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chin up --[children training session!] - Printable Version

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chin up --[children training session!] - Kydobi - 08-29-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

He needed to interact. He didn't want to kill, but he did want to make sure the innocent ones didn't get slaughtered. Hate bred hate. People often lost sense in the heat of battle, all their wrongs led them to hurt people not truly responsible for their pain.

Child would become casualties.

"Children! It is of the most importance that you come here."

He cleared his throat, "I'm holding a training session. It's important in times like these that you are all capable of defending yourself. Any adults wishing to teach can ask me."

Re: chin up --[children training session!] - beatae - 08-29-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
auggie was, very clearly, no child. though with their lack of actual ranking he was pretty much useless in defending himself. he was quick and agile in dodging attacks but if something actually landed a bite or scratch he was done for. so on terms of what he knew... he was basically a child.

kydobi was someone that seemed to not care about the fact he was a slave. even if it was one small portion of the entire pitt, it still counted for something at least.

"am i allowed to learn? or will that make me plausable for rebellion and a liability?" he looked inquisitively to the jaguar. "or is watching alright? or wait, should i just leave?" the terrier lifted his head to glance around. was he supposed to be here? he couldn't remember if he had any specific assignments today...

i'm the prize

Re: chin up --[children training session!] - teef - 08-30-2019

watching the terrier interact with kydobi, her ears flicked back in slight unreadable annoyance. stepping forward from under a tree, the borzoi mix pulled her lips back in a yawn that showed her wolfish teeth, stretching her legs forward with a heavy groan and shook herself out. she didn't look at kydobi, fresh scars crossing her muzzle, "you're fine aug. if they have something to say, they can pop their attitudes all they want at me. I'm taking responsibility for this. we ain't got no time to watch over you to make sure you aren't being killed in a raid. the war is only just beginning."

shrugging her shoulders, she dipped her head the slightest to kydobi in empty greeting. the girl had grown within a relatively short time, getting taller and more muscular than before, her eldest sibling's jian strung across her back. unsheathing the ornate weapon with her teeth, she wandered off for a distance, wondering if they would show up, the new head of the family.

Re: chin up --[children training session!] - Kydobi - 08-30-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Clearly Aug made the cat uncomfortable. Not them, just their status. The idea of slavery was beyond stupid to the feline. He had trouble addressing them as below him and often when speaking with the terrier the brute had trouble maintaining his own status. He didn't want to demean but he didn't want to step outside of the group's hierarchy.

Mouth opened to answer but she would come before he could speak. His maw stayed open a little as he looked at her. It was the first time, in a long time, that he had even seen her. Relief flooded him just as much as guilt did to see she was alive. She seemed to avoid his gaze and that hurt a little. But when she did acknowledge him.... it was brief. And that hurt most.

An echo of a memory played in his mind. She used to call him dad. And now things had changed. It was his fault. It was, really. He was a coward and now she knew it. The one person who looked up to him. Kydobi closed his mouth softly and swallowed, clearing his throat.

What happened internally never showed externally.

"Hello Ramona," his deep voice greeted, "And yes Aug, you're more than welcome to participate.... No one wants to have to defend you and they most likely won't. So it's just as important that you can protect yourself.... You'll have more use to us."

Kydobi knew the dog liked to please, perhaps that last incentive would make him smile. Plus Kydobi doubted the dog could ever rebel. Wasn't even in his DNA.

He lost a little bit of a his mission. Her presence caught him off guard and he kept wondering what she been through. Why he wasn't there to make sure the world didn't strip her of her warmth. She had a new weapon but she was a new person as well to him.

"well... uh.... let's wait for more folks to come I guess."

Re: chin up --[children training session!] - teef - 08-31-2019

gaze locked on the ground, teeth gripping the handle of the oriental blade, her jaws ground together just the slightest, flicking an ear in kydobi's direction.

he wasn't alone in the pain, the little girl still inside of her ached to approach him for comfort and a little bit of praise but she had to learn in the time that had passed since she had seen him, that she was soon to be an adult and had yet to pass the family's test of independence.
the lonely part of the small child in her ached and wailed for some of the ancient familiar presence of the jaguar, of her adopted father. she had been alone, alone since she could hold a stick in her teeth and fight, forgotten by mother and father alike and then ... what she had thought hers was gone. what she had called family was gone, disappeared without a trace.

she didn't know how to handle this situation other than just ... ignoring the man that she had called father that had taken the role of a ghost. after all, she hadn't seen him in so long, and she wasn't sure that she could handle approaching him over what happened in that time. sighing quietly, she flicked an ear, "there's not many other children, kydobi. this isn't the best place for them, and those that are here, hah. just fodder for the enemies." she grumbled lowly, remembering a few choice battles where she had seen small bodies fall under the enemy. she approved of the idea of training, but she couldn't help the bitter words at her memories. she only hoped August wouldn't be weirded out by the discordance between them.

Re: chin up --[children training session!] - beatae - 08-31-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
the war is only just beginning.

august's ears perked up, tail suddenly wildly wagging behind him. so there really was a war? not just sporadic battles and skirmishes? part of him wanted to inquire further. what was the war about? who was involved? just so he could settle the rumors; but he knew it wouldn't exactly look too good telling a slave the war was about him and his ranking.

instead he nodded quickly, sitting down in front of kydobi. "there's always [member=4817]aine.[/member] she's the only one I've seen here, though. do people here actually have kids?" he was oblivious of the connection between the two, viewing their conversation more as a formality than microaggressions. "i mean, not that it's unlikely. but the pitt just gets into so many fights and we like to have no weak points, it just seems like kids could be one of them. like when we had sam and beck; tanglewood really liked them so they were weak points."

i'm the prize

Re: chin up --[children training session!] - Kydobi - 08-31-2019

Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

That mentality irritated him, stroked him the wrong way. To speak of children like that?

"Funny, the Ramona I knew would never have such a negative mentality. Perhaps there's an ounce of that girl still? The one who would want to make sure these children don't end up as fodder. Because there was people who didn't give up on her in her adolescence and gave her the skills she needed to survive."

His tone was not sharp but steady as ever. He spoke matter of factly.

Attention would return to the other, smaller, dog.

"Well yes, this place isn't ideal but for theres a few unlucky ducklings that have no other option...", or unfortunately stumbled upon the Pitt first looking for guidance and a place to call home. And the Pitt would welcome them with bared claws and opened maws... Ready to feed them the fodder that will corrupt their little minds into making the loyal soldiers.

"I'm sure Aine will show up... Regarding Sam and Beck..", he swallowed a lump in his throat, "That was a disgusting and terrible act that no other clan would've committed. More importantly no one taught those two how to not get caught, or to fight properly for their lives. Sometimes you can't fight the big bad wolf...", his voice dropped down to a whisper, "Not even if it is as small as a fox."

The cat licked his maw, "Have you ever been in a fight Aug?"


Re: chin up --[children training session!] - gael - 08-31-2019

Gael possessed the insight of fatherhood, something he decided many lacked among the Pitt.  He took little note of how few children lived among them in the jungle, they meant nothing to him.  Aine however, stood as his greatest purpose in the world.  Little else mattered aside from protecting her, watching over her, ensuring she made it to the next day alive and well.  He could not say his son did, nor could he say his wife did.

She stood the very reason he sought out the Pitt, however strange that seemed.  The strategy remained obvious and sound to him for the moment, though he would hardly feel treacherous for abandoning the group if it became clear he needed to take her elsewhere.  The Pitt possessed an easily defended territory -- the journey through the desert was dangerous and the jungle no picnic either.  The members, some lacking in moral standing, were always ready to fight.

Since their family home burned to the ground, Gael only desired a place he felt he could protect her.  His stance in life considered, he regarded August coldly, hazel eyes glittering.  "I am of the opinion my daughter makes me stronger, personally."  A weak point? Perhaps, considering he did hand over a prisoner for her, but he lacked loyalty to anyone beyond her.  He lacked a purpose without her, save for revenge, he supposed, against whoever would dare take her form him.  "If I have nothing worthwhile to fight for, why fight at all?"

"You'll find the fiercest warriors on this planet happen to be parents, August." Old memories of a longer war briefly flashed in his mind, recalling the reasons he's fought in the past.  Not for honor or glory or the thrill of blood, but for justice.  My parents were taken from me.  My wife.  My son.  I'll not lose Aine.  Not to death anytime soon, nor to mindless loyalty to the Pitt.

The faerie settled back on his haunches, ear flicking.  Kydobi's opinion of Jervis caught his interest but he offered no word for or against his thoughts.  The other fox simply failed to intimidate him.  The overly arrogant and ambitious leaders rarely did, for he had seen it all before.  And I'll be the one standing in the end.  I always am.  The benefit, or price, of an immortal life.

"'m sure she'll catch wind there's something going on," he eventually ventured, rolling his shoulders back.  Gael suspected his child may actually be out, tending to the new garden of hers.  If she happened to be in earshot however, he doubted it'd be long before she bounded over.  If there's anyone who ought to teach her something new, it's one of us.  Or even 'Embry'.  "Regardless, I'll simply observe for now, Kydobi."
"ISN'T IT LOVELY?" —-- gael ó broin / faerie / pittian / lamby