Beasts of Beyond
spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Printable Version

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spit you out again ♠ joining, open - pallid-i - 05-01-2018

She found herself in a strange place. She made her way through a marshland, a forest, and now.. she found himself near a town. A border. A strong scent hit her nose, and her lip curled lightly before she relaxed. This could possibly be her new family.. There was a strong chance this would be her family in the end, and she shouldn't ruin her chances. "Hello?" She said, tail flicking back and forth.

/my muse,, it suddenly died. noooo

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Luciferr - 05-02-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
War emerged from the nearby darkness, the slight ambient glow of some of his markings and vents along his plating illuminating him in stark shadows as the giant beast stepped forth.

"something you are here for? You've crossed the outer border sometime ago to reach the camp borders so quickly" the marsh encircled them, full of their traps for the unwary and the trespassing after all - this one seemed to have bypassed them, lucky really, Fenris had had to save quite a few from traps and monsters in the murk.


Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Morgan - 05-03-2018

Morgan strolled straight into the trespasser's path, nodding in thanks to Fenrisulfr. It had been on the other side of town when it sensed the new presence; the samoyed decided to take its time to arrive once it noticed its comrade was already there. As the larger beast had clearly not attacked the outsider, the dog figured the feline was not a threat. Unsure of what else to do since the newcomer had somehow made it through the traps in the swamp, it asked, "Who are you?" It remained wary of the stranger, as a new face was still a new face - not one to be trusted.

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - pallid-i - 05-03-2018

[Image: tumblr_mxeotcZeGO1r26p5fo2_1280.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: #7FFF00; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]She stood a little straighter and proceeded to smooth her green fur down. "I'm Envy Hyde and I want to join. Is that cool with you guys, or what?" She looked at them both, raising a nonexistent eyebrow as she waited for some kind of response. She was expecting them to say yes, really. That was usually the answer to when she asked if she could join clans, so... Why would things be any different now?

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Morgan - 05-03-2018

Morgan thought to itself for a moment, having understood most of what the feline had said. "Not my choice," it replied, staring at the green stranger. The dog weighed what few options it had; they were all already near town, so it said, "Already here. Come if you want." It gestured for Fenrisulfr to come as well, walking back to town with the intent of bringing the two others along. Regardless of how the new arrival needed to be dealt with, it was best that things be done near the rest of the Tanglers. Perhaps the samoyed would gain a new ally - or perhaps not.

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Luciferr - 05-04-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
"Indeed" the beast rumbled in agreement with the samoyed and assent for their new joiner - mildly annoyed that so many lately seemed to think waltzing into dangerous territory was preferable to staying by the border and waiting, sigh - the fiery canine beast turning to follow after his icy comrade and further into the town where hopefully the others would be up n about by now.

his pale white-blue eyes glanced back to the feline breifly "Fenrisulfr Grimm" he rumbled his name before gesturing with his head to the icy canine "this is Morgan"

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - pallid-i - 05-13-2018

[Image: tumblr_mxeotcZeGO1r26p5fo2_1280.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: #7FFF00; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]//late reply, sorry!!!

Envy believed she was entitled to do whatever she pleased, and that's what made people hate her immensely. She was a bitch, but she didn't seem to really care. She also didn't bother waiting most of the time, so why should she care now?
The feline smiled at the two, head tilting to the side. "It is nice meeting you, Morgan and Fenrisulfr. Pretty names, by the way. Though... I prefer Fenrisulfr over Morgan. I remember someone once named Morgan.. She was an insufferable brat," She chuckled lowly before continuing. "But I'm sure you're not like her. In fact, I'm sure you're much better than her, and that we might become the best of friends." She also had a tendency to let her actual feelings on people be heard, though she managed to filter out some words to make it less rude... Well, not too rude.

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Luciferr - 05-15-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
he blinked mildly surprised at the compliment and then the preference to his name - most here had trouble even pronouncing it sometimes not that he held it against them - before he inclined his head, gaze assessing fore a few moments until he gave a short nod "I'm sure you will" he glanced to Morgan to gauge his reaction to those words of envy's - he'd hardly label the icy samoyed insufferable - before his pale gaze moved back to said newest comrade.

"We can lead you safely back to Town if you require, the wood is laced with traps and aggressive creatures" he'd stumbled upon a few wanderers caught in traps or chased by gators, served them to go blundering straight over territory lines really.

/no worries mate! we're all chill here c:


Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - Morgan - 05-16-2018

Morgan did not comprehend most of what it heard, so it did not react in any noticeable fashion. It simply tilted its head, going over the words in its mind to no avail. It looked back at Fenrisulfr, meeting his gaze with its own; it, too, enjoyed thinking of his name. In silence, it stared for a few long moments and stepped a little closer without thinking.

"Best of friends," it repeated, the samoyed wondering what it could mean. New allies were always useful, not to mention good to practice speech with. Morgan's eyes found themselves on the bigger beast once again, where they stayed for some time as the dog thought to itself some more. Without looking away it nodded in agreement and added, "Swamp is dangerous without us."

Re: spit you out again ♠ joining, open - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 05-16-2018

Ivan didn’t like her already. The way she talked and the general aura around her. The bear looked wretched, fur turned green by algae and smelling of dead fish.
He stopped in front of the newcomer, getting in his face and sniffing her invasively.
Drool fell out of his curled lip, a low rumble in his throat. Ivan towered over her, and blew hot air in her face. “Jump in swamp..... live here, must smell like swamp.... required.”
Or he could just, you know, push her.