her household for about two weeks without the Clan's knowledge. Flint will be introduced to his new clanmates.

The world was a cruel place, in Delilah's opinion. It tossed those out that were lost, or hurt, or abandoned by fate. Delilah knew the feeling personally, could relate to the pain of losing a parental figure, to losing family. Her circumstances were different, but Delilah felt like she could relate as she as well, had no biological family left. The faes had long abandoned her, forbade her to return.

Alas, the femme was still determined to move on. She was still determined to live a happy life with Renegadeanthems, still determined to earn her spot back as a Sawbone, where she once was. She was proud of her position back then, and eventually, she would try and earn such a spot back. She would be happy to aid and help Selby, to work alongside him. But first, she had more important things to worry about.

Such as the little bundle of white fur nestled into her thick neckfur, clinging to her despite the air of wonder about him. It seemed the territory wasn't as scary once you got past all of the gators. So, continuing her walk to the center of town, Delilah shrugged her left shoulder for the winged child to lift his head. Sightless pink eyes glanced around, her nose twitching and sniffing for the scents of her clanmates before she craned her head back and latched onto the kitten's scruff ever so gently, lifting him off of her back and onto the ground in front of her, tail wrapped around in front of him in an oddly protective manner.

"Everyone? I'd like to introduce you to someone. He's.. My son." Delilah began, rolling the title around on her tongue for a second before she smiled. She leaned her fluffy head down, nuzzling her nose between the white kitten's ears, taking a second to flatten any fur she felt was standing up in odd directions. "Go on and introduce yourself, darling."

Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - wormwood. - 09-12-2019

track !!

Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - Felibri - 09-13-2019

As it were, Flint was relatively a troublesome kit. Many times he had tried to sneak out beforehand, and occasionally he would find himself in a high place meowing loudly for someone to help him down. It was not that he was stupid, far from it. He acted far older than his actual age, and this was mainly on account of his rapid period of maturity from losing his biological mother to a gator. He clung to Delilah like a godsend, and likely would hardly ever be seen without her.

Delilah set him down and the little kitten raised his wings as she leaned down to lick him, tickling her nose and whiskers with his feathers. So this would be his first introduction into the world. His character was a blank slate. He would never see so many different animals in his lifetime. All he had known was the feeling of his mother. He had no siblings to grow up with, not that he knew of, at least.

"What! I don't want to give my name out before I hear someone else's!" Flint protested, batting his paws at Delilah's tail.

Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - wormwood. - 09-14-2019

Huh. It seemed as though Wormwood wasn't the only one that had quickly acquired a son recently. He had adopted Roy only a few days ago, and he was quite happy with his son, and extremely proud of him after everything that had happened, like Roy getting his flames to die down. However, he hadn't known that part of the reason that Delilah had fallen off the face of the earth was because she had a new son to take care of with her boyfriend. Not that he was complaining. He loved acting as a mentor figure to children, and he definitely thought that Del would make a wonderful mother to any child she took in, so when she strolled into camp and put her son down, announcing his existence, Worm had perked up with interest. The hellhound had hesitated for a moment, not wanting to startle the child with his slightly disturbing rotted appearance, but also wanting to introduce himself. He took a deep breath before getting up to his clawed paws, trotting off of the porch he had been relaxing on and moving over to the two felines, one much smaller than the other. The child already struck him as adorable, and it felt kind of nice to see another feline with wings, even if Wprmwpod wasn't currently able to access his large winged form.

Clearing his throat as he sat back on his haunches, the canine barked as he offered a friendly smile, hoping it didn't come off as creepy with his slightly rotted and undead appearance, "Hello there, little one. Anybody related to Delilah is a friend of mine. My name is Wormwood... since I told you my name, can I hear yours?" He gently encouraged the child, trying to make things a bit easier for Delilah, and to have the child actually properly introduce himself. Wormwood couldn't really blame Flint though, since he had been much the same when he had been a young cub. His attention hadn't been held long by practically anything that he was presented to him, and he had always been trying to befriend everyone, a jittery ball of excitement. Of course, that had never really worked out for him back in the pride, since he had been widely ignored and scorned, but Wormwood hoped that it would be nicer for Flint living here. He was pretty sure it would be, since most of the people here were very kind.
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Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - torren - 09-14-2019

V i r i d i t y . n.
A youth introduced to a larger group for the first time.  It seemed to the prince a rather momentous occasion, one he could not help but smile upon happening upon it.  The scottish wildcat felt his whiskers twitch, eyes bright as he examined the child thoughtfully.  He sounds like my sister.  The memory of Kiia nearly turned his smile into something sadder, held back by the steadfast reminder it was only a matter of time before he saw her again.  They lived such long lives though, he muses.

"I don't mind offering you my name," he decided warmly.  "My name is Torren and it is nice to meet you."

Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - selby roux ! - 09-14-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]At Delilah’s call, Selby found himself quickly approaching her voice. Moth’s attack, though an unfortunate event, had endeared Delilah even more to him and he itched to meet her son. Children had always seemed strange to him, and his last interaction with one had been ages ago. He’d offered to teach her how to garden and she had seemed excited at the time, but Florence had never followed up on the offer. Maybe she had only accepted to be polite? Regardless, the sawbone didn’t have much of a track record when it came to young ones.

He stopped when he came to the small crowd that had gathered. The small kit seemed hesitant to introduce himself before he knew anyone else’s name. "My name is Selby. It’s a pleasure to meet you," he introduced amiably.

Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - Crow Roux - 09-15-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
It seemed that Crow had somewhat lost his title of being the only parent when Wormwood had taken Roy on as his own, and it was further lost with the introduction of Delilah's new son. Whether it was really hers or not was unknown to the feline—hell, he was unaware that she even had a child until this moment that he rested his eyes on the feathered youth. Wack.

He approached the assemblage of his groupmates, cracked a smile at Flint, and stated simply, "'m Crow."

Re: YOU FOUND ME | FLINT'S INTRODUCTION - fulzanin - 09-16-2019

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Small children were cute. Feza could agree on that. She had a lot of ideas on what was fun, on what was exciting and thrilling. Cuteness, though? That definition was far from cemented in her chaotic mind. She came over upon the address of 'everyone', ears raised above her head. Not wanting to give out their name until hearing someone else's? It was a strange request, not one that the vibrant feline had heard before. Or maybe she had. It was something to ponder later, something that had no place in meeting such a small creature. And there were wings, too!

"I'm Feza," she introduced, a smile spreading across her face. The concept of suddenly having a child in one's possession made her feel rather surprised. Not because of the lack of a male partner, but the sheer responsibility that came from having a youth to look after. She doubted she'd ever be able to do that. Her mind was more focused on watching the kit bat at Delilah's tail, and noted to pull her own tail closer to herself. She wouldn't mind keeping hyper paws away from her fur. "Nice to meet you," was added on as a bit of an after thought. Feza had realized that the other's had some some variant of that ever present 'gracious greeting'. What was the harm in repeating such herself? It sounded very fancy, the vibrant feline noted, shifting her weight to the side.There wasn't any harm in sounding fancy and friendly.

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