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He doesn’t struggle; it isn’t worth it.

Silently Red slumps his back against the wall, arms bound over his head by the same chains that likely kept Beck and Sam shackled at the hands of their enemies. Half crouching, half kneeling, his limbs burn with an intensity he never knew before; his ankle, brutally twisted by the child Aine and her vines, sends agonizing pangs through his core with every shift of his weight. It’s this slow torture, a breaking down of the spirit, that leaves him exhausted where he stands. There’s little emotion left to scrounge up from the depths. His own rage had been a fiery explosion of fury that he’d expelled from his system in the midst of battle. It had drained out through every pore, spending him until there was nothing left. He cannot will himself to be angry.

He’s beaten. He cannot be upset because this punishment was self-wrought, brought on by blind emotions and poor decisions made on an adrenaline high. Perhaps it’s his own fault for losing control. He wonders what the others thought, looking upon his twisted face and curling horns; did they see man, or beast? Was he the same to them when he was drenched in blood as when he smiled, when he sat beside the midsummer bonfire and spoke easy with his peers, his family?

If he feels something, something beyond the ache that settles deep in his bones, it’s guilt. Beck’s blackened blood still stains the dirt somewhere in these caverns, and even though Red tried to seek vengeance for him, for Sam, for Kiira, he still failed like all the rest. In a fit, he tries to pull on the chains that keep him standing, a last endeavor to break free, but the mass of chains around flesh and stone keep him bound in place.

Red closes his eyes and thinks of absolution. Where there was anger, where there was a creature in his chest that wanted to see Pittian blood hit the ground, he finds nothing. Spent. All that was left in him was the man that could not win.


Re: HIDE ME LORD, DON’T YOU SEE ME PRAYING? - CAPTURE - musicbox. - 08-25-2019

( tracking until Jervis posts so Muse can be horrified ;^3c )


[glow=#2b0505,2,300]ENTITLED BASTARD[/glow]
Another one bit the bullet.

While The Typhoon hasn't been racking up in captures, Tanglewood has and yet another Tanglewood member was upon their doorstep. Today's victim happened to [member=2039]bai shi.[/member] 's own capture. As Jervis was much smaller than the beast, the ardent was thankful for their assistance. For what he couldn't make up in strength, his goons could. Lately they seemed to be serving their purpose too... Now only if Bai Shi didn't do as the same brute who caught someone for Jervis to torture and attack the leader mid-raid. That'd be quite the travesty.

Upon hearing the news, the vulpine sauntered into the underground cave that kept the unfathomable enemy. He was pleased to see that they were already shackled and spent, causing a devious smirk to grow upon his maw. "Why," he cooed mischievously, "Who do we have here?" There better be an answer. If it wasn't from Bai Shi or Red themselves, then he'd gladly be willing to drag out the information painfully.
DISOWNED [glow=#2b0505,2,300]tags - penned by orion[/glow] DISGRACE

Re: HIDE ME LORD, DON’T YOU SEE ME PRAYING? - CAPTURE - trojan g. - 08-27-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Roman hadn't seen a torture in quite some time. He hadn't been the biggest fan of them in the past, but if there was another that was impeding on the safety of his group mates, he could see the reason behind torture. Padding into the tunnels that day, Roman had decided it would be best to try and get to know them, that was, until he had smelled another creature, the scent of another group thick in the air - so they were fresh then? Ro's nose recognized the smell from his joining, a group had been in the Pitt at mass a few days before his joining, and he could only imagine that this animal before him - one he's never seen before - was part of that group.

Taking a seat to the side, the male would simply watch for the time being, curious as to what Jervis would do to the mutated gorilla.

Re: HIDE ME LORD, DON’T YOU SEE ME PRAYING? - CAPTURE - musicbox. - 08-27-2019

[glow=#A76566,1,400]CAN'T YOU SEE THAT I EXIST, AND I DON'T NEED AN EXORCIST, TO LET ME OUT? — 。+゚.[/glow]
Blissfully unaware of what The Pitt truly represented yet, Musicbox had been simply existing in the group, day by day trying to figure out where he fit in on the grand scheme of things here. Because of this, he hadn't been aware of the fact that the people here captured and tortured others, seemingly for no reason other than to establish their own dominance. So, when the multi eyed feline wandered over to where Jervis was inspecting Red, he didn't realize the full severity of the situation, or what was going on. He felt a great deal of confusion when Jervis simply regarded the gorilla with a sick grin 9n his face, several of his blue eyes focusing on Jervis and reflecting the same question at his oddness. Frown on his muzzle, the blue tabby moved over beside Jervis and then just a bit closer, tilting his eyeless head to one side and questioning at the gathered around little group, [glow=#A76566,1,400]"Is he alright...? Is there anything that we can do for him? I know how to take care of others, and I've got a bit of medical knowledge."[/glow] He didn't understand that Red was a prisoner of war, and he certainly didn't understand that they had been the ones to hurt him and chain him up.


[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" do you want to burn in hell with me? "


having chosen to take a smaller form than their preferred draconic form, bai shi found themselves attending the torture of their own accidental captive. sitting in their jaguar form, pelt blending with the shadows that speckled the cave floor. they could remember their own times here so long ago.

"a prisoner from tanglewood, sir. goes by the name of red." came the almost silent response as they moved to their feet and gave an almost humored noise, "he will be fine, he is supposed to be like this.", they answered musicbox, muzzle slightly wrinkled in their amusement at the question. ah, the other was painfully naive. "this situation turned out this way so that he answers whatever questions there might be, and well, whichever else is desired to be done. I suspect that he will pay for the release of his groupmates, even though he was in sturdy combat with myself." if the blue feline couldn't accept the fact that before him was a captive, they personally thought it best for one so softhearted to run, and run fast.


[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]This was Jervis, then. All two feet of him. Red wants to laugh, because really? but then there’s more of them crowding in, like it’s the damn gladiator games and somebody’s handing out popcorn, and he promptly swallows any quip he was about to offer. His knife dangles uselessly from the sheath at his hip, crusted over with blood; if he could just reach it, he could wipe that smirk off Jervis’s face and get out of here. But he can’t, he can barely move to begin with, and someone took the pleasure of crushing his tail with a particularly heavy stone while he was blacked out. He reasons that this isn’t the first time he’s gotten a beating, and the kinds of beasts he took those beatings from could pull the Pitt’s leader apart like a midday snack. Whatever they had in store for him wouldn’t hold a candle to what Beck and Sam went through, anyway - he could take it, for them. His expression falls in the general direction of stoic, save for the occasional twitch at his temples as he works his jaw.

The words eventually drag themselves out of his throat as a growl. He wasn't keen on talking until Bai Shi spoiled the game. “Didn’t get enough out of Beck and Sam, huh?” He isn’t here to take questions. He’s here because he made a mistake, because they wanted to make an example of him, something along those lines - he has no answers to give. But before he can make another snippy remark there’s an interruption. Some kind of kid, an innocent at best, asking if they could patch him up and send him on his way. He barks out a harsh laugh, angry enough without the knowledge that they were hiding their war crimes from the more innocent of the group - if such even existed. He already figured out that Aine was some kind of child soldier during the battle, and now this? “Screw you,” Red hisses through his teeth, to Musicbox, to Bai Shi, whoever would humor him. “Don’t bother dragging this out. I’m already bored.”

That's what they all said.

Re: HIDE ME LORD, DON’T YOU SEE ME PRAYING? - CAPTURE - beatae - 08-31-2019

i'm the treasure
code by spacexual
august had already seen what had happened to beck and sam. sam was... well she had at least fought back as long as she could. the terrier wasn't so sure if that made it more pitiful to watch or not. spitting at the fox and promising death. the courage would have inspired auggie had she not been promptly brutally tortured into silence.

beck's was... well, he had been the only one there. it had all happened so fast that he wasn't entirely sure what to make of it. one moment there was just simply darkness, the next clawing and teeth and blood.

august didn't expect any different for this one. "what information do we even need?" he muttered, not expecting or caring anyone to hear him. "everyone knows where tanglewood is. who leads it. that they don't like the pitt, well, maybe just jervis. I like to think I'm a likeable person." august paused, looking at red.

"i'm sorry. i feel like we're beating a dead horse here. or playing out some cliché. i hope your family comes to get you soon like they did with the others." oops. he wasn't supposed to know much on that. august didn't seem very regretful of anything he said, though.

i'm the prize


Better to be hurt by the truth than comforted by a lie -

[OOC: ]

Another prisoner.

Another terrible fate.

Kydobi snorted in disgust. It was the ways of the Pitt and everyone seemed to think it was normal. Excuse their actions because it was war.

But Bai Shi? He would look at them with no expression. Hiding the disapproval and shock. Quietly he would exit the scene just as brief as he entered it. Seeking shelter in the dense jungle away from all this.



A golden eye shifted towards Musicbox, meeting her with a glare. She wanted to help the enemy? My lord. If someone could knock some sense into the girl, then so be it. Jervis would love to spew a mouthful of obscenities, but right now he was preoccupied. Harming the enemy was more important. Never would he help the damn thing... "No," he darkly replied. "We don't acknowledge them whatsoever." The ardently merely huffed. Ridiculous.

As Bai Shi spoke, Jervis listened. Their work was astonishing, truly. Jervis could never capture a beast of this size without help. The vulpine just smiled, cherishing what laid before him. "Well done," he enthused. "You're in for a nice treat, Bai Shi." After all, seeing a small fox torture such a large gorilla had to be an astonishing sight. Per usual, he had to be the life of the party. Not only that, but the leader had something else in mind for them. They'd just have to wait and see.

For now they had to deal with this. Jervis, despite his previous comments, chose to entertain Red's cocky remarks. A wide smirk tugged at his maw. "Unfortunately not," Jervis crooned sweetly. "I am not content yet." He'd like to hope that his groupmates weren't finished either.

He wandered closer to the gorilla. A golden eye stared up at him, looking for any sign of fear. He had yet to spot some. Hopefully, that would change soon. It was what truly enthused the powertripping ardent. Thus he had to work up to being feared or even despised. "Their escape really pained me," he continued on. In the meantime, the fox would slide over to the silverback's side, admiring the knife that was left behind. "You could almost say it hurt my heart." He grabbed the parrying knife in his jaws. A sudden thrust of the knife would attempt to land into Red's torso, merely missing the heart by a few inches. This couldn't end just yet. It would be prolonged for Jervis' enjoyment and Red's downfall.

He'd then try to release the knife from the chest, blood flowing from the wound. Dropping the knife from his jaws, he'd try to pull himself up onto his hind legs by holding himself on Red's upper body. To make it more painful, he'd attempt to start from the bottom with his claws and slide his way up. Once high enough, he'd grip at the gorilla's lower shoulder and stare at him with a golden eye. "Do you understand that?" he questioned. "Or are you too monkey-brained?"