Beasts of Beyond
LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - Printable Version

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LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - spacexual - 08-16-2019

i heard you were looking like the moon — tags
Please remember, please don't go away anymore.
Can't you hear me?
This isn't you. Snap out of it. Please remember.

Hurt, hurt, hurt. Hunger, hunger, hunger.
That is all that is on the boy's mind now. The voices that whispered to him in and out of consciousness remain silent, their messages meaningless to a weapon.
An abomination.

It finds its way to the marsh, the flames burning off of it so aggressively, the shines in its eyes overtaken by the orange glows emitting from them.

The time splits have taken him before he is ready, and now all that he can let out are aggressive snarls and angry fires melting off of his fur. He wants food. But, oh it keeps burning away. Cooked, one voice may have claimed. But it was overdone, charred and inedible. Disgusting and resulting in his attempts to swallow anything for his needy stomach to come up short. But it's so muddy here - there is water here. Maybe if he keeps something submerged, he could eat it.

If he has crossed any border, it would go unnoticed. The fumes of his fires around his body overpowered any scent markers.

It was unlikely plants were left untouched as well, though, fortunately, it would not spread far, being in water. And, it was not long before he would be stopped by one of its inhabitants.

The hissing causes his lowered ears to swivel slightly, alert and twitching towards the sound. Powerful jaws would be the first things to meet his gaze, and then the rest of the reptilian body, sitting within a a deeper puddle, warning him he is coming too close. The young tiger's glowing gaze locks onto it, letting out growls of his own in return. Food.

And so, the flaming boy would run towards it. There is no use in trying to hide - he has already been seen, and it was not possible to blend in with his surroundings when he's on fire. He was met with snapping alligator teeth, missing him as he positions himself on top of the creature, biting down onto its neck quickly, his flames crackling rapidly.

The beast has taken down its meal, and now it may feast, finally.

He settles into the water, hurriedly grabbing whatever meat he can get a hold of, the flames shooting from his body seeming to settle slightly.

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - wormwood. - 08-16-2019

The first thing that had alerted him to Roy's presence had been the burning scent. Worm was pretty used to the smell of flames when a campfire was going on, or when somebody wanted to cook something, but neither of those things had been going on in camp when he had left for his walk, and it didn't seem as though anybody had started one intentionally, considering the awful burning plant smell that made him recoil and look around in concern. He had gone towards the scent, wondering if perhaps the Pitt had finally decided to get revenge and try to set them all on fire. He thought it was a bit of a shitty plan, since the swamp wasn't exactly the most flammable place of anywhere, but it would probably he poetic, given how Crow had decided to set them on fire. However, it seemed as though whatever this creature was, it wasn't a Pittian. It didn't smell like Pitt, but it smelled like burning and blood and somehow brought to mind pictures of fury and agony and smoke, and the flaming creature made him pause in his steady walking forward, just staring in open amazement at the newcomer. Sure, he had found out that he had fire powers just recently, brought on by the fury of everything Jervis had done, but he wasn't on fire constantly. He wasn't like... this.

Worm was snapped from his amazement by the approaching gator that was rapidly moving toward the flaming tiger, it's jaws open in fury and hunger, it's eyes burning in focus. The lion opened his mouth and began to call out a warning, his claws out and a leg stepping forward to try and protect Roy, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Hey, watch out-!"[/glow] However, the warning was not needed, as the tiger charged forward to meet the creature in battle, and it wasn't long before he was the one victorious, seeming absolutely joyful about his new piece of meat. Worm was stuck in another moment of staring before he pinned his head to his head and quickly shook it, taking a deep breath. He had seen even weirder things since he had joined this group, and it wasn't as if this was the first creature he had seen with a strange looking pelt. Although, he did feel slightly worried as he moved closer to Roy, his eyes lingering on the flames that, although now calmed slightly, still seemed like they could burn easily through his fur and flesh, leaving him charred and smelling here near the border.

Still, the lion couldn't just let this strange soul continue to hunt, flame, and eat wherever he pleased, so he did move forward, his tail flicking in worry from side to side before he finally cracked open his jaws, rumbling softly, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Hey there... nice, uh... nice catch, I guess. I don't mean to interrupt your eating, but you're sort of on our territory, and I was wondering if you could give me your name, and if you would like to join? We're known as Tanglewood..."[/glow] His speech is slightly stunted, held back with worry that the creature will become aggravated and swing his head to attack him on sight, but he still manages to get through the entire little welcoming speech, even with every muscle in his body ready and tensed to fight if Roy became hostile towards him rather than his reptilian prey. He also sort of hoped nobody else showed up, since they would be in even more danger than him, with his superior size and strength.

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - DELILAH. - 08-17-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"What's going on?"

Delilah's soft voice sounded out as the pastel felidae trotted through the mud, the scent of gator blood making her nose shrivel ever so slightly as she came to a stop.

A new scent.

"My name is Delilah- I.. Welcome to Tanglewood, I suppose."

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - spacexual - 08-17-2019

i heard you were looking like the moon — tags
He tears through the scaly skin, teeth seeming desperate to chew anything they could. Although, if he were to eat too fast, that may not be so good either for his malnourished state. The beast is too young now to realize this, and carries on without a care.

That is, until, he's interrupted.

The young tiger's glowing orange eyes flash towards the stranger, baring his teeth as he curls into a more defensive posture, his flames flaring up once more. Did they hurt? No one could be quite sure. His ears sit upon his head, turned backwards as he lets out a low growl. Of the jumble of words thrown at him, he is clearly only managing to decipher a few - whether that has to do with actual cognitive ability or if that is all he's bothering to understand would not be obvious. However, he would seem to relax, only ever so slightly. "Rrrrroy." He growls out, tail twitching back and forth. "Hungrrry." He then mutters, stepping over his meal, as if to symbolize that it was his catch, so therefore it was his food. He pushes himself downward once more to continue his feed.

He would tense up further as another arrives, letting out a warning growl towards the one who proclaims herself as Delilah. His food. The weapon must survive somehow, and these creatures swarming around him caused what was visible of his fur to stick up, huffs exiting his body.

The truth was, he was just a lost kid.

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - DELILAH. - 08-17-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"The poor thing is hungry.. Let him have the gator- Should I go and check on him? It doesn't look like those flames aren't from his own elemental- Maybe aesthetic?"

Delilah muttered softly, carefully walking over with a soft mewl. It was stupid to approach a seemingly half sentient creature, but Lilith could take care of things if things went south. Sitting down a short distance away, Delilah's tail wrapped around her paws as she watched the male dig into the meal.

"Hungry, Roy?" Delilah asked softly, keeping her tone gentle and low so as to not scare the other male or anger him. The look of a bleeding gator corpse had Delilah nearly gagging- she wouldn't have eaten it unless it was cooked..

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - RED - 08-17-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Something is on fire. Where flames lick the surface of the murky water, plumes of black smoke billow up between the trees and fill the air with that scent of rot that plagued the stagnant marshes for so long. It was a house, likely, or someone’s fire left unattended. Red considers briefly that the Pitt could be here to tear their town to the ground, just as they had done to the Elysium, but he reasons that they never would have made it this far in. The woods are quiet, and a few hushed voices ring through the forest. He follows the voices, the smell of smoke and burning foliage. There are few in Tanglewood but him, he thinks, who would be able to put out the fire safely.

The sight before him, though, takes him by surprise. A tiger tears at the flesh of a freshly-slaughtered alligator, his body lit with fire and his eyes blazing with a different sort of ferocity. The smoke that hisses up from the water tells him that the animal is dangerous - not to him, but to the others who had approached. His peers hang along the edges of the marsh, their expressions wrought with concern; it’s for the best, Red considers, that they didn’t try to get any closer.

"Stay back," Red hums low in his throat, casting a glance towards Wormwood and Delilah. He didn’t feel like he had to explain himself; they’d realize why soon enough. He wades a few feet into the water, watching Roy with a hand raised in quiet submission.

"...Hey there," he murmurs softly, avoiding locking eyes with the tiger. He didn't need Roy to think that he planned on stealing his catch - this trespasser seemed to be far too out-of-it to recognize that they meant no harm. "Not gonna hurt 'ya. Do you want more food, pal?" He nods back in the direction of town. By the time he's fully approached Roy, the flames that emanate from the tiger's pelt have started to lick at Red's palm and climb up his arm. He doesn't flinch. "If you come back to town with us, we can get you something better to eat, get you cleaned up and dried off. How's that sound?"

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - wormwood. - 08-18-2019

Roy. A relatively simple name for the tiger, but it seems fitting, as any other sort of title would probably be too hard for the rapidly degrading male's mental state. Worm looked up when he heard Delilah's soft and calming voice, but he said nothing, not quite sure how to explain who or what he had stumbled upon. He plans to press the creature further, to see what exactly this weapon wants, but he was interrupted by Red's arrival before he really could. He feels a wave of worry come over him as Red gets close to the stranger, but he did as he was told, stepping back and hunching down almost protectively in front of Delilah, in case Roy decided Red was too close to his meal for comfort and decided to attack them all. He's still reeling a bit from how many injuries he had suffered recently, and he doubted how long he could really hold the other big cat off if he got up to attack, but he still had to try. He couldn't have Delilah getting hurt, both as a member of his Tanglewood family, and as a sort of backup medic for them all when Selby was sick, like he had been recently.

Watching as Red approached Roy closer and closer, Wormwood rumbled in a rough and cautious voice, [glow=#165042,1,400]"Careful... I'm sure he'll come back to town with us, but... can't have you getting hurt, big guy."[/glow] He hoped that his voice didn't betray just how worried he really was about Red, but he had the same worries for Red as he had for himself. Sure, Red could probably take Roy pretty easily, but this guy was on fire, and he could always be full of new surprises. That would be an advantage for them, if Roy did decide to join them, but definitely a bit of a nightmare if the feral seeming new male decided to just go on a rampage and shove his way towards camp for new prey.

Re: LOOK AT THIS POOR BOY / intro - spacexual - 08-21-2019

i heard you were looking like the moon — tags
The beast quickly growls as Delilah grows closer, body tensing firmly as he ceases his meal to stare at the female, baring his sharp teeth. Flames rise and he huffs towards the cat, his head held defensively over the gator. The growls remain warnings, though are louder now, verging on roars. He huffs towards her, claws digging into his catch. Too close. Too many trying to watch over him. He doesn't know their intentions. What if they plan to steal his meal, to hurt him, to take him back? He cannot allow it.

Their efforts can't have been for nothing.

And now, something unthinkable approaches, and does not stop coming. He lets out soft roars, his head lowering slightly. A gorilla was large. Much larger than the young tiger. He is displaying signs of submission, peace, but he won't stop coming closer. His glowing gaze shift between the three strangers wildly, his ears pinned downward. His flames grow larger, but the gorilla displays no fear, no hurt, not even any sign of discomfort. Confusion wraps over the boy. "How?" the tiger growls out towards the male, thoughtlessly, before registering his words. Offering assistance, get him clean, feed him. He stares at Red, no more growls emitting from him, instead a silent curiosity seems to enter him, along with hesitation. "Dangerrrr." His voice is quieter now. Whether Roy is referring to them or himself, or even both, is unclear. The boy does not know these individuals. He does not know what they will do. The weapon does not want to hurt anyone. Forests burn. People burn.