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THE PITT'S GUIDE - Printable Version

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THE PITT'S GUIDE - THE PITT. - 09-05-2019

A notorious tribe lives in a half-burned forest surrounded by endless dry rocks and sand. A lot of recent changes in leadership and tradition have occurred at the Pitt. They are despised across the countries, and for good cause. Their history is brutal and tainted with wickedness.

Difficulties are never far away. People want to murder you simply because you are associated with them. Becoming a Pittian imprints a bullseye on your brow. At home, things aren't any better. Prey is scarce amid the destroyed jungle and harsh desert wastelands, but the Pitt is ever adaptable.

This is not a place for the weak.
The Pitt is located in a ragged and sparse jungle surrounded by barren and burned stumps that leads to a scorching desert that overwhelms its guests. Those who brave the desert's scorching heat are worthy of joining their tribe and seeking shelter in their protective forest during the storm. After all, if the desert heat doesn't get to them, the difficulties they'll face along the route would. The forest they sought refuge in was once abundant and alive. However it has been burned down and destroyed by The Typhoon and Tanglewood. What's left, deep and lush with green, nevertheless keeps up to its beauty.

Despite this, it does not supply enough food to feed the clan as it formerly did; food is a valuable commodity among the Pitt. But don't be fooled; despite the pathways, it's easy to get lost in the lifeless woodland. And it's difficult to overlook the splash of color in the otherwise desolate landscape that is the capital.

Three pyramid-shaped temples are located within their area, where they live. There are many sights to see, such as their blood-stained river, interweaving cave systems, and spectacular undergrowth.

The Ardent of the Pitt was previously housed in the tiniest temple, which appeared to be blackened by the night. Only the shattered remnants and the steep flight of stairs up to the 'throne' remain of the masterpiece. Despite its damaged state, it nevertheless serves as a symbol of pride and determination.
- Efforts are being made to rebuild this temple.

An elevated platform at the foot of the pyramid-shaped temple is where most gatherings take place. Its base is firm cobblestone, and the edges of each raised step are decorated with the skulls of past and present enemies - usually the ones closest to where the leader sits bear the carvings and names of the Pitt's past leaders (the skulls chosen for them often resemble the past leader's species - and in some cases are the past leader's skull).

The temple's interior is divided into two sections, with one enormous room at the end of a short tunnel and four dragon-like pillars defining the corners of a vast dueling arena. The facility is typically utilized for private or group-wide training sessions, as it is a large enough place to accommodate large conflicts. The other temple's conclusion leads to a tiny set of chambers with a fire, where things, weapons, and armor can be forged and crafted.

On a full moon, this pyramid, which is lighted in a silver radiance, points directly to the lunar body and is nicknamed The Moon Temple. The inside of the edifice is divided into many chambers, the largest of which has a single altar that was once used for sacrifices. The Eruidites now utilize the altar chamber as a hospital bay, and the smaller rooms as bedrooms or personal labs, occasionally even performing public autopsies on fallen highranks. This temple is primarily for individuals with medicinal knowledge.

The Pitt's Central Plaza was created on the brink of a beautiful forest and is a true architectural marvel. The backdrop of many waterfalls that run from The Jungle and tumble into the Nile, which have helped mold the city into what it is now, adds to its awe. The materials delivered by these waterfalls are important, but they also have an impact on architectural ideas, since the vast majority of structures mimicked the gigantic trees that surrounds the waterfalls, sometimes even having their own man-made waterfalls within the homes. This cosmopolitan identity has left an indelible impression. Hundreds of traders selling silks and tiny souvenirs, concession stalls offering food and drink, and bakeries provide a wide range of culinary options, and those who aren't hungry can partake in mock battles, photography, athletic activities, or one of the many other leisure activities. The Plaza is located in the triangle formed by the three temples, and it is here that you will find the majority of the Pittians on a daily basis, whether in the jungle or in the cooler cave beneath the ground.
- Members are free to set up shops and parties in the area.

The forest was vast, vibrant, and varied. That is, before a big chunk of it was burned down. Bromelia, Kapok Trees, and Brazil Nut Trees dominated the canopy, allowing enough light to filter through for a jumble of sprouts to dominate the sloped and slanting ground below. Against the generally dark and green backdrop, thick limbs cling to numerous trees, and a variety of flowers claimed scraps of light. The rustling of the leaves and branches of the treetops in the wind was drowned out by a cacophony of horrible sounds, largely belonging to roaming creatures such as Jaguar, Howler Monkeys, and large bugs. In the jungle terrain outlying the area around the temples, many tree-houses of assorted shapes and designs stand tall above ground. Most members make their homes here, if they do not have the prestige and/or desire to live in a temple or outskirts of the Jungle. However, lack of trees has caused members to explore other options due to the "accidental" forest fire.
- Measures are being taken to regrow The Jungle, though.

The ruins of the old city can still be found in the desert. The Typhoon, one of the Pitt's most formidable opponents, was responsible for its downfall. Though their previous area was much missed, the rainforest better suited their requirements and prevented additional fires. Many individuals who have experienced loss come here to recollect, but it is also utilized by members wishing for a private space.
- Efforts are being made to restore this city.

A magnificent subterranean cave system exists inside the Pitt, beginning within the clan's temples and ending at the desert boundary. If they don't like treehouses and can't dwell in the temples, some Pittians reside here. In addition, the cave system is a simple escape and a brilliant fighting technique that the Pitt may employ throughout their raids if they so desire. After all, the system is so large that there is at least one cave entrance and exit at every important point inside the Pitt.

This nile turns crimson during the September Harvest Moon for unexplained causes. It snakes through their domain, from the midst of the jungle to the clan's abandoned boundary. The water is dangerous to consume and can frequently induce sleepiness and dehydration. Instead of utilizing it as a dependable source of hydration, they frequently drop carcasses in its midst. The proof of their heinous actions will be devoured by the larger aquatic creatures. On the blood moon celebration, the Nile is ritually given blood in the Pitt's practice of 'quenching the plains.'

The deserts and barren rocks that surround the Pitt's jungle habitat are also part of its domain; though inhospitable, they are traversable and frequently witness the rites of passage of many of the new bloods. Strange and scary monsters prowl the landscape.

Jervis' reign proved to be brutal, bringing new drastic traditions along with it.  One being their new border display.  Decapitated heads riddled the edge of their territory in hopes of scaring off potential invaders or wrong-doers that would bring them any harm.  Along with that laid the bodies and various body parts of their enemies.  Prized possessions, such as traditional items from other groups, also once littered the ground, such as Tanglewood masks, though efforts in the past have been made to return them.  During recent times of change, the border has become a place of more speculation than intimidation.
The Pitt operates on a 'survival of the fittest' law but are still a community among themselves - they help each other and ONLY each other for theirs is the hardest land to thrive in and they are proven when they thrive.  The Pitt has an extremely warlike society for they must raid for resources especially in the hardest seasons - and they themselves by proof of their lives rule this land by the law of might makes right.

Raids, captures, and tortures are no longer common, though they are still allowed against their enemies.  While the practice of slavery was reinstated by Silent, it has been once again outlawed in the Pitt by Gael.

Cannibalism is permitted within the Pitt, for dire circumstance or personal choice, though it may be seen as barbaric to even their own people.

Raids happen depending on the needs of the Pitt -- and are often led by the Marauders unless the Ardent or Imperator wish to lead a larger raiding force, though the Ardent and Imperator are the ones to lead the special event raids such as the Blood Moon celebratory raid.

Parties and events are held often and highly encouraged, jovial gatherings often accompanied with alcohol and other mind-altering substances.  These can be held by any member, though official celebrations are generally held by high positions.  Although do not expect a high attendance of non-Pittians.

Members are often challenged to battles or other competitions.  If something can be taken, then it can be challenged for -- including high ranks below the Ardent.  There are four rules: the challenger sets the time of the battle, the challenged sets the rules of the battle, the Ardent must approve of the battle, and no one is to be killed in the battle.  In practice, this leads to challenges being rare occasions; though when one does occur, it is a highly entertaining spectacle.

The Blooding is a rite of passage and can also double as a coming of age for those who grew up within the Pitt.  It is a hard trial that is used to test the grit and resilience of those who experience it.  Once successful it ends with a ceremony and banquet honoring those who succeed. [note: you do not need to wait for this ceremony to consider it complete, only for the Ardent or Imperator to have replied to your thread]

ARMOURING Following the Pitt's change to active warfare once more comes the need to protect themselves.  Every Raid each pittian seeks out trophies, prizes and scraps to bring back -- anything from bones to fabrics to metals -- anything that can be used to forge further armor for themselves the next time they go out raiding.  It is actively encouraged to keep further armoring themselves although the full set of armor (save for the blooding piece you crafted) need not be worn all the time just mostly for Raids (thus encouraged that you forge it to fit your fighting style and build so it does not hinder you).  Due to the tradition, everyone in the Pitt has some form of crash course knowledge in armoring, forging, carving and such.

A time of blood and celebration.  The festival of renewal is marked by multiple events in the spirit of conquest and glory.

SUMMER MOON'S RAID In which a ceremonial raid led by the Ardent in the last full moon of the month involving all of the Pitt is held against one chosen clan to plunder, held usually after the summer festival activities and as a way to usher in the end of the dry period, the entire Pitt goes out to raid one group for trophies and resources -- most specifically seeking items used for crafting or prestige to make their own armor shine all the brighter -- or resources that will add to their stock and please the Ardent.  With the goal of leaving as much fire and brimstone in their wake on the way out.  This is usually held due to the Pitt largely resting on raids during summer months in part of the hard season and the festival taking up most of their time.

Despite the Pitt’s warbound past, they will no longer see as much blind freedom and aggression as before.  Kydobi has added newer rules and a less lax approach to ruling.  Each member is entitled to their own morals and may do whatever suits them best as long as it abides by the laws set in place.  However there are a few major ones to remember.

— The Ardent's word is final.  Direct disobedience will be met with a death/exile or your escape.  You will also respect ranks above you.
— All other clans are free for all unless directed otherwise.  So long as you do not harm your fellow Pittians, anyone is fair game.
— Murder and torture is permitted within the Pitt but only towards non-Pittians.  It is forbidden to practice on fellow members of the Pitt, in which case the Ardent is expected to step in and settle punishing the aggressor.
— Slavery is outlawed.  Disobedience will be met with harsh punishment and possible exile.
— Cannibalism is allowed, so long as it is not your fellow Pittians.
— Rape is forbidden.  Anyone who commits such a crime will be punished by execution.
The Pitt has seen numerous changes in their standards on their neighboring groups.  Following both a transition to peace and return to warfare, a push towards the original founding politics is being implemented -- holding no interest in either official allies or enemies.  All are fair game to both attack, or manage deals with, assuming proper compensation.

ALLIES — none
NEUTRALS — The Typhoon, Tanglewood, The Frostguard, CoTC
ENEMIES — Emerald Isles
ARDENT — The glorious ardent is the brute leader of the Pitt.  They are mostly in charge of the Pittian’s well-doing, deploying war, providing promotions and demotions, along with hosting the clan's main events.  The ardent is someone who has shown a high level of dedication and hard work for their clan, ultimately leading them to gain this position.  Simply, they are the best of the best.  Their word is practically law and they are to be respected.  Any disregard towards an Ardent can and will result in punishment.
Olalla Semenov — roleplayed by Rattlebone

IMPERATOR — The Imperator is the Ardent's right hand man.  Their duty is to assist the Ardent in all their responsibilities and mainly help maintain the well being of the clan.  They have control over any rank under them and can host events, along with raids, at any time they wish.  Though they have plenty of power, they cannot declare all out war or promote and demote anyone without their Ardent's permission.  Imperators are next in line when the Ardent dies. They are allowed to approve and disapprove joining members and are allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather than joining.
Name — roleplayed by

The Council, which are more often than not regarded as simply Counselman, provide a wide variety of services to their municipalities and enforce various federal, and local laws for The Pitt's communities. These services include War, Wellbeing, Imports and Exports, Agriculture, and Relations. They oversee that all the needs of the people are being met, and aside from the Imperator, are the closest eyes and ears of the Ardent. They have the right to approve or deny any Bloodings or newcomers.

Healer lol
Leon —roleplayed by Archy

MARAUDERS — Underneath the Imperator, Marauders are the brute force of the clan.  They are known for their strength and wise battle tactics.  Within reason, Marauders can lead the clan into raids and provoke their enemies as they please and their main job is to maintain order within the clan.  During battle they are first in line and can be seen calling shots. They are equal in rank to Bonecollectors. They are allowed to approve and disapprove joining members and are allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather than joining.
Name —roleplayed by

BONECOLLECTORS — Underneath the Imperator, Bonecollectors are the logistics masters of the clan.  Usually extroverted free spirits, they are renowned for their charisma and, often, eerie smiles.  Their main job is to maintain morale and cohesion within the clan. In war and battles, they are tasked with maintaining the security of the Pitt's home territory.  Bonecollectors are more commonly seen strategizing with the Ardent and Imperator than in the battlefield, but they're no strangers to violence.  They are equal in rank to Marauders. They are allowed to approve and disapprove joining members and are allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather than joining.
Yokai — roleplayed by SchizophrenicVoid

SKALDS — Skald is a stepping-stone rank that signals someone has truly dedicated their life to the Pitt.  Skalds are the "errand boys" within the clan, assisting with anything that needs doing, and running training drills, armor carving sessions, celebrations, or otherwise.  This will help them show off their skills, often provoking the Ardent to promote them if they're worthy. They are not allowed to approve and disapprove joining members; however they are allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather than joining.

- Sub-Skald Ranks

PITTIAN — Makes up the bulk of the population who have completed The Blooding.  These people are just as important as everyone else considering they’re the ones that keep the group going.  Average rank. They are not allowed to approve and disapprove joining members and are not allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather than joining unless a higher member has ordered them to.

ACOLYTES — Pittians in training.  Acolytes make up the future of the Pitt and therefore are mentored by the whole group.  There is no set age for a child to be deemed ready to move up from an Pitt pup to an Acolyte.  Such a thing varies from child to child based on size, maturity, and respect. They are not allowed to approve and disapprove joining members and are not allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather than joining unless a higher member has ordered them to.

PALE BLOODS — Another new addition to the hierarchy of the Pitt.  This rank is assigned to newcomers who wish to join.  However they are not considered members, which means they will not be promoted and do not have the right to challenge s/hps for their ranks, until they’ve proven themselves worthy by completing the Blooding.  Typically adults and teens are placed under this rank. They are not allowed to approve and disapprove joining members and are not allowed to attack joiners that have made it clear of trespassing rather then joining.

PITT PUP — Comprised of the youngest members of the Pitt.  This is a rank assigned at birth or to those young enough who’ve joined.  The treasure and pride of the group.

Yes Man's Reign:
Esklav's Reign:
Stryker's Reign:
Ninazu's Reign:
Jervis' Reign:
Kydobi’s Reign:
Silent's Reign:
Gael's Reign:
Dante's Reign:
Vale's Reign:
Olalla's Reign:

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - teef - 09-05-2019


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - deersong - 09-30-2019


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - trojan g. - 01-04-2020


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - deimos - 01-31-2020


Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - THE PITT. - 02-24-2020

Updated as of 2/24/2020

Let me know if I missed anyone!

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - THE PITT. - 05-26-2021


- Maple

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - Orion - 01-01-2022

Updated also! [Whew, think that's all of it?]

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - Orion - 02-10-2022

Updated for newest HPs accepted!

Re: THE PITT'S GUIDE - blackjack - 03-15-2022
