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No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - Printable Version

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No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - ARGUS - 04-30-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] She was stupid. So very horribly stupid and Impulsive. She was aware of this as she stepped up to the border. Argus was not in the right headset. Drunk of her recent brush with danger within her own clan. High off the comfort of blood still staining her pelt. The wolf was no longer scar less. New designs carved through out her front tell a tale of self-mutilation. But the slight pink hue that spotted the entirety of her frame tell a story of someone who has seen meany- many deaths within the past few days.

Argus was careful in that she only showed what she wanted. And loosing such vast amounts of control within a short span of nights was not what told across her features. But on the outside perspective it was clear with the events that had recently transpired. Her body was the only evidence of said past. Such vast history that within a span of days- would probably send any sane person questioning said sanity. But Argus was far far from sane. She had dragged herself from the depths of insanity not too long ago. Pulling will into herself when the front she conveyed cleverly snapped for an instant. However it could have been much worse, and her here- was merely damage control.

As much as she was impulsive, she was clever enough to make up for it. She knew why she was here. But that did not change the fact that being here along an enemies border was dangerous- even for a near immortal like her. Even with a purpose it did not negotiate this fact. She just hoped that Pincher will forgive her- either that or not even realize that the striker was there only to agitate the enemy even more.

Argus had lost control a few nights ago. As much fun as it was to do so- it was a poor judgement choice. She needed somewhere to release stream. She would not be taking prisoners to set a show- like guru often liked to. But she was here to provoke. She was here to taunt and jibe and anger the nest of swamp inhabitants. Here to start a fight and release some of the power that was building up in her veins in some flashy exercise of strength as to protect her own crew.

So, fuck it. There were some people here that had caught her interest none too long ago in a raid. While argus could plan a counter attack- be smart about this and send a counter strike. Argus was none to interested in playing well with her crew at the moment as she was letting steam and indulging in her own curiosity. Coming alone was a smart move if she wanted to let herself loose control. Not have to worry about an ally and allowing herself to attack anything that moved.

So Argus Stopped short of the border. Not in the open but not openly hiding either. Within the smaller tree's she was a speck of white and very obvious. The scent of both the typhoon and the snowbounds hidden only by that of the scent of blood that still lingered on her pelt. Dark red eyes intent, waiting for some unsuspecting patroler to start the day's grief.

Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - Morgan - 04-30-2018

Morgan was no unsuspecting patroller. The samoyed appeared donning a full set of armor alongside its mask and anklets. It had sensed an unpleasant, familiar presence on the border - someone the dog recognized from a battle not long before. It found within itself a desire to confront the presence, not out of revenge but out of righteousness. Morgan continued on its path, careful to avoid the traps it knew were hidden in the area. Before long it reached its destination, a few steps within territory but able to see the outlander just beyond.

Pirates were scum; that much was fact to the samoyed. Yet, it still could not understand why someone would willingly wear such an evil title. From behind its mask, it asked, "Pirate... Why?"

Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - Luciferr - 04-30-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
/sister in law lmao

Not far behind the icy canine was his polar opposite, the fire born beast approaching the two with a slow methodical gait - War's eyes narrowed on the stranger, he'd fought this one briefly but they'd never had the time for a full fight, given their goal had been found dead and they'd swiftly left with a failed rescue operation.

Fenris said nothing but stood as silent backup behind his fellow tangler - this one given where they were from was likely here just to stir the proverbial pot, why else would the siren song of conflict drawn him to investigate where his border walk had already traversed.


Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - ▷killian◁ - 04-30-2018

Killian had spotted Morgan and Fenris as they went to the pirate; he'd been trying to find something to put up a decent fight against him. His pointed ears swivelled to face the others and he watched them for a moment before happily trotting after them, stump of a tail wiggling. Whatever they were doing, it would be more fun than what he'd been doing.

As he neared them, his cloudy gaze rested on the white creature nearby. Was this why they'd come over here? He came to a stop next to Fenris, briefly glancing up at him before fixing his gaze back on the wolf. It looked.. His nose wrinkled up a bit. It looked horrible. What had happened to it? Why was it here? He wondered if the other two canines knew this person.


Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - beck. - 04-30-2018

    Unlike Morgan, he wasn't able to hone in on creatures using some form of sixth sense; he had a much simpler tactic of tracking presences. He could have smelled her from miles away, an ambling mass of ocean brine and crimson iron that made his nose wrinkle in disgust for her existence. His brain may have registered where she originated, yet neglected to identify who specifically. All he cared about was that she was here to start trouble. The Typhoon wasn't worth his time -- lousy, self-indulgent "pirates" who couldn't get their act together underneath an ignorant leader. Their excuse for a captain was intimidating for the first few seconds, but Beck was able to see through the facade easily once he realized how little he cared. While the poltergeist was distant towards his peers, he still thought of himself as an equal, and didn't order his clan into a fight without putting himself at risk as well. What he didn't understand was how Argus was still loyal to him. Clever was not the right word to describe her; she was a sheep in wolf's clothing, believing she was all-powerful only to realize she was just a puppet.

    The instant the demonic entity caught wind of Argus' scent, Beck was already stalking towards the source, his limp quickening into a silenced sprint. Two others had already approached the enemy, but they were hesitating. Why were they just sitting there? Farsighted eyes could easily detect the white blemish amidst the green swamp -- he couldn't just straight-on tackle her like he had planned, she was too big, even with her obvious wounds. It was a impulsive decision when he faded into nothing but shadowy matter mid-leap over a cypress root, only to stretch and contort his apparition into a suitable opponent: a gangly stag stumbling from his jump with a clumsy skid. He rarely materialized as a deer; it required too much energy to maintain such a form, but he wanted her either dead or off their territory now. Ignoring his sloppy landing, the much-taller Beck didn't skip a beat, ducking his head to aim a lackluster rack of antlers straight at her flank, charging from the left in an attempt to blindside her while she was distracted with Fenrisulfr, Killian, and Morgan. The shapeshifting stag was primed to ram into the wolf with enough force to topple her over, yet Beck aimed to hook her up with his antlers -- it was weird saying that considering how used he was to pretending he was a cat -- and in a jerky movement, toss her up into the air in violent fashion. To his onlooking clanmates, the random stag that seemed to come from out of nowhere was still somewhat recognizable as their lovable commander, when keen eyes could spot the same ugly burn scarring his snout, the same dusting of freckles across disheveled pelt, the same shackled wrists and injuries his apparition bore, save for missing bandages, and the same lantern-like eyes burning with absolute hatred. The only difference was the shape he presented himself in. He would have glanced back at them to embarrassingly assure himself that they were unharmed, but he was preoccupied with Argus for the time being.


Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - COSMIIX - 04-30-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
Amunet still had a distaste for the so called "pirates", she had finally relaxed a bit but seeing one at the border made her fur and feathers prickle, she approached with a light flap of her wings landing beside Fenris letting her tail make contact with his own before her pupiless eyes would lock onto Argus. She could feel her golden talons digging themselves into the soil underneath her, Victory could feel her burning hatred beginning to pulsate through her. The Goddess could see that the random stag was no one other than Beck, he seemed to be holding off Argus just fine for now but the jaguaress would slowly spread out her wings prepared to make any attack to defend Morgan, Fen, and Beck. A growl slowly erupting from her throat, she wasn't afraid of getting her claws dirty or ruffling her feathers. Amunet was only set on one thing and that was what she had became the pantheon of; Victory. If this battle wasn't going to end well, the Goddess wouldn't stop until she gained a form of victory for her clan.

Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - ARGUS - 05-01-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] Honnestly argus would normally feel discouraged within a set like this. Five people set against one sole occupant. Though it seemed were better off watching her get her ass kicked- that didn't stop the fact that they would all pull in if Argus so much as made a wrong move. That being said, it would- if not for Argus's current mental state be almost a piece of paper with scribbled drawings of murder. She was a blank slate, almost emotionless husk of an individual with the vague sense of malice. A quick wit was the only thing that made the difference from her eyes glazeing over right then and there.

Similar to beck, argus had a way of scouting people by finding their spirit and tracing that. The use of said ability was flawed, in that it didn't usually work well over long distances unless there was some spiritual reshi that was left in the area. something that- usually dissipated in a days worth. Argus only came by on the vague sense of wondering on her feet. Letting her feet stumble until she had enough sense to give herself a clear advantage within the trees.

"Pirate? Maybe i came to claim a few bounties of my own. wouldn't that be interesting?"Argus kept her voice flat dull eyes watching the armored wolf. The alabaster watcher stepping from between the branches of her own hide. Landing onto the ground with a soft thump. Wings still tightly coiled around her body like a secondary layer. Hiding the large brazen symbol etched along her shoulder.

Fenris was a dark blemish along the watcher's notice. Bright and fiery. The polar opposite of the first one to greet her- or the seemingly only one to. At least he was a little friendly, if ominous and... well emotionally aloof. Argus wasn't here to pry though. Argus was trying to start a fight and overthinking thinks was the exact reason why she choose a place that wouldn't question her much beyond the normal pirate looking for an easy kill.

Killian was the softie. Concern for the enemy wasn't tolerated by many clans, and while she thought the same was for the tanglegrowth- as long as he didn't voice it it could be easily denied. Argus zeroed in on the third amount the group that gathered around her. A aura of a plan settling along her frontal cortex- maybe she could capitalize on the other's obvious weakness-

something pinged off to the side of her senses

It was too late. By the time the white shinigami managed to turn to the side beck was already upon her. The great stage aiming to gore her along it's branches. While the leader was- a spirit she had little doubt that he could go corporal. while she could go incorporeal in before he attacked- she was unsure of her ability to predict the little spirit's actions. It was split second. A fraction of a blink Argus's left wing shot out. Fanning across her entire side and blocking beck from seeing her for long enough for his antlers to pierce the 7th limb. Well- there went her ability to make a hasty exit. Not that she really used her wings as often as she should. honestly, there was such a downside to having wings on this body. Hollow frail bones. With the ability to fly- maybe it was manageable. But argus was faulty in that she feared the skies.

While the buck made no attempts to stop charging. The beast wasn't allowing anymore damage to sustain her. She braced on her broken limb. pushing against it and letting the muscles of the soon-failing wing give her a boost into the air. With a violent snap she pulled the wing back to her side mid air. Using both feathered limbs to angle her decent on the buck- while still physical. Red eyes narrowed, grin stretched across her features as she aimed to land on becks back. Dull ironed talons sinking into his hide hopefully to tether her to the rampaging hide. She only had seconds- unknowing how long he would remain physically tied to this realm before becoming incorporeal. While she didn't have her own blade to otherwise dispose of the clumsy spirit. She could do something a little out of protocol. Something completely her that she was sure her ex-organization would expect of her.

Because she knew it was beck. For the same reason that the spirit knew that she wasn't exactly mortal if he chanced to looked at her longer than to just plan an attack. A wicked smile settled onto her expression as she leaned in to speak softly. Her voice barely able to hear to the stag- probably. But her intention it was only for the leader. "Seems like you've got something good for you. More so than you did while living- I'm sure. Wouldn't it be a shame to have to depart from this place so violently? You should know better than to attack so blindly the very being that could send you quickly to whatever afterlife you deserve." and her words were quickly covered by the onlookers by a snarl. The white creature ripping herself off the other's back with attempt to rend his sides as she went down.

She was well aware of her own powers. Her ability to outlive almost everyone around her almost a sure-fire for the prized spot of leader in a blink of her already eternal life. Argus was silently dreading the day that she was put in charge of the group. Argus could lead fine- she could overthrow the current leader without her eyes- or in this case wings. But argus was not interested in leading. She was interested in following for the mere ability of not having to deal with the extra stress. She was powerful, ruthless and just the kind of leader the typhoon may need. But argus was impulsive and reckless, sending many clans to their own downfall with a flick of her wrists. If by time came that Argus became deputy- in this mindset of her's she would no doubt run from her home in attempts to get rid of the position. So she was fully aware of being a puppet, but being a puppet was better than letting her own power get to her head- like it seemed to for beck.

"Maa, that was really rude you know. Just because i claim a place as my home. Means little in what kind of person i can be- or what i agree with." Which is funny, because she just got promoted to the placeholder for assistant deputy within the clan. But hey- a little exercise in individuality was what kept pincher on his toes. "Maybe i came here seeking like minded people in seeing my own clan's demise. Well- you've made your point pretty clear without even asking mine. How presumptions. " Which- wasn't the truth but it held an inkling of truth. My, how the tables have turned. Argus in her first years of life would have never done such a thing. But this one was snarky and manipulative. One thing was for sure, assuming something of her wasn't smart. And even taking her words as truth wasn't either.

Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - Morgan - 05-01-2018

Morgan returned the wolf's stare, its eyes hidden by the darkness of its mask. It was not sure what the pirate meant, but it had no time to ponder the statement before a deer slammed into the outlander. It took only a split second for the samoyed to sense the new animal's true identity. "Beck," it murmured, bounding forward to follow the battling pair. It changed its anklets into liquid, shaping them into spheres in preparation for battle.

Upon reaching the fight, the canine found itself unsure of who to target. Though the poltergeist had made the first move without warning or waiting, the pirate was still attempting an even more brutal attack. Relying on its instincts, Morgan launched a small blast of icicles at the wolf with the intent of freeing the deer for the time being.

Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - beck. - 05-03-2018

    Antlers stabbing into muscle wasn't enough to drive her away, unfortunately. After being buffeted over the head with a feathered thwack, Beck sharply recoiled, thrashing his head side-to-side in attempts to blindly strike the white blur in the air. To no avail, based on the weight dropping onto his back, her claws sinking into the torn wound already present, festering with ancient black blood and carefully hidden by ruffled hackles. If he wasn't livid before, he certainly was now. The scrawny deer quickly became a bucking bronco, a whirlwind of angered kicks and hops. He bucked and reared erratically, he twisted around to nip at her throat with shockingly carnivorous teeth, he even slammed his side against a tree in hopes of crushing her. It didn't seem to effect her, having nestled herself right between his jutting shoulder blades. A ragged bellow hissed through clenched teeth, his flailing tiring as every method failed. Gangly limbs staggered to the side, scarred knees catching on brambles, a panting growl rattling in his chest. Her words were hasty, his ears twitching upwards as the poltergeist's unstable apparition distorted. It almost affected him, her speech almost another arrow piercing through flesh, but Beck knew better. Nothing could break his deal, and believe him when he said he had tried everything over the span of five centuries: suicide, rituals, even seeking out a reaper-like entity not too far from what she claimed to be. And he was still tethered to the world. But despite no true threat to her words, they still hurt.

    What's the only logical action to take when an annoying wolf was clinging to your back? Stop, drop, and roll. Before Argus could leap off like she intended to, Beck flung himself onto his back, a breathless shriek, that never sounded thanks to a clenched jaw, at the pain shooting through his entire spine and chest barely slipped from his burning lungs. Although he was a scrawny and gaunt figure from a life of rummaging or stealing for food, even starving bucks carried enough bulk on their frames to flatten whatever fool angered them -- Argus included. Considering she had hooked her claws into his flanks meant she had no other options to go down with him, where he rolled and writhed before scrambling back to his cloven hooves. If she hadn't been knocked off by that, then there she would be able to leap from his back, slashing at his hide in the process. Not that he could distinguish the stinging lacerations anyways from the aching still throbbing through his being at the self-inflicted fall against the earth. His disfigured snout scrunched up at her insistence to speak, lantern-like eyes gleaming with wrath as he hurriedly recovered, apparition flickering as it strained to control itself in its anger. She's lying, she's a liar, they all are liars -- "Shut up! Just shut up!" Beck hoarsely roared, his voice garbled by a second entity chiming in and causing an eerie shriek to echo throughout the swamp. Movements spasmodic as if made by a marionette's, Beck wheeled around to face away from Argus and mule-kick her square in the jaw. If she truly wanted to sabotage her group, then she wouldn't have mulled around practically foaming at the mouth, waiting for an unlucky patrol to harass. Or perhaps, Beck was seeking a fight as much as she was, craving a target to use as a punching bag under the guise of protecting his clan.

Re: No rope at your neck;; Open + Typhoon memeber - ARGUS - 05-03-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"] of corse, argus' instinct would be taken as a threat. Argus was a monster- a beast bearly contained on a leash- wasn't she? No no she was- she was Argus not- not-

The deer bucked and one of the tangelwoods' memeber's has lept to the offensive. Just as her claws had dug into the hide she had to make a hasty exit. Pulling up from where she had landed on his back. Only enough time to utter her own threat to the commander as she snarled. Yellowed teeth bared at the ice-weilder. Gods she hated ice. Ice and snow. She wanted to burn it- burn him raising a paw to do just that only-

black bubbleing blood coated her paw.

In a time argus was seeking a fight, it was in means of a distraction. A need to pull her head out of whatever path it was stubborn set into travleing. Distract herself from the wouds that encased her mortal- decaying shell and her own demon's grip on it. But the mark was carved into her fur now. Not into her soul but on the mortal flesh that she now resided in. It had just enough effect on her to send her into a rage. Enough od the demon gripped her to channel the power of it of famori's touch into her very being.

She felt it, burning brightly in the confines of this body. Decaying, periced broken- bleeding body. But this body bled read. It did not have the same black blood of the demon's complete control.

To say beck was the only one to make a deal with a demon was wrong. Argus has joined a group ages ago, she had worshiped them. Brought them sacrifices- and sacrificed herself to one in means of power. These demons did not want her soul- they needed an acolyte. They needed a puppet to which carry out their ideals. And famori. Brother of chaos and third demon of which the cult celebrated- chose her. Once upon a time, when argus was lost in the morns of her immortality, she saw a means of power- a dark terrible deal to which she attached strings to herself in only for a select set of rules to follow. Within the same tale- argus had not hesitated.

Argus was immortal, and disobeying those rules did not break her deal. Only made famori angry, made his grip around her tighter- week and self destructive. She sought control, in a battle where she could throw the thoughts of trying to gain the upper hand of a demon that she could not destroy and attempt to fight off the effects of it.

Here- now as this blood coated her paws. Everything she tried to suppress hit her suddenly. The white amalgamation landed into the unsteady flooring of the border. One wing red- the other white and claws coated in black. Dull red eyes glowed in a panicked state as she growled and spat and backed away from every single occupant on the border.

"Is it too much to fuckin ask for a normal fucking fight? Fuck!" She raged like the unstable leader. Her mania coming from an uncapped unchecked festering wound. The barely healed cuts along her neck, her chest were opening up again. Blood red inky black- black black blood-

"To think i could come here for a distraction. Only to discover more unfinished business. Eh Becky?" Argus' voice was mocking, an unwavering instability to it that Argus has tried to hide within her body as she now shook on the edges of a flickering panic. Her wings flared now. Using intangibility to ghost through the spirits kick. Letting her jaws snap around his back leg in attempts to give him a phantom pain. But she did not linger long enough to allow herself to truly care. Forcing her body into intangibility cut off it's life expectancy. And she used it as a means of escape only. She could not fly, but she could still run. Her white form flickering within the tree's on the other side of the border. She fled. The only traces of her ever being there where the drops of blood that lingered at the scene.
