Beasts of Beyond
CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - Printable Version

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CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - Crow Roux - 08-04-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
"Hey! Meeting time!"

In the past few weeks, things had been quite normal, and life carried on like usual. That was until the sudden influx of new faces, rushing in left and right. Crow couldn't keep up, and it seemed every time he left his house he was met with another unfamiliar passerby he had yet to learn the name of. But as their numbers increased, naturally they were bound to decrease, too; the recent death of Arrow was a monumental blow to the psyche of the members of Tanglewood, and Sam's unforeseen capture yet another punch to the gut.

The feline let out a steady breath as he waited for everyone to show up, and he studied their long faces from his perch atop the base of the statue. They most likely knew what was bound to be talked about, and as much as he despised to mention it for appearance's sake, it seemed he would have to talk about it, too, but for now, he would begin on a lighter subject.

"Y-yeah, so," he started, flexing his toes atop the cool stone beneath his feet. "Had a buncha new guys show up. So many I can barely keep count, so it's a bit of a waste of breath welcomin' all of you individually, so I hope this suffices good 'nough: it's great to have ya all here. Really means a lot. As always, I'm here for questions.. or concerns.. or anythin' really."

"Uhh, I'm promotin' some folks," Crow then mentioned as he straightened his perpetual slouch. "Moth, you're a chaser now, if you'd like. I think you'll be best suited to become a medic, so if that's somethin' you wanna pursue, it'll be up to Selby an' Delilah to get ya trained up." He had no doubts that she would be right for the job with her gentle nature and genuine concern for the well-being of others—she reminded him of Selby in a way. "Um, it's also about time I chose a second-in-command, and Leroy, I'd like it to be you. Thanks for always havin' my back. I appreciate it..."

"In case you haven't heard, we lost someone earlier this week, an' I want everyone to know if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. On a similar note, Sam got snatched by the Pitt." Crow's tone would suddenly change immensely, his eyes glinting indignantly. "An' speakin' of the Pitt, none of you dummies are goin' anywhere near that place until I say so! Have I made myself perfectly fuckin' clear?"

"Meetin' dismissed."

- A warm welcome to Abe, Bink, Feza, Judith, Poetking, Red, Torren, Ubbe, Vathmos, and Wormwood! I'm blown away by how awesome all of you are aha~ I'm open to dms if you got any questions!
- Moth has been promoted to Chaser; Leroy has been promoted to Proxy
- don't touch the pitt or crow will be Big Mad™

again, i love all of you guys <3

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - wormwood. - 08-04-2019

The meeting was, as Wormwood had expected, rather brief and to the point, with Crow talking about the good stuff first and the not so good stuff afterwards. The newly winged lion came padding over as soon as he heard Crow's call, and had sat down to listen intently, his ears perked forward as the leader's voice echoed to each of them. When he heard the welcome, he smiled just a bit, knowing he was part of the group of sudden new people. As Crow got to the end of his long speech, the male dipped his head gratefully and rumbling to the leader, and everybody else around, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Thank you for the welcome, Crow. And congrats to Moth and Leroy."[/glow] There wasn't much more to say, since he certainly wasn't gonna argue with Crow telling people to keep their distance from the Pitt.

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - trojan g. - 08-05-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth hadn't ever been to a meeting, despite there being at least one while she was living here. She must have been out somewhere, or sleeping somehow last time there was one, but she wasn't sure. So, padding forward to the place where the meeting was being held, Moth would tilt her head slightly, eyes blinking once as soon as she had heard Crow begin to speak. She agreed with there being a lot of new joiners - too many for her to count, and she was sure she hadn't met all of them yet - but when the suggestion of her being promoted came up, her ears would prick and she could feel them warm. "Th-thank you!" She would speak, eyes lighting up slightly at the thought of doing medical things. She was definitely going to have to talk to Selby or Delilah for that. "Congratulations as well Leroy!" The female would muse, nodding her head in agreement to the whole leaving the Pitt alone thing. She liked that idea very much.

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - toboggan - 08-06-2019

Crow sure had taken his sweet time in deciding his successor. Five months’ worth of these inconsequential meetings, each one initially bringing burning sensations of anticipation, only to be met with disappointment once again. Back when Crow had crowned Arrow as Captain of the Guard, most of the respect the hound held for the general had seeped out of his system. How could that toothpick of a feline not see that he was the best pick for the position then? What had inspired him to elevate Arrow over him? Where had she been successful where he had failed? The male refused to display any of it, but his discontent persisted for a period of weeks following the late captain's promotion. The ill-will that Leroy possessed would ultimately inspire his belittling attitude towards Crow.

Five months later, and he was now Tanglewood’s Proxy. Up until this point, the hope that was once brimmed the mongrel’s bloodstream ceased to exist; thus, the announcement had completely caught him off guard. A relieved chuckle arose from his hoarse throat, a satisfied grin materializing along his maw. "Thank you, Crow," Leroy remarks, solemnly expressing his gratitude to the same feline who had become the target of his unyielding torment. That little tidbit about him having his back was nice, as well - hella inaccurate, but nice.

His golden hues swept the town, his head giving a light nod towards Moth in appreciation as well. She'd done well over the past while, despite her rather innocent lifestyle. In his opinion, which matched the general’s, the most suitable route for the vulpine was the path of medicine. Herbs and remedies best fit someone of her stature, especially when the only other avenue currently available was that of the guardsman.

He shot Wormwood a nod, too. The lion had an aura of implacable capability, perhaps the most in the swamp at the very moment. Never before had the canine seen a newbie so active. Good on him.

"Gotcha, boss," he replies, making note of Crow’s instructions relating to the Pitt. He didn’t want to go over there, anyways.

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - DELILAH. - 08-06-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Delilah had paced herself along the outskirts of the meetings before she nervously took her place beside Wormwood, her head lowered just a bit as she listened to Crow speak. Leroy was Proxy now? It wasn't that much of a surprise, in reality. Delilah had always figured it would be Arrow or Leroy, but with Arrow gone..

She didn't want to think about that.

"Congratulations, Leroy!" Delilah chimed out after a bit of silence from the blind felidae, the mention of her name and Selby's making her ears perk up once more. Her ears laid flat against her cranium, the mention of her handling herbs making Delilah worried. Was it okay? Maybe she should just stick with teaching- Selby learned fast, after all..

"Congrats, Moth. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Selby and I." She mewed softly, dipping her head in the direction of the younger girl before she turned her head back to Crow.

Her fur began to rise up as the woman felt anger well up inside of her, an unfamiliar feeling.

"They have a member of ours, and you're saying to just let them be? That's irresponsible, Crow!" She spoke out, flinching just a bit at how loud she spoke. From her experience, the Pitt wasn't going to just stop when Sam tells them to. They would keep going. And going. Until she was blind, traumatized, scared-

"They won't stop. They will kill Sam if given the chance, Crow, we need to rescue her-"

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - selby roux ! - 08-06-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby nodded along to the announcements, his ears pricked at the sound of his name. He who had little experience, teaching? Delilah was a great teacher, and Selby was sure that he was doing well under her, but he doubted his abilities to pass on knowledge. "Congratulations, Moth. As Delilah said, feel free to ask us anything. I’m sure you’ll be great with some training," he said sincerely, forcing his doubts out of the way. He’d make it work.

At the sound of Leroy’s promotion, Selby nodded. He had suspected it would be Leroy or Arrow, but since one of those options was impossible now... "Congratulations to you as well, Leroy."

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - deimos - 08-06-2019

// track

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - RED - 08-06-2019

track + acknowledged in ic

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - Perseus - 08-06-2019

While Perseus merely acknowledged the promotion with a nod towards Leroy, the comments about The Pitt made his interest peak. One of their own was over there? But no action was going to be taken? There had to be a reason behind it. He admired the leader's proposed strategy, but he couldn't help feeling like Crow should open up about why they weren't going immediately. After all, this was one of their higher-ranked members. This was not some random member, but someone who had a job to do. Perhaps he was missing something though. Ignorance was probably bliss at the moment.

Pointed ears made their way towards Delilah as they spoke. Unlike himself, she was outspoken and loud with her concerns. Perseus kept silent though. Any further acknowledgement towards her might spark a fire during the meeting. He would allow Crow to answer instead.
template by orion

Re: CHECK MY VITAL SIGNS // meeting 8/4 - Vathmos - 08-06-2019

Vathmos was.... somewhat surprised at this. Sure, they had had meetings in her tribe before. They would do general news and talk about plans to deal with the lions, congratulate the mothers on new healthy pups.... It felt nice to be recognized.

"Thank you, Crow!"